Proposed amendments to the AWTE UK Bye-Laws 2014 The main change in the Bye-Laws concerns the position of Honorary Members. Until now, Honorary Members have been retired Members who in the past have significantly contributed to the success of AWTE. As part of AWTE’s 60th Anniversary the Board decided to offer Honorary membership to all past Chairwomen, many of whom are still active in the industry. It was therefore felt that they should be given full voting rights. At the same time the position of Director of Honoraries and Associates has become superfluous as events are generally open to all Members and will be organised and co-ordinated by the Events Director. With the above in mind, the following amendments are proposed to the latest version of the AWTE UK Bye-Laws (2014). Item 3. THE BOARD a. Delete “... and Honoraries and Associates” If the above item is passed the following changes become necessary: c. Line 1: delete “with the exception of the Chairman of the Honoraries and Associates” Item 7. Para 1: Replace “seven sub-committees” with “six areas of responsibility” and “Directors” The new paragraph to read: “There shall be six main areas of responsibility reporting to the Board, each chaired by a Director who will ensure any expenditure conforms to the agreed budget. The terms of reference of the Directors shall be as follows:” Rationale: sub-committees do not exist in practice Para 7.7. delete Rationale: position no longer exists if item 3.a. passed Item 8. MEMBERSHIP b.iii. delete “to attend the AGM” Rationale: all Members are eligible and indeed welcome to attend the AGM c., line 2: delete “only for the Honorary and Associates Chairman at General meetings” add: “at the AGM, at an EGM or by proxy”. d., lines 4-8: delete insert new paragraph: “Associate Members may be co-opted by the Board for any office except Chairman or Vice Chairman and subsequently may be elected to that office by the membership entitled to vote. Associate Members may not vote at the AGM, any EGM or by proxy. Should the Member re-join as an Active Member, the period of Associate membership shall be considered part of the continuous membership period.” Rationale: to clarify the Associates’ voting privileges The following amendments are editorial in character: Item 3: THE BOARD b. Line 1: replace “Active Members” with “Directors” Item 8: MEMBERSHIP g. line 1: replace “Membership Chairman and approved by the Board” with “Membership Director and approved by her” Rationale: to clarify the Membership Director’s authority Item 10: POWERS OF THE BOARD a. delete “subject to consultation with the membership” f. Replace “sub-committees” with “working groups” Rationale: to reflect actual practice Item 11: GENERAL MEETINGS c. Delete Rationale: no longer relevant Item 5. FINANCIAL MATTERS c. Change “The Association’s financial year is 1 February to 31 January “ to “1 April to 31 March” Rationale: to bring the Association’s financial year into line with its membership year