Bethany E. Richmond 1440 E. Broadway Rd Tempe, AZ 85282 Mobile: (661) 772-3535 E-mail: RESEARCH OBJECTIVE OR EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Receive a Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Evaluation. EDUCATION: ➢ Bachelor of Science: Psychology San Jose´ State University, San Jose, CA Graduation: May 2014 Ph.D. Educational, Policy, and Evaluation: EPE Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ Graduation: May 2019 RESEARCH INTERESTS: The postsecondary attrition/retention of American Indians, postsecondary policy evaluation, and postsecondary policy implementation. RELEVANT COURSEWORK: ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Child Psychology Abnormal Psychology Psychological Tests and Measures Cognition Psychology of Personality Child Psychopathology Social Psychology Human Learning Clinical Psychology Intro to Psychobiology Beginning Statistics Intermediate Statistics Research Methods Independent Study Advanced Research Methods Intro to Qualitative Research Educational Policy Analysis Pro-Seminar in Educational Policy Measurement and Survey Research ➢ Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: Research Assistant San Jose´ State University Developmental Psychology Department Fall 2011 Provided research support for Dr. Alvarez on her project pertaining to the effects different forms of media has upon minority youth by analyzing data, performing statistical analysis, and summarizing research publications. ➢ Paid Research Assistant Summer 2012- Fall 2012 San Jose´ State University Business Department Provided research support for Dr. Johnson on her project pertaining to social comparisons among minorities by analyzing data, performing statistical analysis, and summarizing research publications. McNair Scholars Program Research Project San Jose´ State University Summer 2012- Spring 2013 “The Relationship Between American Indian Ethnic Identity and Postsecondary Academic Experiences” This project examined the effect of acculturation and enculturation upon the academic experiences of American Indian college students. Specifically, I examined this phenomena given the fact that American Indian college attrition is almost doubled that of all other underrepresented groups in the United States. For this study, I used quantitative methodologies. Research Assistant San Jose State University Business Department Fall 2013- December 2013 Provided research support for the African American Success Task Force team to ensure the funding allocated for the African American students on campus will go towards a beneficial program. Paid Research Assistant 2013 San Jose´ State University Business Department Spring Provided research support for Dr. Turner on her project pertaining to affirmative action’s impact on postsecondary education by analyzing data, performing statistical analysis, and summarizing research publications. Paid Research Assistant 2013 San Jose State University Business Department Spring Provided research support for the Supply Chain Management (SCOM) team. Specifically, creating excel spreadsheets and researching various SCOM courses at various institutions. Research Method’s Project Spring 2013 San Jose´ State University “The Cultural Effects of Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures in Postsecondary Education” This project examined individualism and collectivism by comparing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the different effects these factors have upon each group’s motivation. I used quantitative methodologies to explore this phenomenon. Independent Study San Jose State University Psychology Department Fall 2013- May 2014 This study will be a follow up for my previous study, “The Relationship Between American Indian Ethnic Identity and Postsecondary Academic Experiences.” Specifically, this study will examine the fear of failure’s impact upon American Indian retention/ attrition, as well as specific resiliency factors of American Indian college students. Paid Research Assistant 2014 San Jose State University Business Department Fall 2013-May Provide research support for Dr. Virick on her project assessing the feasibility of developing a doctoral program in the College of Business by analyzing data, performing statistical analysis, and summarizing research publications. Research Assistant Arizona State University Educational Policy PhD Program Fall 2014-Present Provide research support for Dr. Jimenez-Castellanos on his project. I assist Dr. JimenezCastellanos by analyzing data, summarizing research publications, and running statistical analyses. PAPERS AND REPORTS: “The Cultural Effects of Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures in Postsecondary Education,” Spring 2013 This paper examined individualism and collectivism, two factors which have been proven by many researchers to have an effect on student’s postsecondary motivation, by comparing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation- and the different effects these factors have upon each group’s motivation. “A Comparison of the Postsecondary Attrition Rates of Reservation/NonReservation American Indians,” Spring 2012 This paper examined acculturation and enculturation, two factors which have been proven by numerous researchers to have a significant effect on American Indian’s retention rates in post-secondary education, by comparing two groups of Nativesreservation and non-reservation- and the different effects these factors has upon each group’s retention. “PsyD vs. Ph.D.,” Fall 2012 Literature review of the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining either a Ph.D. or PsyD due to the fact that for over forty years this particular subject has been a very controversial issue among psychologists due to them debating which professional degree is better. CONFERENCE PRESENATATIONS: Presenter, “Factors influencing the performance of women in Finance and MIS.” Western Psychological Association (WPA). Oregon, CA. 2014 Presenter, “Factors influencing the performance of women in Finance and MIS.” San Jose State University. SPARC. San Jose, CA. April, 2014. Presenter, “The Relationship Between American Indian Ethnic Identity and Postsecondary Academic Experiences.” University of California, Berkeley. Berkeley, CA. August, 2013. Presenter, “The Relationship Between American Indian Ethnic Identity and Postsecondary Academic Experiences.” California State University, Fresno. 34th Annual Central California Research Symposium. Fresno, CA. April, 2013. Presenter, “The Relationship Between American Indian Ethnic Identity and Postsecondary Academic Experiences.” San Jose State University. SPARC. San Jose, CA. April, 2013. Presenter, “Examining school funding in high performing ELL schools in Texas: Does it take more money?” National Education Finance Conference (NEFC). St. Louis, Missouri. February, 2015. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Intern Counselor, Thomas Russell Middle School 09/11- 06/12 Milpitas, CA ➢ Counseled eight student’s on caseload ➢ Overseer of Black Student Union ➢ Overseer of the 8th grade Girl’s Group ➢ Tutored Homework Club students ➢ Assisted the AVID program by leading Socratic seminars and participating in binder checks Volunteer Bill Wilson Center, San Jose 08/13- Present San Jose, CA Volunteered as a youth counselor Tutored youth Mentored foster youth AWARDS/ HONORS: 2014-2015 KHCP Scholarship Recipient, December 2014 2014-2015 Doctoral Enrichment Fellowship, August 2014 Selected among various Arizona State University incoming doctoral students to receive a grant to fund my first year of doctoral study. 2013-2014 Student Success Committee Member, September 2013 Appointed the position to the Student Success Committee for students-at-large by the Associated Students President. 2013-2014 SJSU Undergraduate Research Grant Recipient, June 2013 Selected among various San Jose State University students to receive a grant to conduct original research. Treasurer Native American Student Organization (NASO), May 2013 Voted among peers as treasurer of NASO at SJSU. McNair Scholar, McNair’s Scholars Program, 2011-Present ➢ Selected among San Jose´ State University students to receive recognition as a McNair Scholar. Dolores Cerro Scholar Recipient, April 2011 ➢ Bakersfield College recognizes the academic achievement of student’s with a 3.0 or higher. Dean’s List, Bakersfield College, 2010-2012 ➢ Bakersfield College recognizes the academic achievement of students with a 3.3 or higher. Santa Ysabel Band of Indians Scholarship Recipient, August 2010- Present The Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel recognizes the academic achievement of tribal members with a 2.0 or higher. SKILLS: ➢ Excellent communication, presentation, organizational and leadership skills ➢ Computer skills: Proficient in Windows 2000 and higher, Mac Book Pro operating systems, SPSS, EBSCO Host, Search Premier, researching internet databases, Qualtrics, Surveymonkey