Nombre: Español 2 Bloque: Apuntes del capítulo 1, parte 1 / Chapter

Español 2
Apuntes del capítulo 1, parte 1 / Chapter 1, Part 1 Notes
1) Present Tense of “-ar” Verbs in Spanish
a. What is a verb?_______________________________
b. What does it mean to conjugate a verb?_____________________________________
c. What is an infinitive verb?_______________________________________________
d. Give an example of a verb in the infinitive verb form in English:
i. ________________________________
e. In Spanish, all infinitive verbs end in either__________, ___________, or________.
f. Write the meanings of the following verbs in the blank spaces provided.
confirmar (el vuelo)
tomar (un taxi)
facturar (el equipaje)
pasar (por la aduana/por seguridad)
g. How do you conjugate present tense “-ar” verbs in Spanish?
i. Go to the______________________form of a verb.
1. EX. viajar----------to travel
ii. Drop the___________________________.
1. EX. viaj—
iii. Add the appropriate ending.
1. EX. Yo contesto-----------I answer
h. List the appropriate endings for present tense “-ar” verbs in Spanish.
REMEMBER! Where do you attach these
j. Conjugate the verb in parentheses in the blank space provided. Then, translate what the
sentence means in English on the line below. Follow the example.
i. EX. Yo paso (pasar) por seguridad.
I go through security.
ii. Tú _______________(confirmar) el vuelo. (“a” means “to”)
iii. Ellos ________________(facturar) el equipaje.
iv. Nosotros _______________(tomar) un taxi.
v. Ana y yo __________________(pasar) por la aduana.
vi. Yo _____________________(abordar) el vuelo.
vii. Ustedes___________________(llamar) al agente de viajes.
k. Write the following sentences in Spanish on the lines provided.
i. They pass/go through customs.
ii. I take a taxi to the train station.
iii. He checks the luggage in (en) the baggage claim.
iv. You (singular, informal) confirm the flight.
v. We call the travel agent. (“to” is “a” in Spanish)
l. Questions with Verbs
i. In Spanish, to make any statement a question, all you usually need to do is
add_________________________________both before (upside down) and
after (regular) the sentence.
ii. Adding the question marks generally makes the question start with what word in
1. EX. Hablas español.--------------------You speak Spanish.
2. EX. ¿Hablas español?------------------Do you speak Spanish?
iii. Keep in mind that the subject pronouns (yo, tú, él, ella, usted, nosotros, ellos, ellas,
ustedes) are not always necessary.
1. We use the subject pronouns for em_____________.
iv. What does the word “qué” mean?____________________________
v. Whenever a question is asked in the “tú” form (-as ending), you answer in
1. EX. ¿Usas la computadora?----------------Do you use the computer?
Sí, yo uso la computadora. -----------Yes, I use the computer.
vi. HINT! HINT! HINT! IMPORTANT! Whenever a question is asked in the
“ustedes” form, you answer in the________________________form.
1. EX. ¿Qué toman ustedes? ---------------------------What do you all take?
Nosotros tomamos el taxi. -------------------We take the taxi.
vii. Whenever a question is asked in the “ellos” form / or if there are two or more
names listed, you answer in the _______________________form.
1. EX. ¿Ellos abordan el vuelo?-------------Do they board the flight?
Sí, ellos abordan el vuelo. ---------Yes, they board the flight.
viii. Answer the following question “tú” form questions about yourself in a complete
Spanish sentence. Remember, these questions are asking about YOU, so you answer
with “yo.” Follow the example.
1. EX. ¿Pasas por la aduana?-----------Do you go through customs?
Sí, yo paso por la aduana.------Yes, I go through customs.
2. ¿Pasas por seguridad?
3. ¿Facturas el equipaje?
4. ¿Confirmas el vuelo?
ix. Answer the following questions with the appropriate response. Use the cues in
parentheses. Follow the example.
1. EX. ¿Toman ustedes apuntes? (sí)----------------------Do you all take notes?
Do you all take notes? (yes)------------------------Yes, we take notes.
2. ¿Confirman ustedes el vuelo? (sí)
3. ¿Toman ustedes un taxi? (sí)
4. ¿Facturan ustedes el equipaje? (no)
2) El verbo “tener” / The Verb “Tener” (to have) in Spanish
a. List the subject pronouns in Spanish in the table provided.
1st Person
2nd Person
(You / informal)
1st Person
2nd Person
( You all / informal)
3rd Person
3rd Person
(They / masc./mix)
3rd Person
3rd Person
(They / feminine)
3rd Person
(You / formal)
3rd Person
(You all / formal)
b. Let’s learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb “tener.”
c. What does the verb “tener” mean?______________________________
i. EX. I have math class.
d. Conjugate “tener”
e. Tener: to______________________
I have
you (sing./inf.) have
he has
she has
you (sing./form.) have
(name) has
(name y name)
We have
They have
They (fem.) have
you all have
(name and name) have
f. Notice! Tener is an_________________verb. It_______________follow the normal
formula for “er” verbs in Spanish.
g. What forms of “tener” don’t have an “ie” in their conjugated
h. Conjugate the correct form of the verb “tener” in the blank spaces provided based upon
the subject of the sentence. Follow the example.
i. EX. Tú tienes las matemáticas a las ocho.
ii. Yo______________el pasaporte.
iii. Ellos_________________el traje de baño.
iv. Nosotros_________________el equipaje.
v. Tú___________________la pantalla.
vi. Juan____________________el itinerario.
vii. Ella_____________________que tomar un taxi.
viii. Ana y Sandra_____________________los boletos.
Write the following sentences in Spanish on the lines provided. They use a form of
i. We have the round trip ticket.
ii. I have a bathing suit.
iii. You (singular, informal) have the boarding pass.
iv. He has the passport.
v. They have the identification.
j. Answering questions with “tener”
i. Answer the following questions in Spanish in complete sentences using the above
information as a guide. Use the cues in parentheses as a guide. Follow the example.
1. EX. ¿Tienes el traje de baño? (sí) ---- Do you have the bathing suit?
Sí, yo tengo el traje de baño. ------ Yes, I have the bathing suit.
2. ¿Tienes el pasaporte? (sí)
3. ¿Tienen ustedes el boleto? (sí)
4. ¿Tienes la puerta? (no)
5. ¿Tienen ustedes las tarjetas de embarque? (no)
3) El verbo “hacer” / The verb “hacer”
a. What does the verb “hacer” mean in English?_________________________________
b. Conjugate the verb “hacer” in the box below.
Hacer: to________________________
(I do/make)
(we do/make)
(you do/make)(informal)
(he does/makes)
(she does/makes)
(you do/make)
(person does/makes)
(name y name)
(they do/make)
(they do/make) (fem.)
(you all do/make)
(people do/make)
c. In what form is there a difference between normal “-er” verbs and the verb
d. Is this verb otherwise conjugated the same way as an “-er” verb in
Conjugate the appropriate form of “hacer” in the blank spaces provided. Then, write what
it means in English on the line below. Follow the example.
EX. Ustedes hacen la sopa.
You all make the soup.
i. Ustedes__________________la maleta.
ii. Nosotros___________________un viaje.
iii. Yo____________________cola.
iv. Tú__________________el itinerario.
f. “Hacer” with Questions
i. Respond to the following questions using a complete Spanish sentence. Follow the
example. Use the clues in parentheses.
EX. ¿Haces la hamburguesa? (no)
Yo no hago la hamburguesa.
1. ¿Qué haces? (la maleta)
2. ¿Qué hacen ustedes? (el viaje)
3. ¿Haces el pasaporte? (sí)
4. ¿Hacen ustedes el itinerario? (sí) (Give this one a try! You can do it!)
4) El verbo “ver” / The verb “ver”
a. What does the verb “ver” mean in English?_________________________________
b. Conjugate the verb “ver” in the box below.
ver: to________________________
(I see)
(we see)
(you see)(informal)
(he sees)
(she sees)
(you see)
(person sees)
(name y name)
(they see)
(they see) (fem.)
(you all see)
(people see)
c. Conjugate the appropriate form of “ver” in the blank spaces provided. Then, write what it
means in English on the line below. Follow the example.
EX. Ustedes dan la identificación
You all give the identification.
i. Tú__________________el equipaje.
ii. Ellos___________________el itinerario.
iii. Yo____________________el boleto.
iv. Nosotros__________________el pasaporte.
d. “Ver” with Questions
i. Respond to the following questions using a complete Spanish sentence. Follow the
example. Use the clues in parentheses.
EX. ¿Ves la pantalla? (sí)
Sí, yo veo la pantalla
1. ¿Qué ven ustedes? (la puerto)
2. ¿Qué ves? (el reclamo de equipaje)
3. ¿Ves el traje de baño? (sí)
4. ¿Ven ustedes el aeropuerto? (sí)
5) Personal “a”
a. Unlike English, whenever a person is the object of a v____________ in Spanish, the
personal_______must be used after___________ and before the person that is the
ii. The personal “a” is typically used with the verb___________________.
iii. Whenever you (or whoever) sees a PERSON, you will put the “a”
directly_________________the person.
1. EX.: Yo veo a una mujer.------------I see a woman.
iv. Whenever you (or whoever) sees an OBJECT THAT ISN’T A PERSON,
you________________the personal “a”
1. EX. Yo veo la puerta.---------------I see the gate.
b. Write the following sentences that use “ver.” Some will require the personal “a” (if seeing
a person), and some will NOT use the personal “a” (if seeing an object.)
i. We see the passengers.
ii. They see the luggage.
iii. You (singular/informal) see the boarding pass.
iv. I see the flight attendant.
v. He sees the passport.
6) El verbo “ir” / The Verb “ir” – “to go”
a. Conjugate the verb “ir” in the box below.
(1st person) yo
(I go)
(1st person) nosotros(as)
(2nd person) tú
(you go/inf.)
(2nd person) vosotros(as)
(3rd person)
(we go)
(3rd person)
(He goes)
(She goes)
(You go/formal)
(they go/masculine/mix)
(they go / feminine)
(you all go)
b. Conjugate a form of the verb “ir” in the blank space provided.
i. Ustedes___________________a la puerta.
ii. Tú______________________a la parade de autobus.
iii. Nosotros___________________al aeropuerto.
iv. Marco y yo___________________a la agencia de viajes.
v. Ellos_______________________a la oficina de turismo.
c. Using the Verb “Ir” to Talk About Future Events
i. There is another use of the verb “ir.” It can be used to say “going to do
1. E.X. I am going to take a taxi.
2. E.X. You are going to board the flight.
ii. How do we set that up in Spanish? Write the formula on the line below to say
“going to….” in Spanish.
1. ___________________+___________+________________________
iii. What is an infinitive verb?_________________________________________
iv. List the meanings of the verbs in the spaces below.
facturar (el equipaje)
tomar (un taxi)
confirmar (el vuelo)
pasar (por la aduana/por seguridad)
hacer (la maleta/un viaje)
v. Conjugate a form of “ir” in the blank space provided. Then, write what the
sentence means in English on the line below. Follow the example.
Nosotros vamos a facturar el equipaje.
We are going to check the luggage.
1. Ellos_____________a tomar un taxi.
2. Yo_______________a viajar.
3. Tú_______________a hacer la maleta.
vi. Write the following “going to…” sentences in Spanish.
1. I am going to check the luggage.
2. We are going to confirm a flight.
3. They are going to go through security.
7) Direct Object Pronouns
a. Direct objects receive_________________________in a sentence.
i. EX. I have the passport.
b. Direct object pronouns________________________of direct object nouns
i. EX I have the passport. BECOMES: I have it.
c. Direct objects answer the question___________________or__________________
Bill hit the ball.
Sherry hit Bill.
Bill hit what?
Sherry hit whom?
Bill hit the ball.
Sherry hit Bill.
What is the DO?___________
What is the DO?__________________
d. Fill in the chart below which shows the direct object pronouns that replace nouns in
You (formal), him, it
You (formal), her, it
You all, them
You all, them
e. Great! These are generally used to say, “it” or “them” in English.
i. EX. I have the itinerary.---------Replace “itinerary”----------I have it.
ii. EX. We have the passports.-----Replace “passports”----------We have them.
f. Let’s find out what direct object pronouns to use based upon what nouns we wish to
i. If the direct object pronoun is replacing a masculine, singular noun,
1. EX. El boleto (ticket) ---------masculine, singular----------lo (it)
ii. If the direct object pronoun is replacing a feminine, singular noun,
1. EX. La maleta (suitcase)-------feminine, singular---------la (it)
iii. If the direct object pronoun is replacing a masculine, plural noun,
1. EX. Los vuelos (flights)--------masculine, plural---------los (them)
iv. If the direct object pronoun is replacing a feminine, plural noun,
1. EX. las pantallas (monitors)------feminine, plural-------las (them)
g. Replace the following nouns with the correct direct object pronoun. You will use either lo,
la, los, or las. Follow the example.
EX. lo el aeropuerto
________el vuelo
_________las maletas
________las llegadas
_________los pasajeros
________los boletos
_________el equipaje
________la identificación
_________la puerta
h. Let’s find out how to use direct object pronouns in sentences.
Direct object pronouns are placed directly________________a conjugated verb.
i. EX. Yo tengo la maleta.----------replaced by:----------Yo la tengo. (Before verb!)
(I have the suitcase.)
(I have it.)
ii. EX. Tú ves las puertas.----------replaced by:----------Tú las ves.
(You see the gates.)
(Before verb!)
(You see them.)
j. Re-write the following sentences by replacing the bolded and underlined items with a
direct object pronoun (lo, la, los, las.) Follow the example. Write your answers on the line
EX. Juan tiene el boleto. (Juan has the ticket.)
Juan lo tiene. (Juan has it.)
i. Nosotros tenemos los vuelos.
ii. Ellos ven el pasaporte.
iii. Yo tengo el traje de baño.
iv. Ella ve la puerta.
v. Tú ves las pantallas.
vi. Ustedes tienen la tarjeta de embarque.
vii. Marco y yo vemos los aeropuertos.
k. When an infinitive verb follows a conjugated verb, the direct object pronoun can be placed
in two different locations:
i. ______________________________________________________
Yo voy a hacer la maleta.
(I’m going to pack the suitcase.)
Yo la voy a hacer.
(I’m going to pack it.)
ii. ______________________________________________________
1. Yo voy a hacer la maleta.
(I’m going to pack the suitcase.)
2. Yo voy a hacerla.
(I’m going to pack it.)
Using the above information as a guide, rewrite the sentences in both ways (before the
conjugated verb/attached to the infinitive verb.) Replace the bold and underlined words
with the correct direct object pronoun (lo, la, los, las.) Follow the example.
EX: Tú vas a tomar el taxi.
Tú lo vas a tomar. (before the conjugated verb)
Tú vas a tomarlo. (attached to the infinitive verb)
i. Nosotros vamos a reclamar el equipaje.
1. _____________________________________(before conjugated verb)
2. ____________________________________(attached to infinitive)
ii. Ella va a abordar el vuelo.
1. ____________________________________(before conjugated verb)
2. ____________________________________(attached to infinitive)
iii. Tú vas a usar los boletos.
1. ___________________________________(before conjugated verb)
2. ___________________________________(attached to infinitive)
iv. Ellos van a dar la identificación.
1. ___________________________________(before conjugated verb)
2. ___________________________________(attached to infinitive)
m. More Direct Object Pronoun Practice
i. Circle or underline the word that is replaced by the pronoun. The direct object
pronoun is the bolded item in each sentence. Follow the example.
EX. No puedo encontrarlo.
La maleta
el pasaporte
la tarjeta
1. Nosotros vamos a comprarla.
La maleta
el traje de baño
el aeropuerto
el equipaje
la identificación
la salida
los boletos
el itinerario
las maletas
los pasajeros
la maleta
2. La vamos a usar.
el pasaporte
3. Yo voy a necesitarlos.
El aeropuerto
4. Lo tengo.
la pantalla
5. Ella va a hacerla.
El reclamo
n. Answering Questions with Direct Object Pronouns
i. REMEMBER: When a question is asked in the “tú” form, you answer in the
EX. ¿Tienes el boleto?
Sí, lo tengo.
ii. REMEMBER: When a question is asked in the “ustedes” form, you answer in
EX. ¿Tienen ustedes la maleta?
Sí, la tenemos.
iii. REMEMBER: When a question is asked in the “ellos” form, you answer in
EX. ¿Tienen ellos el vuelo?
Sí, lo tienen.
iv. Answer the following questions in a complete Spanish sentence. HOWEVER, there
is a catch. In your answer be sure to replace the bolded item in the question with
the correct direct object pronoun (lo, la, los, las.) Follow the example.
EX. ¿Tienen ustedes la tarjeta? (sí)
Sí, la tenemos.
1. ¿Tienes las puertas? (sí)
2. ¿Tienen ellos el equipaje? (sí)
3. ¿Tienen ustedes la identificación? (sí)
4. ¿Tienes los pasaportes? (no)
5. ¿Tienen ustedes el itinerario? (no)
8) The Verbs “Decir” and “Dar”
a. What does the verb “decir” mean in English?________________________________
b. Conjugate the verb “decir” in the table below.
(1st person) yo
(I say/tell)
(1st person) nosotros(as)
(2nd person) tú
(you say/tell) (inf.)
(2nd person) vosotros(as)
(3rd person)
(we say)
(3rd person)
(He says/tells)
(She says/tells)
(You say/tell) (formal)
(they say/tell)
(they say/tell)
(you all say/tell)
c. Conjugate a form of the verb “decir – to say/to tell” in the blank spaces below.
i. Ustedes______________(decir) el número.
ii. Yo__________________(decir) el agente de viajes.
iii. Tú__________________(decir) el nombre del aeropuerto.
iv. Juan y yo_________________(decir) el número de la puerta.
v. Ella____________________(decir) el nombre de la estación.
vi. Antonio__________________(decir) el número del vuelo.
vii. Ellos_____________________(decir) el nombre de la aerolínea.
viii. Silvia y María_________________(decir) el nombre de la agencia de viajes.
d. El verbo “dar” / The verb “dar”
i. What does the verb “dar” mean in
e. Conjugate the verb “dar” in the box below.
dar: to________________________
(I give)
(we give)
(you give)(informal)
(he gives)
(she gives)
(you give)
(person gives)
(name y name)
(they give)
(they give) (fem.)
(you all give)
(people give)
g. Conjugate the appropriate form of “dar” in the blank spaces provided. Then, write what it
means in English on the line below. Follow the example.
EX. Ustedes dan la identificación
You all give the identification.
i. Tú__________________el equipaje.
ii. Ellos___________________el itinerario.
iii. Yo____________________el boleto.
iv. Nosotros__________________el pasaporte.
9) Indirect Object Pronouns
i. Indirect objects pronouns tell__________or____________whom an action is
being performed.
EX. My dad tells me the answer.
EX. The travel agent gives us the itinerary.
EX. The passengers tell you the gate number.
ii. In Spanish, indirect object pronouns__________________objects that act as
indirect objects.
iii. For each of the following ENGLISH sentences, write what the IOP is on the blank
space provided. Follow the example.
EX. ___ME___ Juan gives me the taxi.
1. __________John gives us the answer.
2. __________She tells us the flight number.
3. __________I tell you the name.
4. __________We give them the passport.
5. __________They give you the itinerary.
iv. Fill in the chart below with the correct indirect object pronouns in Spanish.
me (a mí)
us (a nosotros)
you (a ti)
you (formal), him, her
(a usted, a él, a ella)
(a name)
You all, them
(a ustedes, a ellos, a ellas)
(a names)
v. In what forms are the indirect object pronouns and direct object pronouns the
vi. In what forms are the indirect object pronouns and direct object pronouns
vii. Just like direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns are placed
directly_______________________the conjugated verb.
Yo te doy la maleta.-------------------------I give you the suitcase.
viii. Also, just like direct object pronouns, the indirect object pronouns can
be________________________to an infinitive verb.
Yo voy a darte la maleta.----------------I am going to give you the suitcase.
Yo te voy a dar la maleta.---------------I am going to give you the suitcase.
ix. Generally speaking, the following is how you set up a sentence in Spanish that has an
indirect object pronoun:
Subject + IOP + Conjugated Verb + Other Information
el itinerario
(She gives me the itinerary.)
x. Complete the following sentences with the correct indirect object pronoun (me, te,
le, nos, les) in the blank space. The words in parentheses at the end of the
sentence will tell you what indirect object pronoun to use. Follow the example.
EX. Yo__le__doy la maleta (a Juan.)
1. Tú__________das el equipaje (a nosotros.)
2. Nosotros____________decimos el nombre del aeropuerto (a ellos.)
3. Ellos______________dan el pasaporte (a mí.)
4. Yo________________doy el itinerario (a ti.)
5. Juan________________habla (a Juan y a Mario.)
6. Tú_________________el boleto (a Ana.)
7. Yo_________________la identificación (al agente.)
xi. To whom? For whom? Choose the correct translation of the sentence. Circle your
1. Les damos los boletos.
a. She gives me the tickets.
b. We give them the tickets.
c. They give us the tickets.
2. Me dices el nombre.
a. I tell you the name.
b. You tell me the name.
c. They tell you the name.
3. Te hablo.
a. I talk to you.
b. You talk to me.
c. They talk to you.
4. Nos dan el pasaporte.
a. They give you the passport.
b. We give them the passport.
c. They give us the passport.
xii. REMEMBER! When an infinitive (unconjugated) verb comes after a conjugated
verb, the IOP (me, te, le, nos, les) can be attached:
1. ________________________the conjugated verb.
a. Le voy a vender mi coche. ( a Sara)
2. ________________________to the infinitive verb.
a. Voy a venderle mi coche. (a Sara)
xiii. Listed below are sentences where the IOP is either placed BEFORE the conjugated
verb or ATTACHED to the infinitive verb. Depending on what the original sentence
is, re-write it in the opposite way. For example, if the IOP in the original sentence
is placed BEFORE the conjugated verb, rewrite the sentence with the IOP attached
to the infinitive.
1. Te voy a dar la maleta.
2. Me vas a dar el itinerario.
3. Voy a darles el traje de baño.
4. Nos van a dar el equipaje.
5. Van a darle
xiv. Put the following components into sentences. The bolded items are what you will
replace with IOPs. REMEMBER! The IOP is placed directly BEFORE the
conjugated verb. Follow the example.
EX. el agente / vender / los boletos / a nosotros
El agente nos vende los boletos.
1. Tú / dar / el pasaporte / a mí
2. Ustedes / regalar / el traje de baño / a nosotros
3. Nosotros / dar / el itinerario / a los agentes
4. Yo / pagar / 200 pesos / a ti
xv. Let’s now put all of this together. Write out the following statements that use an
indirect object pronoun. Use the formula below that we learned earlier to write out
the sentences.
Subject + IOP + Conjugated Verb + Other Information
el itinerario
(She gives me the itinerary.)
1. I give you the luggage.
2. We give them the suitcase.
3. She gives me the bathing suit.
4. They give us the ticket.
5. You make us the itinerary.
6. I give the travel agents the boarding pass.
b. Indirect Object Pronouns with Questions
i. When dealing with questions that involve indirect object pronouns, you must be sure
to answer with the correct indirect object pronoun.
ii. If a question is asked that involves “te – to you,” your answer will
¿Quién te da el boleto?-------------Who gives you the ticket?
El agente de viajes me da el boleto.---The travel agent gives me the ticket.
iii. If a question is asked that involves “les (a ustedes),” your answer will
¿Quién les da el dinero a ustedes?---Who gives you all the money?
Mi padre nos da el dinero.------------My father gives us the money.
iv. If a question is asked that involves “me – to me,” your answer will
¿Quién va a darme el pasaporte?---Who is going to give me the passport?
El agente va a darte el pasaporte.---The agent is going to give you the
v. If a question is asked that involves “le – to him, her…any single name,” your response
will include____________________.
¿Quién le da el boleto a Juan?---Who gives Juan the ticket?
Yo le doy el boleto a Juan.-----I give Juan the ticket.
vi. Answer the following questions in Spanish with the appropriate indirect object
pronoun. Use the subject in parentheses as the subject in your response. Follow
the example.
EX. ¿Quién te da el equipaje? (tú)
Tú me das el equipaje.
1. ¿Quién les da la pantalla? (Juan)
2. ¿Quién me da la identificación? (ellos)
3. ¿Quién le da el boleto a Ana? (yo)
4. ¿Quién te da la maleta? (tú)