Recarding 101
ID Number Conversion &
Recarding Made Easy
Presented By Timothy Aaron
Director, Global Services
April 12, 2005
• Session Objectives
– Understand the critical environmental changes
leading to recarding projects
– Identify the key components of
a successful conversion and/or recarding effort
• Innovation
– A set of full-service components Blackboard
Consulting has developed to make the ID
conversion and recarding effort easier
• Results/Outcomes
– Allow the campus to focus on managing the
campus constituents dependencies while being
assured that card production and personalization
is being well managed
The Challenge
The Solution
Historical Perspective
• The Social Security Number
– Became the “ideal” unique numbering
scheme for government, banks, insurance,
health coverage and more
• Colleges and Universities followed this
lead and used SSN as the ID#
• Card Systems were designed to
use SSN as ID and Card Number
Historical Perspective
• SSN becomes the key to the BTS:
Campus ID and Card Number
The Final
Identity Theft
• A new category of theft evolves
• SSN becomes a key enabler
– With SSN, thieves can access nearly all other
personal information
• With this information, thieves can access
banking, credit, health records
• They can also open new accounts,
obtain loans, file bankruptcy and
even falsify arrest records
Identity Theft
(by the numbers)
10 million victims in the US annually
Requires an average of 600 hours to rectify
Average out of pocket expense: $1,400/victim
Leads to serious problems:
– Higher insurance premiums, credit card fees,
battles with collection agencies, problems finding a
job and emotional stress
Source: “Identity Theft – The Aftermath 2003”
published by the Identity Theft Resources Center.
Mandates for Change
• Federal Legislation & Regulations
– Privacy & Data Protection Acts
– Numerous Bills under consideration
• State Legislation & Regulations
– Nearly all states have passed or are debating
various regulations around SSN usage
– California has a strict notification law that requires
an institution to proactively notify a consumer is a
breach occurs
• Campus Policies
Recent Data Security Issues
Georgia Tech – Event Ticket Ordering Server
University of Texas, Austin – Student stole 55,000 records with SSN
New York University – Security flaw in web exposed student records
University of Georgia – Applicant server hacked
San Diego State University – Financial Aid & Scholarship Server used
for file transfers
University of California, San Diego – Business & Financial Services
server used for movie storage
University of California, Riverside – Stolen names and SSN used to
make $200,000 in fraudulent charges
George Mason University – ID Card production server hacked
University of California, Berkeley – Laptop with student record data
The Challenge
The stakes are high…
• Institution’s need to protect an
individual’s social security number
from being unnecessarily exposed
or revealed to anyone without the
need for access to it.
• People are becoming much more
concerned about SSN usage
…and the risks are great…
• SSN as the Campus ID or Card Number in a BTS
can be viewed on many screens and on many
– Approximately 88% of data is stolen manually rather
than electronically (FTC)
• Operators with system access could breach
security rules or regulations
– As much as 70% of all identity theft starts with theft of
data from a Company or Institution by an employee
(Michigan State)
• When encoded, the number could be “skimmed”
…so it’s only a matter of time
• It is really is only a matter of
time until you have to change
Campus Systems
State Regulations
Federal Regulations
“With Identity Theft, the best form of protection is prevention”
Gail Hillebrand
Consumers Union
But, this is bigger than “you”
• This is truly a campus-wide
(system-wide) project
– Global coordination is needed
• Campus policies
• Project task assignment
• Resource allocation (funding and staffing)
– Dependencies throughout the campus
• Assignment of numbers
• Systems integration
Campus Planning and Card Planning
Other Reasons for Conversions/Recarding
• The conversion effort may arise from sources
other than SSN
– New information system implementations
– Increased security for card number
• The recarding effort may arise
from sources other than SSN
Programmatic changes
Logo/Naming updates
Rebranding opportunities
Increase security for the card
The Solution
Campus Planning: Global Policies
• Designate an employee or employees to
coordinate information security
• Identify security risks, both internal and external
• Teach employees how to maintain security
• Require service providers to comply with the law
• Continue to monitor network security
Five Components for Data Security Policies
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Card Planning: Identify Card Data
Campus ID (or Customer Number)
Card Number
Issue Code
Magnetic Stripe Encoding
– Tracks 1, 2 and 3
• Barcode
Card Planning: Data Inventory
Where is card data used and stored?
Who has authority to gain access and use the data?
Who is the custodian of the data?
What are acceptable levels of security?
• Originating Systems
• Transaction System
• Other Systems
– Card-related
– Others
Card Planning: Data Mapping
Determine the New
• Campus ID/Customer ID
– Centralized assignment of new numbers
is recommended
• Card Numbers
– Utilize Campus ID/Customer ID
– Randomly assigned (ISO)
– Financial system
• Card Formats (Encoding Schemes)
• Other
– Bar Codes
– Tracks 1 and 3
Determine Dependencies
• Campus ID/Customer ID
– Identify existing integration
– Identify manual systems
• Card Numbers
– Identify integrated systems
– Identify stand-alone systems
• Identify order for updates
– Dependent on Distribution Plan
Outline Requirements
• Implementing a New ID Number
– Assignment of Number
– Future Changes
– Systems Integration
• Implementing a New Card
– Card Production (Design Opportunities)
– Card Personalization Requirements
– Card Distribution Options
Evaluate Carding Options
• Re-encoding
– If you do not print SSN on the card,
re-encoding might be an option
• Re-issue (with a New Photo)
– Need to evaluate timeline and
resource requirements
• Re-issue (without a New Photo)
– On campus
– Outsourced
Card Production (Base Card Stock)
• Standard
– 60/40 PVC/Poly Composite Card
– 4-color Front, 1-color Back (black)
– ½” Hi-Coercivity Magnetic Stripe
• Other Items
Security Features
Proximity Card
Off-line Magnetic Stripe
Unique Color Variations
• Issues
– If redesigning your card and using existing photos – keep the
photo aspect ratio the same
Card Personalization
• Print Elements on the Front
Issue or Expiration Dates
• Print Elements on the Back
– Bar Code
– Number
• Other Items
– DuraGuard Overlay
– Holographic Overlay
• Issues
– Printing near “rolled-on” stripes may have dropouts
– Bar codes require quiet space
– Holographic overlays require 12 weeks lead time (and cost a lot)
Timeline for Implementation
• Influential Factors
– Policy/Legislative Requirements
– Public Relations
– Available Resources
– Inter-dependencies
• Options
– Annual
– Semester
– Immediate
Consider Blackboard Assistance
Card Design
Project Management
• Updated
Card Designs
• Data
• Carding Hardware,
Software and Supplies
• Preprinted
Card Stock
• Image
• Replicated Campus
Environment for
• Campus ID
Number Updates • On Campus Testing
• Quality Control
• Production
• Customized
Card Design
• Updated Card Designs
– Standard Stock
– Specialty Designs
– Advanced Features
• Preprinted Card Stock
– Recarding Stock included in flat fee pricing
– Additional supply at volume discount
Card Design
• Data Management
– Cardholder Auditing
– System Data Updates
• Image Conversions
– Ensure Photo Utilization
• ID Number Conversion
– Format Import Scripts
– Test Environment
– ISO Pools
Card Design
• Off-campus Recarding
– Level 1 Service
• Campus provides Production Ready files
– Name, classification, encoding data, photo, other
– Level 2 Service
• Campus sends us a system back-up and a file of
newly assigned numbers
– Blackboard creates the necessary production files
Allows production of the new cards to occur in a closed environment
which allows the campus to continue operations without interruptions
and minimizes cardholder inconvenience
Card Design
• Testing
– Small group of cards (15 to 20) are run and returned to
the campus for testing
• Records updated
• Cards tested in all systems which touch the card
• Retesting, if needed
– Campus approval before production runs
• Finishing Services
– Attach cards to customized card carriers
– Insert cards and carriers into envelopes
– Direct mailing to cardholders
Card Design
• Updates to On-Campus System
– Card Production Templates
– Provision of Imports and/or Scripts
for Mass Card Reactivation
• Level 1: Campus
• Level 2: Blackboard
• Custom Distribution Services Available
– Example: Swipe Card to Initiate Import and
Activation as New Cards are Issued
Project Management
• Providing expert input to the campus during the
planning and implementation of ID Number
Conversion and Recarding engagement
• Partnership with certified card production and
personalization groups provides quality, scalability
and capacity to meet expanded needs
• Blackboard Project Manager coordinates all activities
between campus, card production and card
personalization allowing the campus to focus on the
management of campus constituents
Standard Project Timeline
Time Requirements
Card Design Approval
2 to 4 weeks (or longer!)
Produce Pre-Printed
Card Stock
(can occur concurrent with testing)
4 to 6 weeks
Create System Files
(includes newly assigned
numbers and system backup)
2 weeks before test
Test Cards
(to be sent to campus for onsite testing)
2 weeks before production
Card Personalization
1 to 6 weeks
1 week
As needed
Why use Blackboard Consulting?
• Expertise with your system
• Ability to replicate your environment
and convert system
• Top quality card production
• Top quality card personalization
• Technical resources available to
provide systems support in conversion
and distribution
In closing…
• Innovating Together in ‘05:
– If you still store SSN in your system start considering the elements
required to remove it from your system
– If you are facing an ID number conversion and/or campus-wide
recarding effort consider the services available through Blackboard
• Resources Available:
– For more information on this presentation, you can contact Tim
Aaron at
• Follow up Contact(s):
– If you would like explore the services offered by Blackboard,
contact your Account Manager or Regional Account Executive to
schedule a scope call
– Blackboard can help
Thank you!
Tim Aaron
(323) 344-7380