Chapter 5 Practice Questions

Chapter 5 Practice Questions
1. When it comes to classifications on the basis of race, the Supreme Court applies the
__________ standard of review.
a. inherently suspect
b. intermediate scrutiny
c. reasonableness
d. strict scrutiny
e. stare decisis
2. The Dred Scott v. Sandford ruling was handed down by the Supreme Court
a. a few years after the Civil War.
b. in 1896.
c. during the Civil War.
d. in the 1950s.
e. a few years prior to the Civil War.
3. The Thirteenth Amendment
a. forbade slavery and involuntary servitude.
b. gave African Americans the right to vote.
c. repealed the Twelfth Amendment.
d. established the principle of separate but equal.
e. repealed Prohibition.
4. Which Supreme Court justice wrote the opinion for Brown v. Board of Education (1954)?
a. Richard Taney
b. Earl Warren
c. William Rehnquist
d. John Marshall
e. John Roberts
5. Which amendment extended suffrage to African American men?
a. Thirteenth
b. Fourteenth
c. Fifteenth
d. Sixteenth
e. Nineteenth
6. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
a. made racial discrimination illegal in places of public accommodation.
b. prohibited gender discrimination in the workplace.
c. prohibited discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the workplace and in
educational settings.
d. All of these are true.
e. None of these is true.
7. The Voting Rights Act of 1982
a. insisted that minorities be able to “elect representatives of their choice.”
b. upheld states’ practices of racial gerrymandering to increase the numbers of racial
minorities elected to office.
c. required that the redrawing of district boundaries avoid discriminatory intent but
not necessarily discriminatory results.
d. required that the redrawing of district boundaries avoid both discriminatory intent
and results.
e. ruled that district lines could not be redrawn.
8. Which is responsible for enforcing the Voting Rights Act?
a. Congress
b. County Boards of Elections
c. State governments
d. The U.S. Justice Department
e. The Equal Opportunity Commission
9. The 1954 Supreme Court case that extended protection against discrimination to Hispanics
a. Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez.
b. Hernandez v. Texas.
c. Thornburg v. Gingles.
d. Miller v. Johnson.
e. Hunt v. Cromartie.
10. The largest minority group in the United States is
a. Native Americans.
b. African Americans.
c. Japanese Americans.
d. Hispanic Americans.
e. Asian Americans.
11. Title IX of the Education Act of 1972
a. requires gender parity in public school enrollments.
b. forbids gender discrimination in federally subsidized education programs,
including athletics.
c. prohibits single-sex educational institutions and schools.
d. requires public school institutions to demonstrate equal average scores among male
and female students on standardized tests.
e. allows gender discrimination in education if it can be demonstrated to be an
“educational necessity.”
12. ______ requires employers to make “reasonable accommodations” and prohibits
employment discrimination against people with disabilities.
a. The Education of All Handicapped Children Act of 1975
b. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973
c. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
d. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
e. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act
13. In its 1995 ruling in Adarand Constructors v. Pena, the Supreme Court
a. changed direction and began to curtail federal use of affirmative action programs.
b. outlawed discrimination against women in the construction industry.
c. mandated an expansion of federal affirmative action programs.
d. upheld federal affirmative action programs as constitutional.
e. broadened the scope of state and local affirmative action programs that it
considers constitutional.
14. In which case did the Supreme Court decide that a compelling interest for promoting
diversity on campus existed?
a. Grutter v. Bollinger
b. Johnson v. Transportation Agency, Santa Clara County
c. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
d. Reed v. Reed
e. Brown v. Board of Education
15. In Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 (2007), the
Supreme Court
a. held that the school district’s use of race in voluntary integration plans violated the
Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection.
b. held that the school district’s use of race in voluntary integration plans was
c. held that school districts inherently possessed an inherent interest in remedying the
effects of past segregation and, thus, could consider race in their strategies toward
d. ruled that school districts could consider race as a primary factor in preventing
resegregation of public schools.
e. overturned previous rulings that prohibited the consideration of race in determining
the boundaries of public school districts.
1.Answer: a
Page Reference: 136
2. Answer: e
Page Reference: 136
3. Answer: a
Page Reference: 137
4. Answer: b
Page Reference: 138
5. Answer: c
Page Reference: 141
6. Answer: d
Page Reference: 140–41
7. Answer: d
Page Reference: 141
8. Answer: d
Page Reference: 141
9. Answer: b
Page Reference: 145
10. Answer: d
Page Reference: 145
11. Answer: b
Page Reference: 149
12. Answer: d
Page Reference: 154
13. Answer: a
Page Reference: 158
14. Answer: a
Page Reference: 159
15. Answer: a
Page Reference: 159