Word Project 2

Office 2003
Introductory Concepts
and Techniques
Word Project 2
Creating a Research Paper
• Describe the MLA documentation style for
research papers
• Change the margin settings and line spacing in
a document
• Use a header to number pages of a document
• Apply formatting using shortcut keys
• Modify paragraph indentation
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Add a footnote to a document
Count the words in a document
Insert a manual page break
Create a hyperlink
Sort selected paragraphs
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
• Proof and revise a document
• Display the Web page associated with a
• E-mail a copy of a document
• Use the Research task pane to locate
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
MLA Documentation Style
Double-space text
One-inch margins
First-line indent for all paragraphs
Author’s last name and page number in
top-right corner
• Cite your sources
– Parenthetical citations
– Works cited
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Starting and Customizing Word
• Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar,
point to All Programs on the Start menu, point to
Microsoft Office on the All Programs submenu,
and then click Microsoft Office Word 2003 on the
Microsoft Office submenu
• If the Word window is not maximized, doubleclick its title bar to maximize it
• If the Language bar appears, right-click it and
then click Close the Language bar on the
shortcut menu
• If the Getting Started task pane is displayed in
the Word window, click its Close button
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Starting and Customizing Word
• If the Standard and Formatting toolbar buttons
are displayed on one row, click the Toolbar
Options button and then click Show Buttons on
Two Rows in the Toolbar Options list
• If necessary, click View on the menu bar and
then click Normal
• If your zoom percent is not 100, click View on
the menu bar, click Zoon on the View menu,
click 100%, and then click the OK button
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Displaying Formatting Marks
• If the Show/Hide ¶ button on the Standard
toolbar is not selected already, click it
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Changing the Margins
• Click File on the menu bar
• Click Page Setup on the File menu. When Word
displays the Page Setup dialog box, if
necessary, click the Margins tab
• With 1” selected in the Top text box, press the
TAB key twice to select 1.25” in the Left text box.
– Type 1 and then press the TAB key.
– Type 1 in the Right text box
• Click the OK button in the Page Setup dialog
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Changing the Margins
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Double-Spacing Text
• Click the Line
Spacing button arrow
on the Formatting
• Click 2.0 in the Line
Spacing list
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Displaying the Header Area
• Click View on the menu
• Click Header and Footer
on the View menu
• If your Zoon percent is
not 100, click View on the
menu bar, click Zoon on
the View menu, click
100%, and then click the
OK button
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Entering Text Using Click and Type
• Position the mouse
pointer at the right
edge of the header
area to display a
right-align icon next to
the I-beam
• Double-click
• Type Zhao and then
press the SPACEBAR
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Entering a Page Number
• Click the Insert Page
Number button on the
Header and Footer
• Click the Close
Header and Footer
button on the Header
and Footer toolbar
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Typing the Body of the Research
• Type Suzy Zhao and
then press the ENTER
• Type Mr. Ortiz and
then press the ENTER
• Type Information
Systems 101 and then
press the ENTER key
• Type October 13,
2005 and then press the
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Formatting Text Using Shortcut
• Press CTRL + E
• Type Biometrics
and then press the
• Press CTRL + L
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Formatting Text Using Shortcut
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Saving a Document
• Insert a USB flash drive into one of the
computer’s USB ports
• Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar
• Type Biometrics Paper in the File name text
• Click the Save in box arrow and then click USB
flash drive
• Click the Save button in the Save As dialog box
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Indenting Paragraphs
• With the insertion point on the paragraph
mark in line 6, point to the First Line Indent
marker on the ruler
• Drag the First Line Indent marker to the .5”
mark on the ruler
• Release the mouse button
• In your document, type the text as shown
on the next slide, and then press the
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
AutoCorrecting as You Type
• Press the SPACEBAR
• Type the beginning of the next sentence,
misspelling the word, the, as follows: If the
digital code in the computer does
not match teh
• Press the SPACEBAR
• Type the rest of the sentence: personal
characteristic’s code, the computer
denies access to the individual
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Using the AutoCorrect Options
• Position the mouse pointer at the beginning of
the text automatically corrected by Word (in this
case, the t in the)
• Point to the small blue box to display the
AutoCorrect Options button
• Click the AutoCorrect Options button
• Press the ESCAPE key to remove the
AutoCorrect Options menu from the screen
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Using the AutoCorrect Options
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Creating an AutoCorrect Entry
• Click Tools on the menu bar
• Click AutoCorrect Options on the Tools menu.
• When Word displays the AutoCorrect dialog box,
type comptuer in the Replace text box
• Press the TAB key and then type computer in
the With text box
• Click the Add button in the AutoCorrect dialog
box. (If your dialog box displays a Replace
button instead, click it and then click the Yes
button in the Microsoft Office Word dialog box).
Click the OK button
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Creating an AutoCorrect Entry
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Entering More Text
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Adding a Footnote
• With the insertion point positioned at the end of
the last sentence, click Insert on the menu bar
and then point to Reference
• Click Footnote on the Reference submenu
• Click the Insert button in the Footnote and
Endnote dialog box
• Type According to Carter and Juarez,
newer keyboards and notebook
computers have a fingerprint scanner
built into them (42-53).
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Adding a Footnote
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Modifying a Style
• Right-click the note text in the note pane
• Click Style on the shortcut menu
• When Word displays the Style dialog box,
if necessary, click Footnote Text in the
Styles list
• Click the Modify button in the Style dialog
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Modifying a Style
• When Word displays the Modify Style dialog
box, click the Font Size box arrow in the
Formatting area and then click 12 in the Font
Size list
• Click the Double Space button in the Modify
Style dialog box
• Click the Format button in the Modify Style
dialog box
• Click Paragraph on the Format button menu
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Modifying a Style
• When Word displays the Paragraph dialog box,
click the Special box arrow and then click First
• Click the OK button in the Paragraph dialog box
• Click the OK button in the Modify Style dialog
• When Word closes the Modify Style dialog box,
click the Apply button in the Style dialog box
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Modifying a Style
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Closing the Note Pane
• Position the mouse
pointer on the Close
button in the note
• Click the Close button
to remove the note
pane from the
document window
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Counting Words
• Click Tools on the menu bar
• Click Word Count on the Tools menu
• When Word displays the Word Count dialog box,
if necessary, click Include footnotes and
endnotes to place a check mark in the check box
• Click the Show Toolbar button in the Word Count
dialog box
• Click the Close button in the Word Count dialog
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Counting Words
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Automatic Page Breaks
• With the insertion point positioned at the end of
the word port, press the SPACEBAR and then
type the last two sentences of the third
paragraph of the paper, as shown on the next
• Press the ENTER key and then type the fourth
paragraph. Italicize the text in the parenthetical
• Drag the title bar of the Word Count toolbar to
the location shown on the next slide
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Automatic Page Breaks
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Recounting Words in a Document
• Click the Recount button on the Word
Count toolbar
• Click the Close button on the Word Count
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Recounting Words in a Document
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Page Breaking Manually
• With the insertion
point at the end of the
research paper, press
the ENTER key
• Then, press CTRL +
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Centering the Title
of the Works Cited Page
• Drag the First Line Indent marker to the 0” mark
on the ruler, which is at the left margin
• Click the Center button on the Formatting toolbar
• Type Works Cited as the title
• Press the ENTER key
• Because your fingers are already on the
keyboard, press CTRL + L to left-align the
paragraph mark
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Centering the Title
of the Works Cited Page
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Creating a Hanging Indent
• With the insertion
point in the paragraph
to format, point to the
Hanging Indent
marker on the ruler
• Drag the Hanging
Indent marker to the
.5” mark on the ruler
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Entering Works Cited Paragraphs
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Inserting Symbols Automatically
• With the insertion point positioned as
shown on the previous slide, press CTRL
+ I to turn on the italic format
• Type Computers and Biometrics.
• Press CTRL + I to turn off the italic format
• Press the SPACEBAR
• Type Shelly Cashman Series(r
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Inserting Symbols Automatically
Press the PERIOD key
Press the SPACEBAR
Type Course Technology. 3 Oct.
• Press the SPACEBAR
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Inserting a Symbol Automatically
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Creating a Hyperlink
• With the insertion
point positioned as
shown on the
previous slide, type
• Press the ENTER key
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Sorting Paragraphs
• Select all the works cited paragraphs by
pointing to the left of the first paragraph
and dragging down
• Click Table on the menu bar
• Click Sort on the Table menu
• Click the OK button in the Sort text dialog
• Click inside the selected text to remove
the selection
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Sorting Paragraphs
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Browsing by Page
• Click the Select Browse Object button on the
vertical scroll bar
• When Word displays the Select Browse Object
menu, position the mouse pointer on the Browse
by Page icon
• Click the Browse by Page icon
• Position the mouse pointer on the Previous
Page button on the vertical scroll bar
• Click the Previous page button
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Browsing by Page
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Selecting a Sentence
• Position the mouse
pointer (an I-beam) in
the sentence to be
• Press and hold down
the CTRL key. While
holding the CTRL key,
click the sentence
• Release the CTRL
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Moving Selected Text
• With the mouse pointer in the selected
text, press and hold down the mouse
• Drag the dotted insertion point to the
location where the selected text is to be
• Release the mouse button. Click outside
the selected text to remove the selection
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Moving Selected Text
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Displaying the Paste Options Menu
• Click the Paste
Options button
• Press the ESCAPE
key to remove the
Paste Options menu
from the window
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Smart Tags
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Finding and Replacing Text
• Press CTRL + HOME to position the
insertion point at the top of the document
• Double-click the status bar anywhere to
the left of the status indicators
• When Word displays the Find and Replace
dialog box, click the Replace tab.
• Type trait in the Find what text box
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Finding and Replacing Text
• Press the TAB key. Type identifier in
the Replace with text box
• Click the Replace All button in the Find
and Replace dialog box
• Click the OK button in the Microsoft Office
Word dialog box
• Click the Close button in the Find and
Replace dialog box
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Finding and Replacing Text
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Finding and Inserting a Synonym
• Right-click the word
for which you want to
find a synonym (give,
in this case)
• Point to Synonyms on
the shortcut menu
• Click the synonym
you want (grant) on
the Synonyms
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Checking the Spelling
and Grammar at Once
• Press CTRL + HOME to move the
insertion point to the beginning of the
• Click the Spelling and Grammar button on
the Standard toolbar
• Click the Change button in the Spelling
and Grammar dialog box
• Click the Ignore Once button
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Checking the Spelling
and Grammar at Once
• Click the Ignore Once button for the next
grammar error that Word flags on the Works
Cited page
• Click the Ignore All button
• Click the Ignore Once button for each remaining
grammar error that Word flags on the Works
Cited page
• When the spelling and grammar check is done
and Word displays a dialog box, click its OK
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Checking the Spelling
and Grammar at Once
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Saving a Document Again and
Printing It
• Click the Save button on the Standard
• Click the Print button on the Standard
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Navigating to a Hyperlink
• Display the third page of the research paper in
the document window and then position the
mouse pointer in the hyperlink
• While holding down the CTRL key, click the
hyperlink. Release the CTRL key
• Close the browser window
• If necessary, click the Microsoft Word program
button on the taskbar to redisplay the Word
• Press CTRL + HOME
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
E-mailing a Copy of the Research
• Click the E-mail button on the Standard
• Fill in the To text box with Mr. Ortiz’s e-mail
address and the Introduction text box as
shown on the next slide
• Click the Send a Copy button
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
E-mailing a Copy of the Research
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Using the Research Task Pane
to Locate Information
• While holding down the ALT key, click the
word for which you want a definition (in
this case, e-commerce). Release the ALT
• If the Research task pane does not display
the definition of the ALT+CLICKED word,
click the Search for box arrow and then
click All Reference Books
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Using the Research Task Pane
to Locate Information
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Inserting Text from the Research
Task Pane in a Word Document
• In the Research task pane, double-click
the word, Internet
• Right-click the selected word
• Click Copy on the shortcut menu to copy
the selected text to the Clipboard
• Drag through the word, e-commerce, in
the research paper
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Inserting Text from the Research
Task Pane in a Word Document
• Right-click the selected text in the
• Click Paste on the shortcut menu
• If necessary, press the SPACEBAR to
insert a space after the inserted word
• Click the Close button in the Research
task pane
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Inserting Text from the Research
Task Pane in a Word Document
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Quitting Word
• Click the Close button in the Word window
• If Word displays a dialog box, click the No
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
• Describe the MLA documentation style for
research papers
• Change the margin settings and line spacing in
a document
• Use a header to number pages of a document
• Apply formatting using shortcut keys
• Modify paragraph indentation
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Add a footnote to a document
Count the words in a document
Insert a manual page break
Create a hyperlink
Sort selected paragraphs
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
• Proof and revise a document
• Display the Web page associated with a
• E-mail a copy of a document
• Use the Research task pane to locate
Word Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Office 2003
Introductory Concepts
and Techniques
Word Project 2