PowerPoint Charts

By Tom Roberts
Difficult Bible Passages
Jesus turned water into wine
(John 2:1-11)
 Difficult passages sometimes used to
cover sinful practices
(2 Pet. 3:16) “twist the scriptures”
 All agree: Jesus turned water into
 What does Bible say about “wine?”
Accurate Definition of Wine
 “Wine” is a Generic word (covering
all stages of the juice of the grape)
 Like “groceries” (all kinds)
 Like “cars” (all kinds)
 “Wine” is either alcoholic or
non-alcoholic (only 2 choices)
 Which did Jesus produce?
“Wine” Can Be Either Meaning
 “Oinos” is the general word for wine
(Vine, p. 219)
 “Oinos” (NT) translates 3 Hebrew
words (Thayer)
 yayin, tiyrosh, hemer
 Isa. 65:8 “grape in cluster” (tiyrosh)
 Mt. 9:17 New wine into fermented
 “Oinos” includes alcohol-free wine
Assumption Often Made
 “Wine” only means alcoholic
 If so, need to be consistent
 Jesus created alcoholic drink
 Gave to all to drink in social area
 Nothing wrong with it at all
 We can brew it, consume it, have
guests drink (if not-why not?)
Context Determines Meaning
 “New Birth” Jn. 3:5; Rom. 6:1-7
 Let Bible determine context
 Is there anything about character
and teaching of Jesus that would
suggest incongruity of drinking
alcohol? Accurately portray Jesus?
 What is the context of Jesus/wine?
Establish Context
 Jesus and Holy Spirit Jn. 14:26; 16:13
 2 Tim. 3:16-17 All scripture inspired
 Prov. 20:1; 23:29-35 HS in OT
 Jesus greater than Solomon
Mt 12:42
 Would Jesus contradict HS?
 Is His wisdom less than Solomon’s?
Context of Jesus, Wine
 Jesus and Holy Spirit Jn. 14:26;
 2 Tim. 3:16-17 All scripture inspired
 Hab. 2:15 HS in OT “shame on his
 Did Jesus act to bring shame on his
Context of Jesus, Wine
 Jesus and His character
Heb. 4:15 Jesus was “without sin”
 Is alcohol consumption without
sin? Even without Bible….
 1 Thes 5:22 abstain from “every
form of evil”
 Is alcohol industry without sin?
“But what about….?”
 1 Tim. 3:3, 8 Elders, deacons, wine?
Does “not given to much wine”
allow some use?
Compare: 2 Pet 2:14 Does “eyes
full of adultery” allow some use?
 “given to wine” = wine-bibbing
 An elder is not to be guilty of this
“But what about….?”
 The Lord’s Supper
“Wine” never used with LS
“Fruit of the Vine” Mt. 26:29
Passover Feast Wine was used
Mt. 26:17 “unleavened bread”
All yeast removed - yeast is
fermenting factor - not allowed
“But what about….?”
 Medicinal purposes?
1 Tim. 5:23 “a little wine”
No objection is this context
Bad water
Weak wine, not distilled liquor
Excuse or medical reason?
Is It Fair?
 Solomon “Do not look on the wine
when it is red, when it sparkles in
the cup, when it swirls smoothly; at
the last it bites like a serpent and
stings like a viper”
Jesus “turned water into best
wine” (It’s OK to drink alcohol)
Is scripture being twisted?