Before you begin • As part of your focal area you need three candles that pupils can light. (probably electric) one at the start and one for the two little prayers . As we have our quiet moment light the candle • The hymn at the end is a youtube clip so check you can download it. The song is Oh, how good is the Lord! Once you have downloaded it make sure you insert it into the powerpoint • Check the timings • Delete this slide!! Let us light a candle to remind ourselves that God is with us The Year of Mercy Pope Francis has asked us all to keep a year of Mercy. Mercy means.. This is a story about God’s Mercy There was a father with two sons . The younger son was bored at home. He wanted to go away but he needed money. One day he said to his father, “give me my share of our money now. I don’t want to stay here I want to go out into the world and have fun” The Father was very sad but he gave money to his son and watched him go away The son had a great time spending all the money. But one day he found he had none left! Even worse there was a famine in the country where he was and food was really expensive He had to get a job looking after pigs. He was so hungry he even ate the pigs food! “I know” he said “ I will go back home to my dad and ask him to forgive me. I know he will look after me” So he set off home. Now what he didn’t know was that ever since he left his dad had been always looking out for him. So when he was a long way off his dad saw him and ran to meet him. He was so happy his son was back The father said to his servants, ‘Quickly, bring out a robe—the best one—and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!’ And they began to celebrate. Let us have a moment of quiet to think how we are going to be kind to someone today, like our Father in heaven is kind and loving towards us. Now let us think about someone we have fallen out with, or been unkind to. ……..We say sorry in our hearts and we will try to show the person that we are sorry and forgiving. God our loving Father, help us to remember that you love us and are with us wherever we are and whatever we do. Make us more like you in the way we treat each other. Make us gentle and kind. When we see someone sad or in difficulty, help us be friendly and caring. When we have fallen out with our brothers and sisters, with our friends, help us be ready to forgive them and make up. Heavenly Father, help us to be more like you. Amen Lets Sing • anQ