Objetivos de lección 1: 1. SWBAT talk about daily schedules, 2. ask and tell time, 3. Say what you have and have to do 4. Say what you do and how often you do things - by using the verb “tener” and “tener que” - by using expressions of frequency - present tense of –ar verbs UNIDAD 2 – LECCIÓN 1 Martes veintidos de septiembre del dos mil quince Página 105 Página 87 Objetivos de lección 1: 1. SWBAT talk about daily schedules, 2. ask and tell time, 3. Say what you have and have to do 4. Say what you do and how often you do things - by using the verb “tener” and “tener que” - by using expressions of frequency - present tense of –ar verbs UNIDAD 2 – LECCIÓN 1 Today’s to do list: Funny Stuff! Voicethread Partner Project time – 30 minutes Vocabulary Review – 10 minutes Grammar Lesson – some time Worksheet Time – rest of class Gramática: use the verb tener to say what people have to do and how often Conjugating is changing the forms of a verb to indicate who is doing the action. For example, the English verb to have is conjugated as I have, he/she/it has, we have, they have. Pg 91 Gramática: use the verb tener to say what people have to do and how often Use the verb tener to talk about what you have. Pg 91 Gramática: use the verb tener to say what people have to do and how often Use the verb tener to talk about what you have. Infinitive form: notice “to” have… Conjugated form Pg 91 Let’s try saying these in Spanish I have three books. I have a pretty female friend. I have a good-looking male friend. He has funny hair. You have good friends. We have homework. Pg 91 Answers Yo tengo tres libros. Yo tengo una amiga bonita. Yo tengo ún amigo guapo. El tiene pelo cómico. Tú tienes amigos buenos. Nosotros tenemos tarea. Pg 91 Gramática: use the verb tener to say what people have to do and how often Tener + que + infinitive is used to talk about what someone has to do. Pg 91 Let’s try saying these in Spanish I have to go to the beach. You have to eat pizza. He has to drink soda. We have to study more. They have to do homework. Y’all (familiar) have to read a book. Pg 91 Answers Yo tengo que ir a la playa. Tú tienes que comer pizza. El tiene que beber el refresco. Nosotros tenemos que estudiar más. Ellos tienen que hacer tarea. Ustedes tienen que leer un libro. Pg 91 Objetivos de lección 1: 1. SWBAT talk about daily schedules, 2. ask and tell time, 3. Say what you have and have to do 4. Say what you do and how often you do things - by using the verb “tener” and “tener que” - by using expressions of frequency - present tense of –ar verbs UNIDAD 2 – LECCIÓN 1 de septiembre del dos mil quince Gramática: Forms of –ar verbs A verb tense is the form of the verb that shows when an action is happening. The present tense shows that an action is happening now. The Spanish present-tense verb form estudiamos can be expressed in English in three different ways: we study, we are studying, or we do study. Pg 96 Gramática: Forms of –ar verbs Many infinitives in Spanish end in –ar. How do you form the present tense of these verbs? Like this: In Spanish, the present tense is formed by changing the ending of the verb. To form the present tense of a regular verb that ends in –ar, drop the –ar and add the appropriate ending. Pg 96 Gramática: Forms of –ar verbs Pg 96 Gramática: Forms of –ar verbs Infinitive form: notice “to” have… Conjugated form Pg 96 Let’s try to conjugate these verbs. Cantar ( to sing ) Bailar ( to dance ) Escuchar ( to listen ) Caminar ( to walk ) Pg 96 Let’s try to conjugate these verbs. Cantar (to sing) Bailar (to dance) Yo canto Nosotros (as) cantamos Yo bailo Nosotros (as) bailamos Tú cantas Vosotros (as) cantáis Tú bailas Vosotros (as) bailáis El/Ella/Usted canta Ustedes/Ellos(as) cantan El/Ella/Usted baila Ustedes/Ellos(as) bailan Escuchar (to listen) Caminar (to walk) Yo escucho Nosotros (as) escuchamos Yo camino Nosotros (as) caminamos Tú escuchas Vosotros (as) escucháis Tú caminas Vosotros (as) camináis El/Ella/Usted escucha Ustedes/Ellos(as) escuchan El/Ella/Usted Pg 96 camina Ustedes/Ellos(as) caminan