Population Dynamics WARM UP

Population Dynamics WARM UP
_____ 1. Which of the following is NOT one of the
factors that play a role in population growth
A. immigration
B. death rate
C. emigration
D. demography
_____2. One of the main characteristics of a
population is its
A. change over time
B. geographic distribution
C. dynamics
D. habitat
_____3. There are 150 saguaro cacti plants per
squared kilometer in a certain area of Arizona
desert. To which population characteristic does
this information refer?
A. growth rate
B. geographic distribution
C. age structure
D. population density
_____4. What does the range of a population tell
you that density does not?
A. the number that live in an area
B. the areas inhabited by a population
C. the births per unit area
D. the deaths per unit area
____5. The movement of organisms into a given
area from another area is called
A. immigration
B. emigration
C. population shift
D. carrying capacity
____ 6. When organisms move out of the
population, this is known as
A. emigration
B. abandonment
C. immigration
D. Succession
____ 7. If immigration and emigration numbers
remain equal, which is the most important
contributing factor to a slowed growth rate?
A. increased birth rate
B. constant death rate
C. decreased birth rate
D. constant birth rate
____ 8. Which are the two ways a population can
decrease in size?
A. immigration and emigration
B. increased death rate and immigration
C. decreased birthrate and emigration
D. emigration and increased birthrate
____9. When individuals in a population
reproduce at a constant rate, it is called
A. logistic growth
B. growth density
C. exponential growth
D. multiple growth
____ 10. The various growth phases through
which most populations go are represented on
A. logistic growth curve
B. exponential growth curve
C. normal curve
D. population curve
____11. As resources in a population become lees
available, population growth
A. declines rapidly
B. increases slowly
C. reaches carrying capacity
D. enters a phase of exponential growth
___ 12. In a logistic growth curve, exponential
growth is the phase in which the population
A. reaches carrying capacity
B. grows quickly and few animals are
C. growth begins to slow down
D. population growth begins to speed up
____ 13. When the exponential phase of a logistic
growth curve of a population ceases,
A. the size of the population drops
B. the size of the population stays the
C. population growth begins to slow
D. population growth begins to speed up
____ 14. A biotic or abiotic resource in the
environment that causes population size to
decrease is a
A. carrying capacity
B. limiting nutrient
C. limiting factor
D. growth factor
_____ 15. All of the following are limiting factors
A. immigration
B. competition
C. predation
D. human disturbances
_____16. Which will reduce competition within a
species’ population?
A. fewer individuals
B. higher birthrate
C. fewer resources
D. higher population density
____ 17. If a population grows larger than the
carrying capacity of the environment, the
A. death rate may rise.
B. Birthrate may rise
C. Death rate must fall
D. Birthrate must fall
_____18. Water lilies do not grow in the desert
sand because water availability to these plants in
a desert is
a. a limiting factor
b. the carrying capacity
c. a competition factor
d. none of the above
____ 19. Each of the following is a density –
dependent limiting factor EXCEPT
A. competition
B. predation
C. crowding
D. disease
_____ 20. Which of the following is a densityindependent limiting factor?
A. earthquake
B. disease
C. emigration
D. parasitism.