
Unit 5
 Politicians appealing to the masses
 High offices still belonged to the wealthy
 Democracy’s emphasis change:
-government for the people
-done by the people
 Leads to the spoil system…
 Bases on white-male suffrage rather than property
 Between 1810&1821: 6 new western states grant more
male suffrage, 4 eastern state reduce voting
 South was the last region to grant universal white-male
 Jackson-result, not cause of new democracy.
 Fredrick Jackson Turner- Frontier Shapes Americans
 The rise of workingmen parties
-labor movements
-Locos Focos for example
 Panic of 1819-McCullough vs. Maryland
 Missouri Compromise-Goal of the white southerners
 Two Party System reemerged by 1832
Jacksonian Democrats vs. Whigs (National
 Voter turnout dramatically increases
 New campaign styles to appeal to the people
 Voting Reform-Electoral college now chosen by the
 4 candidates: Henry Clay, John
 Clays hatred for Jackson +
Quincy Adams, John C.
Calhoun, and General Andrew
 Jackson wins popular vote, but
not enough electoral votes to be
elected Similar to who….?
 12th amendment state the House
of Reps must choose between
the top 3 finishers
 Clay – finished fourth, but was
Speaker of the Souse.
support for John Quincy Adams
= Jackson Losing and Adams
becoming president.
 Jackson’s supporters call it the
“Corrupt Bargain”
 Adam’s presidency would be
plagued with growing
sectionalism and the splitting of
the republican party.
 1828 –Adam’s Presidency
 Supported by New
 Congress Increases Tariff
 Webster now in support,
 Calhoun against The
Southern Carolina
to 37% on goods (from
 Goal of the Jacksonians
to increase the tariff to
45% (Would look bad on
 Denounced tariff as unjust
and unconstitutional
 States should nullify the
tariff….similar to…?
 Wanted to save the Union
by lowering the tariff
 No other states supported
South Carolina and its
 Personified the West
 Gov’t=Haven of wealth
taken away from the
Reduce role of the gov’t
Against Henry Clays
system…which was?
Unionist and Nationalist
Defied Congress and
Supreme Court
Used Veto Power
 J.Q.A. vs. Andrew Jackson
 Jackson wins….178-83 (electoral votes)
 “Common Man”, from the West
 Support came from who?
 The Revolution of 1828
 No Landslide victory
 Voter turnout increases
 Power shift to west from east
 White Male Suffrage
 Spoils System
Rewarding Political Supporters with public office
 Martin Van Buren and the “Albany Regency”
 Believed in the Rotation of Office
 Civil Service is corrupt.
 Replace Adams-Clay appointees with loyal Jacksonians
 Informal group of people of about 13
 “Kitchen Cabinet”
 Group never officially met, and did not have too much
 NOT Unconstitutional
 Slave Rebellion 1831
 Nat Turner Rises up in Virginia! Lasts for days!
 Finally suppressed…cause widespread Panic. Local
Militias kill absurd amounts of slaves in retaliation…
 Laws passed against educating slaves…think
reformation, abolition, education, etc…
 Daniel Webster-NE
 Robert Hayne-SC
 Issue-Protective Tariff
 NE wants to “curb sale of
 West Disagrees, South
public land”
 People Created the
Constitution, not the
 Webster accredited for
jumpstarting a new
generation of
Allies with west
 NE disloyal during the
War of 1812
 Against Tariff of
 Said Calhoun’s
Nullification Doctrine
only means of protecting
States Rights
 Jefferson Day Dinner
begins the political split
between Calhoun and
 States Rights vs.
National Rights
 “Our Union…It must be
preserved!” Jackson
 “The Union, next to our
liberty, most dear!”
 Tariffs marked a major
issue between Calhoun
and Jackson.
 Calhoun resigns in 1832
Becomes Senator
 Calhoun now a fierce
 States rights and
 Calhoun suggests “concurrent majority plan”
2 presidents (N&S), each have veto power.
 Union could be stable only through representation
of the majority and minority
 SC and Tariff of Abominations
 Jackson attempts to lower the tariff of 1828.
45% to 35%
Did not meet southern demands
 South Carolina Nullifies and threatens secession
 Jackson threatens to hang ‘nullifiers” and sends naval
and military to SC
Calhoun 
Henry Clay 
 Henry Clay proposes a compromise…
tariff reduced 10% every 8 years (Compromise
 Force Bill enacted which extends the power of the
 Aftermath
 Victory for both sides
Stepping stone for civil war
 Tariff issue main reason for Calhoun and Jackson
Henry Clay
Andrew Jackson
 Advantage: Highly
 Advantage: Support of
Easterners and BUS
 Advantage: Most
newspapers supported
Clay and disliked
the masses
 Advantage: Support
overwhelms the wealthy
**Jackson wins 219-49**
 Focus on Economy and State’s Rights
 Divorce government from the economy (laissez faire)
Return to Jeffersonian
More power to the states, equal opportunity
 Distrust for the Bank
 Clay tries to recharter the bank in 1832 to anger
Jackson…Wanted to put the recharter through
Congress so it mad it to the White House
If Jackson signed it, it would alienate western
If he vetoed it, he would alienate the wealthy and
the influential of the East
 Jackson Vetoes BUS Charter
 Criticized Nicholas Biddle (head of BUS)
 Jackson says the bank supports the elite (wealthy and
stock owners)
 Appeals to the common people
 BUS strengths before its downfall
Organized, reduced bank failures, spurred economic
expansion, safe depository for the gov’t
 23 state banks controlled by Jackson
Federal funds transferred funs over to them
 Biddle wants public to reconsider charter
 Specie Circular
payment for government land to be in gold and silver
(hard money/paper currency vs Gold and silver
currency becomes unreliable-leads to inflation
 All public land had to be purchased with federal
 Hard money=hard times for the west
 Inflation continues
 Connecticut, 1837
 Allow corporations to be formed without a charter
from the legislature
 Examples: Railroads
 States make incorporation easier, helping the economy
through small and medium sized businesses
 Limited liability for business owners-reduced the risk
of owning a business
 Builders of CRB gain
charter through
has high growth making
stocks skyrocket
 WB also gains charter
enabling it to build 300
yards away from CRB
 CRB takes WB to court
saying the state’s charter
cannot interfere with
 Supreme Court allows WB
to build bridge
Economic development
between companies
(transportation for
Began to end monopoles
in public facilities
 Example of Jackson using his power to veto
 The bill would call for federal funding for intrastate
improvements (road linking Lexington to the Ohio
 Jackson vetoes on the ground that federal funding for
intrastate projects was unconstitutional
 Also says this would have disrupted the ability to
pay off the national debt
 Jackson proposes removing of Native Americans
(Cherokee, Creek, Chocktaw, Chickasaw and
 Mississippi to Oklahoma
 Bureau of Indian Affairs
Helps with Native American relations
Was around until 1954, where it merged with the the
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare,
(known today as the Department of Health and
Human Services)
 Known now as the Indian Health Service (IHS)
 Black Hawk War (1832)
Black Hawk leads Indian Resistance
Crushed by US Troops
Are a west of Lake Michigan open for settlement
 Second Seminole War
Indian resistance in Florida
 Bloodiest Indian conflict in US history
3,000 moved to Oklahoma
 Georgia creates a law that nullifies Cherokee law.
 Cherokee challenge Georgia and take them to the
Supreme Court
 Supreme Court rules in favor of Georgia, stating the
Cherokee have no jurisdiction over their land)
 Sam Worcester
missionary living with Cherokee
 Georgia forces him to have allegiance with GA or
leave Cherokee land
Refuses and is arrested
 Marshall rules Cherokee nation is a self-sufficient
nation that must be recognized
 Georgia has no jurisdiction in Cherokee land
 Cherokee can invite whomever they wished to their
 Jackson says “John Marshall has made his
decision…now let him enforce it!”
 Case helped prevent political conflict between the
executive and judicial, while still delivering what
appeared to be a pro-Indian decision.
 18,000 Cherokees forcibly removed 1,000 miles to
Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
4,000 die from malnutrition, cholera, etc.
Soldiers force the march
 25% of Choctaw die en route
 3,500-15,000 Creeks die during removal in 1836
 By 1821, Stephen Austin tries to migrate 300 families to
Tries to Mexicanize them ( requirements were to
convert them to Catholicism and allow now slavery)
Requirements are ignored by most migrants
 Mexico Prohibits importation into Texas and prohibits
further settlements by Americans
Americans refuse and still import slaves and new
 Santa Anna (Mexican Dictator) raises army to exert
control in Texas.
Outlaws all local rights in Texas
 Texas declares independence in 1836
 Santa Anna’s Army invades
Goliad, ALAMO
America Unites
 Sam Houston and American army victorious at San
 Santa Anna agrees to withdraw troops and recognize
Rio Grande as the new border
Does not honor agreements
 America still aids Texas in its fight for independence
Public opinion nullifies neutrality agreement
 Should he recognize Texas?
Would re-open slavery issue among states rights
 Recognizes Texas on the last day of office
 North disagrees (anti-slavery petitions)
 South welcomes Texas
 Texas left to fend for themselves and feared reprisals
from Santa Anna.
Also courted the British and French for aid
Sam Houston become first president for the
Independent Republic of Texas
 Whigs vs. Jacksonian Democrats
William Henry Harrison vs. Martin Van Buren
Van Buren wins 170-73
 Whigs beliefs?
Many of these beliefs foundation for modern day
Republican party.
 Strong Executive
 Spoil System
 Common People
 Democratic party
 Death of the BUS
 Specie Circular
 Trail of Tears
 Increased Sectionalism
 Continued Spoils system
 Presided over the Panic of 1837 (Jackson’s policies were
a major cause)
 Formalizes the Pet Banks (Independent Treasury
 Caroline Incident-Rebellion in Canada threatens war
with Britain
**He is ineffective as president**
 Over-speculation yet again
Remember Panic of 1819?
 Bank War and Specie Circular hurts economy
 Flour Riot
 2 Major British banks fail, call in foreign loans
 Banks Collapse
 Whigs sought expanding
(including Pet Banks)
 Commodity prices and
public land sale
 Factories close leading to
soaring unemployment
bank credit, higher
tariffs, and internal
improvement funds
 Treasury Bill of 1840Independent Treasury
 Van Buren (D) vs. William Henry Harrison (W)
 Depression blamed on who?
 Harrison Wins
 Significance:
1st mass turnout election in US history
Propaganda and slogans set examples for future
campaigns (“Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” and “Log
Cabin and Hard Cider)
Liberty Party Will Run (Anti-Slavery Agenda)