MICROSOFT CERTIFICATION A major goal of the MSDE BMF Program Affiliate is to increase to enhance the Maryland High School BMF Completer Programs to lead to industry certification and the earning of credits. The MSDE has specifically identified a goal to upgrade the existing computer applications curriculum to align with Microsoft Certification exams. 2 WHY MOS The Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) is globally recognized credential desired by academia and business. MOS Certification is used by employers to fill job vacancies quickly, minimize new hire ramp-up time, make promotion decisions, and maximize their return on company resources and technology. Most colleges and universities recognize MOS Certification granting college credit to students who have earned MOS credentials. Microsoft Certification is only available through Certiport. No other certification is recognized or endorsed by the Microsoft Corporation. 3 PRICING OPTIONS Each Certification test costs $125 Academic discount brings the test down to $75 Test preparation system cost $2,000 for a one-year site license. For me to offer the summer training for 28 people we spent: • • • $2,000 on GMETRIX Plus $2,100 on tests (total $4,100) which made available only one application test per person. If we had two application tests available per person we would spend $6,200. For Certiport a site equals a school. Maryland negotiated agreement for K-12 Schools only. $2,500 for up to 500 tests as well as unlimited practice tests. • 500 tests does not equal 500 people (not by a long shot) 4 M A RY L A N D N E G O T I AT E D AG R E E M E N T F O R K - 1 2 S C H O O L S O N L Y. $2,500 for up to 500 tests as well as unlimited practice tests. Most adults taking the test need to take the test twice Most kids will take the test 3 times. I would estimate that your 500 test cap will cover 75-100 kids taking the MS Word and MS Excel test (averaging 2.5 attempts per kid). Plan on giving MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint -then you should be able to cover 50-75 kids comfortable. 5 C O S T B E N E F I T A N A LY S I S If you test 17 kids MS Word and MS Excel (2 application) tests each and were going to spend $75 per kid for just two attempts per application you would spend $2,550. • Keep in mind that with the new curriculum Word and Excel are offered at the end of the same class and not over 2 different years. If you buy the site license it is like you saved $50, received the $2,000 practice tests free, gained extra test attempts, and received the PowerPoint test free. So what is your goal- 17 kids if you are giving at least 2 applications per kid or 32 kids if you are only administering the MS Word test. 6 QU E E N A N N E C O U N T Y S U C C E S S S T O RY Or 7 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE S E RV I C E S PA T H W A Y Students are required to take two foundation courses—Principles of Business Administration and Management; and Principles of Accounting and Finance (New Requirement) Upon completion of the two foundation courses, students are required to complete Office Systems Management I and Office Systems Management II. 8 CURRICULUM COVERS BOTH 2007 AND 2010 Curriculum can be downloaded at Or more specifically at 9 OFFICE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 1 Course Description: Office Systems Management provides the student with a study of basic business practices, information systems and computer applications. Students develop managerial and technical skills for business support operations through applied learning. 12 units with pacing and lesson planning left to the discretion of individual schools/teachers. • Counties and/or schools should take into consideration the prior educational experiences of students. As such, some content may require more or less attention. • As a BMF program of study, it is crucial that key business concepts are infused throughout this course. For some units, desired applied business exercises have been suggested. 10 OFFICE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 1 A variety of assessment options are available for adoption. Recommended assessment options, include: • • • • • Locally developed end-of-course assessment, an e-portfolio the IC3 Fast Track assessment of digital literacy offered by Certiport, the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification exam for PowerPoint and/or Outlook, or another project or examination. Please note, the IC3 is neither endorsed or required by the MSDE nor is the MOS for either MS PowerPoint or MS Outlook. 11 OFFICE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 1 LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Student is able to explain major computing concepts. 2. Student is able to identify the major components of computing systems. 3. Student is able to conduct basic PC trouble shooting. 4. Student is able to explain networking fundamentals. 5. Student is able to identify how the internet and the World Wide Web each function. 6. Student is able to utilize the Web to locate information strategically and evaluate that information for usability and reliability. 7. Student is able to identify Internet threats and safety risks. 8. Student is able to perform basic file management in MS Windows. 9. Student is able to create and modify documents in MS Word. 10. Student is able to create and modify spreadsheets in MS Excel. 11. Student is able to create and modify a PowerPoint presentation with tables, charts, graphics, images, and multiple slide formats. 12. Student is able to utilize MS Outlook to send, receive, organize, and save Emails. 12 SAMPLE UNIT Unit 6 Tabs and Features of MS Word Creating Documents in MS Word Formatting Text and Paragraphs Page Formatting Working with Themes and Fonts Working with Pictures and Graphics Working with Tables Proofing Your Document Printing Documents Preparing and Sharing Documents Suggested Business Exercises o Professional Cover Letter o Simple Price Sheet o Simple Invoice o Flyer or Invitation 13 COURSE: OFFICE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 2 MOS CERTIFICATION Course Description: Students will develop advanced skills using Microsoft's leading business desktop software and acquire the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) credential. Students will be expected to think analytically, manipulate information, and use the computer as a productivity tool through integrated application programs. Expertise in technology will contribute to students' future career mobility, advancement potential, compensation and job satisfaction. When students complete this course, they will know and be able to: •Demonstrate proficiency in Word, PowerPoint, Access, and Excel. •Obtain the advanced competencies to take the Microsoft Office Specialist exam for industry certification in MS Word and MS Excel. •Acquire the skills and confidence to enter employment or continue their education, or both, upon graduation. End of Course Assessment Certification or credentialing exam: MOS Excel, MOS Word Nationally recognized examination: MOS Excel, MOS Word 14 3 MODULES Module 1 covers the MOS Certification Process and MS Access and is comprised of 2 Units. Module 2 focuses exclusively on MS Word and is aligned to the MOS Certification Examination for MS Word. It is comprised of 11 units. Module 3 focuses exclusively on MS Excel and is aligned to the MOS Certification Examination for MS Excel. It is comprised of 11 units. 15 OFFICE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 2 MODULE 1 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Student is able to explain the MOS Certification process. Student is able to identify the components of a database. Student is able to create a simple database in Microsoft Access. Student is able to perform a simple query in Microsoft Access. 16 Office Systems Management 2 Module 1 Unit 2 Building a Database and Defining Relationships Naming fields and Objects, Unit 1 Moving a Field, Adding a Field, What is a database and how are they used in Changing Field Properties business? Difference between spreadsheets and databases. Creating Tables in MS Access Importing data Introduction to MS Access Deleting Fields from a Table Structure, Understanding the Features of MS Access Changing the Data Type for Fields, Opening and Navigating a Database in MS Modifying Records, Access Finding Data in a Table, Creating a Database in MS Access Entering Records in a Database in MS Access Using AutoFilter to Sort Data, Sorting Multiple Fields in Design View Maintaining and Querying a Database Creating Custom Queries Creating Entry Forms Running Simple Reports Introduction: MOS Certification 17 OFFICE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 2 MODULE 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Student is able to demonstrate their knowledge by locating and using the Word options tool to customize Word and set defaults. 2. Student is able to apply their knowledge of Word and business writing into the preparation of mailings and the performance of mail merges. 3. Student is able to apply layout and formatting changes in Word. 4. Student is able to illustrate and summarize ideas by using and modifying pictures and clip art, text boxes, Word Art, Smart Art, quick styles, and shapes. 5. Student is able to use Word to analyze, classify, compare, and relate information through tables, lists, graphics, and other objects. 6. Student is able to edit and prepare documents by using the review tab. 7. Student is able to organize content and structure with outlines. 8. Student is able to examine, inspect, and secure documents. 18 MODULE 2 OBJECTIVES WITH PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (SAMPLE) Student is able to apply layout and formatting changes in Word i. From the home tab customize fonts, character spacing, highlight text, add font effects, add and modify bullets and numbers, prepare custom bullets, change alignment, modify text orientation, show/hide formatting marks, modify line/paragraph spacing, and insert borders. ii. From the home tab clipboard group cut and paste, paste with and/or without formatting, paste special, find and replace text. iii. From the view tab increase or decrease the zoom, select number of pages to display, change the view layout selection, show/hide the ruler, thumbnails, gridlines, and/or document map; and/or modify print layout. iv. Create a new document using a template and/or modify an existing template. v. Use page layout tab to change margins/orientation/alignment; set page colors & borders, show line numbers, insert page/section breaks, change tabs & indentations, & position objects or text. vi. Under page layout change, customize and save themes. vii. Insert drop caps, headers/footers, dates, page numbers, hyperlink, bookmark, or signature viii. Select new styles, modify style sets, create/manage styles, and use the style inspector. 19 SAMPLE UNIT Unit 4- Document Formatting • Use the view tab to view in different formats • Use the view tab to view side by side, split the window, and arrange within the window • Create and re-use custom Templates • Student is able to prepare multi-level lists in order to organize information effectively. • Prepare outlines that classify and organize content. • In outline view move items within outlines, show/hide levels, and save a document as an outline. • Edit a document in HTML view • From the Microsoft Office button use Save As to save a document in different file formats and change the title of an HTML file. • Use the insert tab to insert pictures and clip art • Use on demand tab picture tools to format pictures and clip art including adding borders, adding effects, compressing, etc • Use insert tab to insert text boxes • Use on demand tab to modify text boxes • Use insert tab to insert Word Art • Use on demand tab to modify Word Art • Use insert tab to draw shapes • Use on demand drawing tools tab to customize shapes including changing fill, changing shape, rotating, adding effects, etc. • Use page layout tab to align, bring to front/back, rotate, and group pictures, illustrates, shape, etc If Teaching Microsoft Office 2010 Incorporate o 2010 Background Removal Tool (Insert > Picture > Option) o 2010 Artistic Effects (Insert > Illustrations > Picture then Artistic Effects) o 2010 Screen Capturing and Clipping Tools 20 OFFICE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 2 MODULE 3 LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Demonstrate basic formatting skills in the formatting of tabs, cells, columns, and worksheets. Represent data in tables and charts Demonstrate the ability to create and use graphics in Excel. Review formulas and data Protect, share, and manage workbooks. Analyze data and synthesize concepts through the use of basic calculations and formulas such as subtotals, data ranges, averages, modes, count, minimum, and maximum. 7) Analyze and present data through filters and sorts and conditional formatting. 8) Make predictions by creating scenarios. 9) Name, use and edit ranges 10)Appraise and assess data through the use of intermediate formulations that look up and reference data, modify text, calculate dates/time, or use simple conditional logic (IF, THEN, AND, OR, SUMIF, AVERAGEIFS, ETC) 21 MS EXCEL LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS (SAMPLE) 7) Analyze and present data through filters, sorts and conditional formatting. i. Present information by selecting a column and sort contents. ii. Locate and turn on and off filters. iii. Sort using multiple criteria. iv. Prepare a custom auto-filter and use other advanced filtering to categorize information. v. Differentiate data using conditional formatting vi. Evaluate information by setting an above average condition. 22 SAMPLE UNITS Unit 3- Clip Art and Smart Art • Insert clip art, smart art, pictures, shapes, backgrounds • Use on demand tab to edit clip art/pictures, etc including changing fill, orientation, borders and shading, etc • Insert smart art graphic organizers • Use on demand tab to customize smart art • Insert header/footer, signature line, hyperlink, etc If Teaching Microsoft Office 2010 Incorporate • • • • • o 2010 Background Removal Tool (Insert > Picture > Option) o 2010 Artistic Effects (Insert > Illustrations > Picture then Artistic Effects) o 2010 Screen Capturing and Clipping Tools o 2010 New Text and Image Editing Options o 2010 New Smart Art options SAMPLE UNIT 23 MS Excel Learning Objectives Applicable Units 1 Demonstrate basic formatting skills in the formatting of tabs, cells, columns, and Unit 1 worksheets. 2 Represent data in tables and charts Unit 2 Unit 5 3 Demonstrate the ability to create and use graphics in Excel. Unit 3 4 Review formulas and data Unit 6 5 Protect, share, and manage workbooks. Unit 10 6 Analyze data and synthesize concepts through the use of basic calculations and formulas such as subtotals, data ranges, averages, modes, count, minimum, and maximum. Unit 4 7 Analyze and present data through filters and sorts and conditional formatting. Unit 4 8 Make predictions by creating scenarios. Unit 7 9 Name, use and edit ranges Unit 8 10 Appraise and assess data through the use of intermediate formulations that look up and reference data, modify text, calculate dates/time, or use simple conditional logic (IF, THEN, AND, OR, SUMIF, AVERAGEIFS, ETC) Unit 9 24 MS EXCEL CURRICULUM GUIDE SHEET ALIGNED TO CENGAGE NEW PERSPECTIVES SERIES GOAL 1: FORMATTING IN EXCEL The student will apply their Excel skills in the formatting of worksheets, tabs, cells, columns, view panes, layout, and data based on a variety of conditions. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: OBJECTIVE(S): INDICATOR(S): UNITS BOOK CHAPTER AND LEARNING EXERCISES AND ASSESSMENTS 1.1 Demonstrate basic formatting skills in the formatting of tabs, cells, columns, and worksheets. 1.1.1 Use the Home Tab to Unit 1 arrange sheets and workbooks by hide/unhiding rows and columns, adding a new sheet, renaming a sheet, wrapping text, centering and merging text across cells, altering text orientation, customizing font and number formats, and modifying row/column width. Tutorial 1, Getting Started with Excel: Pages EX 12-18 and EX 35-36; Exercises in Review Assignments (EX 48-49) and Case Problems 1-4 (EX 49-54) Tutorial 2, Formatting a Workbook: Pages EX 67-74 and EX 94-95; Exercises in Review Assignments (EX 102-104) and Case Problems 1-4 (EX 104-111) SAM Assessment and Training Tasks: 452 Hide Column, 1107 Unhide columns, 491 Insert Worksheet, 746 Rename Worksheet, 1272 Copy a worksheet, 1459 Format worksheet tabs, 1044 Wrap Text, 553 Merge Cells, 1108 Modify row height, 9 Align cell contents, 473 Indent Cell Contents, 763 Rotate Text, 75 Center Across Cells, 599 Number Format – Currency, 601 Number Format – Date, 1465 Format cells before entering data, 1740 Use custom format codes, 350 Fonts, 346 Font Size, 48 Bold Cell Contents, 498 Italicize Cell Contents, 998 Underline Cell Contents, 121 Color Text SAM Projects: New Perspectives Excel Tutorial 1 Case Problem 1; New Perspectives Excel Tutorial 1 Case Problem 1 (Scenario 2); New Perspectives Excel Tutorial 2 Case Problem 1; New Perspectives Excel Tutorial 2 Case Problem 1 (Scenario 2) 25 THANK YOU! ANY QUESTIONS? 26