Vocabulary List # 6 from Into the Wild: 4 STEPS: 1) You must include the word & its first definition using dictionary.com or Webster’s or American Heritage; and 2) include the sentence where you first encountered it, with a reasonable abbreviation of the original text—most of the sentence, and the page #, which I will provide for you; and 3) a sentence in your own words where you use the word properly. This sentence must be at least 8 words long. 4) State what form the word is used in its original sentence: noun, verb, adjective, etc. You may of course include OTHER WORDS you find. But you will be responsible to list, define and demonstrate in their original sentences and your own sentence the words I provide you. Once or twice a month I will grade you on the completeness of your list. I will add the new vocab words to my website, plus the instructions. Do not wait to work on your list. If you fall behind it will overwhelm you. Due Wednesday, April 8th. Deadline Exceeds = Early or day of. Meets within 24 hours. From Into the Wild disquieting 12c posited 14a estranged 18d convivial 18d onerous 22e endeavor 28d flout 28e distraught 29a exhilarated 29a credo 29c spellbound 29e oxymoronic 39b idiom 39b haphazard 39b bourgeois 39c affinity 39c garrulous 40b delegated 41a denuded 41e unkempt 42a itinerant 43c fervent 44a espoused 44c anachronistic 47e placid 48e indigent 50d 25 words Vocabulary List # 6 from Into the Wild: