Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems

Health Sciences 1101
Medical Terminology
Module 5
The Cardiovascular
and Lymphatic
Basic Cardiovascular Terms
Cardi/o or coron/o: Pertaining to the heart
Vascul/o: Pertaining to the vessels
Vas/o: Pertaining to a vessel, the vas deferens or ducts
Cardiovascular: The heart and the vessels
Phleb/o ven/o: Pertaining to a vein
A Brief Explanation of the
Cardiovascular System
YouTube Video
The Conducting System of the Heart
system of
the heart
Cardiac Terms
Endocardium: The thin layer that lines
the inside of the heart and the heart
Myocardium: The muscle layer of the
Pericardium: The fibrous sac that
encloses the heart
Atri/o: Pertaining to the atrium (atria)
Ventricul/o: Pertaining to the ventricles
Cardiac Function Terms
Systole: The state of contraction of the heart
Diastole: The state of relaxation of the heart
-cardia: Condition of the heart
Review terms: brady, tachy
Arrhythmia: Irregularity or loss of rhythm of the
heartbeat; dysrhythmia
Cardiac Pathology Terms
Fibrillation: Abnormal quivering or
contraction of heart fibers. Can
lead to cardiac arrest and then
Heart Failure: Condition in which the
heart cannot pump enough blood to
meet the body’s needs.
Congestive Heart Failure: Reduced
outflow of blood from the left side
of the heart. Results in lung
congestion, dyspnea, and fatigue.
Cardiac Pathology Terms
Prolapse: to fall out of place
Mitral valve prolapse: Condition
in which the leaflets of the
mitral valve prolapse into the
left atrium during systole
Rheumatic heart disease:
Damage to the heart muscle
and valves as a sequela to
streptococcal infection.
Murmur: Abnormal sound heard
on auscultation, caused by
defects in the valves or
chambers of the heart
Cardiac Pathology Terms
Coronary artery disease (CAD):
Condition that affects the
arteries of the heart,
resulting in decreased blood
flow to the myocardium.
Myocardial Infaction (MI):
Heart muscle damaged by
partial or complete occlusion
of one or more of the
coronary arteries. AKA:
Heart attack.
Angina pectoris: Chest pain
due to ischemia. Can be a
symptom of MI.
Vascular Function Terms
Angi/o: Pertaining to the vessels
Aneurysm/o: Widening of the vessels
Aort/o: Pertaining to the aorta
Arteri/o: Pertaining to the arteries
Ateriol/o: Pertaining to the arterioles
Ather/o: Fatty plaque
Thromb/o: blood clot
Varic/o: dilated vein
Vascular Pathology Terms
Embolus: A mass of undissolved
matter present in a blood or
lymphatic vessel brought there by
the blood or lymph current. May
be solid, liquid or gas and can
cause infarcts
Deep vein thrombosis: Formation of
a blood clot in a deep vein of the
body. Occur most frequently in
the iliac and femoral veins
Aneurysm: Localized dilation of a
vessel wall due to weakness. Can
lead to arteriorrhexis or
Vascular Pathology Terms
Transient ischemic attack (TIA):
Temporary interference with
blood supply to the brain.
No long term damage.
Stroke: Damage to brain due
to interruption of blood
supply. AKA:
Cerebrovascular accident
Strokes are caused by
hemorrhage in the brain
or emboli and
thrombi that occlude
Vascular Pathology Terms
Hypertension: Consistently
elevated blood pressure
that is higher than
Raynaud Disease:
Vascular disorder in
which the fingers and
toes become cold,
numb and painful
Varicose veins: Swollen,
distended veins caused
by incompetent venous
Vascular Pathology Terms
Arteriosclerosis: Thickening, hardening, or loss of
elasticity of the arterial walls. Can lead to
altered tissue and organ function.
Atherosclerosis: A type of arteriosclerosis
characterized by the build up of fatty plaque.
Random Other CV Pathology Terms
Kaposi Sarcoma: A malignancy of connective tissue
including bone, fat, muscle and fibrous tissue.
Cardiovascular Diagnostics
Bruit: Soft blowing sound heard
on auscultation caused by
turbulent blood flow.
Cardiac enzyme studies: Blood
tests to assess cardiac
CKMB and troponin-I: Blood
tests that measure proteins
specific to the heart that are
relased as a result of recent
Echocardiography: The
visualization of the heart
through ultrasonography.
Cardiovascular Diagnostics
Electrocardiogram (ECG or
EKG): Measurement of
the electric activity of the
heart muscle.
Holter monitor: Monitoring
device used to record 24
hours worth of ECG.
Stress test: Method used
to evaluate CV fitness by
monitoring ECG while a
patient is exercising.
Cardiovascular Treatment
Statins: Drugs that reduce
low density lipoproteins
Thrombolytic therapy:
Drugs used to dissolve
blood clots
Anticoagulation therapy:
Drugs used to reduce
blood clotting
Cardiovascular Treatment
Cardiac catheterization: A
catheter is threaded
through a large blood
vessel until it reaches
into the heart
Angioplasty: Any
endovascular procedure
that reopens narrowed
blood vessels and
restores forward blood
Cardiovascular Treatment
Coronary Artery
Bypass Graft
(CABG): Surgery
that bypasses
blocked coronary
arteries using
grafted vessels
taken from other
parts of the body
Restorative surgery
on a valve,
especially cardiac
Cardiovascular Treatment
Automatic Implantable Cardioverter
Defibrillator (AICD): implanted
electric source with wires into
heart. Senses rhythm and zaps if
fibrillation is sensed.
Pacemaker: implanted electric
source with wires into heart.
Provides low-level stimulation to
maintain normal heart rhythm.
Immunology and the Lymphatic
Lymphatic system Terms
Aden/o: A gland
Immun/o: The immune system
Lymph/o: Cells and tissues of the lymphatic system
Lymphaden/o: The lymph nodes
Lymphangi/o: The vessels of the lymphatic system
Splen/o: The spleen
Thym/o: The thymus
Phag/o: Swallowing or eating
-phylaxis: Protection
Immune System Pathology
Mononucleosis: Acute infection
caused by the Epstein-Barr
virus (EBV), characterized by
a sore throat, fever, fatigue,
and enlarged lymph nodes
Lymphadenitis: Inflammation
and enlargement of the
lymph nodes usually as a
result of infection
Hodgkin Disease: Disease
causing malignant solid
tumors that may originate in
lymphoid tissue. Can invade
other organs if left untreated.
Immune System Pathology
Lymphosarcoma: Malignant
disorder of lymphatic tissue that
is not related to Hodgkin disease.
Also called non-Hodgkin
Kaposi Sarcoma: Connective tissue
malignancy associated with HIV
Acquired Immunodeficiency
Syndrome (AIDS): Systemic loss
of immunity due to destruction of
helper t cells by the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Lymphatic System Diagnostics
examination of the
lymphatic system using
an injected contrast
Bone marrow aspiration
biopsy: Removal of
bone marrow tissue so
that it can be evaluated
Tissue typing: Technique
used to determine
(compatibility of
tissues) for transplants