FRENCH I – Advanced/Honors 1
Semester Outcomes, Semester TWO
Communicate in Languages Other Than English
Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions
Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics
Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied
Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied
Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information
Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language
Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures
Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own
Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World
Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting
Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
TEXT: Bon Voyage, Level 1
*Advanced vs. Honors 1 levels: distinctions made as appropriate
SCOPE AND SEQUENCE: Chap 6-11 (unless chapter 5 not yet covered from 1 st semester)
Chap 6
7 days
= La Nourriture et les courses
Vocab and verbs for doing food shopping (page 217)
Partitive article / definite article (with negative too)
Verbs: faire, pouvoir, vouloir (present tense)
Irregular adjectives: bon/bonne, canadien/canadienne
Chap 7 = Les Vêtements
6 days
Clothing Vocab and colors, Verbs (page 247)
Comparative Adj forms (plus, moins, aussi)
Verbs: mettre, croire, voir (present)
Chap 8 = L’Aéroport et l’avion
6 days
Vocab and verbs for airport and airline travel (289)
Adjectives quel, tout (note changes in form for agreement with nouns)
Special Noun and adjective forms (journal =sing; journaux = pl)
Verbs: regular –ir in present (choisir, finir and others on p. 268)
Irregular “ir” forms = sortir, partir, dormir, servir (present tense) –page 272
Chap 9 = La Gare et le Train
6 days
Vocab and verbs for trains and train travel (page 321)
Demonstrative adjectives (ce, cette, cet, etc.)
Verbs: regular –re in present (attendre, vendre and others on p. 300) irregular dire, lire, écrire
Chap 10 = Les Sports
6 days
Vocab for team/individual sports and expressing past actions (page 353)
Passé Composé for regular verbs (conjugated with “avoir”)
Question Words quoi, qu’est-ce que, qui
Verbs: boire, devoir, recevoir (Be able to recognize and understand present forms)
Chap 11= L’Été et l’Hiver
6 days
Vocab for “summer” and “winter” activities + weather expressions (page 385)
Verbs “prendre, comprendre, apprendre” (168)
Passé Composé (irregular verb forms conjugated with “avoir) – past participles on page 364
Using negative expressions (ne. .jamais, ne . . rien, ne . . personne, ne. . .plus) (367)
Recognizing past tense expressions conjugated with “etre” (369)
Culture = Cities in France especially info on Paris. Most information as given in student projects ;specific ideas about dining out, shopping and travel in French culture taken from chapter topics
Students should be able to complete each area with at least 80% success score.
Students are able to speak in the target language with minimal pronunciation and grammar errors.
Students can form complete sentences using appropriate grammatical structures.
Students can respond to personal questions with appropriate responses in complete sentences.
Students can describe a picture in completes sentences using appropriate vocabulary.
Students can speak fluidly with minimal pauses.
** Specific TASKS:
1. Students will be able to recite “Notre Pere” (Our Father) prayer learned as a class this semester from memory.
2. Students will answer personal questions randomly selected from group of 10-15 in complete sentences.
(Ad = 5; H1 = 3).
Students will describe two pictures from selected set (chosen at random) in complete sentences. (Ad = 4 sentences; H1 = 3 sentences)
Students can tell personal activities in three different tenses (present, past using passé compose, and future using near future) including “time” signal words as appropriate to signal tense.
Students can listen to a short conversation in the target language and answer 4 or 5 questions about the content. (Multiple choice)
Students can hear a question and choose the appropriate response. (Multiple choice)
Students can listen to statements and match with a picture. (adv level has extra pictures)
Students can decide if statement heard is about train or airplane travel
Students can present or past tense in sentences heard
Students can match statements to specific sport
**Specific TASKS:
Students will do the items above when listening to CD in target language. Teacher only read sections involving multiple choices again or play CD twice. Each task section has 4 to 10 items.
Students can read a short paragraph and choose correct responses to multiple choice questions about the content. (Advanced has more items in this section)
Students can match individual sentences to corresponding illustrations. (Advanced has sentences that do NOT have corresponding illustrations = more choices than needed)
Students can choose most logical response to a question (multiple choice)
Students can read a conversation in the target language and answer questions about it in
**Specific TASKS:
Each of the above areas has 5-8 task items to complete depending on level.
Students can insert the present tense form of a specific verb into a sentence. (Advanced have more sentences = 10-15; hon 1 have no more than 10)
Students can change sentences from present tense to past (Hon 1 will have less irregular verbs and they will be separated into sections)
Students can choose the correct grammar form to make sentence correct (Adv have more of the difficult forms such as irregular adjectives, partitive articles, comparatives, etc)
Students can give French equivalents for sentences in English with only minor surface errors.
Students can respond to personal questions in complete sentences (Advanced sentences need to be at least 5 words long; hon 1 sentences must have subject, verb and 1-2 additional words)
Students can write the logical question word needed when answer is given – word bank given with Adv having “extra” choices
Students can choose between two illustrations and write a short paragraph/story describing the activity. (Adv = 6-8 sentences; hon 1 = 4-5 sentences; all levels need complete sentences, plentiful vocab, and accurate structures.
** Students can perform at 80% success rate per TASK section.