Socratic Seminar Prep Sheet for English 1


Name: Period:

English 1: Socratic Seminar Preparation Sheet

For this week’s discussion, we will be analyzing the Disney/Pixar animated short film “Paperman.” You have already viewed the film several times, constructed a rough timeline of the film’s plot, and studied a document called “Triangular Theory of Love.” We will be using this theory to discuss the messages about love contained in the film. Before Thursday’s Socratic Seminar, you should do the following to prepare:


Summarize the Triangular Theory of Love in your own words. a.

First, circle the key words of each sentence/paragraph.


Second, use these words to summarize the important parts of each paragraph of the theory.


Write your summary on the back of this paper prior to the Socratic Seminar!


Write at least two questions that you can ask during the seminar. These questions can be about the film or the theory. a.

One of these questions should be a “Level 1” question: it can be answered by looking at the text or your outline. This would be a question like “What happens after the boy looks at the paper with the lipstick on it?” The story itself tells us the answer: the girl gets on the train. b.

The other questions should be a “Level 2 or 3” question which means that we must think more deeply to come up with the answer: it isn’t on the page or in our film outline. This would be a question like “How is this film different than the way relationships begin in real life?” We have to think about it and come up with our own answer. c.

Write your two questions on the back of this paper prior to the Socratic Seminar!


Spend some time thinking about how the theory relates to the plot of the film. a.

Compare your plot outline to the theory—what types of love are demonstrated at different points in the story?


Remember our scenario? Be prepared to talk about what messages the film sends to its audience about love. What are they? Are they positive or negative messages? How do they influence the way people think about how love should be?




Infatuated Love:

Empty Love:

Romantic Love:

Companionate Love:

Fatuous Love:

Consummate Love:


My level 1 question is:

My level 2 or 3 question is:
