Review these for Institutions Test 1, please: Congressional activity

Review these for Institutions Test 1, please:
1. Congressional activity worksheet
2. Presidential activity worksheet
3. The following specific items:
1. John Locke & social contract theory
2. How did James Madison think factions would be controlled?
3. What do the following clauses do: necessary and proper clause, supremacy clause, presentment clause,
confrontation clause, equal protection clause?
4. Define & give examples of linkage institutions.
Executive branch:
Why do presidents experience difficulty in exercising legislative leadership?
What is the primary criticism of executive orders?
Is the president more successful in getting congressional approval of proposed domestic or foreign policies?
How does the structure of the Electoral College influence presidential campaign strategy?
Don’t just define or describe the specific power but explain how the powers of the president affect congressional
decision making:
What are ways Congress responds to…
The presidential veto power?
His power to issue executive orders?
His power as commander-in-chief?
Don’t just define or describe the specific power but explain how the congressional powers affect presidential decision
How is presidential decision making affected by…
Legislative oversight power?
Senate advice & consent power?
Budgetary power?
Legislative branch:
What is a discharge petition and what are 2 examples of its use on major legislation in recent history?
What are the steps in the Policy-making Process?
What do the following committees do? Conference, Select, Reconciliation, Rules, Standing
What is Congressional oversight?
What does the House Ways and Means committee do? The Rules committee?
Define & give example of “pork barreling”.
In which type of committee is most of the work of legislation done? joint committee, ad hoc committees,
select committees, conference committees, standing committees
16. What does the Senate Judiciary committee do?
17. What are incumbent advantages? Who is able to take better advantage of them, incumbents in the House or
the Senate? Why?
18. Why do filibusters happen in the Senate more than the House?
Review these for Institutions Test 1, please:
19. Congress has 3 duties—writing laws, overseeing the implementation of laws, and serving the needs of their
constituents. What is the role of the following in lawmaking?
 Senate filibuster
 House Rules Committee
 Conference committee
How does casework affects members’ attention to legislation?
What is congressional reapportionment and explain one reason why it is important to states.
Define congressional redistricting.
Which happens first, reapportionment or redistricting?
Explain two goals of politicians when they gerrymander during redistricting.
What are two limits that the United States Supreme Court has placed on congressional redistricting?
In the context of gerrymandering, what is “cracking” and “packing”?
What is a “majority-minority district”?