Basic Atomic Structure Practice 1. The 3 particles of the atom are: a. b. c. Name: _______________________ Their respective charges are: a. b. c. 2. The atomic number tells you the number of _________________in one atom of an element. It also tells you the number of _________________in a neutral atom of that element. The atomic number gives the “identity” of an element as well as its location on the periodic table. No two different elements will have the _________________atomic number. 3. The _________________of an element is the total number of protons and neutrons in the _________________of the atom. 4. Give the symbol of and the number of protons in one atom of: Lithium Iron Oxygen Krypton Bromine Copper Mercury Helium _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 5. Name the element which has the following numbers of particles: a. 26 electrons, 29 neutrons, 26 protons _________________ b. 53 protons, 74 neutrons _________________ c. 2 electrons (neutral atoms) _________________ d. 20 protons _________________ e. 86 electrons, 125 neutrons, 82 protons _________________ Word Bank for questions 2-3 mass number electrons nucleus protons same 6. Fill in the missing items in the table below. Element # # # Mass Charge Symbol Protons Neutrons Electrons Number Co 59 +3 0 38 43 9 20 18 -2 21 Ca Vanadium-52 40 52 53 50 Lead-210 36 10 17 Isotope Hyphen Notation (Name – Mass) +2 0 18 38 38 90 +1 Nuclear Symbol (MassAtomicXCharge)