Scarlet letter jeopardy

What do you
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
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Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Symbols
The prison door
$100 Answer from Symbols
What is the symbol for the severity
of the law and authority
$200 Question from Symbols
Hand over heart
$200 Answer from Symbols
What is the symbol that
Dimmesdale makes constantly
$300 Question from Symbols
The rosebush at the opening
of the story
$300 Answer from Symbols
What is a symbol for:
1. Hester’s passion
2. Ann Hutchinson’s tolerance of
other religions
3. The wilderness surrounding
$400 Question from Symbols
Blossoms of the rosebush
$400 Answer from Symbols
What is the symbol for Pearl
and the moral of the story
$500 Question from Symbols
1.Dimmesdale is called upon to ask
Hester who the father is
2. Hester is married to Chill but has a
Child with another man
3. Chill chides Hester from the crowd
and asks her to reveal the father
$500 Answer from Symbols
What are the ironies that occur
in the first scaffold scene
$100 Question from Who’s Who
A witch
$100 Answer from Who’s Who
Mistress Hibbins
$200 Question from Who’s Who
The leech
$200 Answer from Who’s Who
$300 Question from Who’s Who
$300 Answer from Who’s Who
$400 Question from Who’s Who
The father of Pearl
$400 Answer from Who’s Who
Who is Reverend Dimmesdale
$500 Question from Who’s Who
Between who or what does
Hawthorne draw parallels?
$500 Answer from Who’s Who
Red Rose
Scarlet Letter
$100 Question from Plot
$100 Answer from Plot
What is the year that Hawthorne
Completed the Scarlet Letter
$200 Question from Plot
Why did Hawthorne include the
Custom House introduction?
$200 Answer from Plot
Hawthorne thought the story
was too short to print.
$300 Question from Plot
How does Hawthorne protray
The Puritanical society?
$300 Answer from Plot
With contradiction and hypocrisy
$400 Question from Plot
What does the prison door represent?
$400 Answer from Plot
The severity of law and
Puritan authority
$500 Question from Plot
What is the reply of Pearl when asked
Who her maker is?
$500 Answer from Plot
Pearl replies that she was
plucked from a rosebush
$100 Question from Puritans
What did the Puritans believe
about the existence of man?
$100 Answer from Puritans
Man was inherently sinful
and corrupt
$200 Question from Puritans
To whom was man duty bound?
$200 Answer from Puritans
God and only God
$300 Question from Puritans
How can Puritans understand
God and his laws?
$300 Answer from Puritans
In depth study of the bible
$400 Question from Puritans
Where is the source of all
religious authority?
$400 Answer from Puritans
All religious authority lay
in the Scripture
$500 Question from Puritans
To whom do the Puritans hold
as erudite and chaste leaders?
$500 Answer from Puritans
$100 Question from More Plot
What is the name of the ship that
will take Hester away?
$100 Answer from More Plot
The Bristol
$200 Question from More Plot
What is the name of the best
speech that Dimmesdale ever gave?
$200 Answer from More Plot
The Doomesday Sermon
$300 Question from More Plot
How does Rev. Dimmesdale’s
Attitude change after he decides
To leave Boston?
$300 Answer from More Plot
He feels better and no longer
requires medicine
$400 Question from More Plot
How does Hester make a living?
$400 Answer from More Plot
Needlework or embroidery
$500 Question from More Plot
What is odd about the behavior
of Pearl in the forest?
$500 Answer from More Plot
The forest is a symbol of evil and
darkness and ironically Pearl is
happy and almost euphoric while
she plays there.
Final Jeopardy
Discuss the significance and relevant details
from the life of Hawthorne and how it relates
to his story.
Final Jeopardy Answer
1.The ancestors of Hawthorne
participated in the Salem Witch
2. Hawthorne was a religious man
3. The story comes from a manuscrip
that Hawthorne found.