The New Nation - American History 1(1492


3.3 – The New

Nation Struggles

American History I

Unit 3 – The New Nation

Day 3 – The New Nation Struggles

Political Parties

 Authors of the Constitution wanted to avoid political parties

 Why do you think this was the case?

 They felt these groups were

“factions” that threatened the unity of a republic

 However, two political parties form…

 Federalists & Democratic-

Republicans (Anti-Federalists)

I. Problems Abroad

Issues with Europe

• US still having problems with Spain and England

• 1793 - France declared war on England

• Who would the U.S. support?

• Washington said the US would remain neutral

• Issues the Proclamation of Neutrality (1793)

• It was important to keep out of world affairs since our nation was so new

Cause & Effect

Conflict between

Great Britain & France

Proclamation of

Neutrality (1793)

Why remain Neutral?

• Young nation, did not want to get involved

• Weak military

• Dependent on foreign trade

Problems Abroad, cont.


• Taking of sailors from US ships to British ships

• Hamilton & Federalists urged peace (supports British)

• Jefferson & Democratic-Republicans wanted war

Cause & Effect

Proclamation of

Neutrality (1793)


Britain begins stealing

US ships & sailors…

Why does G.B. do this?

How does this affect the

Neutrality Proclamation?

II. Problems at Home

Land Issues

- The British wanted to keep Americans from settling in the

Northwest Territory


- British supplied Indians with arms to fight;

Indians resisted American troops

Conflict with Native Americans

• Indians in the NW Territory refused to give up their lands

• They wanted direct negotiations with the US

• British soldiers encouraged them to rebel

• British soldiers still in that territory

• Federal gov’t sent in troops to gain control

• Led by the Miami tribe war leader,

Little Turtle defeated the US army twice

Conflict with Native Americans, cont.

• General “Mad” Anthony Wayne was sent in to stop the Indians

• Little Turtle urged peace, but the

Miami Indians didn’t listen

• Miami Indians were defeated at the Battle of Fallen Timbers

• Led to the Treaty of Greenville

Treaty of Greenville


• Indians surrendered all northwestern lands after the Battle of Fallen


• Opened up the Ohio

Valley for settlement

Cause & Effect

Conflict with Indians

Little Turtle

Battle of Fallen Timbers

Treaty of Greenville

Opened Ohio to settlement

Proclamation of

Neutrality (1793)

Washington & the Farewell


Essential Question: How does Washington’s point of view on foreign policy compare to that of other


• Each group will receive a document

• You must read the document together

• Fill out the Document Analysis sheet as you work

• Once you have completed the document analysis sheet, you will teach the class about your document’s main message


• Proclamation of Neutrality (1793)

• Impressments

• Treaty of Greenville (1795)


• What is the purpose behind the Proclamation of Neutrality?

• Why do the British start to impress American sailors?

• What does the Miami Confederation give up through the Treaty of Greenville?
