2705 Swiss Avenue, Ste. 130B
Dallas, Texas 75204
Discover the Joy.
Earning by Learning
wants children to live
in a world where
every child is literate.
Empower children,
strengthen schools,
and foster literate
communities through
reading. EBL
accomplishes its
mission by engaging
an evidence-based
incentive model.
The NEED: The National
Statistics are Staggering
•Among adults with low literacy skills, 43% live in poverty;
17% receive food stamps
•Nearly 2/3 of low income families own no books for their
•Fewer than one of eight children, who are failing to read at
grade level by the end of first grade, will ever catch up to
grade level reading
•75% of prisoners scored in the two lowest literacy levels of
National Adult Literacy Survey; this means they cannot write
a letter, explain an error on a credit card bill, or understand
a bus schedule
•PLEASE NOTE: If literacy levels in the United States were the
same as those in Sweden, the US. GDP would rise by
approximately $463 billion and tax revenues would increase
by approximately $162 billion.
(Sources Include: Alliance for excellent Education, 2003e,
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, Center on Juvenile and
Criminal Justice, Digest of Education Statistics)
Here’s a look at TEXAS:
•Texas has the 2nd largest number of
undereducated adults in the United States
•50% of those living in poverty do not have a
high school diploma
•Texas has the 7th highest drop out rate in the
United States
•Texas has the second largest number of undereducated adults in the United States.
•Nearly 90,000 of Texas’ most serious offenders
do not have high school diplomas.
(Sources Include: Foundation for Community
Empowerment/Dallas Indicators)
Some good news for
Dallas ISD children:
Number of Graduates-The number of Dallas ISD graduates in the Class of
2011 was 7149. That is the highest number of graduates in the district since
4-Year Graduation Rate-On the overall 4-year graduation rate, Dallas ISD
has narrowed the gap with the statewide average from 16 points five years
ago to eight points today. More than three-quarters of Dallas ISD students
are now graduating on time, up fifteen percentage points from 62.5 percent
five years ago.
Completion Rate-On the overall completion rate, nearly 88 percent of
Dallas ISD students are graduating from district schools, just four points
below the statewide average. The gap five years ago was 13 percent.
Dropout Rate-Dallas ISD has cut the margin with the state’s dropout rate.
Data from five years ago indicated that more than 25.8 percent of district
students were dropping out, compared to the statewide average of 11.4
percent. Dallas ISD has lowered the dropout rate to 11.8 percent and is now
just five points below the statewide average.
College Readiness-The percentage of Dallas ISD students performing at
college-ready levels (TAKS Commended) has increased each of the last five
AP-The number of Advanced Placement tests passed by Dallas ISD
students reached 2,000 in 2011—a figure that has been rising steadily for
the past 15 years.
Remain Mindful- We have a
long way to go…
•Spending on K-12 education rose 33.4%;
spending on incarceration rose 571.4%
•The number of K-12 teachers fell 8%; the
number of guards rose 250%
•The number of K-12 schools rose 2.6%; the
number of lockups rose nearly 200%
•The number of students graduating high school
fell 2.7%; the number of people in prison and
jail rose more than 400%
(Sources Include: Sourcebook of Criminal
Justice Statistics, Center on Juvenile and
Criminal Justice, Digest of Education
Here’s just ONE story…about ONE
man who wanted change….
•One man, Francis Rudine,
went to Communities
Foundation of Texas with a
simple idea, tried and tested
with his own children.
•“Let’s provide an incentive
for children to read and see if
(1) their motivation changes
and (2) their academic
achievement increases,” said
Rudine’s first premise comes true…
children seemed to be motivated.
•With the assistance of Communities Foundation of
Texas , Earning by Learning was piloted with St.
Philip’s School and Community Center and 2 Boys &
Girls of Greater Dallas locations.
•Though the pilot was small, with only 78 children
participating, it proved successful. Children
seemed motivated. The first of Mr. Rudine’s
premise had come true.
17 years later…
Earning by Learning has grown from 78 students and 3
sites to servicing thousands of children annually in the
14th largest district in the country (Dallas ISD).
Earning by Learning has helped over 90,00 children and
over 30 Dallas ISD elementary campuses to date.
Other collaborative partners include:
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas
Circle of Support
Jeffries Street Learning Center
St. Anthony Community Center
St. Philip’s School & Community Center
West Dallas Community Centers, Inc.
The format is simple.
•There are one-two EBL sessions
(fall and/or spring).
•Suggested grade level is 2nd.
•240 children may participate per
•Children read pre-approved
books at their readability level.
Book selections include fiction and
•Through computerized software
book quizzes such as Accelerated
Reader, mentoring, and cash
incentives, student reading habits
and skills are enhanced.
Number of Books Read
In 2005, EBL began to service only Dallas ISD thus the book and incentive decrease. In 2009,
Earning by Learning began to provide $1 per book to most participants and conducted the EBL model
in the fall only. In 2011, EBL instituted its non-cash model
•Incentives Given
•In 2005, EBL began to service only Dallas ISD thus the book and
incentive decrease. In 2009, incentives were reduced to $1 per book
with most participants. In 2011, only a small number of students
received cash incentives. The non-cash model had been instituted.
The Evidence is Clear
Average Books Read Per Student
1996 - 2012
Books Read
Cash Incentives
Avg. Book / Per Child
Overall Participation
PROGRAM success
Harvard Universtiy /EBL findings
• Earning by Learning has just completed a two year Harvard
University research study. The principal investigator is
renowned Economic Professor, Dr. Roland G. Fryer. The
study’s purpose was to look at incentives and its effect, if
any, on academic achievement.
• All of the participating schools and students selected for the
study were newcomers to the Earning by Learning program.
PROGRAM success
Harvard Universtiy /EBL findings (2 of 3)
• Students who participate in Earning by Learning show substantial increase in
reading comprehension, overall language development, report card grades and test
scores versus non-EBL students. In just 15 weeks of Earning by Learning’s
program implementation, students gained nearly 4 months in academic growth.
• Earning by Learning Latino and African American male students showed an even
higher gain than their female counterparts.
• EBL students also received the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory and the results
showed that incentivizing students does not ruin a child’s love for learning. The
intense argument/ anxiety by some educators and social psychologists seems
unwarranted. A year after paying students to read and pass a comprehension test,
EBL students are still significantly outperforming the students in the control group.
PROGRAM success
Harvard Universtiy /EBL findings (3 of 3)
• There was almost a 2 point standard deviation in the study. There
have been only three research studies in the last 3 decades with this
type of gain: Headstart, Classroom Size Reduction, and Incentives
for Quality Teachers to go into Urban Districts. Now Earning by
Learning stands alongside those groundbreaking studies. This type
of EBL gain comes at a much lower cost.
• Our qualitative and quantitative research puts Earning by Learning
on a tremendous path to sustainability. To learn more about the
study read Dr. Fryer's published paper. Log onto
www.edlabs.harvard.edu and click onto the link “in the news.”
Dallas ISD research studies on EBL
• EBL students read more
outside of class.
• Although the cash reward
was welcome, it was not the
primary motivator for
students to read.
• The program was appropriate
for ESL students.
• Increased reading
• TAAS results were very
favorable where the EBL
program was implemented.
5th grade
Reading should be a Dallas
celebration not just a school one.
Education and its Correlation to a
Vibrant Dallas
The success of cities is literate individuals. It
is a movement/campaign that should be
embraced by all. Reading is the fundamental
cornerstone that creates quality of talent,
place, opportunity and leadership.
EBL Reading Celebrations
Quality of Talent
Earning by Learning provides cutting edge, “out of
the box “thinking regarding education.
Earning by Learning brings the applications of
intrinsic/extrinsic motivation to education.
Providing a return on investment approach backed
by Harvard University research findings.
EBL Reading Celebrations
Quality of Place
With Earning by Learning , reading becomes
a way of life, a culture. First eminating from
the schools and migrating out into
communities/cities. Reading is seen in the
hallways, the classrooms, outside, at home,
in parks etc… Only literate individuals
transform cities.
EBL Reading Celebrations
Quality of Opportunity
Reading is an art form. It must be exercised and
refined. It must prove of value to children and
must connect success to their reading in easy,
explainable and rapid-fire time. It must be
achievable, valued, and appreciated. Reading is bipartisan in nature and allows every individual
participatory rights.
EBL Reading Celebrations
Driven by Leadership
Literacy is governed by the head--the head
of government, institutions, and families.
Earning by Learning philosophy must be
adopted from the top-down and embraced
from the bottom up.
EBL Reading Celebrations
We are all “GREAT BY CHOICE.”
The true success of
Earning by Learning
lies in a community
that cares.
A SOCIAL return
Earning by Learning
partners with key
stakeholders who desire
a social return on their
Our stakeholders
understand that helping
children read is a shortterm investment with
long-term dividends for
our city.
STRATEGIC partners
Richard A.(Ricky) Rudine Memorial Fund
of the Communities Foundation of Texas
New Car Dealers Association
Harvard University
Inwood Bank
Vickery Meadow Youth Development Foundation
Esping Family Foundation
MORE great EBL stakeholders
Smith Richardson Foundation (in collaboration with Harvard University)
University of North Texas Dallas Campus
The Lightner Sams Foundation
Alliance Data
The Dallas Foundation
BBVA Compass
Dallas Chocolates
Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages
The Harold Simmons Foundation
The Dallas Morning News
Don Herring Mitsubishi
Foundation for Community Empowerment
OTHER partners
The Freeman Companies
Northrop Grumman
Don Herring Mitsubishi North and South Dealerships
Meadows Foundation
OTHER key stakeholders
Jupiter Chevrolet Oldsmobile
Prestige Ford
American Transfers & Tours
Barnes & Noble Bookstores
DFW Book Bank
Dallas Arboretum
96.3 KSCS
Bank of America
American Airlines
Dallas Public Library
Goodson AcuraToyota of Irving
What’s happened…
2 Round Table Discussions
Chamberlain’s, our official EBL restaurant, hosted two
roundtable discussions and lunch with EBL students,
coordinators and other prominent citizens within our
communities. The roundtable discussions focused on
making reading a top priority in Dallas. Keeping children
and literacy first!
Earning by Learning promotes
healthy savings habits to students.
Earning by Learning has partnered
with financial institutions and the
Dallas Independent School District
in order to assist EBL students in the
importance of saving.
Washington Mutual/Chase
Inwood Bank
BBVA Compass
Earning by Learning encourages its
students to be contributors
to the community
It is a novel way to teach children
the power of reading and the
gratification of helping others.
• All proceeds earned by the
are donated to the library.
• EBL students help the librarian to select
the books purchased.
• Their name is recorded on the inside of
each book donated.
Setting our goals high…
Earning by Learning introduces
Read and Graduate…from College
Each semester, many of the area's
most successful college graduates
are invited to discuss all aspects of
attaining a college degree, from
initial challenges to life-long
Ultimately, Earning by Learning
students walk away with a real-life
association between current
reading and long-term success.
DFW BOOK Bank at
Dallas Public Library
An educationalentertainment program
combining the art of
ventriloquism, song and
an important message
about reading.
Interactive novel study in the
DeGolyer Estate Library with a nationally
acclaimed children’s author.
Author shares literary perspectives and the process of research,
development and publication of stories.
Entertainment, food, and a tour of the botanical gardens of the
Dallas Arboretum.
City Wide
EBL allows corporate, foundations, school, non-profit and
civic organizations to partner in a city wide effort to
promote literacy.
VOLUNTEER opportunities
Guest Speakers
Advisory Board
Young Professional Donor
HOW CAN you help?
Financial Contributions
Volunteer Opportunities
Become a Guest Speaker
Sponsor a Reading Event or
Be a Program Intern
Adopt a School
Be a Prominent Sponsor at
our annual Fairway to Literacy
Golf Tournament
Sponsor the EBL bookmobile
Sponsor a Teacher
Appreciation Event
In the
Earning by Learning believes that reading is a
right and not a privilege.
A New
The Stand for Children and Literacy is an ever evolving
process. Today simply marks the beginning of a new
moment in time to refocus and recommit.
It’s a new day, not yet promised,
to get it right.
Thank you to our board, advisory
council, reading /operation advisors,
and staff that make it all possible.
Board of Directors
Scott Gibbs, President
McGriff, Seibels and Williams of TX
Ex Officio
Ed Fjordbak
Essilor Vision Foundation
Sha Butler, Vice President
Civic Volunteer
Sammy Bickham
Bickham & Bickham
Jane Didear
Dallas ISD
Thomas A. Kulik, Partner
Scheef & Stone, LLP
Advisory Council
The Honorable Ron Kirk
The Honorable Royce West
Raul Hinojosa
Dr. Mary Morris
Carol Reed
Andy Siegel
Benjamin Turk
Reading and Operations Advisors
Leslie Beatty
Peggy Marrin
William Toles
Founding Director
Thelma Morris-Lindsey
All rights reserved. No part of this
presentation may be reproduced without
written permission from the Earning by
Learning of Dallas.
Copyrights 2003 Earning by Learning of Dallas