PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE OFFICAL APPLICATION. IT IS A WORKSHEET FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION TO USE TO PRE-PREPARE YOUR ANSWERS BEFORE ENTERING THEM INTO THE ONLINE SYSTEM. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU KEEP A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT FOR YOUR RECORDS. United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties, Inc Funding Application for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 *Required 1. Agency Name * 2. DBA Agency DBA 3. HQ Address * Headquarters Street Address 4. HQ City * Headquarters City 5. HQ State * Headquarters State -2-letter Abbreviation 6. HQ Zip * Headquarters Zip Code 7. Local Address * Local Street Address 8. Local City * Local Address City 9. Local State * Local State - 2-letter abbrevation 1/51 10. Local Zip * Local Address Zip Code 11. Contact Name * 12. Contact Email * 13. Contact Phone * 14. FY Begin * Beginning Date of Fiscal Year Example: 1 2 / 15 15. FY End ff Ending Date of Fiscal Year Example: 12 / 15 16. Federal ID Number * 17. ED Name * Executive Director 18. ED Address * Executive Director Street Address 18. ED City * Executive Director’s City 19. ED State ff Executive Director State - 2-letter Abbreviation 20. ED Zip * Executive Director Zip Code 2/51 21. ED Phone * Executive Director Phone Number 22. Board Chair * Board Volunteer Chair Name 23. Chair Address * 24. Chair City * 25. Chair State * 26. Chair Zip * 27. Chair Phone * I. AGENCY INFORMATION/OVERVIEW 28. Agency Description * General Description of Agency (50 words maximum) 3/51 29. Mission * Agency Mission Statement 30. Vision * Agency Vision Statement 31. History * Brief History (date established, etc.) 32. Services * Services Provided by Agency 4151 33. Delivery * How Are Services Provided? 34. Target * Geographic Area of Service Check all that apply. ___ Flagler County ___ Volusia County ___ Both Flagler and Volusia Counties ___ Flagler, Volusia, & Other Counties II. PURPOSE OF AGENCY 35. Needs Met * Describe the community need(s) being met by your agency services Check all that apply. ___ Education ___ Income ___ Health ___ Basic needs (food, shelter, clothing, financial assistance) 36. Needs Explanation * Explain Needs Being Met 5151 37. Changes/Challenges * Check any significant changes and/or challenges that occurred in the last year. Mark only one oval. ___ Change of chief executives (finance officer, director, etc.) ___ Significant loss of federal funding ___ Significant loss of state funding ___ Elimination of significant program or activity ___ Findings listed in annual agency audit ___ No significant changes or challenges 38. Changes Explanation * Please explain significant changes noted above with program, funding, findings, corrective measures. If none, please type N/A. 39. Successes * Please discuss agency successes. Ill. Board of Directors 40. Board Local * Do you have a governing Board of Directors with local representation? Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 6151 41. Governance If you answered "no" above, please describe your system of governance (i.e., chapter of national Organization with local advisory board, local advisory board has representation on larger regional Board of Directors, program is part of public entity, etc. 42. Meeting Frequency 11 How often did the governing body meet during the last calendar year? Mark only one oval. ___ Monthly ___ Bi-Monthly ___ Quarterly ___ Less than Quarterly 43. Frequency Details If meeting less than quarterly, please explain. 44. Attendance * Describe the average meeting attendance. Mark only one oval. ___ Only minimum number of attendees to achieve a quorum ___ At least 25% of the appointed board ___ At least 50% of the appointed board ___ At least 75% of the appointed board IV. AGENCY FUNDING SUMMARY 45. Matching Funds 11 Does your agency receive matching funds? Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 7/51 46. If yes, what is the match ratio? Identify the match ratio for any grant that is leveraged. For example, the return is $4 per $1 raised locally. The match ratio is 1:4. Fundraising Indicate what percentage the following efforts comprise your total fundraising efforts. 47. Special Events * Mark only one oval. ___ 0% 1-25% ___ 26-50% ___ 51-75% ___ more than 75% ___ 48. Raffles * Mark only one oval. ___ 0% 1-25% ___ 26-50% ___ 51-75% ___ more than 75% ___ 49. Direct Solicitation * Mark only one oval. ___ 0% 1-25% ___ 26-50% ___ 51-75% ___ more than 75% ___ 50. Grants * Mark only one oval. ___ 0% 1-25% ___ 26-50% ___ 51-75% ___ more than 75% ___ 51. Other * Mark only one oval. ___ 0% 1-25% ___ ___ 26-50% ___ 51-75% ___ more than 75% 52. Agency-generated revenues * Check all that apply. ___ Per Client Fee ___ Fee for Service ___ Memorials ___ ___ Sale of material or product Other. V. AGENCY FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 53. Agency Financial Narrative * AGENCY FINANCIAL NARRATIVE: The narrative should help the reader understand how your budget aligns with program services. Include information about: In-kind revenues received and the value of such in-kind items. Agency-generated revenues (fee for servicessliding scale, per client fee, special events, memorial). United Way contributions, whether one, two, or multi-county. Budgetary shortfalls. Any reserves as they relate to organizational shortfalls and viability. Identify any significant financial changes experienced by the agency and reflected in the budget financial data between Prior Year Actual and Current Year Projection, AND between Current Year Projection and Proposed Year. 1Q'51 In-Kind Revenues Check all that apply regarding in-kind revenues that are received and the value of such in-kind items annually. 54. Legal Services • Mark only one oval. ___ 0 ___ $1-$2,500 ___ $2,501-$5,000 ___ $5,001-$15,000 ___ Greater than $15,000 55. Advertising/Marketing Services * Mark only one oval. ___ 0 $1-$2,500 ___ ___ $2,501-$5,000 ___ ___ $5,001-$15,000 Greater than $15,000 56. Financial Services * Mark only one oval. ___ 0 $1-$2,500 ___ ___ $2,501-$5,000 ___ ___ $5,001-$15,000 Greater than $15,000 57. Office Real Estate • Mark only one oval. ___ 0 $1-$2,500 ___ ___ $2,501-$5,000 ___ ___ $5,001-$15,000 Greater than $15,000 1Q'51 58. Volunteers * Mark only one oval. ___ 0 $1-$2,500 ___ ___ $2,501-$5,000 ___ ___ $5,001-$15,000 Greater than $15,000 59. Other * Mark only one oval. ___ 0 $1-$2,500 ___ ___ $2,501-$5,000 ___ ___ $5,001-$15,000 Greater than $15,000 60. Other UW Contributions * Is your agency receiving any contributions from other United Ways? Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 61. Other UW Details If yes, please explain 62. Budgetary Shortfalls * Discuss any budgetary shortfalls: Mark only one oval. ___ Minimal - less than 6% of operating/program budget, no program impact ___ Minor -less than 10% of operating/program budget, minimal program impact ___ Moderate- greater than 10% of operating/program budget, moderate to significant program impact ___ Significant- greater than 15% of operating/program, unable to operate program at prior year levels and program in danger of elimination 11/51 63. Shortfall Explanation * Explain the above shortfalls. If none, please type N/A. 64. Reserves Used * Discuss any reserves as they relate to organization shortfalls and viability ___ No use of reserves ___ Use of reserves for non-recurring expenses ___ Use of reserves for reoccurring expenses (i.e., operational and salary needs) ___ Reserves used regularly to fund program operating costs and salaries- not able to provide programming without this funding source 65. Reserves Explanation * Explain the above use of reserves. If none, please type NIA. 66. Financial Changes * Identify any significant (10% or $2,500, whichever is greater) financial changes experienced by the agency and reflected in the budget financial data between Prior Year Actual and Current Year Projection AND Current Year Projection and Proposed Year ___ Salaries ___ Utilities ___ Professional Services Insurances (not employee benefits) ___ Specific Program Expenses ___ None ___ ___ Other: 12/51 67. Financial Changes Explanation * Explain the above financial changes. If none, please type N/A. 68. Allocation Panel * List recommendations/comments made by last year's allocation panel as stated in the award letter. 69. Recommendations Changes * List changes made and results due to the recommendations/comments from the allocation panel. 18151 2014-2015 AGENCY SELF-EVALUATION Relationship with United Way 70. Agency Agreement * The board understands and approves the United Way Agency Agreement Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 71. Fundraising Policies * The agency is knowledgeable of and follows United Way fundraising policies Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 72. Internal Fundraising Campaign * The agency conducts an internal United Way fundraising campaign among its employees Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 73. PaceSetter Agency If agency conducted internal fundraising, was agency a PaceSetter, finishing the Campaign prior to the United Way Campaign Kick-Off? Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 74. Speakers Provided * Did the agency provide speakers for United Way Campaign presentations? Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 75. Council of Agency Executive Meetings * The agency director attends Council of Agency Executives meetings. Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 76. Agency Representation * The agency is represented at United Way events and fundraisers (i.e., Campaign Kick-Off, Race Parking, Positive Picketing, etc.) Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 77. United Way Logo * 18151 The United Way logo is displayed on the agency's building, website, brochures, publications, and other marketing materials. Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 78. Outcome Measurement Training * Staff representative(s) from the agency attended an Outcome Measurement Training Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 79. Grant Workshop * Staff representative(s) from the agency attended the Grand Workshop for the Funding Application Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 80. Self Evaluation Comments Please share any comments you have regarding your relationship with United Way with regard to the self evaluation questions listed above. 18151 PROGRAMS 81. Program Total * Total Amount Requested for Programs in this Application 82. P1 * Program One Name 83. P1 Amount * Amount Requested 84. P2 Program Two Name 85. P2 Amount Amount Requested 86. P3 Program Three Name 87. P3 Amount Amount Requested 88. P4 Program Four Name 89. P4 Amount Amount Requested 90. P5 Program Five Name 91. P5 Amount Amount Requested 18151 92. P6 Program Six Name 93. P6 Amount Amount Requested SECTION 2: PROGRAM INFORMATION 94. P1 Name • Program Name 95. P1 Service Area * Please select ONE Service Area that BEST describes the impact focus of this program. Service areas will be used to report back to United Way donors. Mark only one oval. Education ___ Income Health ___ Basic Needs ___ 96. P1 Description * Provide a short description of this program (50 words maximum) 97. P1 Needs * What are the needs in our community for this program's services? 18151 98. P1 Addressing * How are you addressing the need for services? 99. P1 Impact * What is the long term impact to the clients and to the community? 100. P1 Matching * Does the program receive matching funds? Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 101. P1 Matching Source If matching funds are received, indicate the funding source. 102. P1 Match Ratio Identify the match ratio for any grant that is leveraged. Identify the cap on any leveraged grant. For example, the return is $4 per $1 raised locally. The leverage of 1:4 is up to a cap of $50,000 (i.e. $50,000 brings in a maximum of $200,000). 103. P1 Grant * Was a grant requested last year? Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 18151 104. P1 Increase Request * Was a funding increase requested? Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 105. P1 Client Fees * Were there client fees? Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 106. P1 Clients Served * Number of clients served (Unduplicated Services) (2014-2015 Projection) 107. P1 Cost/Client * Cost/client (in$)(# of clients served, unduplicated, divided by total program cost) (2014-2015 Projection) 108. P1 Locations * List separate locations for Program 109. P1 Days * Days of Operation 110. P1 Hours * Hours of Operation 111. P1 Staff * Number of staff 112. P1 Volunteers * Number of volunteers 2Q'51 I. PROGRAM OVERVIEW 113. Prog 1 Changes * Has this program had a major change in the facilities, staff, or services in the past 12 months? Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 114. Prog 1 Change Comments If yes, please explain the change and impact on the program. 115. Prog 1 New Program If you did not previously request a grant for this program, is it a new program for your agency? Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 116. Prog 1 Age If this is not a new program, how long has it been in existence? 117. Prog 1 Collaboration * Give examples of collaborative efforts regarding this program. DO NOT INCLUDE RELATIONSHIPS FOR CLIENT REFERRALS ONLY. 2Q'51 118. Prog 1 Fees * Are client fees charged for this program? Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No 119. Prog 1 Fee Range If yes, what is the range of fees, and how are these fees determined? 120. Prog 1 Fee Waiver If fees are not charged, why not? 121. Prog 1 Client Eligibility * How is client eligibility determined for this program? 122. Prog 1 Wait List * Describe the waiting list for program services (include the length of the list and how it is managed). 21/51 II. PROGRAM DEMOGRAPHICS SUMMARY Please complete the following questions summarizing the demographic characteristics of clients served by this program. If there are no prior year clients choose N/A. Do not use percentage; put actual numbers of clients. PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE FIGURES ARE NUMBERS OF CLIENTS SERVED- UNDUPLICATED, NOT NUMBER OF SERVICES PROVIDED. AGE GROUP - 0-5 123. P1 0-5 Prior Yr • Prior year clients aged 0-5 (actual) 07/1306/14 124. P1 0-5 Current Yr * Current year clients aged 0-5 (projected) 07/14-06/15 125. P1 0-5 Proposed Yr Proposed year clients aged 0-5 (projected) 07/15-06/16 AGE GROUP 6-10 126. P1 6-10 Prior Yr • Prior year clients aged 6-10 (actual) 07/1306/14 127. P1 6-10 Current Yr * Current year clients aged 6-10 (projected) 07/14-06/15 128. P1 6-10 Proposed Yr * Proposed year clients aged 6-10 (projected) 07/15-06/16 AGE GROUP 11-17 22/51 137. P1 30-54 Proposed Yr * 129. P111-17 PriorYr * Prior year clients aged 11-17 (actual) 07/13 -06/14 130. P111-17 Current Yr * Current year clients aged 11-17 (projected) 07/14-06/15 131. P1 11-17 Proposed Yr Proposed year clients aged 11-17 (projected) 07/15-06/16 AGE GROUP 18-29 132. P118-29 Prior YR * Prior year clients aged 18-29 (actual) 07/1306/14 133. P118-29 Current Yr * Current year clients aged 18-29 (projected) 07/14-06/15 134. P118-29 Proposed Yr * Proposed year clients aged 18-29 (projected) 07/15-06/16 AGE GROUP 30-54 135. P1 30-54 Prior Yr * Prior year clients aged 30-54 (actual) 07/1306/14 136. P1 30-54 Current Yr * Current year clients aged 30-54 (projected) 07/14-06/15 24151 137. P1 30-54 Proposed Yr * Proposed year clients aged 30-54 (projected) 07/15-06/16 AGE GROUP 55-64 138. P1 55-64 Prior Yr * Prior year clients aged 55-64 (actual) 07/1306/14 139. P1 55-64 Current Yr * Current year clients aged 55-64 (projected) 07/14-06/15 140. P1 55-64 Proposed Yr * Proposed year clients aged 55-64 (projected) 07/15-06/16 AGE GROUP 65+ 141. P1 65+ Prior Yr * Prior year clients aged 65 and over (actual) 07/13-06/14 142. P1 65+ Current Yr * Current year clients aged 65 and over (projected) 07/14-06/15 143. P1 65+ Proposed Yr * Proposed year clients aged 65 and over (projected) 07/15-06/16 AGE GROUP UNDOCUMENTED 24151 144. P1Undocumented Prior Yr Prior year clients age undocumented (actual) 07/13-06/14 145. P1 Undocumented Current Yr Current year clients age undocumented (projected) 07/14-06/15 146. P1 Undocumented Proposed Yr Proposed year clients age undocumented (projected) 07/15-06/16 GENDER GROUP -Male 147. P1 Male Prior Yr * Prior year clients Male (actual) 07/13-06/14 148. P1 Male Current Yr * Current year clients Male (projected) 07/1306/15 149. P1 Male Proposed Yr Proposed year clients Male (projected) 07/1506/16 GENDER GROUP -Female 150. P1 Female Prior Yr * Prior year clients Female (actual) 07/13-06/14 151. P1 Female Current Yr * Current year clients Female (projected) 07/1406/15 25151 152. P1 Female Proposed Yr Proposed year clients Female (projected) 07/15-06/16 GENDER GROUP -Undocumented 153. P1 Undocumented Prior Yr Prior year clients Undocumented (actual) 07/13-06/14 154. P1 Undocumented Current Yr * Current year clients Undocumented (projected) 07/14-06/15 155. P1 Undocumented Proposed Yr Proposed year clients Undocumented (projected) 07/15-06/16 ETHNIC BACKGROUND- Caucasian 156. P1 Caucasian Prior Yr * Prior year clients Caucasian (actual) 07/13- 06/14 157. P1 Caucasian Current Yr * Current year clients Caucasian (projected) 07/14-06/15 158. P1 Caucasian Proposed Yr * Proposed year clients Caucasian (projected) 07/15-06/16 ETHNIC BACKGROUND- African-American 26151 159. P1African-American Prior Yr * Prior year clients African-American (actual) 07/13-06/14 160. P1African-American Current Yr * Current year clients African-American (projected) 07/14-06/15 161. P1African-American Proposed Yr * Proposed year clients African-American (projected) 07/15-06/16 ETHNIC BACKGROUND- Hispanic 162. P1Hispanic Prior Yr * Prior year clients Hispanic (actual) 07/1306/14 163. P1Hispanic Current Yr * Current year clients Hispanic (projected) 07/14-06/15 164. P1Hispanic Proposed Yr * Proposed year clients Hispanic (projected) 07/15-06/16 ETHNIC BACKGROUND- Asian-American 165. P1Asian-American Prior Yr Prior year clients Asian-American (actual) 07/13-06/14 166. P1Asian-American Current Yr * Current year clients Asian-American (projected) 07/14-06/15 27/51 167. P1Asian-American Proposed Yr * Proposed year clients Asian-American (projected) 07/15-06/16 ETHNIC BACKGROUND ·Native American 168. P1Native American Prior Yr Prior year clients Native American (actual) 07/13-06/14 169. P1Native American Current Yr * Current year clients Native American (projected) 07/14-06/15 170. P1Native American Proposed Yr * Proposed year clients Native American (projected) 07/15-06/16 ETHNIC BACKGROUND·Other 171. P1 Other Prior Yr Prior year clients Other (actual) 07/13-06/14 172. P1 Other Current Yr Current year clients Other (projected) 07/14- 06/15 173. P1 Other Proposed Yr * Proposed year clients Other (projected) 07/15- 06/16 ETHNIC BACKGROUND·Undocumented 28151 174. P1 Undocumented Prior Yr * Prior year clients Undocumented (actual) 07/13-06/14 175. P1 Undocumented Current Yr Current year clients Undocumented (projected) 07/14-06/15 176. P1 Undocumented Proposed Yr * Proposed year clients Undocumented (projected) 07/15-06/16 LEGAL RESIDENCE DEMOGRAPHICS FLAGLER 177. P1 Bunnell Prior Yr Prior year Bunnell 32110 clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 178. P1 Bunnell Current Yr Current year Bunnell clients (projected) 07/14- 06/15 179. P1 Bunnell Proposed Yr Proposed year Bunnell clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 180. P1 Flagler Beach Prior Yr Prior year Flagler 32136 clients (actual) 07/1306/14 181. P1 Flagler Beach Current Yr Current year Flagler clients (projected) 07/14- 06/15 2W51 182. P1 Flagler Beach Proposed Yr Proposed year Flagler clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 183. P1 Marineland Prior Yr Prior year Marineland 32086 clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 184. P1 Marineland Current Yr Current year Marineland clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 185. P1 Marineland Proposed Yr Proposed year Marineland clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 186. P1 Palm Coast Prior Yr Prior year Palm Coast 32135, 32137, 32142, 32164 clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 187. P1 Palm Coast Current Yr Current year Palm Coast clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 188. P1 Palm Coast Proposed Yr Proposed year Palm Coast clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 NORTHEAST 189. P1 Daytona Beach Prior Yr Prior year Daytona Beach clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 3CY51 190. P1 Daytona Beach Current Yr Current year Daytona Beach clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 191. P1 Daytona Beach Proposed Yr Proposed year Daytona Beach clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 192. P1 Daytona Beach Shores Prior Yr Prior year Daytona Beach Shores clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 193. P1 Daytona Beach Shores Current Yr Current year Daytona Beach Shores clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 194. P1 Daytona Beach Shores Proposed Yr Proposed year Daytona Beach Shores clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 195. P1 Holly Hill Prior Yr Prior year Holly Hill clients (actual) 07/13- 06/14 196. P1 Holly Hill Current Yr Current year Holly Hill clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 197. P1 Holly Hill Proposed Yr Proposed year Holly Hill clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 198. P1 Ormond Beach Prior Yr Prior year Onnond Beach clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 31/51 199. P1 Ormond Beach Current Yr Current year Onnond Beach clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 200. P1 Ormond Beach Proposed Yr Proposed year Onnond Beach clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 201. P1 PI/Wilbur Prior Yr Prior year Ponce Inlet/Wilbur-by-the-Sea clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 202. P1 PI/Wilbur Current Yr Current year Ponce Inlet/Wilbur-by-the-Sea clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 203. P1 PI/Wilbur Proposed Yr Proposed year Ponce Inlet/Wilbur-by-the-Sea clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 204. P1 Port Orange Prior Yr Prior year Port Orange clients (actual) 07/1306/14 205. P1 Port Orange Current Yr Current year Port Orange clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 206. P1 Port Orange Proposed Yr Proposed year Port Orange clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 207. P1 South Daytona Prior Yr Prior year South Daytona clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 32/51 208. P1 South Daytona Current Yr Current year South Daytona clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 209. P1 South Daytona Proposed Yr Proposed year South Daytona clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 NORTHWEST 210. P1 Barberville Prior Yr Prior year Barberville clients (actual) 07/1306/14 211. P1 Barberville Current Yr Current year Barberville clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 212. P1 Barberville Proposed Yr Proposed year Barberville clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 213. P1 Cassadaga Prior Yr Prior year Cassadaga clients (actual) 07/1306/14 214. P1 Cassadaga Current Yr Current year Cassadaga clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 215. P1 Cassadaga Proposed Yr Proposed year Cassadaga clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 33/51 216. P1 Deland Prior Yr Prior year Deland clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 217. P1 Deland Current Yr Current year Deland clients (projected) 07/1406/15 218. P1 Deland Proposed Yr Proposed year Deland clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 219. P1 Deleon Springs Prior Yr Prior year Deleon Springs clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 220. P1 Deleon Springs Current Yr Current year Deleon Springs clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 221. P1 Deleon Springs Proposed Yr Proposed year Glenwood clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 222. P1 Glenwwod Prior Yr Prior year Glenwood clients (actual) 07/1306/14 223. P1 Glenwood Current Yr Current year Glenwood clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 224. P1 Glenwood Proposed Yr Proposed year Glenwood clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 34151 225. P1 Lake Helen Prior Yr Prior year Lake Helen clients (actual) 07/1306/14 226. P1 Lake Helen Current Yr Current year Lake Helen clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 227. P1 Lake Helen Proposed Yr Proposed year Lake Helen clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 228. P1 Pierson Prior Yr Prior year Pierson clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 229. P1 Pierson Current Yr Current year Pierson clients (projected) 07/1406/15 230. P1 Pierson Proposed Yr Proposed year Pierson clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 231. P1 Seville Prior Yr Prior year Seville clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 232. P1 Seville Current Yr Current year Seville clients (projected) 07/1406/15 233. P1 Seville Proposed Yr Proposed year Seville clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 36151 SOUTHEAST 234. P1 Edgewater Prior Yr Prior year Edgewater clients (actual) 07/1306/14 235. P1 Edgewater Current Yr Current year Edgewater clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 236. P1 Edgewater Proposed Yr Proposed year Edgewater clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 237. P1 New Smyrna Beach Prior Yr Prior year New Smyrna Beach clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 238. P1 New Smyrna Beach Current Yr Current year New Smyma Beach clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 239. P1 New Smyrna Beach Proposed Yr Proposed year New Smyma Beach clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 240. P1 Oak Hill Prior Yr Prior year Oak Hill clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 241. P1 Oak Hill Current Yr Current year Oak Hill clients (projected) 07/1406/15 242. P1 Oak Hill Proposed Yr Proposed year Oak Hill clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 36151 SOUTHWEST 243. P1 Debary Prior Yr Prior year Debary clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 244. P1 Debary Current Yr Current year Debary clients (projected) 07/1406/15 245. P1 Debary Proposed Yr Proposed year Debary clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 246. P1 Deltona Prior Yr Prior year Deltona clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 247. P1 Deltona Current Yr Current year Deltona clients (projected) 07/1406/15 248. P1 Deltona Proposed Yr Proposed year Deltona clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 249. P1 Enterprise Prior Yr Prior year Enterprise clients (actual) 07/1306/14 250. P1 Enterprise Current Yr Current year Enterprise clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 251. P1 Enterprise Proposed Yr Proposed year Enterprise clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 37/51 252. P1 Orange City Prior Yr Prior year Orange City clients (actual) 07/13- 06/14 253. P1 Orange City Current Yr Current year Orange City clients (projected) 07/14-06/15 254. P1 Orange City Proposed Yr Proposed year Orange City clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 255. P1 Osteen Prior Yr Prior year Osteen clients (actual) 07/13-06/14 256. P1 Osteen Current Yr Current year Osteen clients (projected) 07/14- 06/15 257. P1 Osteen Proposed Yr Proposed year Osteen clients (projected) 07/15-06/16 Ill. PROGRAM OUTCOMES 258. INPUTS * What RESOURCES are dedicated to this program? 31!151 259. ACTIVITIES "' What SERVICES are provided? 260. OUTPUTS * What AMOUNTS OF SERVICE are provided? 261. OUTCOME 1 * BENEFIT to program participants 262. Out1 Indicators * How will you measure whether you achieved OUTCOME 1? :&'51 263. Out1 Data Source * Where and how will you get your information for OUTCOME 1? 264. Out1 Prev Yr * Actual previous year 07/13-06/14 for OUTCOME 1 265. Out1 Current Yr * Current year projected 07/14-06/15 for OUTCOME 1 266. Out1 Prop Yr * Proposed year projected 07/15-06/16 for OUTCOME 1 40'51 267. OUTCOME 2 * BENEFIT to program participants 268. Out2 Indicators * How will you measure whether you achieved OUTCOME 2? 269. Out2 Data Source * Where and how will you get your information for OUTCOME 2? 270. Out2 Prev Yr * Actual previous year 07/13-06/14 for OUTCOME 2 41/51 271. Out2 Current Yr * Current year projected 07/14-06/15 for OUTCOME 2 272. Out2 Prop Yr * Proposed year projected 07/15-06/16 for OUTCOME 2 273. OUTCOME 3 BENEFIT to program participants 274. Out3 Indicators How will you measure whether you achieved OUTCOME 3? 42/51 275. Out3 Data Source Where and how will you get your information for OUTCOME 3? 276. Out3 Prev Yr Actual previous year 07/13-06/14 for OUTCOME 3 277. Out3 Current Yr Current year projected 07/14-06/15 for OUTCOME 3 278. Out3 Prop Yr Proposed year projected 07/15-06/16 for OUTCOME 3 43/51 279. OUTCOME 4 BENEFIT to program participants 280. Out41ndicators How will you measure whether you achieved OUTCOME 4? 281. Out4 Data Source Where and how will you get your information for OUTCOME 4? 282. Out4 Prev Yr Actual previous year 07/13-06/14 for OUTCOME 4 44151 283. Out4 Current Yr Current year projected 07/14-06/15 for OUTCOME 4 284. Out4 Prop Yr Proposed year projected 07/15-06/16 for OUTCOME 4 285. OUTCOME 5 BENEFIT to program participants 286. Out5 Indicators How will you measure whether you achieved OUTCOME 5? 45151 287. Out5 Data Source Where and how will you get your information for OUTCOME 5? 288. Out5 Prev Yr Actual previous year 07/13-06/14 for OUTCOME 5 289. Out5 Current Yr Current year projected 07/14-06/15 for OUTCOME 5 290. Out5 Prop Yr Proposed year projected 07/15-06/16 for OUTCOME 5 291. Measurements * How have you used outcome measurements in the past 12 months to evaluate your programs and what changes did you implement going forward as a result (give specific examples)? IV. IN-KIND REVENUES Describe your in-kind revenues (i.e., volunteers, rent, equipment, advertising, etc.). In-kind is defined as anything given to the agency to support the program that the agency would otherwise have to pay for. 292. In-Kind 1 * In-kind revenue 1 293. IK1 Desc * Description of in-kind revenue 1 294. IK1 Hours Hours donated for in-kind revenue 1 295. IK1 Rate Hour1y rate for in-kind revenue 1 296. IK1 Current Yr * Current year (07/14-06/15) 47/51 297. IK1 Proposed Yr * Proposed year (07/15-06/16) 298. In-Kind 2 In-kind revenue 2 299. IK2 Desc Description of in-kind revenue 2 300. IK2 Hours Hours donated for in-kind revenue 2 301. IK2 Rate Hour1y rate for in-kind revenue 2 302. IK2 Current Yr Current year (07/14-06/15) 303. IK2 Proposed Yr Proposed year (07/15-06/16) 304. In-Kind 3 In-kind revenue 3 4&'51 305. IK3 Desc Description of in-kind revenue 3 306. IK3 Hours Hours donated for in-kind revenue 3 307. IK3 Rate Hourly rate for in-kind revenue 3 308. IK3 Current Yr Current year (07/14-06/15) 309. IK3 Proposed Yr Proposed year (07/15-06/16) 310. In-Kind 4 In-kind revenue 4 311. IK4Desc Description of in-kind revenue 4 312. IK4 Hours Hours donated for in-kind revenue 4 4S'51 313. IK4 Rate Hourly rate for in-kind revenue 4 314. IK4 Current Yr Current year (07/14-06/15) 315. IK4 Proposed Yr Proposed year (07/15-06/16) 316. In-Kind 5 In-kind revenue 5 317. IK5 Desc Description of in-kind revenue 5 318. IK5 Hours Hours donated for in-kind revenue 5 319. IK5 Rate Hourly rate for in-kind revenue 5 320. IK5 Current Yr Current year (07/14-06/15) 321. IK5 Proposed Yr Proposed year (07/15-06/16) 322. Tot Rev Current Yr * Total In-Kind Revenue Current Year 07/1406/15 323. Tot Rev Prop Yr * Total In-Kind Revenue Proposed Year 07/1506/16 324. More Programs * Do you have another program to describe? Mark only one oval. ___ Yes ___ No YOU WILL NEED TO FILL OUT THE PROGRAMS SECTION FOR EACH PROGRAM 51/51