Unit 1: Roots of Psychology

Unit 1: Roots of Psychology
Unit 1: Myers Text, Chapter 1 – Psychology’s History & Approaches
Overview: Psychology traces its roots back to Greek philosophers’ reflections
on human nature. Psychologists’ initial focus on mental life was replaced in
the 1920s by the study of observable behavior. As the science of behavior and
mental processes, psychology has its origins in many disciplines and countries.
Psychology’s most enduring issue concerns the relative contributions of
biology and experience.
Unit 1 will cover the roots and development of the science of psychology from its origins in philosophy to its
contemporary practice in the field of science. In addition the schools and perspective of psychology will be introduced as
well as the “big 3” issues facing the field of psychology today.
Unit 1 Objectives:
 Trace the historical development of the field of psychology
 Identify the various schools of thought
 Identify famous psychologists and describe their contributions to the discipline
 Explore different career options for people who earn degrees in psychology
Assignments & Due Dates:
Week #1
Mon. Aug. 4
 Introduction- Syllabus + Parent Guardian
 Personal Statement Share & Collect-due
 Lec/Discussion – What is Psychology?
 Wrap Up: Assign Reading Schedule,
upcoming HW Review
Assigned: Read Ch.1 in Myer’s & corresponding
flashcards. REMINDER: The Myer’s Textbook Reading
schedule will not be marked on the assignments column
as it is on-going and daily).
 Warm up: Quiz-False or Falsehood?
 Lec/Discussion: Roots of Psychology Ch.1
Powerpoint & Cornell Notes
 Wrap Up: Assign “PsychSim5 online activity
worksheet- Psych Timeline
HW Due Today: 8/4: Personal Statement
Thurs. Aug. 7
 Warm up: Think. Pair. Share.
 Lec/Discussion: Roots (cont.)/ Big 3 Issues in
 Wrap Up: Assign “Eminent Psychology” One
pager (due: Mon. Aug. 11th)
HW Due TODAY: Psych Sim5 Online
activity worksheet + Psych Timeline
HW Due: Fri. 8/8: Ch. 7A Memory Cornell
Notes, Vocab. Flash Cards, Signed Syllabus,
and Supplies Check.
HW Due: Mon. 8/11: Eminent Psych 1 Pager
Fri. Aug. 8
 Warm up: HW Check, Review History of
 Lec/Discussion: Approaches in Psych +
Cornell Notes
 Activity: Intro to AP Psych FRQ/Steps to
Write FRQ
 Wrap Up: Approaches Quiz on Mon. 8/11
HW Due Today: 8/8: Ch. 7A Memory
Cornell Notes, Vocab. Flash Cards, Signed
syllabus, + supplies check.
HW Due: Mon. 8/11: Eminent Psych one
HW Due: Mon/ 8/11 Approaches Quiz (Study)
Tues-Wed. Aug.
HW Due: Mon, 8/6: PsychSim online activity
worksheet – Psych Timeline
HW Due: Fri. 8/8: Ch. 7A Memory Cornell
Notes, Vocab. Flash Card, Signed Syllabus,
and Supplies Check.
HW Due: Thurs. Aug. 7-PsychSim5 online
activity + Psych timeline
HW Due: Fri. 8/8: Ch. 7A Memory Cornell
Notes, Vocab. Flash Cards, Signed Syllabus,
and Supplies Check.
Week #2
Mon. Aug. 11
 Warm up: HW Check; Collect Eminent Psych
One Pager
 Activity I: Approaches Quiz
 Activity II: More FRQ/Steps to Write Practice
 Wrap Up: Assign: Study for Unit 1/Ch.1 Quiz
on Thurs. April 14th
HW Due TODAY: Mon. 8/11: Eminent Psych
one Pager; Approaches Quiz
HW Due: Thurs. April 14; Study for Unit
1/Ch.1 Quiz
Tues+ Wed
Aug. 12 +13
 Warm up: Think. Pair. Share
 Unit 1/Ch. 1 Review
 Activity: Intro to AP Psych FRQ/Steps to
Write FRQ
 Wrap Up
 Unit 1 Ch. Quiz (MC & Short Answer)
 Post Assessment: Unit 1, Part 2 Overview
 Wrap Up
HW Due: Thurs. April 14; Study for Unit
1/Ch.1 Quiz
Thurs. Aug. 14
Fri. Aug. 15
HW Due TODAY: Thurs. 8/14 Unit 1/Ch.1
HW Due: Keep up to date with Myer’s
textbook reading schedule, next up is Unit 1
(part 2): Memory
*Note – Assignments & Due Dates are subject to change based on student instructional needs. Students need to be aware of updates to assignment
schedule announced in class.
Unit 1 (part 2): Memory Overview
Unit 1: Myers Chapters 7A
Unit Objectives:
 Ch. 7-A Memory
 Describe the processes involved in encoding, storage, and retrieval of sensory input
 Differentiate between procedural and declarative knowledge
 Differentiate between controlled and automatic processing
 Explain the different forms of memory such as semantic and episodic memory
Assignments & Due Dates:
Week #3
Mon. Aug. 18
Tues-Wed. Aug.
19 + 20
Thurs. Aug. 21
Fri. Aug. 22
 Warm Up: Unit 1 Handout (Part 2)
 Activity I: Ch. 7A Memory Assignments
(online video)
 Review Ch. 7A Cornell Notes/Remembering
& Forgetting
 Activity II: Start Memory Journal Assignment
 Wrap Up: Assign homework “Ministry of
Truth” article
 Warm up
 Lec/Discuss: Information Processing, Storage,
and Retrieval
 Assign: Memory Process Worksheets & 3
Types of Memory
 Wrap Up
HW Due on Thurs. Aug 21: Article “The
Ministry of Truth-Altering Political Memories
Levels of Questions”
HW Due: Mon. Aug. 25, “Memory Journal”Check point on Fri. Aug. 22nd
 Warm Up; HW Collect/Discuss
 Activity I: Lec/Discuss: Information,
Processing Info, & Encoding
 Activity II: Continue working on Memory
 Assign: PsychSim5-Iconic Memory & Short
Term Memory due on Friday, Aug. 22
HW Due TODAY: Article “The Ministry of
Truth-Altering Political Memories Levels of
HW Due Today: Thurs. Aug 21: Memory
Process Worksheets & Three Types of
 Warm up
 Activity I: Memory Journal HW “Check
Point”- & sharing journal findings & how this
mini project is related Memory concepts
 Activity II: Lec/Discuss: Complete LW
Storage, Retrieval, & Forgetting Cornell
 Wrap Up: Review HW assignments
HW Due on Thurs. Aug 21: Article “The
Ministry of Truth-Altering Political Memories
Levels of Questions”
HW Due: Thurs. Aug 21: Memory Process
Worksheets & Three Types of Memory
HW Due: Mon. Aug. 25, “Memory Journal”Check point on Fri. Aug. 22nd
HW Due: Fri. Aug 22- PsychSim5-Iconic
Memory & Short Term Memory
HW Due: Mon. Aug. 25, “Memory Journal”Check point on Fri. Aug. 22nd
HW Due TODAY: Fri. Aug 22- PsychSim5Iconic Memory & Short Term Memory
HW Due TODAY: Memory Journal”- Check
HW Due: Mon. Aug. 25: Memory Journal
Next Week (Mon-25-27) expect a Ch. 7A
Vocab. Quiz (study + review notes)