MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE MIDDLE TRANSFORMING AND REBOOTING CULTURE! PURPOSEFULLY DESIGNING A COLLABORATIVE CULTURE OBSESSED WITH LEARNING FOR STUDENTS AND ADULTS Based on the research of : Rick DuFour, Anthony Muhammad, and Kent Peterson and Terrance Deal AND THE AMAZING EDUCATION PROFESSIONALS AT OLIVE PEIRCE MIDDLE SCHOOL!! Prepared For Schools To Watch CONFERENCE June 20-23, 2012 Olive Peirce Middle School A Professional Learning Community and A School To Watch Linda Solis Principal Missy Cobian Library/Tech/Media Specialist 1 SHAPING POSITIVE AND TRANSFORMING TOXIC SCHOOL CULTURES ---Deal and Peterson, Shaping School Culture • STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN • CELEBRATE • WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS • WIND BENEATH MY WINGS • WE ARE FAMILY • THE HERO IS IN YOU • LEAN ON ME • AIN’T NO MOUNTAIN HIGH ENOUGH • ANTICIPATION • YESTERDAY • TEQUILA SUNRISE • I DID IT MY WAY •LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE •I CAN’T GET NO SATISFACTION •WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? • BAD TO THE BONE • THE LONG AND WINDING Road • I WILL SURVIVE • SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY • YOU CAN’T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT • 16 TONS • TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT • HELP! • 8 DAYS A WEEK • HARD DAY’S NIGHT • RESPECT 2 IT’S ALL ABOUT THE CULTURE! Culture is defined as our beliefs, practices, behaviors, and norms of our organization. This is where many school leaders and reformers fear to tread…BUT…it IS the place that holds the biggest keys to unlocking the potential of all our schools. Building, nurturing, and sustaining a positive, collaborative culture…focused on LEARNING for ALL members of the school community…is THE most important job for LEADERS in any school. 3 CULTURE… IT IS A POWERFUL FORCE! Culture…NO WHERE ELSE will impact significant change! 4 If the fish in your aquarium are not as healthy as they should be . . . Don’t blame the fish! Instead, consider changing the water. ---Kent Peterson CULTURE! 5 HALLMARKS OF A TOXIC SCHOOL CULTURE Staff does NOT believe in the ability of ALL students to learn and succeed. They articulate the belief in overt ways that student success is based on the students’ level of concern, attentiveness, prior knowledge, and willingness to COMPLY! HALLMARKS OF A POSITIVE SCHOOL CULTURE The staff REALLY DOES BELIEVE that ALL children can learn because of what the staff does. The staff creates policies and procedures and adopt practices that support their belief in the ability of every student. For example: ZAP PYRAMID OF INTERVENTIONS DURING THE SCHOOL DAY RE-TAKES AND RE-DO’S BYOT GRADES THAT REFLECT LEARNING ACE REWARDS CARDS/4.0 CELEBRATING SUCCESSES There is a set of values that supports professional development, a sense of responsibility for student learning, and a positive, caring atmosphere. ---Peterson, Is Your School Culture Toxic or Positive? 2002 GUIDING THE CULTURE OF THE SCHOOL…. •….is one of the most important things that a principal has to do. •Unfortunately, it's also the most difficult. Many principals are stuck by the question, 'How do I get from where I am to where I want the school to be?' IN THE BEGINNING… THE ONLY THING WE HAD IN COMMON WAS OUR STAFF PARKING LOT AND THE TEXTBOOKS WE USED. OUR CULTURE WAS BASED ON THE BELIEF THAT THESE ARE MY KIDS, THIS IS MY CLASSROOM, AND I AM THE RULER OF MY KINGDOM! 10 SO, WE ASKED OURSELVES THIS QUESTION: WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES OF TEACHER ISOLATION IN OUR SCHOOL? Just leave me alone and let me teach! 11 THE BEGINNING OF CHANGE FOR OPMS …WE STARTED READING…TOGETHER! We made a commitment to reading professional literature every SUMMER… and Teams led discussions and professional learning activities throughout the next year. 13 SUMMER PROFESSIONAL READING FOR 2012-2013 THE OPMS TURNING POINT… WE NEEDED TO CHANGE OUR MENTAL MODEL OF THE PURPOSE OF “SCHOOL” WE PURPOSEFULLY TRANSFORMED AND RE-BOOTED OUR CULTURE AROUND THE PLC SCHOOL MODEL! It took TIME…15 Years to be EXACT! 15 In a PLC adult learning…team learning… is just as important as student learning. 17 Welcome To Our PLC! •OPT is live 180 days •Grant-Funded Television Studio •Teachers are Guest Anchors •We retain only 10% of what we hear 18 STRUCTURE! wins every time…. … ALWAYS! When you change the “water” (environment) AND the structure, you change the people. ---B. Fuller (with slight adaptation by Linda Solis) 19 STRUCTURAL AND CULTURAL CHANGES WE’VE MADE… SUPPORTED BY COLLECTIVE COMMITMENTS A COLLECTIVE BELIEF: ALL STUDENTS CAN AND WILL LEARN AT HIGH LEVELS WITH OUR SUPPORT AND HELP. WE WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES! A CULTURE OF RELATIONAL LEARNING A CULTURE OF COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL TEAMS: Interdisciplinary and Academic Content Cohorts ACADEMIC CORE DATA TEAMS: Directly focused on student achievement Meet Monthly with Principal and Assistant Principal Use of student DATA is constant Examining student work is a common practice Focus on improving pedagogy /instructional strategies/common assessments—both FORMATIVE and SUMMATIVE Develops the “teaching capacity” of the entire school by sharing the strengths and mitigating the weaknesses of each teacher COMMON PREPS: Academic Core Teams 20 Classroom Proximity: By Teams Rotating Block Schedule: Extends Learning and Collaboration Time Monday: 1-7, Tuesday: 2-4-6, Wednesday: 3-5-7, Thursday: 2-6-4, Friday: 3-7-5 ACE- ACademic Enhancement: Focus on Building Relationships, Developing SMART Goals, Analyzing Learning Growth SSR: School-wide Literacy Block after OPT Student Game Plans: Developed as a Team and emailed to all teammates by 3:30 Friday afternoon Commitment To: GRR Instructional Model Continuous Professional Learning Daily Broadcast, OPT! •4.0 Nation! •Heterogeneous Classes •Adolescent Brain Research •21st Century Learning Environment •Technology used to engage and support learning •RTI2 / Pyramid of Interventions DURING THE SCHOOL DAY! •Tables, not desks! •Teacher modeling and Brain Camp Teamwork is the ultimate competitive advantage and it is powerful but rare. If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competitor, at any time. ---Patrick Lencioni 23 OUR COLLABORATION STRUCTURE: VERTICAL TEAMS: Grade Level Academic Core Content P.E. and Elective Teachers HORIZONTAL TEAMS: • • • • • • • • ACADEMIC CORE CONTENT TEAMS COMMON PREP COMMON LESSONS COMMON ASSESSMENTS COMMON INSTRUCTION COMMON GRADING PRACTICES COMMON RESULTS Collaborative Data Analysis 25 Strategies to Create Time for Collaboration SCHEDULE COMMON PREP TIME-Casino Style Identify Essential Learning Targets, Design Instructional Plans, email to ALL Teammates, Common Assessments, Analysis, RTi2. NO SUPERVISION DUTIES Keep the “runway” free of obstacles…clear learning path to success…IF LEARNING IS THE TARGET! Assemblies- Teachers escort students to PAC and then return to collaborate. Life Guard Team supervises all assemblies BLOCK SCHEDULE Time should serve students’ learning---NOT a longstanding Master Schedule Tradition! 26 MONTHLY S.T.A.R.S. COLLABORATIONS School Teams Achieving Results for Students FOCUS ON OUR CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL LEARNING: The premise of PLCs is that “adult learning precedes student learning.” Teachers and other staff members learn together so that we can assist students in their learning. Teaching quality is increased by continuous professional learning---the heart, soul, and rationale for the creation and maintenance of the PLC. ---R. DuFour (Table toppers and norms!) MONTHLY VERTICAL TEAM COLLABORATIONS FOCUS ON OUR STUDENTS CONTINUED GROWTH AND LEARNING THE HOPE FOR THE FUTURE: THE INCREDIBLE POWER OF A WONDERFUL TEACHER If students are under-resourced, does that doom them for life? Not if they’re lucky to have a couple of good teachers. CLMS SUMMER INSTITUTE, JULY 22-24. 2012 Rancho Mirage Kate Kinsella, Ruby Payne, Rita Pierson 27 TEAM SMART GOAL 2011-2012 Team______________________ _________ Quarter Percentage of students scoring AT proficiency or higher in____________________ _______________________will INCREASE from ______% to _____% by the end of_________________________________ as measured by______________________ administered on______________________. REDUCE the percentage of students scoring B/BB/FBB by_______% on the _________________________________________________Common Assessment administered on___________. Committed To By:______________________________________________________ Teammates’ Signatures 28 QUARTERLY TEAM SMART GOAL PRESENTATIONS 29 EXPECTATIONS AT THE GREATEST MIDDLE SCHOOL IN THE INNER PLANETARY GALACTIC SOLAR SYSTEM TEACHER RESPONSIBILITY Focus Lesson I do it Guided Instruction We do it Collaborative Independent You do it together You do it alone STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY Gradual Release of Responsibility A Model for Success for All Students Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching: A framework for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. 32 The PURPOSE Today Is…. The Purpose Today Is… GOOD SEEDS GROW IN STRONG CULTURES 36 OPMS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN RECOGNIZED AS A SCHOOL TO WATCH THIS YEAR, IF WE HAD NOT… If We Don’t Build The Schools With The Cultures We Dream Of… They Won’t Be There For Them… ALL Of Them! 38 GO FORTH AND BUILD!!! KIDS ARE COUNTING ON US! Thank You! Linda Solis Missy Cobian OPMS Schools to Watch Prezi: