CMP 101 – Introduction to Information Systems.
Spring 2015
Instructor Name
14-week semester, Online
Phone: 555-555-5555
Instructor e-mail
Mailbox/Office: FOH 000
Through hands-on exercises with current commercial software, students acquire skills in word
processing, spreadsheet, presentation and database applications. Students learn skills required to
utilize an operating system, email and the Internet. Students also gain a working vocabulary of
computer hardware and software, networking and data communications. Keyboarding skills are
recommended. Hours: 39 lecture. Materials fee: $15. Usually offered in the fall, spring and summer.
Textbook bundle:
Hunt, M. & Clemens, B. (2016). Microsoft® Office 2013 Fundamentals Illustrated Enhanced
Edition. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
SAM 2013 Assessment, Training and Projects with MindTap Reader for Microsoft® Office 2013:
Fundamentals Illustrated.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The SAM Access Code provided in this bundle includes access to an
electronic version of the textbook. However, students will complete step-by-step exercises from the
textbook which may be difficult to accomplish on a single screen or device; thus the print version may
be a valuable addition. Students can inquire about textbook/e-book options at the college bookstore.
Access to a personal computer (home, school or office) with the following:
Windows 8.1 operating system. This is only required for Windows modules of the course. The
rest of the course may be completed using another version of Windows.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. This is only is required for the Internet modules of the course.
The rest of the course may be completed using another version or browser.
An Internet connection (high-speed recommended) with up-to-date Flash Player installed.
Microsoft Office 2013 or Office 365 subscription with automatic updates turned off (Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, and Access). As a student of Wor-Wic this semester, you are entitled to
a free subscription to Office 365 which contains all the software needed for this class and
can be downloaded onto multiple devices. Look in your course in Blackboard or on the Help
Center tab of the myWor-Wic portal for the document titled Microsoft Office Pro FREE for
Current Credit Students.
Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Computers that meet these requirements are available on campus in FOH 305, BH 217, HH 100, and GH
204. If you need assistance with assignments go to FOH 305 as there are typically CMP 101 instructors
on duty who may be able to help.
If you have trouble logging into any Wor-Wic accounts or downloading the Office 365 software,
call the myWor-Wic student help desk at 410-334-6767 or stop by FOH 305.
o Official CMP 101 Resources web
site. Find answers to frequently asked questions, obtain handouts, view completed
exercises and sample web sites, download data files, and more.
o Microsoft web site. Intended for all types of users, this web site
contains information on Microsoft products, tips and tricks, technical support, news
bulletins, free downloads, and more. Browse this site to help broaden your knowledge of
the applications covered in this course (Windows 8.1 and Office 2013).
An orientation module will be available in your course in Blackboard. You must complete the
course orientation during the first week of class. The course orientation is not a lesson in
Blackboard. If you are new to online courses, it is highly recommended that you complete the
Online Orientation session either in person or via the Wor-Wic web site
Student Responsibility: The responsibility for obtaining and completing all work rests solely
upon the student. All assignments are to be submitted to the instructor through Blackboard or
SAM by the dates provided in the assignment schedule.
Online learning requires a high degree of self-motivation. Students should be comfortable
with computers before enrolling in an online class. Basic keyboarding, email and Internet
skills are necessary for success. The online section is designed for students who are able to read
and understand the textbook on their own, and manage their time wisely.
Procedure for Submitting Assignments: All assignments must be submitted to the instructor
through Blackboard or SAM as directed in the assignment schedule for each week. Students should
check to make sure they have uploaded the correct files in the correct format such as Word 2013
(.docx), Excel 2013 (.xlsx), etc….
Course Participation/Communication: Students are expected to communicate on a regular basis.
A minimum login schedule would be three times a week. As the student logs in, he/she should: a)
check for new announcements and messages b) complete and submit the assignments for the
week, and c) check the assignment schedule to be aware of what will be due the following week.
Communications will occur primarily through online discussions regarding the course topics and
through Blackboard messaging. However, your instructor may request or require you to use other
tools for communicating such as chat, whiteboard or other tools that may become available.
Comments and grades will be available from the instructor through Blackboard. You can contact
the instructor through Blackboard messages, by telephone (if available), and in person by
appointment. The instructor will log on to Blackboard Monday-Friday to check for messages and
submitted assignments. The student should allow 48 hours for a response. Fellow classmates can
be contacted through Blackboard messages or via the appropriate discussion forum.
Technology: Technology is not always reliable; therefore, count on problems with computers and
plan your assignments accordingly. Technical problems are not an excuse for late work. The
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student is responsible for contacting the appropriate technical support and attempting to resolve
any issues. Students should develop a backup plan that can be implemented in the event of
power or Internet interruptions or other technical issues. The instructor may also be notified
of technology related problems or questions.
SAM Assessment, Training, and Projects: SAM is an online assessment tool you will use to take
quizzes and exams, complete training modules, and submit projects for grading. Grading for SAM
assignments is automatic so you can get feedback quickly. Most SAM assignments allow multiple
attempts so you can try for a better score. The assessments and training activities are delivered in
a simulated environment where students can hone specific skills without needing to have the
Office Suite installed on their computer. SAM Projects allows student to practice using the actual
applications and then submit their work to get near instant feedback. The SAM access code
included with the textbook is mandatory for this class and will provide students with access to all
SAM training, quizzes, projects and exams as well as an electronic version of the textbook (see
textbook section above). All SAM scores are automatically available to the instructor.
Competency Exams: There are three proctored competency exams which must be taken oncampus (or at approved testing facility): Basic Computer Systems (Concepts, Windows, Internet,
Word), Excel/Access, and a comprehensive Final. Students are expected to take all exams as
scheduled. Since exams are available for a period of one week or more and the dates are specified
in the assignment schedule, students are expected to adjust any conflicts to accommodate this
schedule. Known conflicts that cannot be rescheduled should be discussed with the instructor at
least one week prior to the beginning of the exam period.
On-campus testing will take place in the Open Computer Lab, room FOH 305. Students who
reside outside of the tri-county area may make arrangements for off-campus testing within
the first week of class. Please see Wor-Wic’s “Off-Campus Testing” procedures available on the
Wor-Wic web site. To take any exam you must:
complete the SAM account initial login
bring your SAM account information (username and password)
bring a valid student ID or valid driver’s license
Students who cannot take a competency exam as scheduled because of unexpected circumstances
must notify their instructor before the end of the exam period. On approval from the
instructor, students will have one week after the due date to take the exam for partial
credit (late penalty will be applied).
All exams must be made up within one week of the due date. All missed exams will have a zero
recorded for the grade. There is no makeup for the final exam. It must be taken as scheduled.
Students who miss an exam due to serious illness or compelling, unexpected circumstance, should
discuss it with the instructor and be prepared to provide documentation (i.e. doctor’s note,
police report, court document).
Students will not be able to use resources during testing and will have only one attempt to
complete the exam in one sitting unless other arrangements have been made with the instructor
prior to starting the exam.
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Graded Assignments = 30%
(Learning activities, quizzes, projects, unit exercises, and writing assignment)
Discussions = 10%
Competency Exams (2 total) = 40%
Comprehensive Final Exam = 20%
>= 89.5%
< 89.5% and >= 79.5%
< 79.5% and >= 69.5%
< 69.5% and >= 59.5%
< 59.5%
Learning Activities: Can include reading, audio/video, practice quizzes and more. Many learning
activities require the completion of step-by-step activities that teach students new skills.
SAM Quizzes: Simulated performance questions and selected response questions completed in
SAM that assess student learning of material covered in each unit. Students typically have two
attempts at each quiz with the ability to create a study guide after the first attempt.
Unit Projects: Step-by-step and free-style generation of files using actual applications and
submitted to instructor for grading. These typically consist of end-of-unit exercises and are
submitted through Blackboard. Students typically have only one attempt at unit projects.
SAM Projects: Step-by-step activities to create or modify documents using actual applications.
These are submitted to SAM for grading. Students typically have two attempts at each project with
the ability to create a study guide after the first attempt.
Writing Assignment: Students will be required to write a short (5-paragraph) essay on a topic
related to technology, computers, or the Internet. Students will be given specific instructions,
guidelines, and grading criteria during the semester.
Discussions: There will be weekly discussion questions throughout the semester in which
students will be required to 1) Post a response to a discussion prompt from the instructor and 2)
reply to another student’s post.
Late Assignments Policy: All late assignments must be turned in within one week of the
assigned due date. A late penalty of 50% deduction will be applied after grading. Late work
will not be accepted after the one-week allotment. Late work will not be accepted beginning the
week before final exams.
GEO = General Education Objective. A description of each objective is available in the College Catalog.
Assessment Goals
1. Identify and utilize
computer hardware
and software
components including
networks and/or online
resources to complete
computing tasks.
GEO 2, 7
Students will identify the function of hardware and software components
including input and output devices, memory, storage devices, application
software, and system software.
Students will identify storage devices and describe their characteristics.
Students will identify the purpose of networks and basic network
Students will select and utilize appropriate input, output, and storage
devices as well as specific software programs to complete various tasks
on the computer.
Students will demonstrate the use of current removable storage devices.
Students will login to network or online accounts and identify and utilize
available network and/or online resources such as printers, drives,
assessments, and/or learning management systems.
CMP 101 Syllabus, Spring 2015, Online
Learning Activities
Graded homework
Quizzes and exams
Final Exam
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2. Perform basic
operating system and
file management
GEO 3, 7
3. Use the help feature of
applications to locate
answers to questions
4. Use a web browser to
access and search the
World Wide Web and
communicate via email or other electronic
mail system.
GEO 1, 7
5. Use common MS
Office Suite
6. Create, edit, format,
save, and print word
processing documents
7. Create, edit, format
save and print
GEO 4, 7
8. Create, edit, format,
save, and print
9. Create, edit, and save
database files
including forms,
queries, and reports.
Assessment Goals
Students will differentiate between system and application software.
Students will demonstrate file management operations (such as creating,
copying, moving, renaming, deleting, and restoring files and folder).
c) Students will demonstrate basic operating system operations such as
using the mouse, moving and sizing windows, using menus, toolbars, and
dialog boxes, opening and closing files and programs, and shutting down
the computer.
Students will search help for specific features or commands.
Students will:
a) demonstrate use of a web browser to navigate pages on the World Wide
b) use advanced search strategies to locate information on the world-wide
web including information on copyright law, plagiarism, and how to
evaluate web resources.
c) send, receive, and respond to electronic mail messages.
d) transfer files electronically.
a) Students will demonstrate use of common Office commands such as find
and replace, spelling and grammar check, thesaurus, cut and paste, and
copy and paste.
Learning Activities
Graded homework
Quizzes and exams
Final Exam
Learning Activities
Graded homework
Quizzes and exams
Final Exam
Learning Activities
Graded homework
Quizzes and exams
Final Exam
Learning Activities
Graded homework
Quizzes and exams
Final Exam
Learning Activities
Graded homework
Quizzes and exams
Final Exam
Learning Activities
Quizzes and exams
Graded homework
Final exam
Students will:
a) create, open, save, and print a document
b) enter and edit text in a document body, header, and footer.
c) format characters, paragraphs, and document sections.
d) insert and format tables.
e) insert and format graphics.
f) identify, define the purpose of and utilize MS Word view settings.
Students will:
a) create, open, save, and print a workbook
b) design a worksheet and enter and edit data and labels.
c) enter and edit formulas and functions.
d) format values, labels, and worksheets.
e) create and print charts from numerical data.
f) format and enhance charts.
Students will:
a) create, open, save, and print slides in a presentation
b) enter, edit, and format text on slides, headers and footers.
c) insert and format graphics.
d) insert and delete slides and apply slide layouts, design templates, and
color schemes.
e) add and remove transitions and animations.
f) run a presentation and use slide show commands.
identify, define the purpose of, and utilize MS PowerPoint view settings.
Students will:
a) create, open, and save a database file.
b) add and edit data.
c) sort and filter data.
d) create, edit, save, and print tables, forms, queries, and reports.
Learning Activities
Graded homework
Quizzes and exams
Final Exam
 Learning Activities
 Quizzes and exams
 Final Exam
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Students are expected to maintain a high level of academic performance. Cheating, plagiarism, and
academic dishonesty are fully defined in Wor-Wic’s Student Conduct Policy (appendix of College
Catalog). Infractions of this policy will result in the student’s failure for the assignment or test, and
possible referral to the disciplinary committee.
Plagiarism. The presentation of seemingly-original work that is derived in whole or in part from
an existing source without properly citing the source of the material.
Cheating. The intentional use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study
aids, or unethical collaboration in any academic exercise. Common forms of cheating include, but
are not limited to, the following: Having another person write a paper or presentation or a
substantial portion of a paper or presentation; Submitting another’s project as one’s own; and
Using any electronic device to obtain, provide or assist with answers on a quiz, test or
Facilitating Academic Dishonesty. Giving intentional assistance to another student in committing
an act of academic dishonesty. Common forms of facilitating dishonesty include, but are not
limited to, the following: Completing an examination or project for someone else; Permitting
another student to copy one’s work; and Furnishing another student with unauthorized
information during an examination, including the use of electronic devices.
For this class, it is permissible to assist classmates in general discussions of computing techniques.
General advice and interaction are encouraged. Each person, however, must develop his or her
own solutions to assignments. Students may not work with others to obtain solutions to
graded assignments. Such collaboration constitutes cheating. A student may not use or copy
another’s work/files (or portions of it) and represent it as his/her own.
In the event of a flu epidemic or other emergency that results in the suspension of classes, faculty
will be communicating with students about their courses and course requirements, such as
assignments, quiz and exam dates, and class and grading policies, via Blackboard. Students will be
responsible for completing all these assignments in accordance with class policies. Information
about the resumption of classes will be communicated via the College’s website and email system.
Blackboard is being used as the online delivery tool for this class. To access the course in
Go to the Wor-Wic home page at
Click Blackboard at the lower left portion of the web page.
Enter your Wor-Wic username and password and click Login.
Click the link for the course you wish to access.
To access other courses, click the MyBlackboard tab near the top of the Blackboard page.
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All students logging into Blackboard affirm that they understand and agree to follow Wor-Wic
Community College policies regarding academic integrity and the use of College resources as
described in the college catalog. Wor-Wic Community College considers the following as
violations of the computer usage policy:
Using the campus computing network and facilities to violate the privacy of other individuals.
Sharing of account passwords with friends, family members or any unauthorized individuals
Violators are subject to college disciplinary procedures.
Wor-Wic provides reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities, in compliance with
the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If
you are in need of accommodations, please contact the counseling office at (410) 334-2900. For
more information, see Wor-Wic's Services for Students with Disabilities web page.
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Wor-Wic Community College
Computer Usage Policies & Procedures
Wor-Wic Community College provides access to computer equipment and resources necessary to support
the educational mission of the college. Access to college computer systems is granted to students and
employees as a privilege, and as such, imposes certain responsibilities and obligations. By using the
college's computing resources, users agree to abide by these policies and procedures. Disciplinary
sanctions for violations range from the loss of computer use privileges, dismissal from the college and/or
legal action, depending on the nature of the violation.
All computer users are expected to act responsibly, ethically and legally, and to limit their use of computer
resources to the educational purposes and legitimate business of the college. College computer usage
policies and procedures apply to all computer users, and are applicable to all computer hardware, software,
networks, peripheral devices, data and any other components connected to or associated with the college's
computer systems, including access to the Internet and the use of electronic mail. The college will not be
held liable for the actions of college computer users when those actions are inconsistent with these policies
and procedures.
The college makes no representations concerning the availability of computer resources, the privacy of
material and the integrity or retrievability of material placed on these resources. The college is not
responsible for any damages resulting from the receipt and/or transmission of any electronic information.
The college reserves the right to collect, process, and retain appropriate information pertaining to the
users, usage, integrity, and security of its computing resources.
Computer usage policy violations include:
1. Unauthorized use of a computer or unauthorized access to files and data that belong to another
individual or that are not publicly available;
2. Obstructing the operation of the college's computer systems, including, but not limited to, inserting
inappropriate objects into disk drives, tampering with cables, adding or deleting files or software
without authorization, changing network settings and the introduction or creation of invasive
software, such as worms or viruses;
3. Violation of copyright laws, including the use of images, programs, sounds and text;
4. Use of computers to violate the privacy of others, or send or receive electronic mail of an unwanted,
abusive, threatening, obscene, slanderous or harassing nature;
5. Displaying on a computer screen or printing materials of a sexually-explicit or discriminatory
6. Monopolizing computer systems, overloading networks with excessive data or wasting computer
time, disk space, printer paper or other college resources;
7. Unauthorized use of college computers for commercial, political or religious purposes, personal
profit, the promotion of other external organizations or other activities not related to the mission of
the college;
8. Use of computers to violate any other college policy or procedure or for illegal or criminal purposes
that violate federal, state and local laws; and
9. Violation of any additional rules or regulations regarding computer usage established by college
employees at specific locations.
Employee or student violators are subject to college disciplinary procedures. Based on the nature of the
offense and/or the number of violations, employees are subject to appropriate personnel action, up to and
including dismissal. Students are subject to disciplinary action taken in accordance with procedures that
govern student conduct, up to and including permanent suspension. If appropriate, the college may pursue
criminal and civil prosecution.
PPM 06/06
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CMP 101 ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE*: 14-Week semester, Online
Learning Activities
Week 1: 1/16-1/26
Course Orientation
Intro to SAM Training
Essential Computer Concepts
The college is closed on 1/19.
Plan ahead.
See weekly assignments in
Blackboard for a complete
description of each assignment.
Week 2: 1/27-2/2
Week 3: 2/3-2/9
Week 4: 2/10-2/16
Week 5: 2/17-2/23
** Extended week ** The course will be available in Blackboard approximately 5 days
prior to the start of classes. You may begin work and communicate with classmates as
soon as the course is available but your instructor may not be available until 1/16.
Intro to SAM Reading Assignments
Unit A: Windows 8
Unit B: Windows 8
Windows Snipping Tool
Intro to SAM Assessments and Study Guides
Introduction to the Internet
Searching the Internet
Unit C: Office 2013
Unit D: Word 2013
Intro to SAM Projects and Grade Reports
Unit E: Word 2013
ELA Part 1
Week 6: 2/24-3/2
Unit F: Word 2013
Week 7: 3/3-3/9
The computer lab is closed on 3/9.
Plan ahead.
Midterm Exam (must take by 3/7)
Unit G: Excel 2013
***Spring Break: 3/9-3/14. No classes. Computer Lab is closed ***
Unit H: Excel 2013
Week 8: 3/17-3/23
Begin ELA Part 2
Week 9: 3/24-3/30
Unit I: Excel 2013
ELA Part 2 is due
Week 10: 3/31-4/6. The college is
closed 4/3-4/5. Plan ahead.
Unit J: Access 2013
Week 11: 4/7-4/13
Unit K: Access 2013
Unit L: Access 2013
Week 12: 4/14-4/20
Week 13: 4/21-4/27
Final Exam:
Tuesday, 4/28 – Saturday, 5/2
CMP 101 Syllabus, Spring 2015, Online
Graded Assignments
Week 1 Discussion
TRAINING. Concepts 1 (SAM)
TRAINING. Concepts 2 (SAM)
Exam 2
Unit M: PowerPoint 2013
Unit N: PowerPoint 2013
Note that lab hours change this week. See
weekly instructions in Blackboard for lab
Project(s): Unit B
Week 2 Discussion
Project: Internet Search
TRAINING. Electronic Comm. (SAM)
Week 3 Discussion
Quiz and Project(s): Units B-C
Quiz and Project(s): Unit D
No Discussion
Quiz and Project(s): Unit E
Week 5 Discussion
Quiz and Project(s): Unit F
Week 6 Discussion
Competency Exam: Midterm
TRAINING. Spreadsheets
Quiz and Project(s): Unit G
No Discussion
Quiz and Project(s): Unit H
Week 8 Discussion
ELA Part 2
Quiz and Project(s): Unit I
Week 9 Discussion
TRAINING. Databases
Quiz and Project(s): Unit J
Week 10 Discussion
Quiz and Project: Units K-L
Unit Exercise(s): Access
Week 11 Discussion
Competency Exam: Excel/Access 2013
QUIZ and Project(s): Unit M
No Discussion
Quiz and Project(s): Unit N
Review for Final. Concepts
Week 13 Discussion
Comprehensive Final Exam must be
taken as scheduled. No make-ups.
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