Atomic Structure Basic Parts of the atom

Atomic Structure
•Basic Parts of the atom- Subatomic
• Proton
Positive charge
• Found in the nucleus
• Dictate the identity of the atom
• Neutron
No charge
• Found in the nucleus
• Electron
Orbits the nucleus
• Tiny compared to proton and neutron
• # equal to # of protons in neutral atom
•Parts of the atom
• Nucleus
Consists of protons and neutrons
• Extremely dense
• If
the nucleus of an atom was the size of a 1cm
ball, it would weight 133,000,000 tons!
• Electron
Area outside the nucleus where the electrons
orbit the nucleus
• Empty
If the nucleus was the size of golf ball, the
electron cloud would be half a mile in
•Electron Cloudss
• Only
a certain # of electron can
occupy a particular area at once
Known as energy levels
• Level
1- 2 electrons
• Level 2- 8 electrons
• Level 3- 18 electrons
• Level 4- 32 electrons
•Identifying Atoms
• Atomic
Determined by the number of protons
• All
atoms of a particular element will have the
same atomic number
• Different elements have different atomic numbers
What is the atomic number for the following elements?
• Oxygen
• Neon
• Iron
• Lithium
• Phosphorous
• Mercury
•Atomic Mass
• The
mass of the nucleus of an atom
Protons + neutrons
• If we know atomic mass and atomic number,
we can determine the number of neutrons
What is the atomic mass for the following elements?
How many neutrons would each element have?
• Atoms
of the same element whose
atomic masses are different
• Two ways of identifying
Hyphen notation
• element
name-atomic mass
• Ex- Carbon-12
Chemical notation (nuclear symbol)
• atomic
mass written over atomic number followed
by atomic symbol
• Ex: 6 C
Again, we can identify # of neutrons from
atomic mass and atomic number
Write the Chemical formula and hyphen notation for the
Nitrogen atom with 7 neutrons
Carbon atom with 8 neutrons
Sulfur atom with 15 neutrons
Lithium atom with 2 neutrons
Neon atom with 12 neutrons
•Average Atomic Mass
Weighted average of masses of all naturally
occurring isotopes of an element
This is the value you see on the periodic table
Calculated by multiplying each isotopes mass by the
decimal percentage and adding those values
EX: Carbon-12: 98.5%
Carbon-13: 1.0%
Carbon-14: 0.5%
Calculate the average atomic mass for the following:
Uranium-234: 0.005%
Uranium-235: 0.720%
Uranium-238: 99.275%
Copper-63: 69.17%
Copper-65: 30.83%
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