English 11 Advanced Placement

American Literature
First Essay Writing Requirements - Analysis
Mr. D
American Literature places a heavy emphasis on further developing your writing
skills. During the first semester, you will be required to write two essays both in
and out of class of approximately 500 words. Each essay must be typed, doublespaced, and in size 12 Times New Roman font. DO NOT put your essays in
folders or covers, include rough drafts, or place a title page with the essays.
You must have each of your essays read and edited by two classmates prior to
turning in your final draft (time in class will be provided to accomplish this task).
You must also read and edit two of your classmate’s essays.
I will only collect final drafts. As the teacher, I reserve the right to amend any of
the due dates listed below as needed. The topics for each essay are as follows:
Essay #1: Analysis Essay
Now that we are through with “The Crucible,” you should have had some very
strong emotional reactions to what is happening in the story. It goes without
saying the Salem Witch Trials were unjust, an abuse of power and trust, and
simply wrong (dare we even say evil?). The question is “Who is responsible?”
Were the witch trials purely Abigail Williams’ doing, or does the blame for the
murder of 19 innocent men and women fall to Tituba? Perhaps the finger can be
pointed at Rev. Parris, a man whose personal desires outweighed the good he was
supposed to do for his community? All of this is for you to decide.
In an essay that meets the requirements outlined above, you are to 1) decide
which individual or group of persons you believe was most responsible for the
Salem Witch Trials, 2) analyze that character’s (or group of characters’)
motivations for allowing the witch trials to take place, and 3) provide direct
evidence, meaning quotes from the play, to support your analysis.
Due to peer editors: Wed, Nov. 3
Final draft due: Mon, Nov. 8