Course Introduction

Presentation #1
-Course Introduction
- Expectations
- Entrepreneurs / Setting up your own business – Examples
Course Introduction
OCR Nationals ICT GCSE
(Equivalent to 1 GCSE A*-C)
Website: Click here
Context: Start your own successful Business. Being an Entrepreneur!
Starting a business
R. Benjamin –
Your business idea?
What do I need to do?
To achieve this GCSE qualification you need to
Complete two units of work
Unit 1 (Business & IT unit in which you will create
databases, spreadsheets, presentations, business documents, and
learn about the use of Email in a business context,
the Internet and safe working practices.
Unit 20 (In this unit you will create an Animation (like
a banner or advert) for the World Wide Web!)
As part of the course you are
1. Going to come up with a business idea
2. Create a Powerpoint (presentation) about your business
3. Create a spreadsheet model to take to the bank (showing the
profit your business will make!)
4. Create a database (to store information about the products /
services you will sell)
5. Create Business Documents (flyer, business card, letter) to
promote and market your business.
6. Do a small presentation on Safe working practices in the
work place (for your employees)
7. Complete a report showing your use of Email and the
Internet in a business context.
8. Create a wonderful animation to advertise your business
On completing all of the above, you would have completed Unit 1 and 20 and achieved your
GCSE and perhaps even created a feasible idea for a succesfull business!
So what should you aim for?
Excellence – your business idea could actually take off! So give
it some careful thought!
You can achieve either a
Learn some amazing (and crucial) IT skills that you’ll need
in Life, in Business and in order to STAY AHEAD!
Aim for an A 
INNOVATE – Start your own Business!
As part of this course YOU will have the opportunity to be one!
Quotes to get you going!
"If you can dream it, you can do
-Walt Disney, founder of The Walt
Disney Company
"Business opportunities are like
buses, there's always another one
-Richard Branson, founder of
Virgin Enterprises
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it
living someone else’s life. Don’t be
trapped by dogma - which is living with
the results of other people’s thinking.
Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions
drown out your own inner voice. And
most important, have the courage to
follow your heart and intuition. They
somehow already know what you truly
want to become. Everything else is
- Steve Jobs – Founder of APPLE and
“The important thing is not being afraid to take a
chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not
-Debbi Fields, founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies
“Find your passion… then it is no longer work!”
-L.A. Reid, co-founder of LaFace Records
The true entrepreneur is a doer,
not a
-Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari & Chuck E.
Examples of Entrepreneurs
5 Best Young Entrepreneurs
By: Deana Clark (from
Break Studios Contributing Writer
The 10 best young entrepreneurs are young, fearless and smart. Young entrepreneurs are
the genius minds behind such hits as Facebook and Digg. It seems a lot of the new
generations of entrepreneurs are paving their own way to success. They did something
simple and turned it into cold, hard cash.
Mark Zuckerberg, age 26 - Mark is one of the best young entrepreneurs. He is the
founded of the popular social networking site, Facebook. He was attending Harvard
when he and some friends came up with the idea for Facebook. He is currently the
youngest billionaire in the world with a net worth of $4 billion.
Stacey Bendet, age 30 - Stacey is the founder of the contemporary women’s clothing
line, alice + olivia. She is a designer who also creates a shoe collection for Payless
Shoes. Alice + olivia was launched in 2002 and is sold in over 800 stores including
Barney’s, Scoop and Neiman Marcus.
Chad Hurley, age 33 - As one of the best young entrepreneurs, Chad is the founder and
CEO of the popular video sharing site, YouTube. In 2006, he was ranked #28 on
Business 2.0’s “50 People Who Matter Now” list. He and his YouTube co-founder,
Steve Chen, sold YouTube to Google for 1.65 billion.
Andrew Gower, age 31 - Andrew is a British video game developer. He is the co-founder
of Jagex Ltd which produces online computer games. He is the writer for the
MMORPG computer game, RuneScape. He is also the lead developer for the game.
Ashley Qualls, age 20 - Ashley started her website,, as a hobby in her
bedroom. The website was designed to make free MySpace layouts and HTML
tutorials. She now has her mom and several friends as employees. The site receives
more traffic than circulation of Seventeen, Teen Vogue and Cosmo Girl combined.
Founder of Facebook!
Mark Zuckerberg, age
26 - Mark is one of the
best young entrepreneurs.
He is the founded of the
popular social networking
site, Facebook. He was
attending Harvard when
he and some friends came
up with the idea for
Facebook. He is currently
the youngest billionaire in
the world with a net worth
of $4 billion.
It’s all about great ideas!
A young student had the idea for a MILLION DOLLAR HOME PAGE. He made a million
Dollars and also makes a couple hundred thousand PER MONTH from just running the site !
Special bedding fabric
*his son suffered from
Tutoring struggling pupils
Greeting Cards
Pet Accessories
We know him from
Photographs in the
Shape of a word.
(like happy birthday
Or someones name)
Became HUGE!!!!
So what do you need to start a
In our context, we are going to open some sort
of shop (eventually this could be online) but
assume you have
1. A Retail Outlet (e.g. Croydon High Street)
2. Products (e.g. Laptops, Keyboards)
If you’re interested in finding out more about starting a business: CLICK HERE
(There is plenty of free help out there for innovative young business entrepreneurs!)
Task #1
Flower Shop
Food Cafe
Gaming Shop
Computer Shop
Console Shop
Accessories Shop
Gardening Service
IT Services Shop
Graphic Design Services
A few ideas …
Jot down a few business ideas
Discuss them with your peers and teacher
On the same piece of paper – sketch out ideas
for a Business Logo (you will use this on all your
future documents and materials)
Task #2
Once your business idea has been approved – stick with
Open Power Point and create a simple logo.
Your logo identifies your business – it needs to be
simple but effective.
Take aprox 20 minutes to design a first class logo and
then present it to the class and your teacher.
Examples of famous company logos
Bet you can do better for your business ;-)
More Logo designs - start working on yours.
Outside the Classroom
Interested in Entrepreneurship?
Find out more at
Also google “Starting a business” and research what’s involved
In a recession, the government SUPPORTS business start-ups
and banks are encouraged to lend money to businesses.
Don’t let anyone tell you your idea is stupid! 
Want to set up your own amazing
website in minutes?
Go to (and keep it a
You can create a professional website (for a
business or personal use) in minutes. You can
add buttons to buy / sell, embed videos and
even add games. The sky is the limit!