SYLLABUS 1. Wayland Baptist University, Fairbanks Campus, Eielson Education Site, School of Business 2. Mission Statement: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. 3. Course: BUAD 4334–, Business Ethics 4. Term: Winter Semester 5. Instructor: Elizabeth Woolley 6. Office Phone and email: 388-8038, 7. Office Hours, Building, and Location, by appointment 8. Class Meeting Time and Location: Wednesday, Eielson AFB. 9. Catalog Description: in-depth investigation of ethical management and leadership styles, including context of a Christian worldview. Ethical reasoning for application to a variety of business situations. 10. Prerequisites: None 11. Required Textbook and Resources: BOOK Business Ethics AUTHOR ED YEAR PUBLISHER Ferrell & Fraedrich 8th 2011 Cengage ** AND ** Ethics on the Job BUNDLED ISBN Pfeiffer/Forsberg 3rd 2005 ISBN# REVIEW 1111287368 Spring 12 Cengage 12. Optional Materials: None 13. Course Outcome Competencies: Study the business ethics issues and definitions, theories, and frameworks important to organizational ethical decision making; Use knowledge to develop boundaries of your own personal ethical boundaries; Identify the role of stakeholder interest and recognize ethical issues in business; Understand the interrelationship of ethics and social responsibility; Gain confidence using oral skills to relate the issues of an ethical controversy in business to moral philosophy, work group influence, corporate culture, and social responsibility; Identify means to resolve ethical disputes in business; Examine the consequences of unethical/ethical business decisions; Objectively listen and evaluate the thought process and ethical differences of others; Understand the role of corporate governance and corporate culture in ethical decision making; Decide what is important for you to make from this class – and then learn it! 14. Attendance Requirements: Attendance is required. Excessive late arrivals or early departures will be taken into consideration. Material will be discussed in class and included in exams that are not in the book. It is the student's responsibility to obtain any material missed by not attending class for any reason. The student must not miss any more than 25% of the class. Any more missed may result in failure of the class. In case of TDY's the instructor should be notified as soon as possible. 15. Disability Statement: “In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with a disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in the university. The Coordinator of Counseling Services serves as the coordinator of students with a disability and should be contacted concerning accommodation requests at (806) 291- 3765. Documentation of a disability must accompany any request for accommodations.” 6: Course Requirements and Grading Criteria: A=90-100% C= 70-79% F=59% and below B= 80-89% D= 60-69% Weighted grading criteria: Attendance 10% In class participation 30% Written Case Studies 30% or 3% each Research Paper 30% 17. Tentative Schedule: Date Chapter DVD/Discussion Assignments due following week ∙Sign into class via Blackboard post a one paragraph personal introduction ∙Email your thesis statement from your Wayland email account Case Study 17 - Home Depot 11/10 Introduction 1 The Importance of Business Ethics Starbuck's 11/17 Stakeholder Relationships 2 New Belgium Brewery Case Study 18-New Belgium Case Study 3 Enron 11/24 Thanksgiving Vacation 12/1 Emerging Issues 3 Vail Resorts 12/8 Institutionalization of Ethics 4 New England Aquarium Case Study 11 Madoff 12/15 Ethical Leadership 5 Home Depot Case 15- AIG 12/22 Christmas Vacation 12/29 Christmas Vacation 1/5 Moral Philosophies 6 Philosophies Seg3#1 Case Study 10 Banking 1/12 Organizational Factors 7 Stony field Case Study 5-Red Cross 1/19 Developing a Program 8 1/26 Implementing & Auditing 9 2/2 Global Ethics 2/12 RESOLVEED Strategy of Making Ethical Decisions 10 Kodak Case Study 9 Subprime Meltdown Charity America Case Study 14-Petco Outsourcing & International Seg 3 #3 Case Study 12-Nike ∙ Research Paper Due ∙Sign on to Blackboard for Instructions