Slides - ICELW

The numerical knowledge of reference
in E-learning : the example of the
students in as master of
documentation course
Vincent Liquète (Université de Bordeaux
– IMS CNRS UMR 5218 -France)
ICELW 2011 (Columbia University NYC,
8th-10th june)
Introduction :
Presentation of a progressive device of elearning set up over 4 years
Objectives to associate the students with the
processes of construction of the knowledges
(Cox, Wenger, Ledru)
Crossing of several IT applications
Fall over eventually on a device of national
FOAD intended for the salaried students, for the
professionals and for the prevented public
To transplant an approach perms of survey
and research to include the construction of the
knowledges and the skills of the students.
ICELW 2011 (Columbia University NYC,
8th-10th june)
Context of study ( 1 ): generic
The ground of study: students of 1st Master's
degree and 2nd year (approximately 23-25
The context: hybrid training, with the face-toface and the distance. Later in 2012, the national
SIDOME project (Information System,
DOcumentation and MEdiation)
The student population: 30 students,
distributed on two sites of training in Bordeaux
and in Pau (in 250 kilometers)
ICELW 2011 (Columbia University NYC,
8th-10th june)
Context of study ( 2 ): human factors
The training: approximately 600 hours a
year, over 2 years (that is 4 parts), with
teachings, tutorial classes, practical class
and productions and company internships
or administrations.
 The composition of the teaching staff:
3 university professors, 5 professionals of
the formation and the documentation, the
diverse specialists speaking punctually on
ICELW 2011 (Columbia University NYC,
8th-10th june)
1- Part 1 ( 1 ): technical capital and
Typology of the used technical resources:
 A virtual office
 A platform of e-learning (Dokéos)
 A server of management of e-mails and
mailing lists
 Tools of documentary watch and the
broadcasting (KB crawl)
ICELW 2011 (Columbia University NYC,
8th-10th june)
1- Part 1 ( 1): technical capital and
Typology of the used documentary
 Supports of courses
 Resources rewritings and indexed in metadatas
 Methodological documents
 Appropriate resources produced by the
students then valued on blog, netvibes, …
ICELW 2011 (Columbia University NYC,
8th-10th june)
1- Part 1 ( 2 ): capital methods and
1- Lean on individual and autonomous working
Analysis of texts
Methodology of fast reading and selection of the information
The preservation of the reports of the work of the student
The mutualization of the knowledges
2- Lean on the networks of sociability and
experience of the students:
The importance of the doubling students
The importance of those having worked in documentation
The productions of the student associated with a professional
request of a company or the other one
ICELW 2011 (Columbia University NYC,
8th-10th june)
2- Part 2: 5 mobilizable knowledges:
What are fundamentally the
knowledges necessary for the student
to lead his course of study in elearning?
Knowledge with teachers present
Technical operationnal knowledge
Situated knowledge
Documentary knowledge
Knowledge didactized remotely
ICELW 2011 (Columbia University NYC,
8th-10th june)
3- Part 3: effects on the teaching
Gradually, the status and the location of
the trainers is modified. The postures of
mediation oblige us to consider, the autoco-construction of the knowledges by the
 3 modifications for the teacher:
Mediation by the processing of documents
Mediation by documentary production
Mediation by documentary communication
ICELW 2011 (Columbia University NYC,
8th-10th june)
Conclusion :
Of this experience of 4 years, we intend to work
as from September 2011 essentially on 3
Strengthen the question of the elaboration and the
distribution of METHODOLOGIES so that the students
always work more together, without strong prescription
of the teacher.
Strengthen the provision and the production of
FORMATS OF RESOURCES to harmonize the work and
the follow-up of the students
Assign more time and means for the still too low
activities of TUTELAGE.
ICELW 2011 (Columbia University NYC,
8th-10th june)
Thank you for your welcome and for
attention. Questions?
ICELW 2011 (Columbia University NYC,
8th-10th june)