Community College Directory 3/22/16 0. College Address ABET Department Head Contact Phone Number e-mail Akron, University of 123 Schrank Hall South, 221J Akron, OH 44235 Yes Marcia C. Belcher Project Director, Construction and Engineering Technology 330-972-2055 Albany Technical College 1704 South Slappey Boulevard, Albany, GA 31701 Yes Joseph M. Castongia, Technical Instructor, Industrial Systems Technology 229-430-3614 525 Buena Vista SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 Yes Prof. Hadie Fotouhie, Chair Amarillo College P.O. Box 447 Amarillo, Texas 79178 Yes Jack B. Stanley, Associate Professor and Chairman 806-371-5274 Augusta Technical College 3200 August Tech Dr. Augusta, GA 30906 Yes JoAnne Robinson Dean, Information & Technology Building 800, Rm. 808 706-771-5730 Benjamin Franklin Institute 6. of Technology 41 Berkeley Street Boston MA 02116 Yes Richard LeBlanc, Chair Electronics and Medical Electronics Engineering Technology Dept. 617-423-4630 ext. 148 Bridgemont Community & 7. Technical College 619 2nd Avenue Montgomery, WV 25136 Yes Mr. Norman Mortensen, Assoc. Prof. EET & Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering Technology 304-734-6680 Bronx Community 8. College University Avenue and West 181 Street Bronx, NY 10453 Yes Dr. Luis Montenegro, Associate Professor, Chairperson – Department of Physics & Technology 718-289-5380 luis.montenegro@bcc.cuny.ed u Broome Community 9. College P.O. Box 1017 Binghamton, NY 13902 Yes Bill Kelly, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering Technology Department 607-778-5023 Butler Community 10. College 715 E. 13th Andover, KS 67002 Yes Buford Pringle, Manufacturing and Engineering Department Chair 316-218-6136 1. 2. Albuquerque TVI 3. Community College 4. 5. -1- Fax: 229-4303591 Fax: 706-7715731 0. College Address ABET Department Head Contact Phone Number e-mail 200 College Drive Blackwood, NJ 08012 No Dr. Lawrence Chatman, Coordinator Engineering Science and Technology 856-227-7200 Ext. 4523 Capitol College 11301 Springfield Road Laurel, MD 50708 Yes 301-369-2800 Cayuga Community College 197 Franklin Street Auburn, NY 13021 No Dr. Robert Weiler, Dean, Engineering, Computers, & Technology Christie Waters Department Chair, Chair, Division of Natural and Health Sciences, Mathematics and Technology 315-255-1743 Central Carolina Community 14. College 1105 Kelly Drive Sanford, NC 27330 Yes Steve Lympany, Department Chair Engineering and Computer Information Technologies 919-718-7283 Central Main Community 15. College 1250 Turner Street Auburn, ME 04210 Yes Richard F. Bastow, Chair, Department of Engineering Technologies PE, PLS 207-755-5240 P.O. Box 35009 Charlotte, NC 28235 Yes Chad Ray, Dean STEMS 704-330-6909 Gerry Hieronymus, P.E. Division Director of Engineering Technologies 704-330-6557 Dr. Mike O’Rear, P.E., Chair, Faculty Council, IFCC, Electronics & Computer Engineering Technology Lead Instructor, Engineering Technology, Biomedical Engineering Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering Technology 770-528-4539 Tim McGhee, Department Head 423-697-4798 Camden County 11. College 12. 13. Central Piedmont Community College 16. Chattahoochee Technical College 980 South Cobb Dr. SE Marietta, GA 30060 Yes Chattanooga State Technical Community 18. College 4501 Amnicola Hwy Chattanooga, Tennessee 37406 Yes 17. -2- Fax: 404-5452676 Fax: 423-6974493 Tim.McGhee@chattanoogasta 0. College Address ABET Department Head Contact Phone Number e-mail Cincinnati State Technical and 19. Community College 3520 Central Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45223 Yes Paul A. DeNu, Dean Center For Innovative Technologies 513-569-1742 Columbus State 20. Community College 550 East Spring Street Columbus, OH 43216 Yes Keith Sanders EET Program Coordinator 614-287-2588 Corning Community 21. College (SUNY) 1 Academic Drive Corning, NY 14830 Yes Brad Cole, Associate Dean of Instruction, Mathematics, Physics, Technology and Engineering Science 607-962-9243 214 Center Grove Road Randolph, NJ 07834 Yes Venancio L. Fuentes, P.E., Department Chair, Engineering Technology/ Engineering Science 973-328-5766 495 North India Creek Dr. Clarkston, GA 30021 Yes Michael Woods, Engineering Technology Program Director 404-297-9522 Ext. 1213 400 Stanton Christiana Rd. Newark, Delaware 19713 Yes W. Alan Lynam, Chair, Mechanical Engineering Technology 302-453-3772 County College of Morris 22. DeKalb Technical 23. College Delaware Technical & Community College (DTCC) Fax: 302-4533070 Mary Marchegiano, Chair, Electronics & Computer Engineering TechnologyElectronics/Electrical Engineering TechnologyMath/Science Concentration 24. Delaware Technical & Community College (DTCC) 25. Fax: 973-3285703 Route 18; PO Box 610 Owens Campus Georgetown, Delaware 19947 Yes Douglas C. Hicks, PhD. Dept. Chairperson, Engineering Technologies Dept., Architectural Engineering Tech & Civil Engineering Tech/Survey & Materials Design Engineering Tech (Mechanicals) AAS Degree Programs -3- 302-855-5914 Fax: 302-8585461 0. College Address ABET Department Head Contact Phone Number e-mail Delgado Community 26. College 615 City Park Ave. Technology Division Building 22 New Orleans, LA 70119 Yes Ramon E. Ariza, PE, Professor 504-483-4868 Erie Community 27. College (SUNY) 121 Ellicot Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Yes Anthony Dalessio, Department Chair 718-851-1510 Essex County 28. College 303 University Avenue Newark, NJ 07102 Yes Jianping Yue, Professor and Chair/Engineering Technologies and Computer 973-877-3454 Fairmont State (University) Community & 29. Technical College 1201 Locust Avenue Fairmont, WV 26554 Yes Dr. Gerald Bacza, Chairman 304-367-4632 Prof. Jim Goodwin, Chair - Department of Technology – College of Science & Technology 304-367-4701 Fax: 304-3674791 Finger Lakes 30. Community College (SUNY) 3325 Marvin Sands Drive Canandaigua, NY 11424 Yes Melissa Miller, Department Chair 585-394-3500 ext. 7639 Florence31. Darlington Technical College PO Box 100548 Florence, SC 29501 NO Kamil Zakhour 843-413-2765 FultonMontgomery 32. Community College 2805 State Highway 67 Johnstown, NY 12095 NO Maryann Johnson, Division Chair of Technology 518-762-4651 ext. 3610 Highway 321 South Dallas, NC 28034 Yes Mr. George Hendricks, Electronics Engineering Technology 704-922-6305 s Gaston College Dr. Moyyad AlNasra, Civil Engineering Technology 33. Mr. Thomas Nortey, Mechanical Engineering Technology Mr. Thomas Raymond, Industrial Engineering Technology Virgil Cox, Dean of Engineering & Industrial Technologies -4- 704-922-6299 704-922-6306 us 704-922-6304 s 704-922-6295 0. College Address ABET Department Head Contact Phone Number e-mail Greenville 34. Technical College P. O. Box 5616 Greenville, SC 29603 Yes Gene Wilson 864-250-8251 Mark Hapstack, P.E. Heartland 35. Community College 1500 West Raab Road Normal, IL 61761 Yes Robert Shaw, Technology Division Chair 309-268-8862 Hudson County 36. Community College 168 Sip Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Yes Dr. Issam El-Achkar, Professor and Coordinator 201-360-4270 Hudson Valley 37. Community College 80 Vandenburgh Ave. Troy, NY 12180 Yes Dr. Christine LaPlante Idaho State University 38. College of Technology P.O. Box 8380 Pocatello, ID 83209 Yes Will Fanning, Interim Department Chair 208-282-3851 Jamestown 39. Community College (SUNY) 525 Falconer Street P.O. Box 20 Jamestown, NY 14702 PO Box 1000, Cole Complex Institute, WV 25112 Yes James Weaver, Director of Engineering Science & Technology 716-338-1327 mikeweaver@mail.sunyjcc.ed u No Ron Rogillio, Dean, Science and Technology, Program Director Power Plant Technology 304-766-5705 Fax: 304-7663118 7700 Clocktower Drive Kirtland, Ohio 44094 Yes Mr. Lawrence W. Curry, P.E. , Chairman, Civil Engineering Technology 440-525-7275 Kanawha Valley Community and 40. Technical College Lakewood Community College David Bittner, Chairman, Electronic Engineering Technology 41. David Burke, Chairman Mechanical Engineering Technology Donald, J. Anthan, Dean, Engineering Division Miami University Hamilton 42. 1601 University Blvd. Hamilton, OH 45011-3399 Yes Ayo Abatan, Professor & Chair – Department of Engineering Technology – School of Engineering & Applied Science -5- 440-525-7086 513-785-3130 Fax: 513-7853183 0. College 45. ABET Department Head Ayo Abatan, Professor and Chair – Department of Engineering Technology – School of Engineering & Applied Science 513-727-3276 e-mail Miami University Middletown 4200 E. University Blvd., Middletown, Ohio 45042-3497 Yes Middle Georgia College 1100 Second Street SE Cochran, GA 31014 Yes J. Hardwick Butler, Professor and Department HeadEngineering 478-934-3053 Middlesex County College 2600 Woodbridge Ave. Edison, NJ 08818-3050 Yes Professor Jack L. Waintraub, P.E., Professor and Chair, EET Department 732-906-2584 732-906-4178 Jack_waintraub@middlesex.e du 43. 44. Address Contact Phone Number Fax: 513-7273494 fax 732-906-4662 Midlands Technical College P.O. Box 2408 Columbia, SC 29020 Yes Dr. Thomas (Clint) Chandler, Head, Department of Engineering Technologies & Engineering Transfers 803-738-7807 Mira Costa College One Barnard Drive Oceanside, CA 92056 Yes Paul A. Clarke, Lead Instructor/Design and Engineering Technology 760-757-2121 ext. 6405 Mohawk Valley 48. Community College 1101 Sherman Drive Utica, NY 13501 Yes Frank Przbyycien, PE 315-792-5491 Monroe 49. Community College 1000 E. Henrietta Road Rochester, NY 14623 Yes Robert Novak, Chairman, Engineering Technology 585-292-2676 fax 585-2923879 701 Portland Avenue Morrison, IL 61270 Yes Adam Reymer, Department Head Engineering Technology 815-772-7218 website: Galbreath Hall Morrisville, NY 13408 Yes Michael J. Loudis Program Coordinator, Engineering Technology Deaprtment 315-684-6282 Yes Edward W. Chandler, Ph.D., PE 414-277-7337 Yes Dr. Jim Johnson Dean of Information and Engineering Technology 615-353-3041 46. 47. 50. Morrison Institute of Technology Morrisville State College – State 51. University of New York (SUNY) 52. MSOE Nashville State Technical 53. Community College 120 White Bridge Road Nashville, TN 37209 -6- 0. College Address Contact Phone Number ABET Department Head Prof. Anthony Cangelosi, Chairman Engineering, Physics, & Technology Department 516-572-7272 Dino Lauria (Laury) Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Direct VP: 866279-7595 Nassau Community 54. College One Education Drive Garden City, NY 1530 Yes National Technical Institute for the Deaf 55. (NTID) 96 Lomb Memorial Drive Bldg. 60, Room 2771 Rochester, NY 14623 Yes e-mail Fax: 516-5727471 or Ph. Voice: 585475-6782 Ph TTY: 585-4757606 UP: National University – 56. Kearny Campus 3678 Aero Court San Diego, CA 92123 Yes John Bugado, Professor – Applied Engineering, Computer Science & Information Systems 858-309-3435 Or 858-309-3400 Naugatuck Valley Community 57. College 750 Chase Parkway Waterbury, CT 06708 Yes Daniel F. McCarthy, Division Director Engineering Technology Founders Hall F104 203-569-8690 dmccarthy@nvcc.commnet.ed u 3200 East Cheyenne Avenue, T2E North Las Vegas, NV 89030 Yes Randy Harwood, Chair, Department of Computing & Engineering Technology 702-651-4641 702-651-4959 Community College of Southern Nevada 58. Peg Pankowski, Ed.D. Interim Dean, Division of Advanced & Applied Technologies -7- 0. College New York City College of Technology (CUNY) Address 300 Jay Street Brooklyn, New York 11201 ABET Department Head Yes Prof. Anthony Cioffi, Chairman, Civil Engineering Technology Contact Phone Number 718-260-5575 Dr. Sidi Berri, Professor, Chairman, Mechanical Engineering Technology Dr. Djafar Mynbaev Chairman, Department of Electrical Engineering Technology NHTI - (New Hampshire Technical 60. Institute) Concord’s Community College 31 College Drive Concord, NH 03301 Yes 61. 203 Price Hall Greensboro, NC 27411 Niagara County 62. Community College (SUNY) Prof. Seymour Blank, Chairman, Department of Computer Engineering Technology (AAS – Electromechanical Engineering Technology) 59. e-mail Liaquat Khan Department Head, Architectural Engineering Technology 603-271-7746 Yes Derrek B. Dunn, Associate Professor and Chairperson 336-334-7717 3111 Saunders Settlement Road Sanborn, NY 14132 Yes Pascal Zanzano, Program Coordinator Mechanical Technology 716-614-6871 Northeast Wisconsin 63. Technical College P.O. Box 19042 Green Bay WI 54307-9042 Yes Pam Mazur, Associate Dean Trades and Technical 920-498-6317 Northern Maine Community 64. College 33 Edgemont Drive Presque Isle, ME 04769 No Brian McDougal, PE Chairman, Trade and Technical Occupations Department 207-768-2763 NCA&TSU -8- Fax: 603-2717734 Fax:207-760-1191 0. College Address ABET Department Head Contact Phone Number e-mail Northern 65. Michigan University 1401 Presque Isle Ave. Marquette, MI 49855 Yes Michael D. Rudisill, PE Department Head Engineering Technology and Associate Professor 906-227-2190 Oakton 66. Community College 7701 Lincoln Avenue Skokie, IL 60077 Yes David Geller, Chair, Manufacturing Technology Program 847-376-7707 Onodaga 67. Community College 4941 Onondaga Road New York, NY 13215 Yes Robert S. Southworth, Associate Professor 315-498-8453 Orange 68. Community College (SUNY) 115 South Street Middletown, NY 10940 Yes Fern Steane, Chair 845-341-4523 P.O. Box 10,000 Oregon Road Toledo, Ohio 43699-1947 Yes Nerur Satish, Chairman 419-661-7456 Pellissippi State Technical 70. Community College 10915 Hardin Valley Rd Yes Margaret Ann Jeffries. PhD, ASID, IDEC Department Head, Engineering & Media Technologies 865-539-7084 Pennsylvania College of 71. Technology One College Avenue Williamsport, PA 17701 Tom Livingstone, Department Head, Department of Engineering Technologies 570-320-2400 Ext. 7583 Dhushy Sathianathan Head of the School of Engineering Design, Technology & Professional Programs (Central Office for all campuses) 814-865-7589 Myron D. Hartman, MS, SASHE, CCE, CRES, CBET Program Coordinator, Biomedical Engineering Technology 724-334-6712 Fax:724-334-6111 Mr. William Lauffer, Department Chair, Engineering Technology 301-322-0774 69. Owens Community College Pennsylvania State University P.O. Box 22990 Knoxville, TN 37933 213-D Hammond Bldg. University Park, PA 16802 No Yes 72. Penn State New Kensington 73. Prince George’s Community 74. College 3550 Seventh Street Road, Route 780 Upper Burrell, PA 150681798 Yes 301 Largo Road Largo, MD 20774 Yes -9- Fax:865-694-6426 Fax:570-320-5264 Fax: 814-8637229 Fax: 301-3220774 0. College Purdue College of Technology at Columbus Address 4555 Central Avenue Suite 1200 Columbus, IN 47203 ABET Department Head Yes John R. Hartin, PhD., Professor & Department Head, Mechanical Engineering Technology, A.S. Degree Program Henry Kraebber, PE, CPIM, Regenstrief Faculty Scholar Mechanical Engineering Technology, A.S. Degree Program 75. Purdue College of Technology at New Albany Contact Phone Number 812-314-8528 e-mail MET Office: 765-494-7514 (Fax: 765-4949652 @ Purdue Univ. 401 North Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2021 location) 765-454-5039 John R. Hartin, PhD., Department Head, Mechanical Engineering, A.S. Degree Program 4201 Grant Line Road New Albany, Indiana 47150-6405 812-941-2353 Robert Herrick, Department Head, Electrical Engineering Technology, A.S. Degree Program Purdue University North Central 1401 South US421 Westville, TN 46391 Yes Queensborough Community College (CUNY) 222-05 56th Avenue Technology Building Room T-20 Bayside, NY 11364 Yes 76. 77. Christopher J. Smith, Associate Professor and Program Coordinator for the Electrical & Computer Engineering Technology, A.S.Degree Program 219-785-5256 Stuart M. Asser, PE Professor and Chairman Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology 718-631-6207 Dr. James V. Valentino Chairman Mechanical Engineering Technology 718-631-6294 718-631-6366 Dr. David H. Lieberman Chairman Physics and Laser and Fiber Optics Engineering Technology -10- Fax: 219-7855539 0. College Address ABET Department Head Contact Phone Number e-mail Rhodes State 78. College 4240 Campus Drive Lima, OH 45804 Yes Thomas C. Selis, Chair, Electronic Engineering Department 419-995-8421 419-995-8095 (fax) Salt Lake Community 79. College 4600 S. Redwood Rd. Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 Yes Dr. Nick M. Safai, Ph.D. , Professor, Chair of Engineering Department, Coordinator for Engineering Programs 801-957-4785 website: Fax: 801-9574960 San Diego City College 1313 Park Blvd. San Diego, CA 92101 Yes Fred Julian, Chairperson Department of Mathematics, Engineering and Technologies Room A-107(d) 619-388-3720 San Juan College 4601 College Blvd. Farmington, NM 87402 Yes David M. Scott, Chair, Asst. Prof., Drafting & Design School of Business and Information Technology 505-566-3356 Schenectady County 82. Community College 78 Washington Avenue Schenectady, NY 12305 Yes Ruth McEvoy Chair, Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology 518-381-1268 Sinclair 83. Community College 444 West Third Street Dayton, OH 45402-1460 Yes Donald Homan 937-512-2570 South Seattle 84. Community College 6000 16th Ave. S.W. Seattle, WA 98106 Yes Southwestern Indian Polytechnic 85. Institute (SIPI) 9169 Coors Road Albuquerque, NM 87120 No 80. 81. Spartanburg 86. Community College P.O. Box 4386 Spartanburg, SC 29305 Fax: 937-5122936 Yes Mr. Loc H. Nguyen, Engineering Faculty Coordinator Nader Vadiee, PhD Coordinator/Faculty, Engineering Programs, Department of Advanced Technical Education (ATE) 206-768-6814 505-792-4618 , Joe Santangiello, Program Coordinator 864-592-4656 -11- Message: 505-346-7733 og/progstudy/divinstr/ate/ rs/ 0. College St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley Campus Address 3400 Pershall Road St. Louis, MO 63135-1408 ABET Yes Department Head Ashok Agrawal, M.S. P.E. Contact Phone Number 314-513-4535 e-mail Cell: 314-8538523 Fax: 314-5134047 87. Mr. Dale M. Gerstenecker, Department Chair – Engineering & Technology Stark State College of 88. Technology Yes North Canton, Ohio 44720 Frank A. Fuller, PhD. Department Chair, Engineering Technology 330-966-5461 Ext. 4636 Fax: 330-9666586 Technical Career Institutes 320 West 31 Street New York, NY 10001 Yes Mr. Jerome Zornesky, P.E., Chair, Electrical Engineering Technology & Computer Software Technology 212-594-4000 Ext. 5781 Southwest Tennessee Community College 5983 Macon Cove Memphis , TN 38134-7642 Yes Dr. Greg Maksi, Ph.D., P.E, - Department Chair of Engineering Technologies 901-333-4158 89. 90. 6200 Frank Avenue NW 314-513-4331 Fax: 901-3334496 Garry Spencer, Professor, Engineering Technologies Three Rivers Community 91. College – Thames Valley Campus Tompkins Cortland Community College (SUNY) 574 New London Turnpike, Norwich, CT 06360 Yes Prof. Anthony Benoit Director of Engineering Technology 860-885-2386 P.O. Box 139 170 North Street Dryden, NY 13053 Yes William Kleitz, Program Chair and Professor of Electrical Technology 607-844-8211 ext. 4417 Janet Swinnich, Professor of Physics, Electrical Technology, Engineering Science 607-844-8211 ext.4253 Tim Brown, PhD, PE, Program Coordinator, Electronics/General Engineering Technology 864-646-1404 92. Tri-County Technical College 93. P.O..Box 587 Pendleton, SC 29670 Yes Fax: 864-6461887 John Norris, Program -12- 0. College Address ABET Department Head Coordinator, Engineering Graphics Technology Roger Burgess, Department Head, Engineering Technology Utah Valley State College 800 W University Parkway Orem, Utah 84058 Yes 94. D. Dee Martin, Dean, School of Technology, Trades and Industry Tom McFarland, Interim Dean, School of Computer Science and Engineering Valley Innovation Alliance/Calhoun 95. Community College Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology PO Box 2216 Decatur, AL 35609-2216 Yes 86-01 23 Avenue Flushing, NY 11369 Yes Jerry Collins Contact Phone Number e-mail 864-646-1330 864-646-1329 801-863-8321 801-863-8995 256-306-2642 Fax: 256-3062877 Jerry.Collins@valleyinnovatio or 800-776-2376 ext. 278 Andrew Grossfield, Ph.D., P.E. – Department of Arts & Sciences 718-429-6600 Dr. Ralph M. Esposito, Chair, Electrical/Electromechan ical Engineering Technology 802-728-1219 Mr. Michael Marceau, Chair, Computer Engineering Technology 802-728-1307 Dr. Hossein Rahemi, Chair, Engineering and Technology Kalpana Jain 96. Vermont Technical College P.O. Box 500 Randolph Center, VT 05061 Yes 97. vm: 718-429-6600 ext. 644 or 1 644 Wake Technical Community 98. College 9101 Fayetteville Road Raleigh, NC 27603 Yes Mr. Robert E. Grove, Dean, Engineering Technology Division 919-661-3204 Walla Walla 99. Community College 500 Tausick Way Walla Walla, WA 99362 Yes Mr. Maury Forntey, P.E. Civil Engineering Technology 509-527-4217 -13- 0. College Washtenaw Community 100. College Westchester Community College (SUNY) Contact Phone Number Address ABET Department Head e-mail 4800 East Huron River Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Yes Frank Gerlite, Director Mechanical/Manufacturi ng Engineering Technology 734-973-3668 75 Grasslands Road Valhalla, NY 10595 Yes Professor Ernest Joerg, Curriculum Chair, Electrical Technology 914-606-6957 914-606-6942 Mr. Ron Rogillio, Chair, Science and Technology 304-766-4105 101. Professor Leonard Spina Curriculum Chair, Mechanical Technology West Virginia 102.State Community College PO Box 1000 Institute, WV 25112 Yes York Technical 103.College 452 South Anderson Rd Rock Hill, SC 29730 Yes Mohammad Hossain 803-981-7156 Zane State 104.College 1555 Newark Road Zanesville, Ohio 43701 Yes James R. Davis, PE 740-588-1297 -14- Fax: 304-7663118