I can…

Pacing 1st – 4th
Grade 8: Reading For Information
CCSS RI 8.1: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the
Proficiency Levels:
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
(L) Listening
(R) Reading
(S) Speaking
(W) Writing
Level 1 (Entering)
Level 2 (Emerging)
Level 3(Developing)
I can make inferences using
text features and prior
knowledge with visual
I can use cartoon strips to draw
conclusions about a selected
topic such as: The Iron Clads,
scientific inquiry.
I can complete sentence
frames related to text that
require inference, working
with a partner.
I can explain in writing the
inferred meaning of the
cartoon strip working with a
small group.
I can create a T-chart (What I
know/What it says/What I
infer) using a variety of
textual resources on the
same topic when working
with a partner.
(R, W)
(L, S, R, W)
I can synthesize 2 textual
pieces on the same topic
using a given set of signal
words related to
compare/contrast text
(L, S, R, W)
Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
I can locate textual evidence based
on teacher-created resources such
index cards with inferences drawn
from the text after working with a
small group/partner/individually.
I can respond to a blog to share my
analysis of inference materials.
(L, S, R, W)
Leveled texts
Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Magazine articles
Scholastic news
Schema, evidence, locate, analysis, explicitly, inference, drawn (multiple meanings), cartoon, strip (multiple meanings), synthesize,
Pacing 1st – 4th
Grade 8: Reading For Information
CCSS: RI 8.2:
Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide
an objective summary of the text.
Proficiency Levels:
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
(L) Listening
(R) Reading
(S) Speaking
(W) Writing
Level 1 (Entering)
Level 2 (Emerging)
Level 3(Developing)
I can separate the central
idea from supporting details
using illustrated and labeled
cards with a group.
I can assemble a tree map by
manipulating cards that show
the central idea of a text and
supporting details working with
small groups.
I can support the central idea
of a text by identifying and
recording the main idea of
each paragraph of a text in
order to compose a summary
paragraph with a partner.
I can formulate sentences
using the illustrated cards
with my group.
I can write a 1-3 sentence
summary using the cards.
(L, S, R, W)
(L, S, R, W)
Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
I can justify my determination of the
central and supporting details of a
text by composing a 3-5 paragraph
summary with a partner after
completing a bubble map or tree
(L, S, R, W)
(L, S, R, W)
Study Island
Justify, determination, central idea, supporting detail, compose, paragraph, summary, formulate, illustrated, assemble, identify, record,
bubble map, tree map.
Pacing 1st – 4th
Grade 8: Reading For Information
CCSS: RI 8.3:
Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons,
analogies, or categories).
Proficiency Levels:
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
(L) Listening
(R) Reading
(S) Speaking
(W) Writing
Level 1 (Entering)
Level 2 (Emerging)
Level 3(Developing)
Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
I can read an illustrated
fairytale and compare two
characters using illustrations
and labels on a T Chart with
my group. (R, L, S,W)
I can use a Venn diagram to
compare (same) and contrast
(different) two versions of the
same Fairytale with my group
(Write complete sentences and
illustrate each sentence). (R,
I can create a poster showing
connections (comparing) and
distinctions (contrasts)
between two similar pieces
of literature and defend the
information by referencing
the text with my group (for
example, comparing two
versions of a Greek or Roman
myth; one could be a
youtube clip).
I can design and complete a poster
showing the connections
(comparisons) and distinctions
(contrasts) between two pieces of
literature (The Monkey’s Paw and
The Tell-Tale Heart for example) with
a partner.
I can design and complete a
checklist of character
attributes about the
characters from two Greek or
Roman myths with my group.
(R, L, W, S)
I can list analogies between two
pieces of literature with a partner.
For example, “The old man in The
Tell-Tale Heart was a senseless victim
in the same way that the son was a
senseless victim in The Monkey’s
I can design and complete a checklist
of attributes (categories) of
characters from two pieces of
literature with a partner.
(R, L, S, W)
The Monkey’s Paw; The Tell-Tale Heart; youtube recording of Tell-Tale Heart; youtube versions of Greek and Roman myths; videos or
youtube version of fairytales;
Pacing 1st – 4th
Grade 8: Reading For Information
Text specific vocabulary
Venn diagram
Compare, same, make connection
Contrast, distinctions, differences
T Chart
CCSS: RI 8.4:
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the
impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts
Proficiency Levels:
Level 1 (Entering)
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
(L) Listening
(R) Reading
(S) Speaking
(W) Writing
Level 2 (Emerging)
I can highlight specific words
within a poem that pinpoint
the tone and mood of it with
a partner. (R,S,L).
I can sketch a picture that
represents the visualization
from a given text with a
partner. (R,W, S, L).
I can match previously
learned figurative language
phrases and their illustrated
meanings with a partner.
I can write 3 sentences using
specific language (figurative,
technical, analogy, allusion)
with a group. (W, S, L, R).
Level 3(Developing)
I can write a paragraph or
stanza using specific
vocabulary to elaborate on a
topic or create a poem.(W)
Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
I can justify the choice of words
within a poem to my classmates.
(W, S, L, R)
Grade 8: Reading For Information
Vocabulary webs such as:
Fryer Model, T-Charts, 4-Squares
online dictionaries
ELA Dropbox Resources
Tone, mood, pinpoint, figurative language, analogies, stanza, justify.
Pacing 1st – 4th