CCSD | Department of Instructional Support | CCSS 2014 SC Science Academic Standards and Performance Indicators Curriculum Map for Science | Physics Unit: Work, Power, and Efficiency (H.P.3A) Standard: H.P.3 The student will demonstrate an understanding of how the interactions among objects can be explained and predicted using the concept of the conservation of energy. Conceptual Understanding: Work and Energy are equivalent to each other as summarized in the Work-Energy Principle. Doing work causes a change in mechanical energy; energy is the ability to do work. The rate of work done is power. Efficiency is the ratio of energy output to energy input. Important to Note: All files referred to are on the website organized by unit, except for tests. 3A and 3B (modeling conservation of energy) are overlapping standards. It makes sense to introduce the energy bar charts (LOL diagrams) when introducing the work-kinetic energy principle. Then when other types of energy are introduced in 3B, the same modeling method is used. H.P.3A.3 addresses how energy is conserved in elastic and inelastic collisions. This is a question of sequence. If momentum is taught after energy, then this objective should be addressed within the momentum unit. If momentum is taught first, then momentum needs to be revisited during the energy unit to address the changes in kinetic energy. However, the losses in a collision are not all due to work; some thermal energy is produced in collisions. This should be addressed with energy models such as the LOL diagram. Unit Engagement/Anchor Activity Suggestions A pre-assessment about energy and efficiency can be a great way to start this unit that includes 3A and 3B. It is helpful to give students a chart of all possible forms of energy and give them an explore activity to make models (diagrams) for energy transformations that occur throughout the entire H.P.3 standard. A GT option is provided in which students generate their own lists of all of the types of energy rather than being given a list. Beginning the unit with the big ideas presented in the Big History Project introductory video can bring about some great cross-curricular discussions. There are also connections with the laws of thermodynamics addressed in Standard 3C. Formative Assessment Opportunities Standard H.P.3A.1 and H.P.3A.2 H.P.3A.4 and H.P.3A.5 Assessment items Quiz on LOL diagrams applied to work-kinetic energy scenarios Human Power Lab CCSD | Department of Instructional Support | CCSS 2014 SC Science Academic Standards and Performance Indicators Curriculum Map for Science | Physics Summative Assessment Opportunities Standard Assessment Items Momentum SLO Lab (for Kinetic Energy loss calculations) Roller Coaster Project H.P.3A.3 H.P.3A.1, H.P.3A.2, H.P.3B.1, H.P.3B.2 Investigations and Resources Part 1. Introduction to 3A and 3B 2014 science performance indicators General H.P.3 Focus question Activity Description 5 E Cycle Expected outcome – learning goal What are all of the types of energy? In what ways can energy be classified? (potential and kinetic, mechanical and nonmechanical) Give students a list of energy types and have them make energy diagrams Classify all types of energy correctly OR GT option: students generate list of energy types and classify them logically (some students will come up with cause and effect, similar to potential and kinetic) Diagram energy transformations (such as in burning a match) Discover that heat is a product of most energy transformations Resource – instructional material (includes specific pgs, chapters, lessons, etc. Holt Physics Chapter 5 Section 2 Vocabulary (tier 2 and 3) Mechanical energy Energy Introduction.doc (includes a table classifying and defining each type of energy) Non-mechanical energy Energy Pre-Assessment kinetic energy GT option: “GT Energy Mini Unit” that addresses 3A.1, 3A.2, 3B.1, 3B.2 potential energy Elastic potential Energy Thermal energy Radiant energy CCSD | Department of Instructional Support | CCSS 2014 SC Science Academic Standards and Performance Indicators Curriculum Map for Science | Physics Part 2: Work and Kinetic Energy (H.P.3A.1 and H.P.3A.2) 2014 science performance indicators H.P.3A.1 Use mathematical and computational thinking to determine the work done by a constant force (W=Fd) Focus question Activity Description 5 E Cycle Expected outcome – learning goal Is work done in every case in which a force is applied? What is negative work? Activity: determine and draw the direction of the applied force and the displacement for several scenarios. Then read Section 1 and apply the equation W=Fd cosθ to determine whether work is done and whether it is positive or negative. Explain what condition must be met in order for work to be done Discuss Explore activity. Explain the meaning of joule and calculate work in the explore activity problems. Calculate work correctly with units Calculate kinetic energy correctly with units Apply the workkinetic energy theorem to problems in which work either takes away energy (friction) or adds energy (hitting a baseball) H.P.3A.2 Use How far will a mathematical and car travel if a computational particular thinking to analyze frictional problems dealing force is with the work applied? done on or by an object and its change in energy Introduce LOL diagrams and demonstrate how to model work on a system (positive or negative work) and how to generate an equation from the model. Independent practice with modeling and solving work-kinetic energy problems Resource – instructional material (includes specific pgs, chapters, lessons, etc. Work Scenarios Problem Set.doc Vocabulary (tier 2 and 3) Holt Chapter 5 Section 1 work joule kinetic energy 012/03/05/energy-bar-charts-loldiagrams/ Work-Kinetic Energy Problem Set Work-kinetic energy theorem CCSD | Department of Instructional Support | CCSS 2014 SC Science Academic Standards and Performance Indicators Curriculum Map for Science | Physics Part 3: Power and Efficiency (H.P.3A.4 and H.P.3A.5) 2014 science Focus question performance indicators H.P.3A.4 Plan and Which muscle conduct controlled group is the scientific most investigations to powerful? determine the How is power power output of output the human body. different from work? How do you quantify efficiency? How efficient is the human body at converting stored energy into useful work? H.P.3A.5 Obtain How efficient and communicate can an information to appliance be if describe the its purpose is efficiency of to generate everyday heat? machines (such as automobiles, hair dryers, refrigerators, and washing machines) Activity Description 5 E Cycle Expected outcome – learning goal Lab Activity: Using the power equation (P = W/t) and the work equation, design a lab in which 4 muscle groups are tested. Clearly define the force, distance and time of each measurement (i.e. is the time for 10 push-ups?) Clearly documented lab design Successful measurements of power Comparison of power output of each muscle group. Calculate efficiency of the human body Define efficiency as work output/work input OR (energy input – energy loss)/ energy input Guided practice with efficiency problems Determine whether certain appliances are designed to maximize efficiency or whether the heat output is important its function Apply the efficiency equations to a variety of everyday appliances. Compare efficiency of human body to cars, machines Resource – instructional material (includes specific pgs, chapters, lessons, etc. Holt Physics Chapter 5 Section 4 Vocabulary (tier 2 and 3) Human Power Lab.doc efficiency power work input work output energy loss CCSD | Department of Instructional Support | CCSS 2014 SC Science Academic Standards and Performance Indicators Curriculum Map for Science | Physics Kinetic Energy in Collisions (H.P.3A.3) Note: Some teachers will choose to teach momentum before energy. They will need to revisit this topic when they teach the energy unit. Teachers who put momentum after energy will place this topic in the momentum unit. 2014 science performance indicators H.P.3A.3 Obtain information to communicate how energy is conserved in elastic and inelastic collisions. Focus question Activity Description 5 E Cycle Expected outcome – learning goal If kinetic energy decreases, what forms of energy increase? How can the change in kinetic energy be used to classify a collision? Activity: Read Section 3 and classify several collisions. Develop criteria to classify collisions. Calculate ∆KE and determine % KE loss for inelastic and perfectly inelastic collisions Activity: perform collisions and measure velocities before and after so that energy calculations may be made. Resource – instructional material (includes specific pgs, chapters, lessons, etc. Holt Physics Chapter 6 Section 3 Vocabulary (tier 2 and 3) Momentum SLO Lab has a KE component. Inelastic collision Elastic collision Perfectly inelastic collision