
Journals Entries
September 5th
• 1st thru 3rd Periods: Elaborate on the time period that you
want to learn about this year and why?
• 4th: Elaborate on how a proactive, can-do attitude leads to
greater achievements?
• 5th: Elaborate why the Europeans explore the world’s oceans
and colonize the Americas?
• 6th: Analyze the challenges related to teaching and how
teachers meet them?
• 7th: Compare and contrast the assumptions about the roles
of men and women in our society?
September 6th
• 1st – 3rd: Do you believe that issue like those of the 1850 still exist
• 4th: What actions will you take this week to influence those
around you?
• 5th : Elaborate what you expect to achieve this year in this
• 6th & 7th: What positive or negative influences can a
transition person have on you?
September 7th
1st thru 3rd: What motivation brought might you add why many
immigrants came to the United States in the late 1800s?
4th: What actions will you take this week to influence those around
5th: Elaborate how the early civilization played an effect on our
society today.
6th & 7th: What actions will you take this week to influence those
around you?
September 10th
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate on the effects on the Native Americans to
the “Americanization” of the Native American children.
4th: Analysis why people who synergize see differences as
strengths, not weakness.
5th: During the 1600 and 1700s elaborate why people came to the
United States? Do you believe those reason are different today?
6th: No journal! Presentation to elementary! 
7th: Elaborate on the different theories that Freud has the human
personality developing as the result of our having to try to strike a
balance in our lives.
September 11th
• Elaborate why Americans consider
September 11th to be a great
American historical point. Do you
believe it is as significant event as
December 7th or the American
Revolution? Why or why not?
September 12th
1st – 3rd: Elaborate on what the “pursuit of the American dream”
means to immigrants? Do you think immigrants found what they are
seeking? Why or why not?
4th: Elaborate how accurate the self assessment was or was not.
5th: During the 1600 and 1700s elaborate why people came to the
United States? Do you believe those reason are different today?
6th: Identify and elaborate at least three personal qualities that
you fee an effective teacher should have. Explain why each is
important to teaching success.
7th: Compare and contrast free will and predetermination
September 13th
1st thru 3rd: What role did schools play in the Americanization
movement to assimilate immigrants?
4th: Elaborate how people might learn differently?
5th: Justify why exploration was so important in the 1600’s to the
European countries?
6th: What role did schools play in the Americanization movement to
assimilate immigrants?
7th: Thinking about your life, do you ever consider that your life is
like a book consisting of chapters that you write as you go. Why or
why not?
September 17th
• All Classes: Elaborate the
intent, meaning, and
importance of the
Declaration of
September 18th
• To All Classes:
What are the pros and cons of the
United States Constitution?
September 19th
• To All Classes:
What is the important main idea of the
Declaration of Independence and
elaborate why you believe this?
September 20th
• To All Classes:
Elaborate whether the
Constitution is still a viable document
in our society today?
September 21st
• 1st thru 3rd: No Journal! Good Luck on Quiz! 
• 4th: Elaborate why specific jobs interest you and
other do not?
• 5th: No Journal! Good Luck on Quiz! 
• 6th and 7th: How would you defend the Bill of
September 24th
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate how industrialization improves the standard
of living of rural and urban Americans?
4th: Elaborate the hardest thing about looking for the right college
for you.
5th: Elaborate on how religion and virtue contribute to the growth
of representative government in the Americas?
6th: Elaborate on the difficulties English language learners have
and how classroom teachers can help them.
7th: Some people are attracted by Freud’s ideas, while other find
them slightly ridiculous. Elaborate where you stand?
September 25th
• 1st thru 3rd: Benchmark Test! Good Luck! 
• 4th: What are some things that a potential employer might
look at when hiring you?
• 5th: Benchmark Test! Good Luck! 
• 6th: Elaborate whether you think Intelligence Testing is
really important.
• 7th: Elaborate whether Dr. Freud’s idea that we do things
that unconscious or they simply things that we are taught
over time.
September 26th
• 1st thru 3rd: Benchmark Test! Good Luck! 
• 4th: Elaborate on what you are looking at in a College or
Technical Program.
• 5th: Benchmark Test! Good Luck! 
• 6th: What is your opinion to offer auditory learners music
or other means to learn?
• 7th: How do you think intelligent testing falls under the
various theorist?
September 27th
• 1st thru 3rd: Benchmark Test! Good Luck! 
• 4th: What are important issues to you?
• 5th: Benchmark Test! Good Luck! 
• 6th: No journals! Enjoy!
• 7th: No journals! Enjoy!
September 28th
1st thru 3rd: No Journal! Enjoy the Junior-Senior Breakfast!
4th: Elaborate on one of the qualities that you consider as your
best quality and why?
5th: Justify why it is important the voices of the people be heard?
6th: Do you notice a difference in visual things in bright or dark
colors and why?
7th: What causes us to grow the most in intelligence: education or
peers and why?
October 2nd
1st thru 3rd: In opinion does that government have any control over
big business or does big business influence the government more
than the average citizen?
4th: Elaborate on one of the qualities that you consider as your
weakest quality and why?
5th: Justify why your document was important to the foundation
of the United States?
6th: Placing yourself in the position of someone that has no sight
or very little sight, how hard is it to learn?
7th: Elaborate how peers might effect our ego.
October 3rd
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate how the automobile affect the standard of
living in the United States in the early 20th Century?
4th: Elaborate how our family and peer’s effect whether we pursue
an education beyond high school?
5th: Elaborate why Europeans explored the world’s oceans and
colonize the Americas?
6th: Justify the relevance of education in today’s society?
7th: Elaborate on what development theory is?
October 4th
1st thru 3rd: Justify whether you think that the reason for
immigration has changed today from the 1900s, why or why not?
4th: State three objects that you hope to accomplish out of the
college transition class this year.
5th: Elaborate what you imagine life to be like during the colonial
6th: No journal! Work on note cards for tours!
7th: Justify what you think is the greatest human characteristic
that a person has?
October 5th
October 8th
1st thru 3rd: How did the automobile affect the standard of living
in the United States in the early 20th century?
4th: Elaborate how is the best way to prioritize your time?
5th: How do you prioritize political, economic, religious and social
reason for the establishment for the thirteen English colonies?
6th: No journal! Work on note cards for tours!
7th: According to cognitive theory, why do young children think
differently than teens?
October 9th
1st thru 3rd: No Journal! Good Luck! 
4th: Elaborate on how challenges in life can make you a stronger
5th: No Journal! Good Luck! 
6th: In the field of education why it becoming necessary to speak
for teachers to speak multiple languages.
7th: If there are various of different theories, in the world on
how children develop, what is the correct one.
October 10th
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate on the difference between immigration and
4th: Analyze the following quote “All mankind…being equal and
independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health,
liberty or possessions”.
5th: Elaborate why Europeans explored the world’s oceans and
colonize the Americas?
6th: Elaborate on your impression on meeting the Superintendent
for A+ Schools?
7th: Elaborate on your idea on becoming a theorist.
October 11th
1st thru 3rd: : Do you believe that issue like those of the 1850 still exist
4th: Would you prefer to prepare for college your Senior year in high school
or as you advance through school. Why or why not?
5th: Elaborate on what a compass rose is?
6th: Elaborate how common items can make education fun?
7th: What is the hardest or the easiest thing about developing a study of your
particular group of students?
October 18th
1st thru 3rd: What would account for the large increase in the
population of the West after 1860?
4th: Elaborate on how people impact our lives?
5th: Justify why the Declaration of Independence is still has
important impact on American History?
6th: Elaborate are the advantages of taking challenging courses
while still in high school?
7th: Explain the development of Freud’s ideas about the
October 19th
• User Name: (jgraves)
• Password: (Month – Date – Year of Birth)
• Activation Code: N3464933CSG
October 22nd
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate how did the 17th Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution give more political power to the individual voter?
4th: Elaborate how peer pressure effects ones decision making?
5th: Elaborate on the main causes of the French and Indian War?
6th: Elaborate on characteristics that make a teacher effective?
7th: According to Freud, which component of the personality
forms first?
October 23rd
1st thru 3rd: Compare and contrast segregation in late 1890s with
what you know of the 1960s?
4th: What are some things you look for in a college?
5th: Justify how the French and Indian War make the colonies ripe
for change?
6th: Justify what the most important role of a teacher?
7th: Elaborate on what kind of personality you have?
October 24th
1st thru 3rd: No Journal! Good Luck! 
4th: Name one of the most unique features about someone you
know and what makes them important to you.
5th: What were the causes and effects of the Declaration of
6th: Elaborate on the defense mechanism best explains how an
emotion can be transferred from its original to more accessible
7th: Elaborate on whether personalities that are alike or similar
attract each other.
October 25th
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate how did the 17th Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution give more political power to the individual voter?
4th: Should the Exit Test/TAKS Test be used for college admission test
instead of forcing you to take a SAT/ACT Test? Why or why not?
5th: Describe the American Revolution Hero that you are working on?
6th: Elaborate whether you think teacher’s should be evaluated yearly on
their performance or not? Why or why not?
7th: Elaborate on things that might cause ones personality to change or
adapt depending on circumstances?
October 26th
• User Name: (jgraves)
• Password: (Month – Date – Year of Birth)
• Activation Code: N3464933CSG
October 30th
1st thru 3rd: What economic effects did international military conflicts
from the 1870s to 1920 have on the United States?
4th: Elaborate which college essay has been the hardest the to write and
5th: Elaborate on why the colonist angered by issuance of Proclamation of
6th: Elaborate whether Horace Mann was correct in his belief that every
child was entitled to free education?
7th: Elaborate on how ones personality might effect how others treat them.
October 31st
November 1
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate what were the results of US expansionism?
4th: Elaborate on who will have a great influence on what you do after high
school, your peers or the adults in your life. Why?
5th: Elaborate on why the colonist angered by issuance of Proclamation of
6th: Justify why you selected the secondary or primary teachers that you
selected observed.
7th: Elaborate which disease involves binge eating followed by purging.
November 2nd
• User Name: (jgraves)
• Password: (Month – Date – Year of Birth)
• Activation Code: N3464933CSG
November 5th
1st thru 3rd: Is big business important to American life? Why?
4th: Elaborate the on what you believe will be the hardest transition from
being a high school student to being a graduate and not being required to
attend to school any longer?
5th: What do you think was the colony that had the best economic activity?
6th: Elaborate on what respect means to you.
7th: Elaborate how ones personality can be harmful to someone?
November 6th
1st thru 3rd: Justify why Commodore Matthew Perry might be
consider a hero in some circles?
4th: Who is your greatest inspiration and why?
5th: What term does the Declaration of Independence used to
describe natural rights?
6th: Justify whether modifications for every student is feasible
of a teachers time?
7th: Elaborate on a defense mechanism that you use when your are
November 7th
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate on why the United States believe it was
necessary to build/finish the Panama Canal?
4th: No Journal! Enjoy Rudy!
5th: The American colonist used the slogan, “No taxation without
representation” elaborate on the meaning of this.
6th: Elaborate on what is the term of learning diversity means?
7th: Justify how memories can used to protect a person or could be
harmful to person?
November 8th
• User Name: (jgraves)
• Password: (Month – Date – Year of Birth)
• Activation Code: N3464933CSG
November 12th
• To All Classes: What does Veteran’s Day mean
to you?
November 13th
To Al Class:
Elaborate on your opinion on Texas to become the first state in
the 21st Century to obtain enough signatures on a “.petitions
demanding succession from the union following the reelection of
Barack Obama, and are calling for their local and state government
officials to resist the unjust laws enacted by the federal
government.” As citizens of the State of the Texas and United
States how do you feel about this?
November 14th
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate how did the 17th Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution give more political power to the individual voter?
4th: Explain why setting a career goal is important, even if you
change it later.
5th: Elaborate on the conditions that led Americans to change
their system of government?
6th: Justify the purpose of a personal portfolio?
7th: Justify why it is important to assess a person’s
characteristics, identify problems and psychological disorders, and
to predict future behavior?
November 15th
Have a Safe and
November 26th
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate on what you know about the Great War?
4th: What would be your best advise to underclassman about
applying for college?
5th: Elaborate on the importance of the Articles of Confederation
to the United States?
6th: Justify that the state mandate testing is effectively
preparing students for the future or hurting them.
7th: Elaborate on the different forms of peer pressures that teens
face today and how are positive ways to handle the pressures?
November 27th
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate you believe the United States could have
avoided entering the Great War?
4th: Elaborate whether you must have all the answer and road
maps made for you life charted when you graduated from high
5th: Compare and contrast National Powers and State Powers.
6th: Justify what you believe to be the greatest cognitive skill
that a child learns and why?
7th: Elaborate on whether you think Alder or Freud was correct
and why?
November 28th
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate why you think Labor Unions formed?
4th: Elaborate on the reason it is important to have through
5th: Hypothesis why the Constitution so important?
6th: Give three positive ways to deal with peer pressure in a social
7th: Thinking about the Eyseneck theory which one model stands
out most in your mind about yourself and why?
November 29th
1st thru 3rd: Compare and contrast political changes occurred
within the United States as a result of declaring war on Germany
in World War One.
4: Elaborate on why the different scholarship make one of their
requirement an essay for their consideration of their scholarship.
5: Elaborate whether you think any one part of the Constitution is
more important than the other?
6: Elaborate whether the growth of an individual affects their
relationship with their peers.
7: Elaborate on what the theory that underlies the Roschach
inkblot test?
November 30th
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate why you believe the United States avoided
entering the Great War?
4th: Elaborate on why you think goal are important to have no
matter what age.
5th: Justify why think that the Article of Confederation was so
important to early Americans?
6th: Justify whether you believe all our behaviors are based on
heredity or environment in which we live?
7th: Describe a positive model in your life and why they have been
a positive model.
December 3rd
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate on what were the causes of World War I
and reason for U.S. entry in the war?
4th: Elaborate on how movies like Rudy can act as inspiration to
5th: Elaborate on why the colonists seek to develop a week central
government at the close of the Revolutionary War?
6th: As pre-teen what do you believe was the most difficult
change from childhood to young adult?
7th: Explain what of the Maslow theories you selected as most
important and why?
December 4th
1st thru 3rd: Justify on whether President Wilson should of kept
the US from entry of the war for so long and why?
4th: Elaborate on why colleges require essays for admissions to
5th: Elaborate on why the colonists seek to develop a week central
government at the close of the Revolutionary War?
6th: Elaborate whether you think Pavlov theory was a valid theory
or not and why?
7th: Elaborate whether State Mandate Testing or Intelligence
Testing is a better way to measure ones learning and why?
December 6th
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate on the reason for U.S. entry in the war?
4th: Explain why setting a career is important while you are in high
5th: Why did the government under the Articles first seem
effective in the years immediately following the Revolution?
6th: Elaborate who you think is better to evaluate a students
ability on what they have obtained throughout the school the
teacher or a state mandated test and why?
7th: Elaborate on how accurate psychological testing can be?
December 10th
1st thru 3rd: Justify how specific needs result in scientific
discoveries and technological innovations?
4th: Elaborate which of the three essay has been the hardest to
write and why?
5th: Elaborate how the Framers ensure that government power
would be shared between national and state governments, as well
as among the three branches of the federal government?
6th: No journal! Teaching lessons in Ms. Rodriguez class
7th: Justify whether a person’s strong personality in one area can
help people over look the weaker personalities in another of a
December 11th
1st thru 3rd: No Journal! Enjoy your movie!
4th: Elaborate on the importance of a cover letter over ones
5th: How did ideas from historic documents influence the US
system of government?
6th: First Grade – Spelling Ms. Dudley’s Class
7th: Elaborate on example in your own experience where a
particular sensation (sight, sound, taste, smell) regularly evokes a
particular response? Can you think of an instance where a
particular set of circumstance seems to bring about an automatic
response in you?
December 12th
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate what life was like in the 1915 for Americans.
4th: Elaborate on where you study and why do you select this
5th: Elaborate how the compromise results in a peaceful resolution
during a historical event?
6th: Identify five roles mail roles performed by teachers. Tell
which you think is more important and why?
7th: Elaborate why teenager are more critical of themselves than
younger children on their self esteem?
December 13th
1st thru 3rd: Justify why Americans glorified the actions of Alvin
4th: Elaborate why it is important to have internet safety in place
at school.
5th: Do you think that the Declaration of Independence is still an
important document today as it was when it was written? Why or
why not?
6th: Identify three of the personal and professional qualities
needed for teaching success and why?
7th: Elaborate which of the IQ analysis most strongly describes
December 14th
1st thru 3rd: Elaborate which events most influenced President Wilson’s
decision to enter World War I?
4th: Elaborate on your hardest class and easiest class in high school and
5th: Elaborate why the Founding Fathers established a federal system?
6th: Elaborate on example in your own experience where a particular
sensation (sight, sound, taste, smell) regularly evokes a particular
response? Can you think of an instance where a particular set of
circumstance seems to bring about an automatic response in you?
7th: According to Freud, which component of personality forms first?
December 18th
No more journals until after the
New Year! Have a safe and
wonderful Christmas Holiday!
Ms. Graves
January 7th
1st thru 3rd: What political changes occurred within the United States as a
result of declaring war on Germany in World War 1?
4th: Elaborate how you expect college to be different than high school.
5th: Justify why think that the Article of Confederation was so important
to early Americans?
6th: Elaborate on a fine-motor skill that requires hand-eye coordination
and dexterity.
7th: Elaborate on what stage you are in your life? Look through the stages
you have already been through and see whether you agree with Erikson
about the issues that were important at each stage.
January 8th
• 1st thru 3rd: Compare and contrast how economic regulations
by the Federal Reserve influence local economies.
• 4th: Why is college week to high schools?
• 5th: Justify what the major domestic problems were faced
by the leaders of the new republic?
• 6th: Elaborate what shift in moral development occurs for
some preteens?
• 7th: Elaborate which theory is most associated with
behavior being tied to rewards and punishments?
January 10th
• 1st – 3rd: What role did schools play in the Americanization
movement to assimilate immigrants?
• 4th: Elaborate on how a proactive, can-do attitude leads to
greater achievements?
• 5th: Elaborate on one of the cause that George Washington
faced during his Presidency?
• 6th & 7th: Elaborate on the importance on learning about
how children and teenagers learned and develop for
January 11th
No journal until after
finals! Work on your final
reviews and prepare to ask
January 14th
No journal until after
finals! Work on your final
reviews and prepare to ask
Good Luck on Exams! 
January 18th
First Semester is over
what is the most ah-ah
moment you learn this
January 28th
1-3: Justify the difference of the great depression and the recession we are
currently experiencing?
4: No journal! Finish movie!
5: Elaborate what the contributions of the Founding Fathers as models of
civic virtue?
6: Elaborate how nonverbal cues help get students back on track without
interrupting the flow of the lesson. Why is this benefit?
7: Elaborate on the use of generalization when you respond to a second
stimulus that is similar to a conditional stimulus without additional training.
January 29th
1-3: Compare and contrast actions taken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in
response to the Great Depression and President Obama in response to the
4: Elaborate on the term culture tolerance means?
5: Discuss whether you think Thomas Jefferson made a wise investment in the
Louisiana Purchase considering he did not know what he was buying?
6: Elaborate whether you think one house classroom would still be beneficial
7: Justify on commenting on students’ positive achievements and behavior
influence effort and future behavior? Explain your reasoning?
January 30th
1-3: No Journal! Enjoy your play! 
4: Elaborate what motivate you the most to do your very best in your classes?
5: Elaborate whether you would have the courage that Dolly Madison had in
the face of danger to protect America’s historical documents?
6: Elaborate what you consider to be the greatest improvement in the
education field?
7: Elaborate on the use of generalization when you respond to a second
stimulus that is similar to a conditional stimulus without additional training.
January 31st
1-3: Elaborate on the causes of the Great Depression?
4: What are you are the five (5) biggest goals in the next ten years?
5: Elaborate whether you think the same leadership qualifications are
important today in a leader as they were when are country was being formed?
Why or why not?
6: Elaborate why classroom management is so important to the learning
7: Elaborate on which stage of cognitive learning is most important and why?
February 1st
1-3: Hypothesis what you consider the most important time
period between 1939 and 1945?
4: Elaborate whether you think you draw on your strength
when times are tough.
5: Justify who you think was the greatest early leader of the
United States? Why did you select this leader?
6th and 7th: No Journal! Early Release! 
February 5th
1-3: Compare and contrast the economic conditions of the world to those in
the 1929-1945.
4: Elaborate what traditional jobs might disappear from the job market in the
five to ten years?
5: Justify who you think was the greatest early leader of the United States?
Why did you select this leader?
6: Explain why consistency is so important in handling behavioral problems?
Elaborate to be the hardest thing about keeping your “egg” safe to the end
of your project.
February 6th
1-3: Elaborate on what the major eras in US history from 1877 to the present
and what are their defining characteristics?
4: How many different careers do you think you might have in your life? Why
do you believe this.
5: Elaborate what challenges face the new nation under the Constitution?
6: Elaborate what you consider to be an engaging activity in class.
7: Elaborate what you think you will be the most challenging part of the egg
baby project.
February 7th
1-3: Elaborate what you think had to be the hardest challenge faced by the
family. Why?
4: Elaborate on what you think is the biggest driving force on deciding the
careers we ultimately do in our life.
5: . Identify at least three benefits of developing a personal behavior
management plan.
6: Elaborate on the internal condition that orients a person toward a particular
February 8th
1-3: Elaborate how you think you might react if your were facing the
hardships as some the families did in the great depression?
4: What is the most unique thing you found out about the college you are
building a power point for?
5: Justify why you selected either Thomas Jefferson or Alexander Hamilton
to write a campaign speech for.
6: Elaborate on what you think is the best kind of teaching management style?
7: Elaborate how the sense of achievement can be a great motivation factor?
February 12th
1-3: Elaborate whether you believe Americans today have the same drive and
motion to survive something like the Great Depression today?
4: Elaborate why you think the College Transition class is important to you?
5: Justify how the United States conduct its relations with other nations?
6: Elaborate how does creating a sense of community among class members
help increase learning?
7: Justify the social needs refer to the desire to belong, to give and receive
love, and to acquire.
February 13th
1-3: No Journal! Good Luck on Test! 
4: Justify whether your study habits will have to change as you continue your
5: No Journal! Good Luck on Test! 
6:Explain why consistency is so important in handling behavioral problems?
7: Elaborate whether its important to learn to handle our emotions when
dealing with others? Why or why not?
February 14th
February 19th
Because I feel like celebrating there will be
no journals for any classes!
This is my “Day” to you!
Ms. G
February 21st
1-3: Elaborate on the effect of the Great Depression on the American
4: If you could give one piece of advice to underclassman about the preparing
current grade or graduating what would advice would you give?
5: Elaborate why political parties change over time?
6: Elaborate all teachers are meant to teach all grade levels. Why or why not?
7: Elaborate on stressors in our life and depending our maturity we might
handle those stressors differently.
February 22nd
1-3: Justify a guiding principle of the New Deal economic policies?
4: Elaborate what is the most unique job that you have found so far for your
ABC book?
5: Elaborate how does a democratic government distinguish between its rights
and responsibility?
6: Elaborate all teachers are meant to teach all grade levels. Why or why not?
7: Elaborate on stressors in our life and depending our maturity we might
handle those stressors differently.
February 25th
1-3: Justify what could be done to prevent the effects of the Dust Bowl
occurring today.
4: Explain why setting goals important, even if you change them later.
5: Elaborate what you know about Andrew Jackson?
6: Elaborate who is a teacher that has impacted your life? What made him or
her so special?
7: Justify why the increase in crime and self-destructive behavior that occurs
in adolescence and how this relates to the discussion about identity?
February 26th
1-3: Elaborate what actions taken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in
response to the Great Depression is a defining characteristic of the era.
4: Elaborate on what you excepted to get out of college transition class?
5: Justify why President Jackson support the introduction of a “spoils
6: Elaborate why states have a primary responsibility for education?
7: Justify which type of memory that involves knowledge of language to
include rules, words and meanings?
February 27th
1-3: Compare and contrast changes to American society were the defining
issues of both the Great Depression and New Deal.
4: If you could add one elective class to our campus, what would like to see
added and elaborate why you like to see that class added as a selection.
5: Elaborate how the social and economic life change as the United States
began to move from an agrarian to an industrial society?
6: Justify how your own community and schools how parents can be involved in
the schools?
7: Elaborate what are zero tolerance policies? Why are they used?
February 28th
Compare and contrast George Washington to
President Obama administration and the
challenges that they face as President of
the United States.
March 1
1-3: Justify whether you believe that the New Deal policies that we
have looked at were beneficial to the United States or not? Why?
4: Elaborate the most interesting job you have found in your ABC
power point?
5: Justify why the writers of the Constitution put the words "to
form a more perfect union" in the Preamble.
6: Elaborate how the 7 Habits could be extend from the
school/students to the community and school?
7: Elaborate what are some positive motions?
March 5
1-3: Elaborate on the guiding principle of the New Deal economic
4: Justify why good study habits are important?
5: Elaborate on the Congressional leader who proposed the Missouri
Compromise and the importance of that compromise.
6: Elaborate the three most important parts of a lesson plan?
7: Elaborate six different ways child are different from adults?
March 6
1-3: Elaborate characterizes the era leading to World War II.
4: Discuss some of the bad study habits that people have.
5: Justify why the writers of the Constitution put the words "to
form a more perfect union" in the Preamble.
6: Elaborate on two reasons teachers should uses a variety of
teaching techniques?
7: Elaborate on the role does a mediator play in resolving a conflict?
March 7
Have a safe and wonderful Spring
Break! Come back ready to work
for up to TAKS and STAARS
March 19
1-3: Compare and contrast the event was the immediate cause for
U.S. entry into World War II and World War I.
4: Justify why it is important why you should have multiple of choices
plans for graduation.
5: Elaborate on the reasons for the removal and resettlement of
Cherokee Indians during the Jacksonian era?
6: Identify the five main roles performed by teachers. Tell which you
think is most important and why.
7: Justify the behavior modification technique would be most useful
in changing aggressive behavior?
March 20
1-3: Justify position taken by the US in the 1930s not favor of any
country side in a conflict.
4: Justify why you have selected some of the universities that you
have selected and why?
5: Compare Americans belief in the Manifest Destiny of the United
States in the 1800s and in the 2000s.
6: Elaborate what two processes work together in modeling?
7: Elaborate how positive reinforcement can also be used as a
negative reinforcement.
March 21
1-3: Compare and contrast the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the Twin Towers
and the American people’s reaction to these events?
4: Elaborate which of the 7 Habits you think is the most important and why?
5: Justify how the Northwest Ordinance established principles and procedures
for orderly expansion of the United States?
6: Elaborate on what you think is the largest social issue that we have in our
school and what we can do to help control the issue.
7: Elaborate on behavior modification technique that would be useful in
getting people to change their behavior? Give specific example and explain
how they are beneficial.
March 22
1-3: Compare and contrast the treatment of the Native Americans in the 1850
in the United States and the Jewish population in Europe in the 1930s?
4: (SAT QUESTION OF THE DAY) Laboratories have been warned that
provisions for animal protection that in the past were merely _____________
will now be mandatory;_______________ of this policy will lose their federal
research grants.
5: Elaborate on what abolitionist believed in?
6: Elaborate how can teachers stay up to date with the information in their
subject area?
7: Elaborate on the two processes work together in modeling?
March 25
1-3: Elaborate on the importance of the American people support for entry into World
War II?
4: The following sentence contains either a single error or no error at all. If the sentence
contains an error, select the one underlined part that must be changed to make the
sentence correct. If the sentence contains no error, select choice E.
In order to prepare for the speech he was given to all of the parents and teachers
at the school, George practiced speaking in front of a group of his friends. No
5: Elaborate on the effect of Northwest Ordinance of 1787 to provide for the orderly
expansion of the United States.
6: Elaborate how teachers can stay up to date with the information in their subject area?
7: Justify how Freud’s idea how people might balance their lives?
March 26
1-3: Elaborate on the importance of the American people support for entry into World
War II?
4: The jellyfish’s slow pulsing action propels it in a graceful, seemingly ------- drift, but
its tentacles contain a poison potent enough to stun a swimming human.
(A) sinister (B) rhythmic (C) murky (D) harmless (E) patient
5: Elaborate the difference between life and existence of factory workers and slavery
and which one think had a better life and why
6: Elaborate how teachers can stay up to date with the information in their subject area?
7: Elaborate how difficult how hard transition from childhood to adolescence can be?
March 28
1-3: Good Luck on Test! 
4: Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the
meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Laboratories have been warned that provisions for animal protection that in the past were
merely ------- will now be mandatory;------- of this policy will lose their federal research
Answer Choices (A) comprehensive . . . Adversaries (B) nominal . . advocates
(C) disregarded . . proponents (D) recommended . . violators
5: Good Luck on Test! 
6: What role does a mediator play in resolving a conflict?
7: Elaborate on the effects of having long term memory damage can have on someone?
April 1
Good Luck to all
those participating
in EOC and STAAR
Testing this week!
April 8
1 thru 3: Compare and contrast the major causes of the Great Depression and the
Recession that is being experienced today.
4: True to her altruistic beliefs, Natalie ------- the ------- attitude of her colleague that
a client represented nothing more than a source of income and an opportunity for
advancing one’s professional reputation.
Answer Choices (A) applauded . . conscientious (B) condoned . . aggressive (C) lamented . .
mercenary (D) adopted . . egotistical (E) belittled . . magnanimous
5: Elaborate the changes in the western frontier and how these changes take their toll on
the Native American people?
6: Elaborate two reasons teachers should use a variety of teaching techniques?
7: Elaborate on the term that best describes an intense or irrational fear?
April 9
1 thru 3: Elaborate the New Deal of the 1930s has had a continuing impact on Americans?
4: The professor asked the students to make sure they read the entire novel, both the
twelve regular chapters and the extensive ------- materials that the author included at
the beginning of the book.
Answer Choices (A) proleptic (B) redacted (C) prefatory (D) orthographic (E) conjunctive
5: Compare and contrast the American sprite of adventure and appreciation of unending
possibilities and the building of legacy through technological accomplishment?
6: Explain how does active listening differ from just hearing what someone is saying?
7: Elaborate on what a semantic memory involves?
April 10
40 days to End of School
8 days to TAKS/STARR Testing
1-3: There were multiple factors that explain the decline in the number of bank failures by 1937,
elaborate on two factors?
4: True to her altruistic beliefs, Natalie ------- the ------- attitude of her colleague that a client
represented nothing more than a source of income and an opportunity for advancing one’s professional
Answer Choices (A) applauded . . conscientious (B) condoned . . aggressive (C) lamented . . mercenary (D)
adopted . . egotistical (E) belittled . . magnanimous
5: Compare and contrast the American sprite of adventure and appreciation of unending possibilities and
the building of legacy through technological accomplishment.
6: What roles does a mediator play in resolving a conflict?
7: Elaborate on the importance of long term memory and its function in our life?
April 11
39 days to End of School
7 days to TAKS/STARR Testing
1-3: Elaborate what you know about the Korean War?
4: Part or all of the following sentence is underlined; beneath the sentence are five ways of phrasing the underlined
material. Select the option that produces the best sentence. If you think the original phrasing produces a better
sentence than any of the alternatives, select choice A.
They are smaller than their counterparts in Africa, so Asiatic lions can be found only in Gir, a forest region in northwest
Answer Choices (A) They are smaller than their counterparts in Africa, so Asiatic lions (B) Its counterparts in Africa are
bigger, but the Asiatic lion (C) The Asiatic lion is smaller than their counterparts in Africa, they (D) The counterparts of
African lions in Asia are smaller, although they (E) Smaller than their counterparts in Africa, Asiatic lions
5: The organization of American government into a single national government and 50 state governments reflects what
6: What roles does a mediator play in resolving a conflict?
7: Prepare a puppet how “I see myself”
April 12
38 days to End of School
6 days to TAKS/STARR Testing
1-3: Elaborate on the policies followed by the United States in the years between World War I and World
War II?
4: The following sentence contains either a single error or no error at all. If the sentence contains an error,
select the one underlined part that must be changed to make the sentence correct. If the sentence contains no
error, select choice E.
(A)Although it is not a fast runner, (b) wolves can maintain a loping run for many miles, (c) running throughout
the night (d) if necessary. (e) No error
Answer Choices (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
5: Elaborate if you had to live in 1860s and Civil War broke out who side you fight and why?
6: Prepare a puppet how “I see myself”
7: Continue to prepare a puppet how “I see myself”
April 15
37 days to End of School
5 days to TAKS/STARR Testing
1-3: Elaborate on one person made the big difference in our history?
4: The visually captivating nature of Frank Lloyd Wright’s designs suggests that the
architect is a true _________________, infusing his designs with beauty as well as
Answer Choices (A) instigator (B) nonconformist (C) intellectual (D) minimalist (E)
5: Do you think Lincoln could have brought the country together after the Civil War?
6: Continue to prepare a puppet how “I see myself”
7: Continue to prepare a puppet how “I see myself”
April 16
36 days to End of School
4 days to TAKS/STARR Testing
1-3: Elaborate on the rapid growth of cities from 1877 to 1898 in the United States was the result
of what development.
4. Part or all of the following sentence is underlined; beneath the sentence are five ways of phrasing
the underlined material. Select the option that produces the best sentence. If you think the original
phrasing produces a better sentence than any of the alternatives, select choice A.
They are smaller than their counterparts in Africa, so Asiatic lions can be found only in Gir, a forest
region in northwest India.
Answer Choices (A) They are smaller than their counterparts in Africa, so Asiatic lions (B) Its
counterparts in Africa are bigger, but the Asiatic lion (C) The Asiatic lion is smaller than their
counterparts in Africa, they (D) The counterparts of African lions in Asia are smaller, although they
(E) Smaller than their counterparts in Africa, Asiatic lions
5: Elaborate whether you think American Revolution or Civil War had the greatest impact on
American History and why?
6-7: Continue to prepare a puppet how “I see myself”.
April 17
35 days to End of School
3 days to TAKS/STARR Testing
1-3: Elaborate on four post-War World II events that the United States
participated in.
4: Define the SAT word of the day: balmy (adj) and a complete sentence.
5: Justify why the writers of the Constitution put the words “to form a
more perfect union” in the Preamble?
6: Explain the difference between guided practice and independent
7: Explain why well-developing thinking skills are even more essential thank
April 18
34 days to End of School
2 days to TAKS/STARR Testing
1-3: Compare and contrast the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights and the
Declaration of Independence are similar in their influence on American government.
4: Define the following SAT word daunt (verb) and use in a complete sentence.
5: Justify the important reason for the growth of colonial assemblies in British North
6: Elaborate whether you believe that district mandated curriculums and state testing
takes away from the teachers ability to teach the student and if so why?
7: Explain the expectations that you know your family has for you that in your scheme?
April 19
33 days to End of School
1 days to TAKS/STARR Testing
T – Taking on the State Test
A – Attitude makes all the difference
K – Knights can do anything if we believe
S – Skills are in everything that we do!
Good luck to those that are Testing Next Week!!!!
Go, Do, and Conquer!
April 22
32 days to End of School
0 days to TAKS/STARR Testing
T – Taking on the State Test
A – Attitude makes all the difference
K – Knights can do anything if we believe
S – Skills are in everything that we do!
Good luck to those that are Testing Next Week!!!!
Go, Do, and Conquer!
April 26
28 days to End of School
Lets regroup and start with
journals on Monday!
Glad to see everyone back in
class! Believe it or not you were
April 29
27 days to End of School
Lets regroup and start with
journals on Tuesday!
Glad to see everyone back in
class! Believe it or not you were
April 30
26 days to End of School
1-3: Elaborate why Officers like Captian Sobel were promoted when they had the
inability to lead and no respect of their men.
4: The ballet stage is a bright, seemingly weightless world where gravity is continually
being ______________ dancers.
Answer Choices (A) prolonged; (B) reapportioned (C) unbalanced (D) reflected (E)
5: Elaborate on why General Robert E. Lee thought that an attack down the middle
verses attacking using the cover of the trees and rocks?
6: Justify why lesson plans are consider important to techers?
7: Elaborate whether you consider yourself over thinker or under thinker and why?
May 1
25 days to End of School
1-3: Elaborate why non-commission officers were willing to take such a risk for the unit against an
officer that they thought was bad and face court martial over to get their point across. Do you
think that they might of it handle it differently?
4: Scientists are studying the birth and growth of thunderstorms to discover what causes the
difference between showers that enable crops to _____________ and ________________
storms that cause floods and erosions.
Answer Choices (A) flourish . . violent (B) wither . . damaging (C) grow . . harmless (D) parch . . severe
(E) multiply . . essential
5: Elaborate why you believe Jeb Stewart was so descriptive of the pursuing battle and from the
lack of faith in his men’ ability to survive the battle Cemetery Ridge?
6: Elaborate on why you think the five “E” approach in the objects insightful to teachers or
7: Do you believe that when we get a mental image of something, it remains with us or effects our
memories or thought process? Why or why not.
May 2
24 days to End of School
1-3: Elaborate whether there could have been way to prevent the initial confusion and
large amount of loss of life on the initial invasion of Europe.
4: Although Paul Bowles wrote many musical pieces during his prolific career, his work
as a composer was ultimately __________________ his writing, for which he
received the most acclaim.
Answer Choices (A) demolished by (B) paramount to (C) overshadowed by (D) adjacent
5: Elaborate whether you believe General Robert E Lee or General Ulysses Grant was
a better leader during the Battle of Gettysburg? Why?
6: Elaborate how engage students with the use of your lessons in their lessons?
7: Describe a mental image and how did it effect your thought or belief in something?
May 3
23 days to End of School
Cinco de Mayo Celebration!!!
Why does the United States
celebrate Cinco de Mayo and what is
significant about this event?
May 6
22 days to End of School
1-3: Why do you think the enlisted men like to have wild stories about the noncommission stories (true or not true)?
4: Many of today’s physicians and patients are _______________ high technology,
captivated by computer-designed drugs and laser surgery.
Answer Choices (A) nervous about (B) defensive about (C) tolerant of (D) enamored of
(E) overwhelmed by
5: Elaborate why trapper had to be able to do everything for shoot to preform
medical procedure.
6: Elaborate whether you know if a Personal Plan that you could elaborate or if you
would have to develop one for this class?
7: Elaborate what is the most creative thing you can do?
May 7
21 days to End of School
EOC Testing ~
Algebra I and
May 8
20 days to End of School
EOC Testing ~
Biology and Chemistry
May 9
19 days to End of School
EOC Testing ~ World
Geography, World
History and AP World
May 10
18 days to End of School
1-3: Elaborate how you might feel if you had to claim the laundry of fellow soldiers
that had died or been injured in the line of duty.
4: The ballet stage is a bright, seemingly weightless world where gravity is continually
being ___________________ by the dancers.
Answer Choices (A) prolonged (B) reapportioned (C) unbalanced (D) reflected (E)
5: Elaborate why the Indian Tribe was more willing to accept the Jacob than Jacob
family was willing to accept her?
6: Elaborate what is the most creative thing you can do?
7: Elaborate whether you know if a Personal Plan that you could elaborate or if you
would have to develop one for this class?
May 13
17 days to End of School
1-3: Elaborate why the senior officers covered their rank in the town that they
4: Observing the newspaper’s tradition of __________________attention to
accuracy, the reporter ______________every statement made by her informant.
Answer Choices (A) scrupulous . . verified (B) lax . . challenged (C) sporadic . .
corroborated (D) systematic . . bungled (E) inordinate . . exaggerated
5: Elaborate why people were willing to leave the safety and security of familiarity to
travel west whether they could lose their life easily.
6: Elaborate four characteristics needed for success in a teaching career?
7: Elaborate on the different types of language there is a communication system?
May 14
16 days to End of School
1-3: Do you agree if you are a leader you lead the way, no matter how easy or hard the
mission it is?
4: Those scholars who believe that the true author of the poem died in 1812 consider
the authenticity of this particular manuscript _______________ because it includes
references to events that occurred in 1818.
Answer Choices (A) ageless (B) tenable (C) suspect (D) unique (E) legitimate
5: A large wagon train began in Missouri and only one wagon reached California, one
person (that we know was taken captive by the Indians). Elaborate why California was
such a great treasurer that people were willing to risk their lives.
6-7: Analyze your personal time management skills? What are two areas that could
use improvement? What are some specific techniques you might try?
May 15
15 days to End of School
1-3: Elaborate how the military could order men into battle knowing that they were
not dressed properly, had little ammunition and were out number.
4: The language of Anne Spencer’s poetry conveys an impression of ______________
that can be misleading: just when a poem seems to be echoing routine feelings, the
diction suddenly sharpens to embody fresh and unexpected ideas.
Answer Choices (A) frivolity (B) triteness (C) diversity (D) lyricism (E) precision
5: Elaborate why you think that idea of wealth could drive people to the point of self
6-7: Identify another profession in which personal reputation and ethics are essential
for success. Explain your selection.
May 16
14 days to End of School
1-3: Elaborate why they did not want “Doc” to go with them on the patrol?
4: Because it lacks water, this makes the area known as Death Valley a desert, but it
is by no means devoid of life.
Answer Choices (A) Because it lacks water, this (B) They lack water, which (C) Water,
the lack of which (D) Lacking water, it (E) Lack of water
5: Explain who might have be involved in developing a new state curriculum for course
for students in the school?
6: Think of an example of a memorable lesson you experienced as a student. What was
the topic of the lesson? How was it taught? What made it so special that you still
remember it?
May 17
13 days to End of School
1-3: Elaborate why the 101st Airborne did not believe that they did not need anyone to
rescue them.
4: No journal!!! But journals will be graded on Friday, May 24th NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
Not turned in that day will be zero!
5: Elaborate why some of the Native American Indians were willing to bend to the
ways of the “white man” while others fought change.
6-7: No journal!!! But journals will be graded on Friday, May 24th NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
Not turned in that day will be zero!
May 20
12 days to End of School
1-3: Elaborate what has been the most interesting historical thing you learned this
year in this class?
4: While a “rock” is usually defined as _____________________, or a combination,
of one or more minerals, geologists often ------- the definition to include such
materials as clay, loose sand, and certain limestones.
Answer Choices (A) a conglomeration . . limit (B) an aggregate . . extend (C) an element
. . eliminate (D) a blend . . restrict (E) a product . . provide
5: Explain why the military would negotiate with the Native American then ride in
then destroy their village.
6-7: Explain how active listening differ from just hearing what someone is saying?
May 21
11 days to End of School
1-3: No more journals for year! Good luck on finals exams and Congratulations on job
well done on the TEKS!!!!
4:Many forests in the southern region of the continent are ____________ plant and
animal diversity, partly because they never suffered the onslaught of glaciers that
wiped out flora and fauna in northern forests long ago.
Answer Choices (A) rich in (B) devoid of (C) dependent on (D) protected from (E)
conflicted about
5: Elaborate what has been the most interesting historical thing you learned this year
in this class?
6-7: Elaborate what you would think is the most challenging thing about becoming a
May 22
10 days to End of School
1-3: No more journals for year! Good luck on finals exams and Congratulations on job
well done on the TAKS!!!!
4: Elaborate on what you would think is the most challenging thing about reaching your
5: Explain why you believe that the U.S. military treated all Native American the same
whether war tribe or not?
6: No more journals! Your journals are due on Friday!
7: Elaborate what you would think is the most challenging thing about becoming a
May 23
9 days to End of School
1-3: No more journals for year! Good luck on finals exams and Congratulations on job
well done on the TAKS!!!!
4. Explain why your resume should be accurate representation of your abilities and
5. As many of you are bilingual students, can you reflect how some of the Native
American children felt having to learn a new language and customs and how?
6: No more journals! Your journals are due on Friday!
7 & 8 Period: Senior Awards!!!
May 24
8 days to End of School
No more journals!
Study for final
May 28
7 days to End of School
Good Luck on Exams!!!