Caputo/Torres Mrs. Torres/Ms. Caputo English Department West

Caputo/Torres 1
Mrs. Torres/Ms. Caputo
English Department
West Essex Regional School District
Syllabus for Reading 7/Support
Contact Information:
Phone: 973.228.1200 x781 x816
Email:, (preferred)
Schoolwires: (Torres) (Caputo)
Course Description:
The Reading 7 course engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of
challenging texts incorporating Nancie Atwell’s reading workshop model with teachers as
expert reading guides in a constructivist classroom. The texts will be explored through a
curriculum driven by the demands of the Common Core State Standards, specifically that
students build knowledge through content rich non-fiction, that students’ reading, writing
and speaking is grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational, and that
students enjoy regular practice with complex text and its academic language. The texts are
inclusive of a wide array of genres including the novel, memoir, speech, essay, short story,
and poetry, history, and biography. From these texts and these questions, students will
critically explore universal themes and concerns through close textual analysis. Students
will practice the craft of writing in forms including, but not limited to: argument,
information, explanation, and research. The reading in this course will be accompanied by
thoughtful discussion as well as writing in response to the text. Students will read actively
utilizing strategies to increase reading comprehension.
Major Course Objectives by Marking Period:
Marking Period 1
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Reader’s Workshop/Independent Reading*
Vocabulary Development
Teen Biz
Marking Period 2
Marking Period 3
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by
Anne Frank
Reader’s Workshop/Independent Reading*
Vocabulary Development
Teen Biz
*Two Information/Literary Non-Fiction and Two Fiction
Ties that Bind Ties that Break by Lensey
Reader’s Workshop/Independent Reading*
Vocabulary Development
Teen Biz
Short Stories/Poetry
Marking Period 4
“Miracle Worker” by William Gibson
Reader’s Workshop/Independent Reading*
Vocabulary Development
Teen Biz
Short Stories/Poetry
Caputo/Torres 2
Frank, Anne. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. New York: Bantam, 1993.
Gibson, William. The Miracle Worker. New York: Bantam Books, 1956.
Golding William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Penguin Group, 1954.
Koenig, Juliana, executive editor. Elements of Literature, First Course. Austin, Texas: Holt, Rinehart, and
Winston, 2003.
Namoika, Lensey. Ties that Bind, Ties that Break. New York: Random House, 1999.
Vurnakes, Claudia. Words on the Vine, Thirty Six Vocabulary Units on Root Words. North Carolina:
Instructional Fair, 1998. (Units 1 – 18)
With respect to diverse learners, a variety of assessments will be incorporated each
marking period. It is understood that students will have the opportunity to review their
graded assessments in class and ask questions for clarification. Common assessments will
be administered each marking period in addition to a summer reading assessment. A
combination of formative and summative assessments will be utilized.
Please find the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards are the following
Grading and Department Policies:
Formative 30%
Summative 65%
Homework 5% (non-graded)
Late or missing homework receives no credit except excused absences.
o Seventh grade students may turn in late homework in the first marking
period, and only if they submit it after school within the three days..
Late work loses 10% per day except excused absence.
All work will be produced according to MLA formatting criteria
Caputo/Torres 3
Pupils are expected to be honest in all of their academic work. A pupil found guilty
of academic dishonesty may be subjected to a full range of penalties including, but
not limited to, reprimand and loss of credit for all of the work that is plagiarized.
Excepting in class timed writes, students must be able to revise papers at least once
to demonstrate improvement in all areas except grammar and mechanics. The
revision will be worth up to twenty points more than the draft.
No extra credit.
Required Materials:
Lined Paper
Post-It Notes
Independent Reading Book
Any assigned in-common reading text
Agenda (provided by the school)
Marble Notebook or Journal
Classroom Expectations:
In order for you to get the most out of your time in my class, it is imperative that you follow
the rules. I expect you to follow these guidelines to the best of your ability each and every
day. Choosing not to follow these rules is simply unacceptable. We are here to work as a
team to create a classroom community where we feel safe, supported, and encouraged to
1. Be respectful.
Think before you act. Respect your classroom, school, and all people in it.
2. Be prepared.
Follow all directions. Come to class on time. Have all supplies and homework.
3. Be responsible.
Make good choices. Use your best judgment. Take ownership of you.
4. Participate.
Complete all assignments. Get right to work. Be engaged. Be present.
5. Take initiative.
Be a leader. Take positive risks. Be inventive.
Caputo/Torres 4
Procedures for Privately-Owned Technology
1. Students and Parents must sign Privately-Owned Technology Consent Form and return to
2. Students should only use his/her technology to access classroom related activities at the
discretion of the teacher.
3. Student must leave technology face down in the corner of his/her desk until teacher gives
permission to access
4. When student is using technology it must remain flat on work area.
To acknowledge that the student and parent/guardian have read and understood the above
letter detailing the contents and requirements of the course, please complete the form, sign,
and return to Ms. Caputo by Monday, September 15, 2014.
Parent Signature