APPROVED MINUTES UCLA COMMITTEE ON DISABILITY Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Attended: Chair: Eileen Fowler Community Rep: Donna Bryan Staff: John Leary, Laura Mendoza, Alex Stavchanskiy Undergrad Student Rep: Serena Lee Alumni: Robert Werle OSD & ADA/504: Ed McCloskey DCP: Patrick Burke Ashe Center: Mark Ackerman Ombuds: Thomas Griffin CAPS: Ani Valtazarian Recreation: Dimitra Kuruppu Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:05 pm Review of Minutes A motion was made by Donna M. Bryan and seconded by Robert Werle, to approve the November 11, 2012 minutes. Members agreed unanimously. Chairperson Eileen Fowler announced that Lisa Mueller would no longer attend UCOD meetings but that she will assist with other activities until her graduation from UCLA in June 2013.. Eileen Fowler discussion was on the UCOD website. She received some pictures of members to be placed on the site and encouraged other members who wanted their picture taken to see her after the meeting. UCOD JANUARY 2013 MINUTES Page 1 Dimitra Kuruppu agreed to be the Chair of Programs and Activity subcommittee, Dimitra is the Adaptive Recreation representative at the Recreation Center. The invitation went out for members who are willing to Chair the Communications and Membership subcommittees, to talk with Eileen Fowler. Guest Speaker Steven Kapp is a PhD student in educational psychology, a Graduate Student and Youth Intern at the Tarjan Center. He mentioned that he worked extensively on consulting about the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder. He is the co-director of the UCLA chapter. The UCLA Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills is a social skills training intervention for young adults. It has a strong evidence-base for use with teens and young adults with autism spectrum disorders. It is also appropriate for teens and young adults with ADHD, anxiety, depression, and other socioemotional problems Autism is a neurodevelopmental syndrome, with a complex genetic etiology. It is not clear whether autism comprises a vast collection of different disorders akin to intellectual disability or a few disorders sharing common unusual pathways. Unifying principles among cases of autism are likely to be at the level of brain circuitry, in addition to molecular pathways. Steve mentioned that he helped to form the youth advisory committee and that he is member. He added that he tried to have evidence-based ways that are respectful and helpful to improve people’s quality of life, in terms of adaptive functioning, education, employment, relationship etc. He mentioned the higher education act, the federal legislation that made college accessibly for people with intellectual disability by provided funding. He added that most people with developmental disabilities are not working in the way they would like, and earning sub minimum wage. He went on to say that, there is too much focus on IQ instead of adaptive functioning. Staff rep resolution – UCOD now has four staff representatives. Web Accessibility – Chairperson mentioned that she has begun drafting a response, regarding the lack of sensitivity for the removal of the accessibility logo, from the UCLA website. Campus Reports: Kathy Molini retired, but will continue as an advisor on the committee. CAPS (Counseling & Psychological Services) – Ani Vartazarian conveyed that in the past students would call to make appointments or walk in, if they had an emergency. CAPS now have screening process for fifteen minutes, which will help to schedule students with urgent concerns. UCOD JANUARY 2013 MINUTES Page 2 If a student walks in, he/she will get an in person screening appointment. The counseling is for about six to eight sessions, but students with additional needs are secured with longer-term treatment options. The crisis line is available after 5pm until 8am the following day. Disability and Computing Program Patrick Burke reported that the UC web accessibility conference, set websites on each campus and that the report should come out this week, their intention is meet with CAO’s on each campus to discuss the reports and findings. Patrick added that they are continuing with the accessibility policy, but that it is moving slowly because they are waiting on various groups to sign off. OSD Report Ed McCloskey reported that OSD made changes because they were inundated with students who wanted to have ADHD/ADD screenings. The office will no longer spend an hour with that process. OSD will now have walk in clinics where students will meet with health services to answer few questions and they will be directed to the where they can go for screening. UCLA Recreation: Dimitra Kuruppu conveyed that the warm water exercise classes offered through the adaptive programs has started and she encouraged members to sign up. The SOAR program for kids twelve to nineteen starting date, is next Saturday. Adaptive programs are opened to anyone not just students or those that are disabled and the programs are offered for free or at a low cost. This quarter they are offering hand cycling, wheelchair basketball, Aceing Autism tennis program (for kids), adaptive yoga, wheelchair hockey. Recreation also offers warm water exercise classes at South Pool in the rehabilitation building, pre/post natal aqua classes, aqua yoga, and arthritis classes. These classes are great for those who want low impact exercise. Other Presentation: Laura Mendoza distributed handouts on accessibility regarding manual & electric wheelchairs and people with crutches. Laura main concern is getting around campus; she researched other campuses, and mentioned that some campuses have transportation for faculty, staff, and students. She suggested that UCLA implement a systemwide policy for transportation for student, staff, and faculty with disabilities. Laura added that the OSD van offers transportation to students and this cost is covered by student fees, but it is not available for staff and faculty. She mentioned that Risk Management Office offers taxi vouchers, but that the department is responsible for the payment. UCOD JANUARY 2013 MINUTES Page 3 The Residential Hall is an issue for Laura she is not able to go up the hill, also getting to Covel was difficult, because she was unable to find an entrance with a ramp. She also mentioned the Faculty Center because the doors are not automatic. Laura stated that UC Davis has a golf cart service that UCLA could emulate, which provides intra campus rides for eligible staff, faculty, and students with disabilities. Jim McGlynn discussion was on the Pathway map and the overlays. Ed McCloskey agreed to look into finding more information about the Pathway map and the overlays. Chairperson Eileen suggested learn at lunch with the Staff Assembly during Disability Awareness Week regarding sensitivity about disability, physical access, etc.. Meeting adjourned at 3:30pm UCOD JANUARY 2013 MINUTES Page 4