States of Consciousness

States of Consciousness

• Sleep and Dreams

• Hypnosis

• Drugs and Consciousness

• Near-Death Experiences

• Meditation

Forms of Consciousness

• Spontaneous: daydreaming, drowsiness, dreaming

• Physiologically Induced: hallucinations, pain, hunger, lack of oxygen

• Psychologically induced: sensory deprivation, hypnosis, meditation

Selective Attention

Our conscious awareness processes only a small part of all that we experience. We intuitively make use of the information we are not consciously aware of.

Inattentional Blindness

Simons & Chabris (1999) Univ. Illinois

Change Blindness

Change blindness is a form of inattentional blindness in which two-thirds of individuals giving directions failed to notice a change in the individual asking for directions.

© 1998 Psychonomic Society Inc. Image provided courtesy of Daniel J. Simmons.

Sleep & Dreams

Biological Rhythms and Sleep

Circadian Rhythms: “About a Day” – our biological clock

Body temperature, sleep/wake cycle, heart rate, hormone levels, neurotransmitter release

Light  suprachiasmatic nucleus decreases pineal melatonin

No Light  SCN increases pineal melatonin

Measuring Sleep

Measuring Sleep

Sleep Stages

Sleep Cycle: each 90 minutes, we pass through a cycle of five distinct sleep stages.

Measuring Sleep




Hank Morgan/ Rainbow

Brain (EEG)

Sleep Stages


 Awake, eyes closed

 Sleep: Stage 1


 Sleep: Stage 2 nonREM

 Sleep: Stage 3/4

 Sleep: REM


Stages of Sleep

Rapid Eye Movement Sleep non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep

Awake REM




REM Sleep

• “Awake” EEG

• Muscular (skeletal) paralysis

• Eye movement

• Dreaming is common

90-Minute Sleep Cycles

Time asleep Stage 4 REM


Sleep  Accidents

Sleep Theories

• Protection: avoid danger

• Conserve energy

• Recovery/Repair: restore and repair brain tissue.


# exercise,

# sleep)

• Memory: build memories.


# sleep,

# memory)

• Growth: growth hormone (GH) released.

(Older people:

$ growth hormone,

$ sleep)

Sleep’s role in recovery/repair

Sleep onset

Growth hormone is released during the deep stages of sleep.

deep sleep


Longer sleep time improves the function of the immune system and helps fight off infection

More sleep = more immune system cells

Less sleep = fewer immune system cells

Neuronal Energy Production

• In wake promoting areas of the brain, ATP (the energy currency of brain cells) increases during the first few hours of sleep.

• This surge in ATP increases with deeper stages of sleep.

Why Sleep?

1/3 of life asleep!

Sleep Deprivation

• Fatigue and subsequent death

• Impaired concentration

• Emotional irritability

• Depressed immune system

• Greater vulnerability

Sleep loss impairs social interactions

Less sleep leads to more arguments

More sleep leads to fewer arguments

Sleep habits influence physical health

Short sleep times (≤7 hrs per night) are associated with increased :

• Appetite

• Body mass (obesity)

• Risk of diabetes

• Risk of cancer

• Incidence of cardiovascular disease

Why Sleep?

Sleep is essential for life.

World record for no sleep = 11-12 days (264-288 hours)

18 days?

Hallucinations, vision/speech/memory problems but with full recovery.

Animal Sleep

20 hr 18 hr 16 hr

13 hr 4 hr 3 hr

Unusual Animal Sleep

New calves/mothers:

No sleep for 3 weeks!

Unusual Animal Sleep

Brain Mechanisms



Brain stem

( reticular activating system )

( locus coeruleus )

( raphe n.)


EEG desyn






Brain Mechanisms


Brain stem

(reticular activating system)

(locus coeruleus)

(raphe n.)






Brain Mechanisms


Brain stem

(reticular activating system)

(locus coeruleus)

(raphe n.)


EEG desyn

No muscle




Brain Mechanisms

Cerebral Cortex



Discover Sleep

Dream Journal

REM “Detective”

Sleep Disorders

• Insomnia: Persistent inability to fall asleep. (30-40%)

• Narcolepsy: Overpowering urge to fall asleep that may occur while talking or standing up.

• Sleep apnea: Failure to breathe when asleep. (2-3%)

• Night terrors: Sudden arousal from sleep, intense fear, rapid heart rate, sweating, Stage 4 disorder.

• Sleepwalking: Stage 4 disorder, usually harmless, no recall (1-15%)

• Sleeptalking: Stage 1-4 disorder, runs in families

• Restless Legs Syndrome: unusual feelings at bedtime (10%)

Why Dream?

• Wish Fulfillment (Freud): safety valve to discharge unacceptable feelings; symbolic meanings.

Problem: Theory lacks support; interpretation of dreams difficult.

• Information Processing: Dreams may help sift, sort, and fix a day’s experiences in our memories.

Problem: dreams can contain events not experienced.

Sigmund Freud


Why Dream?

• Physiological Function: Develop neural pathways.

Babies develop many new neural connection and require more sleep.

• Cognitive Development: Brain maturation and cognitive development.

Why Dream?

• Activation-Synthesis Theory: random neural activity; dreams attempt to make sense of this activity.

REM sleep is essential!

If deprived of REM sleep, REM rebound occurs.


One person (the hypnotist) suggests to another

(the subject) that certain perceptions, feelings, thoughts, or behaviors will spontaneously occur.

Hypnos: Greek god of sleep

Hypnosis: Facts and Myths

Power of Suggestion

Can anyone experience hypnosis?

Yes, to some extent.

Can hypnosis enhance recall of forgotten events?

Can hypnosis force people to act against their will?

Can hypnosis be therapeutic?




Can hypnosis alleviate pain?


What Causes Hypnosis?

• Social Influence Theory: Playing acting; expectations.

• Divided Consciousness Theory : Special state of consciousness


Bad smell  attention is diverted

Social Influence Theory: told to ignore smell

Divided Consciousness Theory: consciousness/awareness split

Drugs and Consciousness

Psychoactive Drug: A chemical substance that alters perceptions and mood (affects consciousness).

• Alcohol

• Amphetamines

• Barbiturates

• Caffeine

• Cocaine

• Ecstasy


• Hallucinogenic Mushrooms

• Heroin

• Inhalants


• Marijuana

• Nicotine


• Rohypnol

• 1,4-Butanediol

Dependence & Addiction

Continued use of a psychoactive drug produces tolerance .

With repeated exposure to a drug, the drug’s effect lessens. Thus it takes greater quantities to get the desired effect.

Withdrawal & Dependence

• Withdrawal: Upon stopping use of a drug (after addiction), users may experience the undesirable effects of withdrawal.

• Dependence: Absence of a drug may lead to a feeling of physical pain, intense cravings

(physical dependence), and negative emotions

(psychological dependence) .

Psychoactive Drugs

Psychoactive drugs are divided into three groups.

1. Depressants

2. Stimulants

3. Hallucinogens


Depressants: reduce neural activity and slow body functions.

1. Alcohol

2. Barbiturates

3. Opiates


Alcohol: affects motor skills, judgment, and memory; increases aggressiveness while reducing self awareness.

Drinking and Driving


Barbiturates: reduce the activity of the central nervous system; reduce anxiety but impair memory and judgment.

Opiates (morphine and heroin): reduce neural activity, reduce pain and anxiety; highly addictive.


Stimulants: excite neural activity and speed up body functions.

• Caffeine

• Nicotine

• Cocaine

• Ecstasy

• Amphetamines

• Methamphetamines

Caffeine & Nicotine

Caffeine and nicotine increase heart and breathing rates and other autonomic functions to provide energy.

Why Do People Smoke?

1. Socially rewarding.

2. Genetic factors.

3. Reduce unpleasant cravings

4. Rewarding


Cocaine induces immediate euphoria followed by a crash.

Crack, a form of cocaine, can be smoked. Other forms of cocaine can be sniffed or injected.


(Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, MDMA)

Stimulant, mild hallucinogen.

Can damage serotonin-producing neurons

Possible depression, memory problems.

Image courtesy of Dr. GA Ricaurte, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Distort perceptions; create sensory images without sensory input.

• LSD: (lysergic acid diethylamide) powerful hallucinogenic drug.

• THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol): major active ingredient in marijuana

(hemp plant)

Hemp Plant



Near-Death Experiences

After a close brush with death, many people report an experience of moving through a dark tunnel with a light at the end. Under the influence of hallucinogens, others report bright lights at the center of their field of vision.