USVA History 9 weeks exam Review
Use the word-bank below to complete the following statements:
The colonies that were intolerant of dissenters and had a society based on religious standing and community was the NEW ENGLAND colonies.
The cultural interaction that impacted the Native Americans the most from the colonization by
England and other European nations was the spread of DISEASES
The first elected assembly in the New World was the HOUSE OF BURGESSES .
The New England colonies were settled by this religious group: PURITANS.
Germans, English and Dutch immigrants all settled in the MIDDLE colonies, making it the most ethnically diverse of the colonial regions.
The agricultural economy and development of large plantations in the Southern Colonies and in the
Caribbean led to the introduction of SLAVES , as the source of labor.
After 1830, many people in the south defended slavery as moral and an ECONOMIC necessity.
Both the Proclamation of 1763 and the Stamp and Sugar Acts were passed as a result of the FRENCH
The commander of the continental army, known not so much for his military success, but rather his great leadership skill was GEORGE WASHINGTON .
Ben Franklin was able to negotiate a treaty with FRANCE which aided the Colonists in the
Revolutionary War.
A lack of an Executive or Judicial branch, the inability to collect taxes and regulate trade were weaknesses under the ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION
Anti-Federalists and Federalists disagreed about the division of power between the Federal and
STATE government.
The First Amendment to the constitution was greatly influenced by Thomas Jefferson’s VIRGINIA
The elimination of property ownership as a qualification for voting between the Election 0f 1824 and
1828 which led to the election of Andrew Jackson demonstrated the rise of the COMMON MAN in politics.
President Andrew Jackson’s veto of the National Bank led to the PANIC OF 1837.
The primary reason for the secession of seven southern states from the Union in 1860 and 1861 was due to THE ELECTION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act resolved the issue of slavery by allowing POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY to determine whether slavery would be allowed in those territories.
Abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, who published the Liberator, believed that slavery was a violation of CHRISTIAN OR MORAL principles.
The type of government most associated with Andrew Jackson was DEMOCRACY OR JACKSONIAN
Harsher slave laws were passed as a result of NAT TURNER’S rebellion and other slave revolts.
Many people who moved west were motivated by CHEAP LAND .
The first peaceful transfer of power from one political party to another occurred in the election of
1800 when THOMAS JEFFERSON was elected as President.
The Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom outlawed the government support for the Anglican
The group who opposed ratification of the Constitution because it did not have a Bill of Rights and gave the central government too much power were the ANTI-FEDERALISTS.
The French army and navy blocked the British Navy from providing support for General Cornwallis and helped ensure American victory at the Battle of YORKTOWN
The group known as the PATRIOTS favored independence from England, were inspired by John Locke and Thomas Paine, and provided troops for the American Army.
The financial plan proposed by ALEXANDER HAMILTON, called for a creation of a National Bank, Full federal funding of the National debt and placing an excise tax on whiskey.
High tariffs were opposed by the SOUTH, because it made manufactured products more expensive to purchase.
The development of CANALS and RAILROADS helped the US grow by making it easier to transport goods and people.
The US acquired the lands of California and the southwest territory by defeating MEXICO in a war.
The political party that favored agriculture and small businesses, and were opposed to the National
Bank and a strong central government was the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICANS .
The meeting of delegates from all of the colonies except Georgia to discuss the growing problems with England and agreed to meet the next year if things did not improve was called the 1 ST
Many people who came to America, including most who came to Virginia, who agreed to work for the person paying for their passage to America, but were free at the end of their contract were called INDENTURED SERVANTS .
The Plymouth colony in Massachusetts was settled by SEPERATISTS OR PILGRIMS
The Virginia Company was a JOINT-STOCK company that financed the settlement of Jamestown.
Part of the Compromise of 1850, the FUGITIVE SLAVE ACT required the northern states to catch runaway slaves.
The Northwest Ordinance was an accomplishment under the ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION , that established the process of admitting new states to the union.
“A house divided against itself cannot stand. The union cannot continue to exist half slave and half free.” was said by ABRAHAM LINCOLN
One of the Key principles embodied in the US Constitution that prevents any one branch from becoming too powerful is known as CHECKS AND BALANCES.
The southern state most associated with the State’s rights principals of nullification and secession was SOUTH CAROLINA .
Common man
French & Indian
New England
Nat Turner’s
Joint Stock
Thomas Jefferson
1 st Continental Congress
Panic of 1837
Articles of Confederation (2X) economic
George Washington cheap land
Articles of Confederation democracy
Abraham Lincoln
House of Burgesses
Lincoln’s election
Fugitive Slave Act
Indentured Servants
Christian slaves South Carolina
Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom Alexander Hamilton railroads
Popular sovereignty
Checks & Balances
Key Ideas: Major differences between Southern, Middle and NE Colonies; Key ideas and events leading to the
American Revolution; The rise and impact of Political Parties; The key compromises and events leading to the
Civil War; Causes of the Civil War and impact of the emancipation Proclamation
9 Weeks Exam Sol Review-Part B
Matching: Match the terms with the description that best describes the term or name.
K _____1. Textiles
V _____2. Mercantilism
A. Established Judicial Review
B. Strong Central government, loose interpretation, industry
Y _____3. Triangular Trade
_____4. Middle Passage
C. Opposed Slavery
D. Invented by Eli Whitney, led to expansion of slavery
A _____5. Marbury v. Madison
_____6. Pocahontas
T _____7. Monroe Doctrine
U _____8. Missouri Compromise
C _____9. Abolitionists
D ____10. Cotton Gin
Q ____11. Townshend Acts
E ___12. Manifest Destiny
H ___13. Texas
G ___14. Bill of Rights
F ___15 Ratify
X_ __16. Proclamation of 1763
S ___17. Stamp Act
P ___18. Popular sovereignty
W ___19. Great Awakening
R ___20. Mayflower Compact
O ___21. Separation of Powers
N ___22. Great Compromise
M_ _23. George Mason
L ___24. High Tariffs
B___25. Federalists
E. The belief that America should expand
F. approve
G. The 1 st ten Amendments to the Constitution
H. Lone star state, was independent before joining US
I. Help Jamestown survive
J. Part of Triangular trade, where slaves were transported
K. 1 st product of early factories/industrialization
L. supported by Northern businesses
M. Va. Declaration of Rights; influenced the Bill of Rights
N. bicameral, Senate equal, House of Reps-population
O. Three branches of government
P. “we the people”
Q. taxed imported goods into the colonies
R. Covenant community of the Pilgrims
S. Tax on all printed material
T. Claimed US interest in the Western Hemisphere
U. Maine as a free state to keep Congressional balance
V. Economic system that encourage colonization
W. series of religious revivals, renewed interest in religion
X. forbid settlement west of Appalachian Mts.
Y. Economic exchange between Europe, Africa & the Americas
9 weeks Exam-Matching- Part B- II
K 1. John Marshall
P 2. James Madison
V 3. Spoils system
W 4. Jefferson Davis
L 5. Alien and Sedition Acts
A 6. Loyalists
U 7. Trail of Tears
A. Loyal to England during the Revolution called Tories
B. Harriet Beecher Stowe, inflamed anti-slavery feelings
C. Warned Europe -stay out of the Western Hemisphere
D. Virginia’s large land owners, friends of King
E. T. Jefferson-1 st peaceful transfer of power
F. Supreme Ct. ruled slaves were property
G. Advocated nullification of Alien & Sedition Acts
C 8. Monroe Doctrine
H 9. Republican Party
H. Formed in 1854 by Northern Democrats, free-soilers
I. chairman of the Constitutional Convention
G 10. Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions J. Seneca Falls, Women’s Right advocate
M 11. Compromise of 1850 K. Chief Justice of Supreme Ct., applied judicial review
B 12. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
X 13. “Bleeding Kansas”
D 14. Cavaliers
T 15. Federalism
L. Limited Freedom of speech and rights of immigrants
M. California-free state, fugitive slave laws more strict
N. resolve how slaves were counted for representation
O. Precedent set by Washington, advise the president
R 16. Ft. Sumter
J 17. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
I 18. George Washington
F 19. Dred Scott v. Sanford
Y 20. Impressment
N 21. 3/5 th Compromise
E 22. Election of 1800
O 23. Presidential Cabinet
S 24. Social Contract
Q 25. Gadsden Purchase
P. Father of the Constitution
Q. 1854-purchased from Mexico, final piece of USA
R. April 12, 1861-Started the Civil War
S. John Locke, protect natural rights, consent of governed
T. Divides power between state and Central Government
U. Andrew Jackson, moved Indians west of Mississippi
V. Patronage, give political jobs to friends and supporters
W. 1 st and only President of the Confederacy
X. Fighting between pro and anti-slavery- popular sovereignty
Y. Cause of War of 1812, British interference with American
trade, forced American citizen into British navy