English: Book Studies: The Man Who Walked Between the Towers, King Maths: New York, New York! Y6 Autumn 2015 Kong, Snow White in New York, A Lion in Paris Descriptive writing, poetry, Visit – graffiti artist/break dancer Place Value, Rounding, Ordering and sequencing. The Four operations. Measurement. Using and applying skills and imagery, diary, discussion, non- knowledge to problem solving. chronological report. NYC – temperature, read and Sentence Construction and SPAG. Computing: interpret tables, Population, Develop programming skills and knowledge of why each step is important. Pupils are given the opportunity to design and develop their own numeracy based game in whatever form that may take. conversion History: RE: Art: How NYC evolved and comparison Worship – What is worship? Who Cityscapes (Stephen do we worship? What does it mean Wiltshire/Judy Joel), to be part of a community/religious Graffiti (Banksy) Science/D&T: Structures – skyscrapers. Working Scientifically Light/Electricity with life in the UK 9/11 Geography: Physical geography of NYC, Cultures that make up NYC Travelling to NYC – world map study. Buildings – size and shape, currency Fast PE: facts. Breakdancing Tag Rugby Ball skills community? Music: PSHCE: Hip-hop & East Coast Rap SEAL programme Broadway Show Tunes Moral Questions/Current Affairs