Geography and Absolute Location - Mrs. Henrie's 6th Grade Science

Geography and Absolute
North Carolina Essential Standards
• Standard- (6.G.1)-Understand geographic
features that influenced the emergence,
expansion and decline of civilizations,
societies and regions over time.
Standard (6.G.2)-Apply the tools of a
geographer to understand the emergence,
expansion and decline of civilizations,
societies and regions
9/22Today’s Agenda
1. Warm UP – What does the picture mean?
2. Test Corrections/Test Make UP – complete
3. When you have finished your test
corrections, turn in to Mrs. Henrie
4. Work on coloring the “ ELEMENTS ON A
MAP” worksheet I passed out last Friday! See
me for a quick check of your progress
5. When everyone has finished their
corrections we will go over the worksheet as a
9/24/2015 Warm - UP
Turn in your science composition book. PLEASE Stack them in
your block’s basket on the side counter
Start your social studies’ composition book!!!
On the first page – front and back – create your Table of Contents
Title the second page Cochrane Expectations and number from 1
In the middle of the second page write the word GOALS and
number from 1-4. Write your social studies goal for the first
On the back of the second page, place the number 1 in the top
left corner!
# 3 On the back of the second page put today’s date, 9/24/2015
What is social studies? What are the 5 Elements of a Map?
RESPOND – be ready to share
9/24/2015 Today’s agenda
• Warm-UP
• Finish up Elements on a Map worksheet –
turn in
• Study Guide/World Contents Map – add to
Composition Book
• Guided Notes: Reading a map/Types of maps
• Chrome book - Map Skills games: Slide #23
• Blk #3*Geography = the study of the Earth.
• Geographers - people who study geography.
• One way geographers study the Earth is by reading
• Maps have 5 basic elements – *Elements of a Map
1. Title – What is the title of our map? Why do we have
to have a title?
Contiguous - ??????????????
2. Legend –What kinds of things are shown on a legend?
3. Scale – What is the purpose of a scale?
4. Blk #1 Compass rose – What does this tell you?
cardinal directions vs intermediate directions
5. Inset map – What does the inset map show you?
Let’s look at/label/highlight our Map
The Contiguous United States
• Document viewer – Worksheet
• With a Partner (25 min)- Finish up the
questions on the back
• Do the CHALLENGE with your partner
• Turn In to Mrs. Henrie
Study Guide and World Continents Map
Tape Study Guide to page 1
Tape World Continents Map to page 2
Label your table of contents
Vocabulary – study guide…let’s discuss vocabulary place
definitions in our comp book and on the back of our
World Continents maps
• ***Geographic features – the study of the natural features of the
earth's surface; EX: mountains, lakes, rivers, oceans, canyons
• ****Absolute location – the exact location of a place on Earth,
latitude and longitude
• Latitude- the distance of any object measured north and south
from the equator, Latitude is measured in *degrees*.
• Longitude - distance measured in degrees east or west from an
imaginary line ( prime meridian) that goes from the North Pole to
the South Pole and that passes through Greenwich, England
• Equator - 0 degrees latitude: an imaginary line around the Earth
forming the great circle that is the same distance from the north
and south poles; "the equator is the boundary between the
northern and southern hemispheres"
• Prime meridian - 0 degrees longitude; “the prime meridian is the
boundary between the eastern and western hemispheres”
Guided Notes
• Please log into your chrome books
• Go to -
• Click on Menu: - Social Studies Daily lessons and
Study Guide.
• Complete the Guided Notes – Due end of class
• When you finish - review with the Map Skills
using the game links on slide #23
• Do not go any farther!!!!!
Geography - Map skills cont.
Reading a Map
• First you have to Choose the right map!
• There are several types of maps. Each map can
show different information.
• Climate maps - give general information about the
climate and precipitation (rain and snow) of a
• Economic or resource maps feature the type
of natural resources or economic activity that
dominates an area. EX: oranges on a map of
Florida tell you that oranges are grown there.
• What might be on a economic or resource
map of North Carolina?
• Physical maps illustrate the physical features
of an area, such as the mountains, rivers and
lakes. Ex: water is usually shown in blue.
Different colors are used to show differences
in land elevations. EX: Hills may be brown
than flat land may be green
Economic map of Africa
Physical Map of Italy
• Political maps (do not show physical features.)
show state and national boundaries; capitals
and major cities.
– A capital city is usually marked with a star within
a circle.
• Road maps show major—some minor
highways—and roads, airports, railroad
tracks, cities and other points of interest in
an area. People use road maps to plan trips
and for driving directions.
Road map of Charlotte
• 4. Topographic Map
• Have contour lines to show the shape and
elevation of an area.
• When contour lines are close together, this
means it is steep land; hills - mountains
• When the contour lines are further apart, it is
flatter land
When you read a map make sure:
1. Check the title – Is this the map you need?????
2. Check the map's orientation. Most maps are drawn
with north located at the top. Look for the Compass
3. Understand the scale of the map. The map scale
shows you a ratio of map distance to real distance.
4. Examine the legend.
• legend - key of symbols on the map itself.
5. Inset Map – What is the big picture? What surrounds
the area you are looking at
Get familiar with how your map represents data—that
is key to understanding the rest of the map.
• Get your chrome book log into
• Menu: Social Studies Daily lessons and study
• Individual review - look at the links provided
on the next slide - Slide #22
• Continue your study of geography - the study
of the Earth by using the following links
• Symbols and Keys: discover the meaning behind map
symbols and keys
• Grid References: learn to read a map grid
• Oceans and continents – tutorial and various levels
depending on skills
• Maps can’t show things in the same size as
they are in real life so maps have to be drawn
to scale
9/25 - Absolute Location
• Absolute location describes the location of a
place based on a fixed point on earth.
• Fixed Point - The exact spot on the Earth’s
surface where something is!
• The most common way is to identify the fixed
point is by using coordinates such as latitude
and longitude.
• Lines of latitude and longitude crisscross the
• Charlotte, NC - 35.2269° N, 80.8433° W
• Latitude
• Latitude is used to mark the north & south position of
a place on the Earth’s surface.
• Latitude is measured in degrees
• Latitude is measured from 0 degrees at the equator
to 90 degrees at the North and South Poles.
• The equator is 0 degrees Latitude. The equator
divides the earth into two equal halves.
• Northern Hemisphere is north of the equator so
latitude is measured in degrees north.
• Southern Hemisphere is south of the equator so
latitude is measured in degrees south.
• Charlotte, NC - 35.2269° N
• What hemisphere is Charlotte in???????
Lets label/highlight
*World Continents map
Title – highlight the title on your map!
Orientation – highlight the compass rose!
Scale – What is the scale of the World Map?
Highlight - Equator & label - 0 degrees LATITUDE
Label - Northern hemisphere/ Southern
• Tropic of Cancer – label 30 degrees N
• Tropic of Capricorn – label 30 degrees S
• Longitude - The lines running vertically around the
Earth are called lines of longitude or meridians
• Meridians measure how far east or west an object
• The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude.
• The prime meridian goes through Greenwich,
• The further away from the Prime Meridian that one
travels you go the higher the longitude number
• Lines of longitude are numbered from 0 to 180 °.
• 180 degrees is the ending point for measuring
• If you are in the Eastern Hemisphere, your
longitude is measured in degrees east.
• If you are in the Western Hemisphere, your
longitude is measured in degrees west.
• The United State is located west of the prime
• What hemisphere is the United States in?
• Charlotte, NC - 80.8433° W
• When you are writing an absolute location, latitude
is ALWAYS written first
• Charlotte, NC - 35.2269° N, 80.8433° W
Lets look back at our World Continents Map
Label the Prime meridian
Label the eastern and western hemispheres
Label the North Pole and the South Pole
The latitude is represented by the numbers on
the side of the map.
• The longitude is represented by the numbers at
the top and bottom of the map.
• Tip: If you have trouble remembering which is
which, the longitude lines are "long.“
• If you have trouble remembering which is
which, the latitude lines are like the rungs on a
Relative Location
• Relative location is the location of something
in comparison to the location of something
• For example, if I said, "My house is near the
school," that's a relative location.
• I’m telling you where my house is located
relative to the school.
• Another example would be if you said, "My
town is in the northern part of the state."
Latitude and Longitude Game
• On your own: click on the link below and
explore latitude and longitude!
• Partner work –
• Latitude and longitude worksheet!
• Check in with Mrs. Henrie with questions or
when you have finished!