Scientific Method Review Sheet

Earth Science
Chapter 1 Review Sheet
The TEST consists of multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions.
Part 1. Vocabulary: The following words will be on your quiz. You will be expected to recognize what these
words mean and apply their definitions in order to answer questions.
1. Observation
14. Scientific Notation
2. Quantitative observation
15. Theory
3. Qualitative observation
16. Law
4. Constant
17. Experimental Group
5. Independent variable
18. Control Group
6. Dependent variable
7. Hypothesis
8. Inference
Metric/SI System
10. Weight
11. Mass
12. Density
13. Volume
Part 2. Content: You must know all of the following content.
1. Label the following statements either as an observation (O) or an inference (I)
a. ____ Zach is wearing a blue shirt.
b. ____ Anyone who wears a Yankees shirt likes baseball.
c. ____ There are 15 students on the bus.
d. ____ Julie must have gotten in trouble because I saw her go to the principal’s office
e. ____ People who live in Alaska like winter.
f. ____ It is hot outside today.
g. Which of the statements above is a quantitative observation? ____
h. Which is a qualitative observation? ____
2. Use the picture on the right to do the following:
a. List an observation
b. List a inference that could be based on the observation
you listed.
For this experiment answer the questions below.
3. An experiment studies the effects of an experimental drug on the number of offspring a mother mouse has.
10 female mice are given the drug and then impregnated. The number of mice in their litters is compared to
the litters of mice that did not take the drug.
Number of Babies in litter
Group A
Group B
(No Drug)
A. Make a quantitative observation about the experiment performed above.
B. What is the independent variable?
C. What is the dependent variable?
D. Make an inference about this experiment.
Read the description of the experiment below. Fill in each part of the scientific method for the experiment.
Ms MacAulay wondered this. She thought back and realized the summer was rainy, and thought that
all the extra water caused the cucumbers to be very small.
To test this, she set up 4 pots of cucumber plants. One she watered a normal amount-50 mL of water
per day. The other three she gave:
100 mL, 150, mL, 200 mL of water.
Independent variable:________________________________________________
Dependent variable:________________________________________________
She measured them every other day for one month, and found that the plant with 150 mL of water and
200 mL of water were 8 cm smaller!
She decided that she was correct and would water her cucumber plants less next year if the summer
was rainy.
Vocabulary Check
5. Compare and contrast a LAW and a THEORY using a Venn Diagram.
Compare and contrast WEIGHT and MASS using a Venn Diagram.
Practice Metric Conversions
7. Convert 137 hm into dm.
8. Convert 629 Dm into km.
Measuring Problems
9. What method would be best to measure the volume of this object? Explain how you would do it and what
the label for this measurement would be.
10. What method would be best to measure the volume of this object? Explain how you would do it and what
the label of this measurement would be.
11. Write a label for a measurement of density in the space below.
12. If the mass of a tennis ball is 2.75g and its volume it 0.75mL then what is the ball’s density?
Graph Interpretation: Use the Graph below to answer questions 13-16 to the best of your ability.
Dish Soap and Bubble Size
Brand of Dish Soap
13. What hypothesis is being tested in the graph above?
14. What would be a constant in the experiment from the dish soap graph?
15. What would be the independent variable from the experiment with the dish soap graph?
16. What would be the dependent variable?
Lab Understanding Check:
17. Know the parts of the Bubble Market Testing Lab
What was the independent variable?
What was the dependent variable?