Vocab for “summer” and “winter” activities + weather


FRENCH I – Advanced/Honors 1

Semester Outcomes, Semester TWO



Communicate in Languages Other Than English

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions

Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics

Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.


Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures

Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied

Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied


Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information

Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language

Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures


Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture

Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own

Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.


Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World

Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting

Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

TEXT: Bon Voyage, Level 1

*Advanced vs. Honors 1 levels: distinctions made as appropriate

SCOPE AND SEQUENCE: Chap 6-11 (unless chapter 5 not yet covered from 1 st semester)

Chap 6

7 days

= La Nourriture et les courses

Vocab and verbs for doing food shopping (page 217)

Partitive article / definite article (with negative too)

Verbs: faire, pouvoir, vouloir (present tense)

Irregular adjectives: bon/bonne, canadien/canadienne

 Chap 7 = Les Vêtements

6 days

Clothing Vocab and colors, Verbs (page 247)

Comparative Adj forms (plus, moins, aussi)

Verbs: mettre, croire, voir (present)

 Chap 8 = L’Aéroport et l’avion

6 days

Vocab and verbs for airport and airline travel (289)

Adjectives quel, tout (note changes in form for agreement with nouns)

Special Noun and adjective forms (journal =sing; journaux = pl)

Verbs: regular –ir in present (choisir, finir and others on p. 268)

Irregular “ir” forms = sortir, partir, dormir, servir (present tense) –page 272

 Chap 9 = La Gare et le Train

6 days

Vocab and verbs for trains and train travel (page 321)

Demonstrative adjectives (ce, cette, cet, etc.)

Verbs: regular –re in present (attendre, vendre and others on p. 300) irregular dire, lire, écrire

 Chap 10 = Les Sports

6 days

Vocab for team/individual sports and expressing past actions (page 353)

Passé Composé for regular verbs (conjugated with “avoir”)

Question Words quoi, qu’est-ce que, qui

Verbs: boire, devoir, recevoir (Be able to recognize and understand present forms)

 Chap 11= L’Été et l’Hiver

6 days

Vocab for “summer” and “winter” activities + weather expressions (page 385)

Verbs “prendre, comprendre, apprendre” (168)

Passé Composé (irregular verb forms conjugated with “avoir) – past participles on page 364

Using negative expressions (ne. .jamais, ne . . rien, ne . . personne, ne. . .plus) (367)

Recognizing past tense expressions conjugated with “etre” (369)

 Culture = Cities in France especially info on Paris. Most information as given in student projects ;specific ideas about dining out, shopping and travel in French culture taken from chapter topics


Students should be able to complete each area with at least 80% success score.


 Students are able to speak in the target language with minimal pronunciation and grammar errors.

 Students can form complete sentences using appropriate grammatical structures.

 Students can respond to personal questions with appropriate responses in complete sentences.

 Students can describe a picture in completes sentences using appropriate vocabulary.

 Students can speak fluidly with minimal pauses.

** Specific TASKS:

1. Students will be able to recite “Notre Pere” (Our Father) prayer learned as a class this semester from memory.

2. Students will answer personal questions randomly selected from group of 10-15 in complete sentences.

(Ad = 5; H1 = 3).


Students will describe two pictures from selected set (chosen at random) in complete sentences. (Ad = 4 sentences; H1 = 3 sentences)


Students can tell personal activities in three different tenses (present, past using passé compose, and future using near future) including “time” signal words as appropriate to signal tense.


 Students can listen to a short conversation in the target language and answer 4 or 5 questions about the content. (Multiple choice)

 Students can hear a question and choose the appropriate response. (Multiple choice)

 Students can listen to statements and match with a picture. (adv level has extra pictures)

 Students can decide if statement heard is about train or airplane travel

 Students can present or past tense in sentences heard

 Students can match statements to specific sport

**Specific TASKS:

Students will do the items above when listening to CD in target language. Teacher only read sections involving multiple choices again or play CD twice. Each task section has 4 to 10 items.


 Students can read a short paragraph and choose correct responses to multiple choice questions about the content. (Advanced has more items in this section)

 Students can match individual sentences to corresponding illustrations. (Advanced has sentences that do NOT have corresponding illustrations = more choices than needed)

 Students can choose most logical response to a question (multiple choice)

 Students can read a conversation in the target language and answer questions about it in


**Specific TASKS:

Each of the above areas has 5-8 task items to complete depending on level.


 Students can insert the present tense form of a specific verb into a sentence. (Advanced have more sentences = 10-15; hon 1 have no more than 10)

 Students can change sentences from present tense to past (Hon 1 will have less irregular verbs and they will be separated into sections)

 Students can choose the correct grammar form to make sentence correct (Adv have more of the difficult forms such as irregular adjectives, partitive articles, comparatives, etc)

 Students can give French equivalents for sentences in English with only minor surface errors.

 Students can respond to personal questions in complete sentences (Advanced sentences need to be at least 5 words long; hon 1 sentences must have subject, verb and 1-2 additional words)

 Students can write the logical question word needed when answer is given – word bank given with Adv having “extra” choices

 Students can choose between two illustrations and write a short paragraph/story describing the activity. (Adv = 6-8 sentences; hon 1 = 4-5 sentences; all levels need complete sentences, plentiful vocab, and accurate structures.

** Students can perform at 80% success rate per TASK section.
