2015 SOC Brochure

2015 Nebraska
Region A
Tara Stelling
Nebraska City High School
District 1
Hello I am Tara Stelling President of District 1 in Region A! I love to sing
and listen to music. I also really enjoy helping others and one day I hope
to be a psychiatrist. Family is really important to me and I try to spend as
much time as possible with my parents and two older sisters. I love being
a part of FCCLA and try to be as involved in possible through community
service projects, STAR projects, and simply getting to know other
Emily Covert
Centennial High School
District 2
My name is Emily Covert and I am a Junior at Centennial Public School.
This is my third year in FCCLA and I decided to join because I wanted to
have the opportunity to be a better leader in my school and community.
I am active in my church youth group and am really passionate about
community service work; whether it be locally, statewide or nationwide.
Not only does FCCLA provide me with the opportunity to better my
community but it has also help me to develop my public speaking skills
through great programs such as STAR.
Phillip Schildt
Milford Jr. /Sr. High School
District 2
As a high school student, FCCLA has helped me personally grow in many
different ways. With my participation in STAR I have learned how to
effectively work with others by using the planning process. Through
community service projects my leadership skills have grown because it has
shown me that someone needs to take charge and lead the project or the
entire project will deteriorate. Being my chapter’s president has helped
enhance my public speaking skills by making me more comfortable
speaking in front of large crowds. These skills will immensely help me as a
member of the state officer team.
Corby Brigham
Wahoo High School
District 3
I think that FCCLA has helped me come out of my shell and be more
social. I used to be shy, but through attending cluster and state last
year I think I have become less shy. An amazing experience for me
was attending the National Cluster Meeting, where I met a lot of new
people. At all the different workshops I was constantly being
introduced to new people. At the start of cluster I was a little hesitant
putting myself out there, but by the end I wasn’t afraid to put myself
outside my comfort zone.
Luis Cuevas
Elkhorn South High School
District 3
Hey Nebraska FCCLA! My name is Luis Cuevas from the Elkhorn South
FCCLA Chapter. I enjoy technology, music, spending time with friends
and family, and FCCLA. My Freshman Year, I discovered my passion for
FCCLA at SLC. With that passion I became a chapter officer and chapter
president my sophomore and junior years, respectively. As an officer, I
have promoted community service. Also through FCCLA, I have
participated in STAR Events and last year I competed at Nationals.
FCCLA has helped me develop important life skills, and now I want to
help other members discover their passion through our organization.
Region B
Carter Alec Bracht
Howells-Dodge Consolidated Schools
District 5
My name is Carter Bracht and I am a sophomore from HowellsDodge Consolidated School. I have been in FCCLA for two years.
I am involved in many school activities such as being a
basketball statistician, being a member on student council, and
most of all, being a member of our FCCLA chapter. I work at our
town’s local grocer. I have competed in STAR Events, Creed
Speaking, and other FCCLA activities. I participated in local
FCCLA events such as our fundraiser and Highway clean-up. I
have attended the District and State Leadership Conferences
and competed in STAR Events at both
Paige Meier
West Point Beemer High School
District 7
I am an organized, goal-oriented, self-motivated person. I learned
through a Family and Consumer Sciences class that my personality
color is a strong gold with a blue in second. This means I have to see
that work gets done and done well, yet I keep the feelings and needs
of others in mind. I believe my past experiences in being an officer will
help guide me to work with my fellow officers for the betterment and
growth of Nebraska FCCLA.
Danika Dorcey
Wakefield High School
District 7
I am an outgoing person who likes to be involved in activities. I am very
upbeat and positive. I care a lot about the people around me. I gained
valuable experience in junior high during FCCLA. As a 7th grader I was
Historian. In 8th grade I was again an officer and also had the opportunity
to complete a STAR project. Unfortunately our school did not continue
our FCCLA project my Freshman year. This year I am Vice-President and I
look forward to begin involved in FCCLA thorough the many projects our
local chapter does.
Region C
Ashton Malcom
Kearney High School
District 6
My name is Ashton Malcom and I am the only member in my
chapter experience FCCLA not only in high school, but also middle
school. I have a passion for FCCLA and wish to continue to do great
things with it. I wasn’t to make a change in this world, and become a
strong leader in my state and achieve my goals. I want Nebraska
FCCLA to be proud of their organization and become strong leaders
everywhere they go!
Morgan Wadkins-Meyer
Gibbon Public Schools
District 6
FCCLA has been the ultimate leadership experience for me. I have sold “U
Ok?” t-shirts for teen suicide awareness. To help others feel better about
themselves I handed out inspirational cards. I have been a member of
FCCLA for the past two years. As an active member of our chapter, I have
been a district officer, helped with the seatbelt check, attended Peer
Retreat, UNK Leadership Conference, and competed in STAR for the past
two years. I am self-motivated, enjoy leadership roles, socializing, and
enjoy teaching youth.
Austin Miller
Elgin Public Schools
District 8
I have been involved with FCCLA since eighth grade. My first year I saw
how exciting and fulfilling FCCLA was. I am proud of how many
opportunities FCCLA gives members to be involved with volunteer work
in our community. Personally, I have done well in competitive events. I
have competed in STAR every year, making it to State twice. Last year I
earned gold with my partner at National STAR. In my years as a FCCLA
member I have been chosen as vice president and co-president of our
local chapter. I am eager to finish FCCLA on a high note!
Katelyn Stewart
Crofton High School
District 8
Aloha! My name is Katelyn Stewart. According to my little
brother, I am a superhero. I love to be involved, and my
superpower is my ability to manage my time between all my
activities. I participate in FCCLA, sports, and many art
programs. I like to think of myself as a trailblazer, going
outside the box to find creative solutions. My hobbies are
volunteering and teaching classes at the Yankton Area Ice
Arena. FCCLA has given me so many valuable experiences
such as singing the national anthem at State, going to
Clusters, and getting to know many other FCCLA members.
Molly Lambert
Chambers Public School
District 9
Hi! I am Molly Lambert. Having two older sisters, I have always had them
to guide me. Now, it is my turn to step out and take on an exciting
leadership challenge. I have enjoyed all my FCCLA experiences including
district, state, cluster, and national conferences. Competing in STAR
events had given me valuable experience in organizing projects and
public speaking. Serving on my chapter and district officer teams has
taught me about responsibility and provided me with an extensive
teamwork background. I enjoy working with others to help make FCCLA
the biggest and best that it can be.
Region D
Courtney Russell
Medicine Valley
District 11
The past four years, as an FCCLA member, have truly been the
greatest years of my life. I have learned so many great skills such as
organization, leadership, how to balance a busy schedule, and more
things I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I look forward to
pursuing a career in FACS education so I can be an adviser and help
students fall in love with FCCLA for years to come. It would be an
incredible opportunity to be able to share my passion about the
amazing organization of FCCLA with our entire state membership!
Olivia tenBensel
Arapahoe Public School
District 11
I’ve been in FCCLA for 5 years. I joined because many upperclassmen told
me it was an amazing experience. I’ve had the opportunity to inform
people about several issues such as saving money, rare chromosome
disorders, and sensory processing disorders. I have also raised funds for
rare genetic diseases and for fighting hunger. FCCLA has been able to
help me get over my fear of public speaking and has shown me what I
want to do with my life after high school. The leadership I have gained
from FCCLA will be a huge benefit for my future.
Adrianna Vinton
Mullen High School
District 10
Hi! My name is Adriana Vinton, and I’m a sophomore from
Mullen. In addition to FCCLA, I participate in volleyball,
basketball, track, speech, and one-act. I live on a ranch outside
of Mullen with my parents and two sisters. I love to spend
quality time with my friends and family and am always excited
to learn new things. My dream is to become a neurologist.
FCCLA is my favorite extracurricular activity. I have participated
in District, State, and National Leadership Conferences, where I
presented my STAR event. I am excited to reach toward new
horizons this year in FCCLA!
Jaci Edis
Mullen High School
District 10
I am a Junior at Mullen High School. I live on a golf course
and my family ranches outside of Mullen. I am involved in
volleyball, basketball, track, FCCLA, National and Spanish
National Honor Society, One Act, Speech, Girl Scouts and
Quiz Bowl. I have been very involved in FCCLA since my 7th
grade year. I have been involved in STAR, Creed Speaking,
Creed Interpretation, and was the 2014-2015 State Peer
Officer as the Families First Secretary. I have qualified for
the National Leadership Conference two years. I have been
a chapter officer for two years and have been very
involved in chapter activities and committees.
Taylee Neefe
Hemingford High School
District 12
FCCLA has been an important event throughout my last four years. With
FCCLA I have achieved more leadership abilities, and learned what it
means to be part of this family. I first joined in the seventh grade, and
have been becoming more active each year. I have been both a chapter
and a district officer for the last three years, and currently hold our district
president title. I hope to improve my leadership skills and abilities, as well
as meeting more great members from our state. Also I would like to
improve communication across the entire state.
Allie Mekolon
Scottsbluff High School
District 12
Throughout High School, I have been involved in various sports and
activities while striving to keep a 4.0 GPA. FCCLA opened an entirely
new realm for me when I joined in the 8th grade. I have learned new
things about myself and the world around me. From simple District
Planning Meetings to Incredible National Meetings, I have had many
amazing experiences. I have expanded my knowledge in FCCLA
while running for various offices, and I have stepped outside my
comfort zone making irreplaceable friends and unforgettable