code of conduct - Annville

Annville-Cleona Secondary School
2014-2015 School Year
Student Handbook Sign-off Sheet
Parent/guardian and student review contents of student
handbook including the Acceptable Use Policy, Electronic
Device Policy and the Extracurricular Participant’s Code of
Complete signature lines below (signatures indicate that
student handbook contents were read and understood)
Tear out and return this sheet to your homeroom teacher by
Thursday, September 4, 2014.
“I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the contents of
the Annville-Cleona Secondary School 2014-2015 Student
Handbook; specifically the AUP policy, the Electronic Device
Policy and the Extracurricular Participants Code of Conduct.”
Student’s name (printed):____________________________________
Student’s signature:_________________________________________
Grade: ___________
Parent/guardian signature:___________________________________
Date: ______________________________________
This handbook belongs to:
Name _______________________________________
Grade __________
Homeroom ______________
We are collaborative 21st century learners developing
the diverse talents, abilities, and talents of our students
to prepare for successful lives as contributing,
responsible citizens
The administration, faculty, and staff welcome you to a new year at Annville-Cleona Secondary School.
This handbook will help you and your guardians become better acquainted with our school. Please read it carefully.
It’s our goal that when you graduate from Annville-Cleona, you will have taken advantage of the many educational
opportunities presented to you and are therefore prepared to be successful in college and the workplace. We wish you
the best for the 2014-2015 school year.
(Reprinted directly from Chapter 12, Section 12.2 of the Pennsylvania Administrative Code.)
A. Student responsibilities include regular school attendance, conscientious effort in classroom work, and conformance
to school rules and regulations. Most of all, students share with the administration and faculty, a responsibility to
develop a climate within the school, that is conducive to wholesome learning and living.
B. No student has the right to interfere with the education of his/her fellow students. It is the responsibility of each
student to respect the rights of teachers, students, administrators, and all others who are involved in the educational
C. Students should express their ideas and opinions in a respectful manner.
D. It is the responsibility of the students to conform to the following:
1. Be aware of all rules and regulations for student behavior and conduct yourself in accordance with them.
Students should assume that until a rule is waived, altered or repealed in writing, it is in effect.
2. Volunteer information in matters relating to the health, safety, and welfare of the school community and the
protection of school property.
3. Dress and groom to meet fair standards of safety and health. Your appearance may not to cause substantial
disruption to the educational processes.
4. Assist the school staff in operating a safe school for all students, staff, and visitors.
5. Comply with Commonwealth and local laws.
6. Exercise proper care when using public facilities and equipment.
7. Attend school daily and be on time for all classes and other school functions.
8. Take responsibility for work missed during absences from academic activities.
9. Pursue and attempt to complete satisfactorily the courses of study prescribed by Commonwealth and local
school authorities.
10. Report accurately and not use indecent or obscene language in student newspapers or publications.
Mr. Gordon Waldhausen, President
Mr. Thomas Tshudy, Vice President
Mr. Ben Dohner, Mrs. Cindy Eby, Mr. Mark Frattarole, Mrs. Vicki Moore
Mrs. Patricia Stephens, Mr. James Wright, Mr. Joseph Zimmerman
Dr. Steven Houser, Superintendent
Mrs. Andrea Flocken, Assistant to the Superintendent
Mr. David Wright, Principal
Mrs. Rachel Sprouse, Assistant Principal
Mr. Thomas Long, Assistant Principal / Athletic Director
Mrs. Christine Oliver, Supervisor of Special Education
Ms. Martha Kew, Business Manager
Mrs. Julia Nye, Director of Technology
Miss Anita Kreiser, Principal’s Secretary
Mrs. Andrea Harrell, Secretarial Aide to the Assistant Principal
Mrs. Susan Early, Athletic Director / Assistant Principal’s Secretary
Mrs. Maureen Long, Guidance Secretary
Mrs. Anita Shanaman, Secretarial Attendance Aide
Sarah Adams
Stephanie Atkins
Susan Bonfanti
Connie Breitner
Laura Brooks
Jennifer Brown
Ryan Clements
Ryan Coleman
Courtney Cox
Mark Dimick
Mark Enders
Susan Felty
Heike Fleming
Sara Fulkerson
Katherine George
Timothy Gettle
Matthew Gingrich
Brian Good
Diane Guscott
Joe Hawk
Kristin Heller
James Helock
Andrea Irvin
Elizabeth Kapp
Brandon Klein
Laura Kreider
Raymond Kreiser
James Lamb
Terry Lehman
Greg Lelek
Elizabeth Lingle
Bryan McWatters
Denyse Mohn
Jacqueline Mancini
Michael Miller
Todd Narehood
Wendy Orner
Jennifer Osteen
Medina Phelps
Patricia Poorman
Stephanie Puchalsky
Kelley Rodriguez
Elizabeth Safstrom
Scott Shyda
Jerome Simon
Amy Smith
Sarah Strouse
Suzanne Sutcliffe
Kristene Thomas
Mary Lou Tillman
Lindsay Twaddell
Gail Weidman
Bruce Yeany
Stephanie Yost
Mary Zerman
ANNVILLE-CLEONA CALENDAR .............................................................................................................. 5
ASSEMBLIES .................................................................................................................................................. 5
ATTENDANCE................................................................................................................................................ 5
BELL SCHEDULE ........................................................................................................................................... 4
BUS CONDUCT .............................................................................................................................................. 7
CAFETERIA ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
CAMERAS ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
CAMPUS CONDUCT ...................................................................................................................................... 8
CHEATING ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
CHILD CUSTODY .......................................................................................................................................... 8
CLASS CUTTING ........................................................................................................................................... 8
DANCES .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
DISCIPLINARY CONSEQUENCES .............................................................................................................. 9
DISMISSAL ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
DISRESPECT .................................................................................................................................................... 9
DISRUPTION................................................................................................................................................... 9
DRESS .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
DRUGS, ALCOHOL, ETC ............................................................................................................................. 10
DUE PROCESS .............................................................................................................................................. 12
ELECTRONIC DEVICES .............................................................................................................................. 12
ELEVATOR GUIDELINES ........................................................................................................................... 12
FOOD IN SCHOOL ....................................................................................................................................... 12
GRADING ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
HALLWAY MOVEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 13
HARASSMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 13
INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE AND GESTURES .................................................................................... 13
INSUBORDINATION ................................................................................................................................... 13
LCCTC ATTENDANCE & TRANSPORTATION ....................................................................................... 13
LEAVING THE BUILDING WITHOUT PERMISSION .............................................................................. 14
LIBRARY RULES AND PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................... 14
LOCKERS ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
MEDIA RELEASE ......................................................................................................................................... 14
MILITARY OPT-OUT ................................................................................................................................... 14
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY ................................................................................................................... 15
NURSE’S OFFICE ......................................................................................................................................... 15
OBLIGATIONS.............................................................................................................................................. 15
POSSESSION & SELF ADMINISTRATION OF AN ASTHMA INHALER ............................................... 16
POSTERS, PICTURES, ETC ......................................................................................................................... 16
PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION ......................................................................................................... 16
SCHOOL BOARD, ADMINISTRATION, SECRETARIAL STAFF, and FACULTY .................................. 2
SEARCH/SEIZURE ....................................................................................................................................... 16
SEXUAL HARASSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 17
STATEMENT OF STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY ......................................................................................... 1
STUDENT ACTIVITIES LIST ...................................................................................................................... 17
STUDENT DROP OFF/PICK UP AREAS .................................................................................................... 17
STUDENT PARKING.................................................................................................................................... 18
STUDENT PARKING LOCATION ............................................................................................................... 18
STUDY HALLS ............................................................................................................................................. 18
TELEPHONE ................................................................................................................................................. 18
TOBACCO PRODUCTS (SMOKING) .......................................................................................................... 17
TRANSCRIPTS .............................................................................................................................................. 18
VANDALISM ................................................................................................................................................ 18
VIDEO SURVEILLANCE ............................................................................................................................. 19
VISITORS ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
WEAPONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
WELCOME ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
WORK PERMITS .......................................................................................................................................... 20
ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY .................................................................................................................. 21-26
PERSONAL ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION DEVICES ................................................................ 27-29
EXTRACURRICULAR PARTICIPANT’S CODE OF CONDUCT ....................................................... 30-31
Middle School
High School
Two-Hour Delay
Period 1
Period 1
Period 1
Period 2
Period 2
Period 2
Period 3
Period 3
Period 3
Period 4
Period 4
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6 / Lunch
Period 5/6
Period 6
Schedule A
Lunch 10:45-11:15
Class 11:17-12:15
Period 7
Period 7
Schedule B
Class 10:45-11:13
Lunch 11:15-11:45
Class 11:47-12:15
Period 8
Period 8
Schedule C
Class 10:45-11:43
Lunch 11:45-12:15
Period 9
Period 9
Period 7
Period 8
Period 9
The district calendar has a variety of helpful and necessary materials. The district online calendar can be viewed via the
district homepage – - click on the “Secondary School” icon in the upper right-hand corner.
Assemblies are a part of the overall educational experience afforded to our students. As such, proper behavior is
expected during these enrichment activities. Attendance of assemblies during the school day is required in the same
way class attendance is required.
Irregular school attendance results in lowering the level of a student’s academic achievement in addition to placing a
burden on teachers who attempt to help absentees keep abreast of class work. To a large degree, work ethic and
faithful attendance carries over into adult life and post high school responsibilities and should be strongly encouraged.
All teachers and principals shall assume responsibility for enforcing compulsory attendance laws in conformity of the
school laws of Pennsylvania and the regulations of the State Department of Education.
When a student reaches the age of seventeen and is absent from school more than three consecutive days for illness, he
or she may be required to supply a doctor’s approval for absences to be declared excused.
Any student absent more than 20 days for the year without medical excuse may forfeit that year’s work. Students
(compulsory and non-compulsory) exceeding 20 unexcused days for the school year will be given written notification
of an attendance hearing with the administration. At that meeting, an attendance plan will be established for the
remainder of the year. Failure to comply with that attendance plan may result in loss of credit regardless of grades
Attendance Records
Accurate records of daily and class attendance of all pupils shall be kept in each building as directed by the
Superintendent and in compliance with the school laws of Pennsylvania.
Excuses for Absence
A written excuse must be presented to the attendance office, signed by the parent or guardian, for readmission to school
following the absence. Failure to provide an excuse within three days of the date of absence will result in an illegal or
unexcused absence on that date. Students may lose credit for schoolwork due on days where unexcused absences
The Annville-Cleona School District provides for exceptions to the normal attendance regulations as follows:
Student Welfare
The school district recognizes that there may be occasions when, because of circumstances beyond normal control (i.e.
serious illness in the family, court action, etc.) it may be in the best interest of the child that s/he can be with a parent or
some person designated by the family. Upon certification of this fact in writing by the parent or guardian to the
Superintendent or designee, pupils may be excused from school attendance at the discretion of school administration.
Educational Tours and Trips
The school district recognizes that from time to time students may have the opportunity to participate in pre-planned
trips and educational experiences during the regular school year.
Upon receipt of a prior written request from the parents or guardians of the pupils involved, pupils may be excused
from school attendance to participate in educational tours or trips, when such trip is so evaluated by the superintendent
or designee. Prior attendance records, previous requests and frequency of such requests, and the weighted educational
value of the requested experience will be considered in the approval process for educational trips. Pre-approval forms
are available in the secondary school office.
Any approved days on an educational trip form will count against a student’s 10-day allotment of excused absences.
Excuse from Classes for Religious Beliefs
The excuse shall be granted only upon the following conditions:
A letter must be on file from the parents of such excused children explaining in specific detail what parts of the course
are objectionable. This letter shall require approval by the principal and a copy filed in the child’s permanent record
and with the teacher of the subject. Pupils shall not be excused from the course, but shall be excused from the class
only when such material as is specified in the approved letter is presented. When excused the pupil will report to the
library with some other research assignment in the course to be submitted in substitution for the work missed.
Truancy – Policy Statement
It is the purpose of this Policy to set forth the school district’s policies and procedures relating to enforcing compliance
with the compulsory school attendance requirements.
Illegal Absences
Truancy of Students Who Are Less than Seventeen (17) Years of Age
A letter shall be sent to the parent/guardian after a student accumulates three (3) total days of unexcused absence. The
letter will state that any future unexcused absence will be considered unlawful and will result in a truancy prosecution
for each absence.
A letter shall be sent by the building administrator to the parent/guardian of any student who has missed ten (10) total
days of school without a doctor's excuse. This letter will state that future absences will require a physician's note,
within 3 days of absence, indicating the nature of the health problem that would cause the student to miss school. The
letter will also request the parent call the principal or his/her designee to discuss the attendance problem.
Truancy of Students Seventeen (17) Years of Age or Older
A letter shall be sent by the building administrator to the parent/guardian of any student who has missed ten (10) total
days of school without a doctor's excuse. This letter will state that continued absences will require a physician's note,
within 3 days of absence, indicating the nature of the health problem that would cause the student to miss school. The
letter will also request the parent to call the principal or his/her designee to discuss the attendance problem.
A second letter shall be sent to the parent/guardian after thirteen (13) total days of absence have accumulated without a
doctor's excuse. The letter will warn that any future unexcused absences may result in the student being withdrawn
from school.
The next unexcused absence of fourteen (14) accumulated days total, may result in the student being withdrawn from
School Closings for Weather, Etc.
The decision to delay or close school for inclement weather will be reported on local radio, TV stations and the
district’s web page, and the district’s automated phone system.
College Visits/Career Shadowing Visitations
College visits and career shadowing visitations will be treated the same as an excused educational trip. Students may
have four excused absences per year for this purpose provided the educational trip form is completed, signed by the
parent and approved by the Superintendent or designee.
Make-up Work
Following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with his/her teacher to make-up missed
work. Make-up work must be completed within a reasonable period of time. The length of time given to complete
make-up work shall not exceed the length of the absence. Parents may call and request homework for students who
have missed two (2) or more days.
Students must bring a parent note to the attendance office before school in order to be dismissed during the school day
for scheduled appointments (medical, dental, legal, etc.). Upon their return to school, students must provide the
attendance secretary with a note from the office they visited within three school days. Students who have parental
permission to drive to their respective appointment must return documentation of the appointment to the attendance
office. Students must report to the attendance office to sign out before the appointment and in after the appointment.
A middle school student is considered tardy if he/she enters class after 7:30 AM A high school student is considered
tardy if he/she enters class after 7:40 AM. A student arriving between 9:15 AM and 10:45 AM without a doctor’s
excuse will be charged a one-half day illegal absence and one tardy violation. A student arriving after 11:15 AM
without proper excusal will be charged a full day illegal absence and one tardy violation (extracurricular participation;
see Extracurricular Participants’ Code of Conduct). The administration has full discretion in accepting or rejecting a
written request for tardiness excusal.
A student is permitted to be tardy two times per quarter. Regardless of reason, the first two tardy incidents of each
quarter will be declared excused by the administration. Each tardy incident beyond the first two in each quarter will be
considered unexcused and will result in disciplinary action.
The guardian of a student of compulsory age who is tardy more than eight times in a single quarter or more than fifteen
times in a school year may face prosecution for violating compulsory school attendance requirements. The school
reserves the right to prosecute the student as well as or in place of the guardian.
Late to Class
Students must be inside the classroom before the tardy bell rings. Teachers may assign consequences for students
arriving late to class. Repeated tardiness to class will be reported to the administration for disciplinary action.
The bus drivers are in complete control of the bus they operate and are charged with the safety and discipline of the
occupants of the bus. Students must abide by the rules and regulations of the driver concerning their conduct on the
The use of bus transportation to and from school is a privilege, not a right. If the conduct of a student while riding a
bus is such that it jeopardizes the safety of others or is otherwise undesirable, this privilege may be denied.
The door-to-door provision in the Pennsylvania School Code grants school district jurisdiction over student behaviors
while students are traveling to and from school, including, but not limited to walking to and from and standing at or
near the bus stop.
The severity of the offense will dictate the consequences. Because students have had previous experiences with proper
bus conduct, the consequences for our secondary students are more severe.
1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense -
Driver intervention; Bus Conduct Report to administration.
Bus Conduct Report to administration – student conference with administration.
Bus Conduct Report to administration – student conference with administration with discipline
consequences assigned.
Extended suspension of transportation privileges, up to the remainder of school year; reinstatement
requires an administrative conference with the parent and student. Consequences beyond a bus
suspension will be implemented when warranted.
*Prior history of bus conduct and severity of the incident will determine if an alternate approach is appropriate.
Administrative discretion applies at all levels of offense.
NOTICE – Audio and/or video recording devices are utilized by the school district on school property and on school
Students assigned to the cafeteria for lunch must report promptly. Students who misbehave may receive changed seat
assignment, lunch assignment outside of the cafeteria, detention(s), or suspension(s) as a consequence for their
Cafeteria Rules
1. Appropriate conduct that is conducive to an enjoyable lunch period for all is required.
2. Lunch proctors may assign seats as deemed necessary.
3. Backpacks are not permitted in the food service area.
4. Rules for leaving the cafeteria during lunch periods:
 Students must have permission from the lunch proctor and sign the purple sign in/out sheet
 Students may only leave the cafeteria to go to an approved destination: nurse, guidance, office, or lavatory.
 All other destinations require a pass written by the receiving teacher/administrator.
 Laminated passes will be honored (i.e. yearbook).
5. Food purchases may be made up until 5 minutes remaining in the lunch period.
6. By dismissal time, students shall clear their tables (top and bottom), push in chairs, and wait to be dismissed by the
proctors on a table-by-table basis.
7. During school hours, students are not permitted to order, receive delivery of, or bring into school any "fast food" or
other food items not purchased on school premises or brought from home.
8. Cell phones may be used during lunch periods for talking and texting only. Video and photo applications are not
9. Students in grades K-8 can charge the cost of a meal up to $5.00 per student. Students in grades 9-12 shall not be
allowed to charge any items in the cafeteria at any time. Students in K-12 may not charge for ala carte or snack items
at any time. The district recommends that parents/guardians pay for lunches with a check or money order. The
administration is not responsible for lost or misplaced money. Students will be verbally notified when their account
balances are low or are in the negative by food service personnel. Payment reminder letters will be sent home at the end
of each week by the food service director. If students in grades 9-12 do not have money to purchase a lunch, they will
not be served any food. If students in grades 4-8 do not have money to purchase a lunch and they have reached the
$5.00 charge limit, they will be served a reimbursable meal consisting of a cold sandwich choice, fruit, vegetable, and
milk. Their account will be charged for a lunch. Once the credit limit is reached, the parents/guardians of the student
in kindergarten through grade 12 will be contacted by phone with a request for payment of the amount owed by the
food service director.
*** Secondary meal prices are as follows: Regular Lunch: $2.10; Breakfast: $1.20; Milk: $0.50.
Students are prohibited from taking pictures, digital or otherwise, during the school day without the written consent of a
faculty member. See also Annville-Cleona Acceptable Use Policy.
Skateboarding, rollerblading, roller-skating, and the like are not permitted on the secondary school campus.
Cheating is defined as the use of unauthorized resources in the completion of formal, informal, minor, major,
formative, or subjective assessments or assignments. Plagiarism is defined as the presentation of another’s intellectual
material as one’s own. As such, the following is not permitted:
 Using cheat sheets or crib notes during tests or quizzes
 Copying tests or quiz answers or homework
 Passing answers, questions, or test information to other students
 Submitting unoriginal written work such as previously written term papers or book reports
 Helping a fellow student to do any of the above
Consequences of cheating are as follows:
 No credit (0%) for the test/assignment (with no opportunity for make-up)
 Notification of parent(s)/guardian(s)
 Appropriate disciplinary consequences (possible suspension)
If child custody arrangements are part of your family structure, you need to be aware of our policies in this area.
1. All custody orders must be addressed directly to Annville-Cleona School District.
2. In the absence of a custody order, the school assumes shared custody, which allows both parents to be involved in
their child’s education.
3. Both parents, regardless of custody arrangements, have access to their child’s records unless a court order
specifically prohibits access.
4. The parent of record is the parent with whom the child resides.
5. The parent of record must live in the Annville-Cleona School District.
6. Enforcement of custody orders is a police responsibility, not one for the school.
Students have the responsibility to inform their teachers if it is necessary to miss class. Failure to do so is considered a
class cut. For this purpose, “class” shall be defined as any scheduled activity during the school day, including study
halls, lunch, and assemblies.
Disciplinary action may include Saturday detention and/or suspension.
To attend a dance, the attendee must be an Annville-Cleona student or the registered guest of an eligible AnnvilleCleona student.
All outside guests must be of appropriate age, escorted by an Annville-Cleona student and approved in advance by
the Assistant Principal or Principal using the proper guest form available in the secondary school office.
Middle school dance attendees must be currently enrolled in the Annville-Cleona Middle School program.
Middle school dances are intended for middle school students only; high school dances are intended for high
school students only.
Adherence to the secondary school dress code is expected at all dances. More formal attire is required for semiformal and formal dances as determined by the sponsoring organization.
A student must attend school for at least half of the school day on the day of the school dance. This is true for all
school dances, including prom.
Age limits: All guests attending the Homecoming Dance must be currently enrolled in a high school program.
However, alumni of Annville-Cleona High School who graduated the year prior to the dance may attend as a
guest. All guests attending Prom must be under the age of 21 years on the date of the dance. For all other high
school dances, guests must be currently enrolled in a high school program.
The administration will deny participation in a school dance based on financial obligations and/or academic
Formal Discipline Consequences
1. Bus Suspension is assigned to students exhibiting unruly, dangerous, or consistently poor behavior while
riding or waiting to ride (bus stop) school transportation. While serving a bus suspension, transportation to
and from school is the responsibility of the student, as school attendance is still required.
2. Expulsion of a student may be for a period of time as determined by the Board of School Directors.
Expulsion may result after a formal expulsion hearing and authorization by the Board of School Directors.
3. Formal Detention is held from 2:35 PM to 3:35 PM on Tuesday and Thursday of the school week. During
the one-hour detention, students who do not bring a sufficient amount of meaningful schoolwork will be
required to answer several reflective essay questions.
4. In-School Suspension is held as necessary as determined by school administration. Students assigned to ISS
spend the entire school day isolated from the general student body. Teachers will provide work to their
students in the ISS environment.
5. Out-of-School Suspension is assigned to students exhibiting the most serious and/or disruptive behavior.
While suspended from school, students may not trespass onto school property or attend school functions,
which includes attending athletic events as a spectator. Students suspended from school are informed in
person and in writing as to the length of the suspension.
6. Saturday detention is held from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM on most Saturdays during the school year. Students
assigned to Saturday detention are designated to serve either two hours or four hours, depending on the nature
of the infraction. While serving detention, students who do not bring a sufficient amount of meaningful
schoolwork will complete several reflective essay questions.
Informal Discipline Responses (not all inclusive):
Lunch Detention
Morning Detention
Teacher Detention
Reflective Essay
All classes dismiss each day at 2:30 PM. Students not participating in a supervised activity must leave school property
by 2:45 PM. At no time after 2:45 PM is a student permitted on school property unsupervised, except as a spectator at
a public event.
Disrespect can be directed either toward a school district employee or another student and would include, but not be
limited to, abusive language, obscene language or gestures, sarcasm, and threats (verbal assault).
Disrespect has a devastating effect on the learning climate of a school and will not be tolerated. Students are expected
to interact with both school employees and other students in a courteous and respectful manner. Failure to do so will
result in disciplinary action, which depending on the nature of the offense, could range from detention to a formal
hearing before the board of education or its designee for purposes of expulsion.
No student has the right to interfere with the education of fellow students. The teachers and administration will not
tolerate distracting others or any hindrance in the orderly progress of the classroom. A lack of responsible behavior on
the part of a student could result in removal from class and/or detention or suspension. Students who are sent out of
class by a teacher must report to the MS/HS office immediately. Failure to do so will be regarded as insubordination
and increase the disciplinary consequence.
Our dress code applies to both male and female students. Students have the responsibility to keep themselves, their
clothes, and their hair clean. Students’ clothing shall not offend the accepted standards of decency of the community,
disrupt the educational process of the school, call undue attention to the individual, or jeopardize the safety of the
student or his/her classmates.
Specifics Include:
1. Shorts and skorts that are shorter than fingertip length when standing up straight with arms relaxed at the
sides are considered inappropriate. Due to the wide variety of styles in shorts, skorts, dresses, and skirts, the
administration may declare an outfit that meets the above standards inappropriate.
2. Students are not permitted to wear leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, stretch pants, pajama pants or any other
similar garment deemed inappropriate by administration.
3. Clothing, jewelry, or backpacks, which display in words or pictures, anything promoting alcohol, drugs,
tobacco products, gang participation, violence, conduct of a sexual nature, or inappropriate/obscene language
or message will not be worn. Tattoos that contain the above items must be covered. This includes
phonetically respelled words.
Students are not permitted to wear any shirts with straps less than 2 inches in width. See through shirts or
tops designed to show the midriff or cleavage are also not acceptable. Sleeveless tops that have large arm
openings that expose ribs are not permitted.
Students participating in physical education classes or in extra-curricular activities are required to wear the
clothing as detailed by the physical education department, or the director/advisor of the extracurricular
activity. Physical education uniforms, bicycle pants, or boxer shorts may not be worn to classes or lunch
except if covered with another garment.
All students must wear sneakers, shoes or sandals at all times.
Students shall not wear hats or head coverings, including bandanas. Exceptions will be made for documented
religious practices.
Jackets, coats, cloaks, gloves, or any garments that are perceived as primarily outdoor-wear shall not be worn
inside the school building.
Sunglasses may not be worn inside the school building.
Clothing with large holes or shreds may not be worn.
Appropriate undergarments are to be properly worn at all times. Undergarments may not be worn outside
regular clothing, or be visible.
Students are not permitted to wear elephant bell-bottom pants and/or pants that drag on the floor.
Chains that can be removed from clothing are prohibited.
Students may not wear inline skate shoes while in school.
The faculty and administration have the right to question a student’s dress and take necessary action if an
item is not specifically covered in items 1-13.
Students not abiding by this dress code will be required to change into an appropriate outfit utilizing the items
on hand at school. Time lost in obtaining a change of clothing will be made up in after-school detention
(minimum one night). Subsequent violations may result in a peer counseling session, loss of other privileges,
and/or a Saturday detention.
POLICY STATEMENT: The school board recognizes that substance abuse is a community problem. The school board
is committed to the general principles of education, prevention, intervention and law enforcement in responding to this
community issue. This policy is intended to discourage and prevent alcohol and drug use by students and to provide
guidelines for an appropriate and effective response to any instances of alcohol or drug use by students. While engaged
in any school related activity or conduct, a student shall not be under the influence of, possess, or use alcohol or drugs,
or aid, arrange for or participate in the distribution or sale of alcohol or drugs, as defined in School Board Policy No.
4090. School related activity or conduct is defined as activities or conduct, which occur on school property, during
school functions regardless of location, or while traveling to or from a school activity.
The C.H.I.P.S. Program (Caring, Helping, Intervention, and Prevention for Students) is designed to provide a means for
early identification and intervention for students who are experiencing substance abuse problems and/or who are
potentially suicidal.
Definitions - For the purpose of administering this policy, the following definitions shall apply:
 Controlled Substance - any substance listed as illegal or controlled under current applicable Federal or State
laws. The term “controlled substance” includes any substance, which is represented to be, or which is
thought to be a controlled substance.
 Non-prescription Drugs - substances commercially packaged and sold over-the-counter in retail stores or
distributed by mail, which either contain drugs of any type or purport to produce drug-like effects, including
synthetic drugs.
 Prescription Drugs - substances obtainable only by prescription from a physician.
 Paraphernalia - tools or equipment (including communication devices) whose function is to aid a user in
preparing for consumption, consuming or selling or distributing any type of unauthorized substance.
 Possession - keeping or carrying in hands, pockets, wallets, purses, or anywhere about the body. Including
within lockers or automobile; or in books, papers, or any other medium or container, which a student may
carry or transport.
 Distribution - giving, selling, or passing to another person on school property, on school busses, or on the
way to or from school.
 Possession with Intent to Distribute - possession of any quantity of unauthorized substance, which could
not reasonably or safely be consumed within the school day. Example: Possession of more than four tablets
of a nonprescription drug, for which the recommended dosage is “two tablets every four hours”.
 Misrepresentation - any attempt to distribute a substance which has been inaccurately described or implied
to the receiver as a controlled substance, or has been implied to have a value other than its actual value.
 Unauthorized Substance – this includes, but is not limited to, products containing alcohol, tobacco, anabolic
steroids not to include HGH (human growth hormone), controlled substances, paraphernalia, prescription and
non-prescription drugs and materials known to cause drug-like effects.
Use (of an unauthorized substance) - either the actual use during school, or being under the influence
during school, or being under the influence during school hours or at school-sponsored activities after school
hours, or use prior to arrival at school, which evidences itself by strong odor or any unusual behavior.
Number of Offenses – Violations of School Board Policy 4090 will be totaled across the Middle School and
High School years independently.
Use, possession, or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs:
 First Offense – not less than three (3) days suspension, and up to ten (10) days suspension depending
upon the circumstances of the offense; referral to CHIPS Program; and depending upon the
circumstances of the offense, referral to the Board of School Directors with recommendation of
expulsion (the action by the Board of School Directors could involve exclusion from school for a period
of time in addition to an initial ten (10) day suspension up to permanent expulsion); and dismissal from
all athletic, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities for a period of forty-five (45) days, which may
be reduced to ten (10) school days for a first time offender if the student agrees to complete a substance
awareness/abuse program or counseling as prescribed by the CHIPS Team. All costs associated with the
program shall be the responsibility of the student.
 Second Offense – not less than three (3) days suspension, and up to ten (10) days suspension depending
upon the circumstances of the offense; referral to CHIPS Program; and depending upon the
circumstances of the offense, referral to the Board of School Directors with recommendation of
expulsion (the action by the Board of School Directors could involve exclusion from school for a period
of time in addition to an initial ten (10) day suspension up to permanent expulsion), and dismissal from
all athletic, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities for a period of time not less than forty-five (45)
school days and not more than one (1) year.
 Third Offense – - three (3) to ten (10) days suspension; referral to the CHIPS Program; and referral to
the Board of School Directors with recommendation for expulsion (the action by the Board of School
Directors could involve exclusion from school for a period of time in addition to an initial ten (10) day
suspension up to permanent expulsion), and dismissal from all athletic, extra-curricular and co-curricular
activities for a period of time not less than forty-five (45) school days and not more than one (1) year.
Distribution or sale of alcohol or drugs, or aiding, arranging for or participation in the distribution or sale of
alcohol or drugs:
 First Offense – not less than one day suspension, and up to ten days suspension depending upon the
circumstances of the offense; referral to CHIPS Program; and referral to Board of School Directors with
recommendation, depending upon the circumstances of the offense, for expulsion; and dismissal from all
athletic, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities for the remainder of the season or the marketing
period in which the offense occurs.
 Second Offense – ten days suspension; referral to the CHIPS Program; and referral to the Board of
School Directors with recommendation for expulsion; and dismissal from all athletic, extra-curricular
and co-curricular activities for the remainder of the school year and all opportunity for seasonal or
annual awards sponsored by the Annville-Cleona School District will be forfeited.
All violations of this policy shall be reported as required by law.
Administrators are hereby authorized:
o To conduct routine searches of all student lockers, including the use of drug sniffing dogs.
o To conduct thorough searches of students in any case of reasonably suspected possession of
unauthorized substances.
o To instruct students, at any time or place, to empty the contents of their pockets and/or reveal other
areas with clothing, wallets, purses, etc. where the student may be suspected of keeping
unauthorized substances.
o To confiscate any unauthorized substances or material of questionable purpose.
o In those cases where the student is participating in an after school activity, medication must be
taken in the presences of the faculty, advisor, sponsor, coach and/or athletic trainer.
o Note regarding refusals:
If a student fails to comply, the parent(s) shall be called to assist and/or permit a search.
If parent(s) refuse, or can’t be contacted, the police shall be called to conduct the search.
Any violation away from school authority, reported to district personnel, may result in notification to parent(s) and
The school board authorizes the administration to exercise the privilege to waive the penalties of this policy and
give a one-time warning to the student in such cases where a prescription drug is brought to school and then taken
without supervision by the school nurse or his/her designee.
As an exception to this policy, the use of medication will be permitted under the following conditions:
 Student must bring a note from parents indicating their approval for the use of the medication. The note
must be delivered to the school nurse, or other person designated by the administration, upon entry to
school property. See Board Policy #210 for procedure.
The medication must be taken in the presence of the Nurse, or other person designated by an
 The medication must be clearly identified. Unidentifiable liquids, pills or capsules will be analyzed and
treated as unauthorized substances.
 No form of stimulant or depressant will be permitted without specific written authorization from a
For items 1 and 2 above, the action by the Board of School Directors could involve exclusion from school for a
period of time in addition to the initial suspension up to permanent expulsion.
A student that is suspended from school beyond three (3) days of school has a right to an informal due process hearing.
The purpose of the informal hearing is to provide communication between the appropriate school officials, the parents,
and the student to discuss circumstances surrounding the events for which the student is being suspended. At the
meeting, the student is given the opportunity to show why the suspension should not be continued, and the school
official is required to summarize the evidence and administrative findings. The parents are encouraged to meet and
discuss ways in which future events may be avoided.
The following due process requirements will be observed:
1. The parent/guardian and student will be notified in writing of the reason for the suspension.
2. The administration will work with the parent/guardian to schedule the informal hearing to take place on the third
day of the suspension.
3. The parents have the right to question any witnesses that are present at the hearing.
4. The student has the right to speak and produce witnesses on his/her behalf.
Radios, iPods, mp3 players, CD players, headsets, cellular phones, iPads, Kindles, or electronic devices of any kind are
not permitted to be used during class times, except as allowed by a teacher as part of a classroom demonstration or
project, with prior approval by a building administrator, or during lunch time in the cafeteria. The school is in no way
responsible for any resultant theft. Such devices must be turned off and secured out of sight during school hours,
except at the discretion of a staff member. If a device is seen or heard by a staff member the offending student will be
assigned detention. If a device is in overt use, the offending student will be assigned a Saturday detention.
Messages/calls received by students from guardians subject students to consequences. Guardians requiring contact
with their students are encouraged to contact the office so that important messages can be delivered without disrupting
the educational environment. Telephone pagers are not permitted on school property, including school buses. Pagers
are illegal on public school property in Pennsylvania and will be confiscated and not returned.
The nurse gives elevator fobs only to students with documentation from a doctor/trainer. Only the student who is
issued an elevator fob may use the elevator. No guests/helpers may ride the elevator (such students must use the stairs).
Elevator fobs are housed in the main office and are to be picked up at the start of the day and returned at the end of they
day. Any problems with an elevator fob should be reported to the main office immediately. If the assigned elevator
fob is lost, the student is responsible for replacement at the cost of $50.
Food from outside the school (pizza, fast food, etc.) may not be brought into the cafeteria. Violations may result in
detention or suspension.
Course grades are calculated using percentage grade averages and reported as both percentage grades and letter grades
on report cards, based on the scale listed below.
97 – 100 4.00
93 – 96 4.00
90 – 92 3.67
87 – 89 3.33
83 – 86 3.00
80 – 82 2.67
77 – 79 2.33
73 – 76 2.00
70 – 72 1.67
67 – 69 1.33
63 – 66 1.00
D60 – 62 0.67
0 – 59 0.00
End of year grades are calculated by averaging the marking period percentage grades for courses without a final exam.
Every core and foreign language class in grades 9 through 12 shall include a mid-term and final exam. The mid-term
exam and the final exam will contribute to the final course grade using the following proportions: Quarter 1 = 20%;
Quarter 2 = 20%; Quarter 3 = 20%; Quarter 4 = 20%, Mid-term Assessment = 10%; Final Assessment = 10%.
Special caution is expressed for any student who earns a failing grade for a marking period or on a final exam. Since
percentage grades will be used in place of letter grades to calculate end of year grades, a student earning a very low F
for even a single marking period will face great difficulty passing the course for the year.
When passing in the hallways during class periods, each student is required to be in possession of his/her agenda book
(“passport”), which must contain a hall pass entry signed by a staff member authorizing the pass. Under urgent/required
circumstances, students without a passport may be permitted to move in the hallways with a pass written by a staff
member. High school students are not permitted in the Middle School hallway during the school day unless their
assigned schedule allows for such. The same applies for Middle School students in the High School hallway.
Everyone has a right to work and learn in a safe environment. Being safe means to feel comfortable with all the people
around you. The employees of the Annville-Cleona School District try to create an atmosphere where all persons feel
safe and comfortable. Harassment in any form will not be tolerated. Offenders will be disciplined and reported to local
law enforcement when appropriate.
Harassment is defined as: unwelcome words, gestures, and actions which tend to annoy, alarm, and/or verbally abuse
another person. These may include, but are not limited to, such practices as:
1. Making a telephone call without purpose of legitimate communication.
2. Insults, taunts, or challenges to another in a manner likely to provoke a violent or disorderly response.
3. Spreading rumors (unsubstantiated statements), with the intent of causing emotional turmoil.
4. Making repeated communications anonymously, or in offensively coarse language.
5. Subjecting another to annoying touching.
6. Engaging in any other course of alarming conduct serving no legitimate purpose.
If you believe that you are being harassed, ask the person to stop, and then tell a teacher, guidance counselor, school
nurse, or administrator. Do not respond to the harassment as this may encourage the aggressor to continue the
harassing behavior. If the harassment does not stop, file a formal complaint with the assistant principal. Your
allegation of harassment will be investigated by the administration who will take appropriate remedial action. Filing
false reports to the administration will result in disciplinary action.
Although the school district may only respond to actions that occur on school property or at school sponsored events,
students bring “baggage” with them when they come to school. Using electronic or social media to harass and/or bully,
even off campus and outside of school hours, that is resultant of a disruption of the mission of the school can be
addressed by the school. The administration is concerned with harassment that occurs in the community. The
administration will work with agencies and services available in the community to minimize this behavior.
Obscene, vulgar, racist or abusive language and gestures will not be tolerated. Racial and ethnic intimidation is
particularly serious and will be dealt with via school and legal consequences, including prosecution.
Insubordination can be defined as refusing to follow a reasonable directive of a school district employee acting within
the scope of his/her authority. Failure to follow the directives of staff members will result in disciplinary action, and
depending on the nature of the offense, could range from detention to a formal hearing before the board of education
for purposes of expulsion.
All AM LCCTC students are required to utilize school-sponsored transportation. Two hour LCCTC students
are required to provide their own transportation. PM and full day LCCTC students are encouraged to utilize
school-sponsored transportation but may drive provided they meet all of the following criteria;
 Have written permission from a parent or guardian on file authorizing the student to drive
 Possess an A-C parking permit and an LCCTC parking permit
 A student driver may not transport a passenger to and/or from LCCTC, except if the passenger is a
sibling of the driver, or if both students (driver and passenger) have submitted signed/written
permission from their parents to the administration.
 A student driver must drive directly to and from LCCTC, without exception.
 All student drivers are not listed as potential passengers for school transportation to and from
LCCTC. Therefore, by registering as a student driver, the student forfeits his/her busing privilege
and will not be permitted to ride the school bus.
The bus driver for each LCCTC bus route will take rider attendance each day, forwarding the attendance
record to the secondary school attendance office.
If a student violates any of the above rules, a Saturday detention, at minimum, will be assigned, the driving
privilege for a student driver may be revoked for a period of time that may include the next school year, and
the LCCTC administration will be notified. Students failing to honor the A-C/LCCTC transportation rules
may lose their LCCTC eligibility.
At no time are students permitted to leave the building and/or school property without written parent permission and
administrative approval. Students who leave the building or campus without written permission will be disciplined. In
addition, class cutting and truancy penalties may apply.
Students who use the Annville-Cleona High School library are expected to abide by the following procedures.
 Library visits from study halls are a privilege, not a right. Appropriate conduct is required at all times.
Inappropriate conduct or language will result in a loss of library privileges. Students are allowed one study
hall pass to the library per day. All students must have a library pass in order to visit the library. There will
be times when library passes are limited or not available due to scheduled class visits.
 Students who are using the library are expected to be working or reading quietly at all times.
 Most library materials circulate for 12 school days. Overdue materials will be fined at a rate of $.25 per
school day. There is a two-day grace period. Reference materials circulate overnight only. There is a fine of
$.50 per school day with no grace period. Students are encouraged to pay fines before checking out
additional library materials. Students are informed of the due date upon checkout and will receive overdue
notices the day after the book is due and periodically thereafter in their homeroom if in grades 7 and 8, or in
their English class if in grades 9-12.
 If library materials are lost, students will be issued an obligation for the replacement price.
Students who have signed-off on the Student Handbook and agreed to the Acceptable Use Policy for the internet will
be permitted to use the library computers to access electronic resources including ACCESS PENNSYLVANIA, online
encyclopedias, the POWER library databases, and the internet. Questions regarding the school library should be
directed to the librarian during regular school hours.
Upon entering the middle/high school each student will be issued a hall locker for personal use. Lockers are the
property of the school district provided for student use and are therefore subject to inspection by administrative
personnel. It is important that students are aware that the administration reserves the right to inspect lockers on a
periodic and unannounced basis. Students found to be sharing lockers will be subject to disciplinary action. The
administration may suspend locker privileges as a consequence for discipline issues. It is possible that drug-sniffing
dogs may be used to inspect student lockers. (See Locker Searches below.) The school district cannot accept
responsibility for items misplaced or stolen from lockers. Students should refrain from bringing unnecessary valuables
and money to school.
 Maintain the locker in an orderly fashion.
 Operate the lock and doors carefully so as not to damage the locker.
 Report any malfunction to the main office.
 Keep the locker door closed and locked when locker is not in use (rigging lockers to open without using the
combination is prohibited).
 Do not disclose lock combinations to anyone.
Locker Searches
(Reprinted directly from Chapter 12, Section 12.14, of the Pennsylvania Administrative Code.)
School authorities may search a student’s locker and seize any illegal materials. Such materials may be used as
evidence against the student in disciplinary proceedings. Prior to a locker search, students shall be notified and given
an opportunity to be present. However, where school authorities have a reasonable suspicion that the locker contains
materials, which pose a threat to the health, welfare and safety of students in the school, student lockers may be
searched without prior warning.
The Annville-Cleona Secondary School seeks to communicate information to the public concerning our school and the
many achievements of our students. To accomplish this, newsletters are sent to the community, a district calendar is
generated, students are filmed on the school’s television network ACDN-TV, the yearbook is completed annually, and
information is conveyed to local newspapers and media outlets. If you do not wish to have your student(s) participate
in any of these media outlets, you must inform the principal in writing. If notification is not received, the
aforementioned forms of media coverage are assumed to be acceptable.
The Education Reform Act of 2002 contains a provision that school districts provide, on a request by military
recruiters, access to secondary school students’ names, addresses, and telephone listings. The Annville-Cleona School
District is obligated to provide the directory information of 11th and 12th grade students to military recruiters unless
directed by a parent/guardian that such information not be released. If you do not wish to have the directory
information released to the military recruiters, you must inform the principal in writing no later than September 19,
2014. If notification is not received by this date, student directory information will be released as specified.
Additional information on this requirement may be found in the “Access to Secondary Students” BEC posted on the
Pennsylvania Department of Education web site. Go to:
Induction into A-C's National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society is based on the criteria established in
the National Constitution ( For the purposes of determining application eligibility, GPAs will not be
rounded up.
 NJHS applications are issued to 8th and 9th grade students who earned a minimum, cumulative GPA of 3.56
during the prior school year.
 NHS applications are issued to 10th-12th graders who:
o have no more than one (1) "C" for a final grade
o have earned no "D" or "F" final grades
o Meet the following grade level GPA/QPA minimums
 Freshmen: 3.7 (GPA), 4.0 (QPA)
 Sophomores: 3.5 (GPA), 3.8 (QPA)
 Junior: 3.3 (GPA), 3.5 (QPA)
An invitation to apply for membership is not a guarantee of acceptance into the society. Further criteria will be shared
upon issuance of the invitation.
The school nurse provides care for injuries and illnesses, occurring in school or while the student is under the
jurisdiction of the school. Treatment of injuries or illnesses occurring at home is not the responsibility of the teacher or
school nurse.
1. Students must have a hall pass from their teacher before visiting the school nurse. Do not report to the nurse
between classes until you have reported to and obtained permission from your classroom teacher.
2. Students are not permitted to carry or possess any medicine while in school.
3. Students are permitted to carry and use cough drops with permission from the school nurse
4. Students are required to return the emergency information/medication permission card to the school nurse by the
second day of school.
5. Students requiring daily medication or PRN medication at school must have a parental consent form and
physician’s order on file with the school nurse.
6. All medications will be given under the direction of the school nurse and will be taken by the student in the
nurse’s office under supervision of the nurse or designee.
7. Students will inform the school nurse of any medicine that they have taken today or are currently taking or any
changes in medicines that may affect or impact their educational process.
8. Students will answer all questions from the school nurse honestly.
9. Students will wait calmly and patiently in the waiting area until seen.
10. Students will see their teacher the same day to make up for any class time and/or assignments missed while
visiting the nurse’s office.
Any infraction of these rules will warrant referral to the assistant principal for disciplinary action in accordance with
school policies.
Health Care
The school has a health suite staffed full time by a professional nurse; either a certified school nurse or a school nurse
assistant. The nurse provides initial evaluation and care to students who become ill or injured while in school.
Knowledgeable in many of the health concerns of children and youth, the nurse is available to students for health
education and counseling. She also serves as a health resource person by working directly with classroom teachers.
Parents are urged to report any health problem to the nurse. Information shared is considered confidential. However
the nurse, in consultation with the parent(s), may share certain information with appropriate staff members as deemed
necessary for the health and safety of the student.
Textbooks, library books, athletic uniforms, parking passes, or any other item loaned to the student by the school must
be returned within a timely fashion. Students who do not return loaned items will be considered to have an obligation
reported to administration by teachers and/or coaches. Students with outstanding obligations will lose privileges
including but not limited to participation in extracurricular activities and school dances (including homecoming and
prom). A student’s parking pass may also be revoked (if applicable) until the outstanding obligation is paid.
Obligation status can be checked on through high school office.
Summary of Policy
It is the policy of the school district to allow students to possess and to self administer an asthma inhaler and the
prescribed medication in a school setting in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Possession and
Self Administration of an Asthma Inhaler Policy.
As used in this policy, the terms and phrases listed below shall be defined as follows in accordance with Pennsylvania
and federal law:
“Asthma Inhaler” – means a medically prescribed device used for the self-administration of short-acting, metered
doses of medically prescribed medication to treat an acute asthma attack.
“School Setting” – means while in school, while at a school-sponsored activity, and while in transit to or from school
or school-sponsored activities.
“Self Administration” or “Self Administer” – means a student’s discretionary use of his/her prescribed asthma
medication pursuant to a prescription or written direction from a physician, certified registered nurse practitioner, or
physician’s assistant.
Statement of Policy
Any student who wishes to possess and self-administer an asthma inhaler in a school setting must demonstrate that
he/she has the capability for self-administration and for responsible behavior in the use of an asthma inhaler. The
school district reserves the right to require a statement from t he student’s physician, certified registered nurse
practitioner, or physician’s assistant (collectively referred to as “health care provider) providing for the continued use
of any medication beyond a specified time period.
Verification of Self-Administration of Asthma Inhaler.
A student who wishes to self-administer an asthma inhaler must demonstrate to the school nurse that he/she is capable
of self-administration and has permission to carry and take the prescribed medication through the use of an asthma
inhaler. No student shall be permitted to self administer an asthma inhaler unless all of the following conditions have
been satisfied:
- The student must provide the school nurse with a written statement from his/her health care provider that includes:
1. The name of the prescribed medication, the dose, the time(s) when the medication is to be taken, and the
diagnosis or reason that the medication is needed unless a parent or legal guardian provides a written request
to keep the diagnosis confidential.
2. The potential for any serious reaction(s) that may occur to the medication, as well as any necessary
emergency response(s) thereto; and a statement as to whether the student is able to self-administer the
prescribed medication.
- A parent or legal guardian of the student signs and returns to the school nurse the Parental Request for selfadministration of an asthma inhaler.
Use of an Asthma Inhaler
A student must immediately notify the school nurse if he/she self-administers an asthma inhaler while in a school
Permitted Use
A student who has been granted permission, pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy, to be in
possession of and to self-administer an asthma inhaler shall not permit the asthma inhaler to be used by any other
individual at any time. If the school district determines that a student has allowed his/her asthma inhaler to be sued by
another student, the asthma inhaler shall be confiscated immediately and the student shall lose the privilege to possess
and self-administer an asthma inhaler.
All postings on walls or main parts of the school building must have the approval signature of the principal, assistant
principal or athletic director. Students may opt to post items on the inside of their own lockers with magnets (magnets
will not be provided to students).
Intimate displays of affection are inappropriate in a school setting. Aside from holding hands, all other forms of
physical contact are not permitted. Disregard for this regulation will result in disciplinary action and parental contact.
Administrators are hereby authorized to:
 Conduct routine searches of student lockers, desks and vehicles on school property.
 Conduct thorough searches of students, in the presence of a witness, in any case of reasonably suspected
possession of unauthorized substances.
To instruct students, at any time or place, to empty the contents of their pockets and/or reveal other areas with
clothing, wallets, purses, etc. where the student may be suspected of keeping unauthorized substances.
If a student fails to do so, the parent(s) shall be called to assist and/or permit a search.
If parent(s) refuse, or can’t be contacted, the police shall be called to conduct the search.
Confiscate any unauthorized substances or materials of questionable purpose.
It is the policy of the Annville-Cleona School District to maintain a focus of learning and working environment that is
free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment substantially interferes with an individual’s academic performance
and creates an intimidating, hostile, offensive educational environment. If you are being sexually harassed, you should
tell the offender to stop, then notify the secondary school administration.
Sexual harassment shall consist of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other inappropriate
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when made by any member of the school staff to a student, by any
student to another student, or by any student to any staff members. Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited
to the following:
Pressure for sexual activity;
Repeated remarks to a person, with sexual or demeaning implications;
Unwelcome touching, pinching, patting, or brushing against;
Suggesting or demanding sexual involvement either implied or explicit, especially in connection with a
student’s grades.
The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and of the accused, will be respected consistent with the school
district’s legal obligations and with the necessity to investigate all allegations of misconduct and to take corrective
action when this conduct has occurred.
A substantiated charge against a student in the Annville-Cleona School District shall subject that student to disciplinary
action, which may include suspension or expulsion. The police will be notified, and charges may be filed. Filing false
reports to the administration will result in disciplinary action.
Middle School Activities
French Club
Health Careers Club
Middle School Memory Book
Middle School Quiz Bowl
Students Against Destructive
Decisions (S.A.D.D.)
Spanish Club
Student Council
Junior Honor Society
High School Activities
Art Club
Best Buddies
Dutchmen Crier
Family, Career, and Community
Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Four Diamonds
French Club
Health Careers Club
Key Club
Marching Band Color Guard
Model United Nations
Senior Honor Society
Spanish Club
Students Against Destructive
Decisions (S.A.D.D.)
Year Book
9th Grade Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl (Grades 10 through 12)
Student Council
Math Club
Athletic Teams - Fall
Varsity/JV/Jr. High/Jr. High JV
Varsity Girls' Tennis
Varsity/JV/Jr. High/ Jr. High JV
Field Hockey
Varsity Golf
Varsity/JV/Jr. High Boys' Soccer
Varsity/JV/ Jr. High Girls' Soccer
Varsity/Jr. High Girls' Cross
Varsity/Jr. High Boys' Cross
Varsity/JV Cheerleading
Varsity/JV/Jr. High Wrestling
Varsity/JV/Jr. High/ Jr. High JV
Girls' Basketball
Varsity/JV/Jr. High/ Jr. High JV
Boys' Basketball
Varsity/JV Cheerleading
Varsity/JV Softball
Varsity/JV Baseball
Varsity/Jr. High Track and Field
Varsity Boys' Tennis
Authorized Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Areas
Students may be dropped off and picked up near the gym entrance at the rear of the school. No other
locations are designated for this purpose. The MS/HS office entrance is locked at all times and visitors must
be buzzed in.
Authorized Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up During the School Day (7:40 AM – 2:30 PM)
Dropping students off (and picking students up) during the school day shall be done at the main MS/HS
office entrance by the flagpole.
For parents/visitors needing to park and enter the building, there are plenty of appropriately marked “visitor”
spaces available. Thank you for not parking in any of the numbered spaces. Such spots are reserved for staff.
Student parking on school property is a privilege. Students must register the vehicle(s) they plan to drive to school by
completing the registration form and by purchasing a parking tag for $15.00 (which is nonrefundable). Parking tags
must be returned to the main office at the end of the school year. A $15.00 obligation will be issued for each parking
tag not returned at the end of the school year, in addition to the original parking permit fee. The parking tag must be
attached to the rear view mirror with the number facing the windshield.
Students who finished the previous year on the honor roll will have their parking permit fee waived.
The registered student shall be the only student permitted to drive and park their registered vehicle on the campus. This
driving privilege and parking tag are non-transferable. Students may not park in the visitor parking spaces. Students
who have behavioral difficulties or who have excessive attendance issues will have their driving privileges suspended
or revoked. Students found illegally parked on Annville-Cleona property will be fined and may forfeit future
If you do not have a school assigned parking permit, you may not park on school property.
Students are required to fill out a parking application and have their parents sign at two locations on the paperwork.
Students are also required to read through the parking rules with their parents. Applications are numbered and assigned
in the order they are returned to the office.
The Northwest lot (first lot on right when entering campus) is designated as the only student parking lot.
Students may not park in the administration lot or any other numbered space on the Annville-Cleona campus.
Failure to comply with assigned parking locations may result in revocation of parking privileges and a ticket
from South Annville Township Police.
Study halls are scheduled to provide time for students to read, do homework, and to prepare for classes. Students are
expected to arrive prepared to work quietly on meaningful academic pursuits. Study halls are considered academic
areas on par with regular academic classrooms and similar behaviors are expected. Students with passes to go
elsewhere during their scheduled study hall must first report for attendance and permission to leave.
During the school day, all phone calls made by students must be made in the main office, as this takes away from
instructional time. Only emergency calls will be permitted. Students must have a written pass from a teacher or aide to
use the phone located inside the main office during the day. Phone calls should be short and concise. Students must
request permission to use the phone from an office secretary. Students who abuse this privilege will no longer be able
to use school phones.
Students are not allowed to use the classroom phones. Students, who make calls from any phone on school property, or
use classroom phones, will be disciplined. Prank calls made to: Police, Fire Department, or 911 are against the law.
Students found to be making these types of calls will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
The Annville-Cleona School District will comply with the School Tobacco Control Act.
 Tobacco use and/or possession by students at any time are prohibited in school buildings, on school buses, on
school property, or any school sanctioned event (on or off school property). This includes times during
which students are riding in automobiles, and/or participating in school activities after school hours. Banned
items include cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, vaping devices, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco in any form,
and any lighted smoking equipment.
 Any student who violates this policy shall be subject to discipline, which may include suspension or
expulsion. In addition, a student who violates this policy shall be subject to prosecution and shall, upon
conviction, be sentenced to pay a maximum fine of $50 plus court costs.
 Tobacco use by employees in school buildings or on school buses is prohibited.
Students wishing to have a transcript sent should obtain and complete the appropriate form; forms are available in the
guidance office. On the form, students will be required to supply the complete mailing address of the receiving school.
All students may have three transcripts sent at no charge. After the first three, there will be a $1 charge for each
transcript mailed; In lieu of a charge, a student may submit an appropriately addressed, stamped envelope to the
guidance secretary. Transcript requests will be processed within three school days.
Vandalism is not only a malicious and senseless activity but a costly one as well. We encourage students to care of
their school and its material as each of us has to share the cost of repair or replacement. Students found guilty of
vandalism will be required to make restitution and may be subject to suspension, police involvement, or a formal
hearing before the board of education.
The school district may place and use video cameras, or other recording devices, on school property and on school
buses. The images or sounds recorded by the video camera or other recording devices may be used by school
authorities to determine whether conduct occurred which is contrary to the rules of the school district, to determine the
extent of such conduct, and to determine the identity or identities of the particular student or students involved in such
We welcome visitors, but for security reasons, all visitors must report to the main office, sign in and receive a visitor’s
badge. All visitors must leave their drivers license in the main office to ensure that they return in order to sign out and
exit the building. For the efficient operation of the school, visitors wishing to tour the building or visit classrooms must
call ahead and arrange a meeting date prior to the day of their visit. Call 867-7700 to make arrangements. (The
building administration reserves the right to deny visits deemed inappropriate.)
POLICY STATEMENT: Weapons have no place in the schools. This policy is intended to prohibit possessing,
carrying, storing or using weapons or dangerous instruments while on school property or while present at any school
function or activity. See School Board Policy No. 4320 for complete information.
All persons are prohibited from possessing, carrying, storing or using weapons or dangerous instruments while on
school property, on the way to or from school, and while present at any school function or activity. This policy is
applicable to all persons, including school directors, employees, students, contractors, visitors, etc., except that this
policy shall not apply to duly authorized police personnel or any person who has received from the Superintendent
specific written exemption from this policy.
The definition of a weapon includes but is not limited to:
Any object or instrument which is commonly considered to be a weapon or
dangerous instrument, or any object or instrument which is in fact used to effect
threats, intimidation, harassment, extortion, or injury to a person or property.
Any firearm, loaded or unloaded, from which a shot can be discharged by
gunpowder or compressed air, including the unassembled components of a
Any knife, cutting instrument, cutting tool, or similar object
Explosives and incendiary devices, including fireworks and the like, as well as
any noxious
Substance, such as mace
Any facsimile designed to look like a real weapon.
The Pennsylvania Crimes Code lists possession of a weapon in the school environment as a misdemeanor of the
first class. Therefore, the administration shall report all violations under the weapons policy to the local police
The administration or designee shall report all violations under the weapons policy to the Department of
Subject to any applicable due process procedures, any student who violates this policy shall be expelled for a
period of not less than one year. The superintendent may on a case-by-case basis recommend lesser disciplinary
To deter the possession of weapons on school district property, the school district may conduct reasonable
searches for and seizures of weapons by using hand-held or other metal detectors. Such searches shall be
performed in a random, non-discriminatory manner except when there is a reasonable suspicion that weapons are
present. If the metal detector activates after all metal objects have been removed, the individual will be taken to a
room out of view from other individuals and the person will be subject to a “pat down” search. A “pat down”
search conducted by at least two school personnel of the same sex as the student shall be limited to feeling the
outer clothing for the purpose of discovering only items which may have activated the metal detector. Staff and
students failing to cooperate with school district personnel in the performance of weapons searches shall be
subject to disciplinary action.
Any weapon, which is required for use as part of a course of study or a lawful
supervised school activity, shall be given to the teacher of that class/activity
immediately upon the student’s arrival at school provided that prior permission
by the building principal or designee has been granted at least one day in
When the school district receives a student who transfers from a public or
private school during an expulsion period for an offense involving a weapon,
the district may assign that student to an alternative assignment or may provide
alternative education, provided the assignment may not exceed the expulsion
The Child Labor Act of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania requires that all minors under 18 years of age, regardless
of whether they are students or not, must secure employment certificates before engaging in gainful employment. It is
imperative, therefore, that all minors become acquainted with the procedure to be used in obtaining certificates.
The principal of the high school administers the Child Labor Law, and all certificates are issued at the AnnvilleCleona High School in the main office.
A minor age 14 to 18 may receive a transferable vacation certificate. This permit may be used for any job the
student receives between the ages of 14 and 18. Minors between the ages of 16 and 18, who are no longer on an
active school roster, may secure a transferable general certificate.
Application Procedure
A. An application may be secured by the minor or their parent in the main office.
B. The following may be done in any order.
Parent must sign the application form.
The issuing employee must see proof of birth in the form of an original birth certificate or
C. Upon completion of the application form, the work permit is issued to the minor, who must sign the work
permit in the presence of the issuing employee.
The Board recognizes that electronic communication devices, Internet and other network resources provide vast,
diverse and unique resources and supports their use in the district’s instructional and operational programs in order to
facilitate learning, teaching and daily operations through interpersonal communications and access to information,
research and collaboration.
The Annville Cleona School District (school district or district) provides employees, students, and guests (users) with
hardware, software, and access to the school district’s electronic communication devices, electronic communications
and information systems (ECIS) and networks, which include Internet access, whether wired or wireless, or by any
other means.
For instructional purposes, the use of network facilities shall be consistent with the curriculum adopted by the district
as well as the varied instructional needs, learning styles, abilities, and developmental levels of students.
The term child pornography is defined under both federal and state law.
Child pornography - under federal law, is any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or
computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other
means, of sexually explicit conduct, where:
1. The production of such visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct;
2. Such visual depiction is a digital image, computer image, or computer-generated image that is, or is
indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or
3. Such visual depiction has been created, adapted, or modified to appear that an identifiable minor is engaging in
sexually explicit conduct.
Child pornography - under state law, is any book, magazine, pamphlet, slide, photograph, film, videotape, computer
depiction or other material depicting a child under the age of eighteen (18) years engaging in a prohibited sexual act or
in the simulation of such act.
Educational Purpose - includes classroom activities, professional or career development, communication with experts,
homework, and other activities in support of the school district’s curriculum, policies and mission.
Electronic Communication Device - equipment that is used to create, send, forward, reply to, transmit, store, hold,
copy, download, display, view, play, read, or print electronic information. Examples of these devices include, but shall
not be limited to: desktop, notebook, MacBook, tablet PC, laptop computers, specialized electronic equipment used for
students’ special educational purposes; RFID, and Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment; personal digital
assistants (PDAs); iPods, MP3/4 players; USB/jump drives; iPads, Kindles, and other electronic readers; iPhones, cell
phones, smartphones, with or without Internet/data access, recording devices and/or camera/video and other capabilities
and configurations; two-way radios/telephones; beepers; paging devices; and any other such technology developed with
similar capabilities.
Electronic Communications and Information Systems (ECIS) - any messaging, collaboration, publishing,
broadcast, or distribution system that depends on electronic communications devices to create, send, forward, reply to,
transmit, store, hold, copy, download, display, view, read, or print electronic information for purposes of
communication across electronic communications network systems between or among individuals or groups, that is
either explicitly denoted as a system for electronic communications or is implicitly used for such purposes. Further,
Electronic Communications and Information Systems means any wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo optical or
photo electronic facilities for the transmission/transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of
any nature, wire or electronic communications, and any computer facilities or related electronic equipment for the
electronic storage of such communications.
Examples of these systems include, without limitation, the Internet, school district intranet, electronic mail services,
voicemail services, text and instant messaging, social networking, GPS, facsimile machines, cell phones with or
without Internet/data access, recording devices and/or camera/video and other capabilities and configurations.
Guests - users that access the school district’s ECIS, regardless of whether they are accessing the ECIS through their
personal electronic devices or school district property. Guests may include, but are not limited to, students, visitors,
workshop attendees, volunteers, adult education staff, exchange students, School Board members, independent
contractors, and consultants.
The term harmful to minors is defined under both federal and state law.
Harmful to minors - under federal law, is any picture, image, graphic image file or other visual depiction that:
1. Taken as a whole, with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex or excretion;
2. Depicts, describes or represents in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or
simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or lewd exhibition of the
genitals; and
3. Taken as a whole lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value as to minors.
Harmful to minors - under state law, is any depiction or representation in whatever form, of nudity, sexual conduct,
sexual excitement, or sadomasochistic abuse, when it:
1. Predominantly appeals to the prurient, shameful, or morbid interest of minors;
2. Is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable for
minors; and
3. Taken as a whole lacks serious literary, artistic, political, educational or scientific value for minors.
Inappropriate Matter - includes, but is not limited to visual, graphic, video, text and any other form of indecent,
sexually explicit, obscene, pornographic, child pornographic, or other material that is harmful to minors. Examples
include: taking, disseminating, transferring, or sharing, whether by electronic transfer (such as sexting, emailing,
texting, among others) or otherwise; hateful, illegal, defamatory, lewd, vulgar, profane, inflammatory, threatening,
harassing, discriminating (as it pertains to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, sexual
orientation, political beliefs, receipt of financial aid, or disability), violent,
bullying/cyberbullying, terroristic, and other inappropriate matter and material specified throughout this policy, and
other Board policies, regulations, rules, and procedures. It also includes advocating the destruction of property.
Minor - for purposes of compliance with the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), an individual who has
not yet attained the age of seventeen (17). For other purposes, minor shall mean the age of minority as defined in the
relevant law.
Obscene - any material or performance, if:
The average person applying contemporary community standards would find that the subject matter taken as a
whole appeals to the prurient interest;
The subject matter depicts or describes in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct described in the law to be
obscene; and
The subject matter, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, educational or scientific value.
Personal Electronic Communication Devices - an electronic communication device owned, loaned, and/or used by a
student, staff member, or guest that is not owned or leased by the school district.
Sexual Act and Sexual Contact - as defined at 18 U.S.C. § 2246(2), and at 18 U.S.C. § 2246(3), 18 Pa. C.S.A. § 5903.
Technology protection measure - a specific technology that blocks or filters Internet access to visual depictions that
are obscene, child pornography or harmful to minors.
Visual Depictions - undeveloped film and videotape and data stored on computer disk or by electronic means which is
capable of conversion into a visual image, and data which is capable of conversion into a visual image that has been
transmitted by any means, whether or not stored in a permanent format, but does not include mere words.
The Board declares that access to the district’s ECIS is a privilege, not a right. The district’s electronic communication
devices, ECIS, user accounts and information are the property of the district. Users shall have no expectation of privacy
in anything they create, store, send, delete, receive or display on or over the district’s Internet, computers or network
resources, including personal files or any use of the district’s Internet, computers or network resources.
The district reserves the right to monitor, track, and log network access and use; monitor fileserver space utilization by
district users; or deny access to prevent unauthorized, inappropriate or illegal activity and may revoke access privileges
and/or administer appropriate disciplinary action. The district shall cooperate to the extent legally required with the
Internet Service Provider (ISP), local, state and federal officials in any investigation concerning or related to the misuse
of the district’s ECIS.
The district reserves the right to restrict access to any Internet sites or ECIS functions it deems inappropriate through
established Board policy, or the use of software and/or online server blocking. Specifically, the district operates and
enforces a technology protection measure(s) that blocks or filters access to inappropriate matter by minors on its
computers used and accessible to adults and students. The technology protection measure shall be enforced during use
of computers with Internet access.
Upon request by students or staff, the Superintendent or designee shall expedite a review and may authorize the
disabling of Internet blocking/filtering software to enable access to material that is blocked through technology
protection measures but is not prohibited by this policy.
Upon request by students or staff, building administrators may authorize the temporary disabling of Internet
blocking/filtering software to enable access for bona fide research or for other lawful purposes. Written permission
from the parent/guardian is required prior to disabling Internet blocking/filtering software for a student’s use. If a
request for temporary disabling of Internet blocking/filtering software is denied, the requesting student or staff member
may appeal the denial to the Superintendent or designee for expedited review.
The district reserves the right to restrict or limit usage of lower priority ECIS and computer uses when network and
computing requirements exceed available capacity according to the following priorities:
Highest – uses that directly supports the education of the students.
Medium – uses that indirectly benefit the education of the students.
Lowest – uses that include reasonable and limited educationally-related employee interpersonal communications.
The district additionally reserves the right to:
Determine which services of the district’s ECIS will be provided through district resources.
Restrict student, staff and/or guest use of district owned technologies and personally owned electronic devices on
school property or at school-sponsored events.
Determine the types of files that may be stored on district file servers, district third-party hosted solutions, and
View and monitor network traffic, fileserver space, processor, and system utilization, and all applications provided
through the network and ECIS, including email, text message, and other electronic communications, as well as on
district issued equipment.
Remove excess email and other electronic communications or files taking up an inordinate amount of fileserver
disk space after a reasonable time.
Revoke user privileges, remove user accounts, or refer to legal authorities, when violation of this and any other
applicable Board policies, regulations, rules, and/or procedures occur or when ISP and website terms, state or
federal law is violated.
Because of the nature of the technology that allows the Internet to operate, the school district cannot completely block
access to all inappropriate matter and therefore, it is the user’s responsibility to be diligent in ensuring appropriate
access and use of the district’s ECIS in accordance with Board policy. The district recognizes that parents/guardians
have the primary responsibility to specify to their child(ren) what material is and is not acceptable for their child(ren) to
access. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to help monitor their child(ren)’s use of the district’s ECIS when accessing
the system from off-campus. The district shall make every effort to ensure that this resource is used responsibly by
students, staff and guests.
The district shall inform staff, students, parents/guardians and guests about this policy and applicable administrative
procedures, rules and regulations through employee and student handbooks, posting on the district website, and by
other appropriate methods. A copy of this policy shall be provided to parents/guardians, upon written request.
Users of the district’s ECIS or district-owned electronic communication equipment shall, prior to being given access or
being issued equipment, sign user agreements acknowledging awareness of the provisions of this policy, and awareness
that the district uses monitoring systems to monitor and detect inappropriate use. Student user agreements shall also be
signed by a parent/guardian.
Administrators, teachers and staff have a professional responsibility to work together to help students develop the
intellectual skills and judgment necessary to discern among information sources, to identify information appropriate to
their age and developmental levels, and to evaluate and use the information to meet their educational goals.
Building administrators shall make initial determinations of whether inappropriate use has occurred.
The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for recommending technology and developing procedures used to
determine whether the district’s computers are being used for purposes prohibited by law or for accessing sexually
explicit materials. The procedures shall include but not be limited to:
Utilizing a technology protection measure that blocks or filters Internet access for minors and adults to certain
visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, harmful to minors with respect to use by minors, or
determined inappropriate for use by minors by the Board.
Maintaining and securing a usage log.
Monitoring online activities of minors.
The Superintendent or designee shall develop and implement administrative procedures that ensure students are
educated on network etiquette and other appropriate online behavior, including:
Interaction with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms.
Cyberbullying awareness and response.
User accounts shall be created by the district and used only by the authorized owner of the account for its approved
System security is protected through the use of passwords. Failure to adequately protect or update passwords could
result in unauthorized access to personal or district files. To protect the integrity of the district’s ECIS system, these
guidelines shall be followed:
Employees and students shall not reveal their passwords to another individual.
Users are not to use a device that has been logged in under another user’s name.
Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other ECIS systems may be denied
access to the district network.
Users must protect and secure all electronic resources and information, data and records of the School District
from theft and inadvertent disclosure to unauthorized individuals or entities at all times. This includes but is not
limited to passcode protecting personal and/or district owned or operated electronic communication devices that
have saved or cached passwords of district provided accounts, such as but not limited to email system, file server,
student information system. If any User becomes aware of the release of School District information, data or
records, the release must be immediately reported to the Superintendent, or designee.
Services Provided
The types of services provided by the district’s ECIS include, but are not limited to:
1. Internet - District employees, students, and guests will have access to the Internet through the district’s ECIS, as
2. Email - District employees may be assigned individual email accounts for work-related use. Students may be
approved to be assigned individual email accounts, as necessary, by the Superintendent or designee, at the
recommendation of the teacher who will also supervise the students’ use of the email account.
3. Guest Accounts - Guests may receive an individual user account with the approval of the Superintendent or
designee, if there is a specific district-related purpose requiring such access. Use of the district’s ECIS by a guest
must be specifically limited to the district-related purpose for which access was granted and comply with Board
policy, regulations, rules, and procedures, as well as ISP and websites terms, local, state and federal laws, and may
not damage the district’s ECIS. A user agreement must be signed in writing or electronically by a guest, and if the
guest is a minor, shall also be signed by a parent/guardian.
4. Web presence - District employees may be permitted to have a district-sponsored web presence after they receive
training, agree to comply with this and other applicable Board policies and administrative procedures, and have
secured approval of the Superintendent or designee if the web presence is a user interactive presence (for example
blog or wiki).
5. Web-Based Services and Mobile Device Applications - Certain district authorized web-based services and mobile
device applications where users share ideas, comment on one another’s project, plan, design, or implement, advance
or discuss practices, goals, and ideas together, co-create, collaborate and share (such as but not limited to,
authorized social media sites, wikis, RSS feeds, social software, educational games, course management systems,
and collaboration tools that emphasize online participatory learning among users) may be permitted. Such use must
be approved by the Superintendent and/or designee and users must agree to comply with this and other applicable
Board policies and administrative procedures.
Cloud, Virtual, and Online Storage of Information and Data
Users must keep all School District confidential information including but not limited to employee and student in the
School District’s and its contracted parties storage, unless permission is granted in writing by the Superintendent and/or
designee, or by School District Policy. This requirement means that employees, students, and Guests must not place
School District confidential information in cloud, virtual, online storage, or any storage device or vehicle beyond the
control access, protection, and safety of the School District.
Use Of The District’s ECIS
The district’s ECIS must be used for educational purposes and performance of job duties. All use of the district’s ECIS
shall be in compliance with this and other Board policies, administrative procedures, rules and regulations, ISP and
website terms, and local, state, and federal laws.
Prohibitions –
Users shall be required to practice proper etiquette and respect the rights and privacy of other users. Specifically, the
following uses are prohibited:
Facilitating illegal activity.
Commercial or for-profit purposes.
Non-work or nonschool related work.
Product advertisement or political lobbying.
Bullying/Cyber bullying.
Hate mail, discriminatory remarks, and offensive or inflammatory communication.
Unauthorized or illegal installation, distribution, reproduction, or use of copyrighted materials.
Accessing, sending, receiving, transferring, viewing, sharing or downloading obscene, pornographic, lewd, or
otherwise illegal materials, images or photographs.
Access by students and minors to material that is harmful to minors or is determined inappropriate for minors in
accordance with Board policy.
Inappropriate language or profanity.
Transmission of material likely to be offensive or objectionable to recipients.
Intentional obtaining or modifying of files, passwords, and data belonging to other users.
Impersonation of another user, anonymity, and pseudonyms.
Fraudulent copying, communications, or modification of materials in violation of copyright laws.
Loading or using of unauthorized games, programs, files, or other electronic media.
Disruption of the work of other users. This includes, but is not limited to inhibiting the learning environment and
causing classroom disruptions.
Destruction, modification, abuse or unauthorized access to network hardware, software and files.
Accessing the Internet, district computers or other network resources without authorization.
Disabling or bypassing the Internet blocking/filtering software without authorization.
Accessing, sending, receiving, transferring, viewing, sharing or downloading confidential information without
Creating or attempting to create an unethical educational environment by using the district’s ECIS to plagiarize,
cheat, or commit any other form of academic dishonesty.
Use the name of the “Annville Cleona School District” or misrepresenting affiliation to the School District in any
form in blogs on Internet pages or websites not owned or related to the School District, or in forums/discussion
boards, and social media sites, to express or imply the position of the School District without the expressed,
consent of the School District. When such consent is granted, the posting must provide a disclaimer that states the
content is not expressly promoted by the district.
Documents, web pages, electronic communications, or videoconferences may not contain obscene, pornographic,
lewd, or otherwise illegal materials or point directly or indirectly to such materials.
Documents, web pages and electronic communications, must conform to all School District policies, regulations,
rules, and procedures.
Documents to be published on the Internet must be edited and approved according to School District policies,
regulations, rules, and procedures before publication.
It is the district’s goal to protect users of the network from harassment and unwanted or unsolicited electronic
communications. Any network user who receives threatening or unwelcome electronic communications or
inadvertently visits or
accesses an inappropriate site shall report such immediately to a teacher or administrator. Network users shall not
reveal personal information to other users on the network, including chat rooms, email, social networking websites, etc.
Internet safety measures shall effectively address the following:
Control of access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet and World Wide Web.
Safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic
Prevention of unauthorized online access by minors, including "hacking" and other unlawful activities.
Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors.
Restriction of minors’ access to materials harmful to them.
The illegal use of copyrighted materials is prohibited. Any data uploaded to or downloaded from the network shall be
subject to fair use guidelines and applicable laws and regulations.
Consequences For Inappropriate Use
Users shall be responsible for damages to the equipment, systems, and software resulting from deliberate or willful
Illegal use of the network; intentional deletion or damage to files or data belonging to others; copyright violations; and
theft of services shall be reported to the appropriate legal authorities for possible prosecution.
General rules for behavior and communications apply when using the Internet, in addition to the stipulations of this
Vandalism or theft shall result in loss of access privileges, disciplinary action, and/or legal proceedings. Vandalism is
defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user, Internet or other networks; this includes but is
not limited to uploading or creating computer viruses.
Failure to comply with this policy or inappropriate use of district electronic communication devices, the Internet, or the
district’s ECIS shall result in usage restrictions, loss of access privileges, disciplinary action, and/or legal proceedings.
Limitation Of Liability
The district makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, that the functions or the services provided by
or through the district’s ECIS will be error-free or without defect. The availability of access to electronic information
does not imply endorsement by the district of the content, nor does the district guarantee the accuracy or quality of
information received.
The School District will not be responsible for:
Any damage users may suffer, including but not limited to, information that may be lost, damaged, delayed, misdelivered, or unavailable when using the computers, network and ECIS.
The loss, damage, misuse, theft of any personally owned electronic device and/or data on the device brought to
school or connected to the district ECIS.
Material that is retrieved through the Internet, or the consequences that may result from them.
Any unauthorized financial obligations, charges or fees resulting from access to the district’s ECIS. In no
event will the district be liable to the user for any damages whether direct, indirect, special or consequential,
arising out their use of the district’s ECIS.
The Board recognizes the value of allowing students to use personal electronic devices in school to support the
district’s educational goals and objectives. The Board also recognizes that the presence of personal electronic devices
may serve as a potential distraction.
Educational Purpose - includes classroom activities, professional or career development, communication with experts,
homework, and other activities in support of the school district’s curriculum, policies and mission.
Electronic Communication Device - equipment that is used to create, send, forward, reply to, transmit, store, hold,
copy, download, display, view, play, read, or print electronic information. Examples of these devices include, but shall
not be limited to: desktop, notebook, MacBook, tablet PC, laptop computers, specialized electronic equipment used for
students’ special educational purposes; RFID, and Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment; personal digital
assistants (PDAs); iPods, MP3/4 players; USB/jump drives; iPads, Kindles, and other electronic readers; iPhones, cell
phones, smartphones, with or without Internet/data access, recording devices and/or camera/video and other capabilities
and configurations; two-way radios/telephones; beepers; paging devices; and any other such technology developed with
similar capabilities.
Personal Electronic Communication Devices (PECDs) - an electronic communication device owned, loaned, and/or
used by a student, staff member, or guest that is not owned or leased by the school district.
Student personally owned electronic communication devices are permitted for use during the school day for
educational purposes and/or in approved locations only. The classroom teacher and/or building administrator reserve
the right to disallow use of personally owned devices during the time when s/he is supervising. PECDs shall not be
used in locker rooms, bathrooms, nurses offices, health suites and other changing areas at any time.
The Board prohibits the possession of the following electronic devices by students in district buildings; on district
property; on district buses and vehicles; and at school-sponsored activities:
Technology networking equipment such as but not limited to wireless access points, mobile hot spots, switches,
routers, hubs, etc.
Telephone paging devices/beepers, except as specifically authorized below.
Laser pointers and attachments.
The district shall not be liable for the loss, damage, misuse, or theft of any PECD and/or data on the device brought to
school or connected to the district’s network. The district shall also not be liable for any unauthorized financial
obligations, charges or fees resulting from a student’s use of a PCED.
The district reserves the right to search a PECD or data, in accordance with Board policy when the administration has a
reasonable suspicion that a violation of law, Board policy or a school rule has occurred or is occurring.
Electronic Images, Photographs, And Audio/Video Recordings
The Board prohibits the taking, storing, disseminating, transferring, viewing, or sharing of obscene, pornographic,
lewd, or otherwise illegal images or photographs, whether by electronic data transfer or other means, including but not
limited to texting and emailing.
The Board also prohibits recording audio or video of any student or staff member without their permission.
Because such violations may constitute a crime under state and/or federal law, the district may report such conduct to
state and/or federal law enforcement agencies.
The Superintendent or designee shall annually notify students, parents/guardians and employees about this policy.
The Superintendent or designee shall develop administrative procedures necessary to implement this policy.
Violations of this policy by a student shall result in disciplinary action and may result in confiscation of the device
and/or suspension of PECD utilization privileges.
Use Of PECDs
Before a student may use a PECD in school, students must review this policy and have written consent from their
parent(s)/guardian(s). Student use of the school district’s network (wired or wireless) indicates formal acceptance of the
district’s Acceptable Use of Technology Resources Policy.
PECDs used in school are not permitted to connect to the Internet via 3G, 4G or other content service providers.
PECDs are to connect to the Internet only via the district filtered wireless network. Any attempt to bypass the district’s
filtered network shall be considered a violation of this policy.
Students will only use appropriate technology at teachers’ discretion and will only use appropriate educational
applications of their devices. Students should not use PECDs to engage in activities not consistent with instructor’s
guidelines for that particular lesson or course.
Students shall not misuse their PECDs. Misuse of PECDs shall include, but not be limited to, any activity that:
Inhibits the student’s learning environment.
Inhibits the learning environment of other students.
Causes disruption in the classroom
Creates or attempts to create a threat to the integrity of the School District’s CIS system.
Creates or attempts to create an unethical educational environment (cheating, plagiarism, cyber bullying etc.).
Students who use their PECDs in an appropriate and constructive manner will also be allowed to use their PECDs:
At their discretion before and after school hours.
Between class periods, as long as tardiness does not become a persistent issue.
During scheduled lunch periods.
Students shall not be permitted to use their device during the following events/activities:
Morning ceremonies and announcements.
Assemblies and/or meetings.
Study hall unless the activity is educationally based at the discretion of the study hall supervisor.
Students have no expectation of privacy in anything they create, store, send, receive or display on or over the district’s
electronic communications and information system.
All personal electronic communication devices in use can have access to the network restricted or eliminated by the
School District at any time due to misuse or for system maintenance.
In as much as the PECD is the property of the individual student, responsibility for maintenance and service for the
device falls upon the owner of the device and not the school district. The owner of the device or third party designated
by the owner will administer all preventive and routine maintenance, and required and emergency service. These
services include but are not limited to: operating system, software, and application updates; hardware and software
installation; repairs; virus/malware scans or removal; and other troubleshooting issues
Assignments or projects incomplete or not accessible due to the malfunction of the device may be considered late or
incomplete at the instructor’s discretion.
District Software/Resources
All PECDs used by students or staff will not be equipped with any district owned or licensed software or applications.
Users will be responsible for procuring and installing all software or applications on their respective devices. Likewise,
district personnel will not be responsible for instructing students on the use of their device and software or applications
installed on their devices. All users are expected to manage their own device.
Classroom instructors will allow students to use the software or application of the student’s choice to complete projects
as opposed to using district-mandated software. However, any software used must be approved and compatible with
that the instructor uses to evaluate student products.
Security – Hardware And Content
All hardware and content contained on any PECD to be used on the district’s network shall be school appropriate in
nature and in no way harmful to the district network. Examples of detrimental materials include, but are not limited to,
viruses, malware, and other inappropriate materials.
Exceptions – Pagers/Beepers
The building administrator may grant approval for possession and use of a telephone paging device/beeper by a student
for the following reasons:
Student is a member of a volunteer fire company, ambulance or rescue squad.
Student has a need due to the medical condition of an immediate family member.
Other reasons determined appropriate by the building principal.
The Annville-Cleona School District offers numerous activities, which are extensions of the classroom. The goal and
purpose of all of these extracurricular programs is to teach students the meaning and understanding of sportsmanship,
commitment, fairness, sacrifice, teamwork, performance, and hard work. Additional goals include knowing how to win
and how to lose, increasing the knowledge of the activity, increasing commitment to the arts, realizing potential, and
developing a healthy lifestyle and enhancing skills. These extracurricular activities are laboratories for learning. The
Annville-Cleona School District’s school board, administrators, teachers, and coaches/advisors are committed to
excellence and to providing the best opportunities for students. The participants must keep in mind that they are often
in the public eye and that their personal conduct must always be above reproach. They have an obligation to create a
favorable image and to gain the respect of their peers and adult citizens of the community.
The following Code of Conduct operates in conjunction with the Annville-Cleona School District’s Board Policies for
all students who participate in extracurricular activities in the district. In addition, participants should anticipate a set of
team/club/program rules from the coach/advisor who is in charge of the respective program. Participation in any of
Annville-Cleona’s extracurricular activities shall be granted only after the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) have read,
understood, and signed the attached agreement. The Annville-Cleona School District complies with all P.I.A.A.
standards for athletic eligibility.
1. Disrespect toward any member of the coaching staff, faculty, officials, teammates, opponents, school staff, and
administration will not be tolerated at any time during participation in any extracurricular activity. In any such instance,
the student may be subject to disciplinary action.
2. Students are expected to comply with all directives from the coach/advisor/administrator/official at all times.
Failure to comply with directives may result in disciplinary action in accordance with all policies governing the
Annville-Cleona School District.
3. During any level of participation in an extracurricular activity, students are the responsibility of the coaches/advisors
until the organization returns to the secondary school (or predetermined location) and are released to the supervision of
their parent/guardian. When returning from a contest or event, students are expected to leave the premises
immediately. Students should not be on school grounds unless they are supervised by a coach, advisor, or teacher. No
student will be released by a coach/advisor prior to returning to the school unless it is with written notification from the
parent/guardian. Notification should be provided to the school’s administration by noon on the school day prior to the
scheduled event. Participants are strongly encouraged to travel with their organization at all times. The AnnvilleCleona School District is striving to promote unity and loyalty among all extracurricular activities.
4. Any student under suspension (either in or out-of-school) is not eligible for extracurricular participation during the
term of the suspension. This ineligibility begins with the announcement of the suspension to the student and concludes
on the day that the student returns to his/her regular class schedule. A student who is serving an out-of-school
suspension may not be on school grounds. A disciplinary infraction resulting in greater than three (3) days of out-ofschool suspension during an athletic/extracurricular season (fall, winter, and spring) shall result in a mandatory meeting
with the head coach/advisor (or designee), building administrator(s), student, and parent(s)/guardian(s). Continued
participation in the extracurricular activity will be determined by the principal in conjunction with the head
5. The only excusable absence from practice, games, or public performance is an emergency situation. The following
are considered examples of emergency situations: (a) funeral attendance (b) excused absence from school (c) illness or
injury, (d) any other situation considered excusable by the coach, athletic director, or principal. Missing a practice,
meeting, rehearsal, or event for a reason not excused may result in a period of suspension from the next practice or
event. The length of the suspension shall be determined by the coach/advisor of the sport or extracurricular activity as
per the program’s rules.
6. Equipment issued for practice and competition must be properly maintained. Loss or failure to return equipment at
the end of the season shall result in payment to replace the equipment. Any awards due to the student will be held and
report cards will also be withheld until restitution is made. In addition, any student who is found to have damaged any
Annville-Cleona School District property, by way of irresponsible or negligent behavior, may be responsible for
restitution. This applies to (but is not limited to) any issued equipment/uniform/materials issued by the athletic, music,
theater departments, or club organizations, as well as campus facilities (both home and away).
7. The student must finish the season/activity as a team member in good standing to qualify for any awards sponsored
by the school district or booster club. The coaching staff, advisors, administration, and athletic department will
determine the types and numbers of awards to be presented.
8. Eligibility and Attendance:
Extracurricular participants who are not passing four full credits and/or who are failing more than one subject by the
close of school each Thursday will lose their eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities for the following
week. A student determined ineligible on Thursday may not participate starting on the coming Sunday up to and
including the following Saturday (seven days total).
Students deemed ineligible based on the description above at the end of a marking period shall be ineligible
for the first 15 school days following the preparation of the final eligibility report of that marking period.
Students who fail to pass four full credits or who fail two subjects at the end of a school year (based on final
grades) will be ineligible for the first 15 school days of the next school year.
Students ineligible for 15 school days will be permitted to physically condition during practice times to
safeguard against injury.
Students who accumulate more than the equivalent of 20 days of absence from school during any semester
will lose their eligibility to participate in interscholastic athletics until they attend 45 school days beyond the
20th absence.
Students that are excused from school for the remainder of a school day by the school nurse and/or a
parent/guardian may not participate in any extracurricular function for the remainder of that calendar-day. A
note from a physician will excuse an extracurricular participant from this rule.
In any sport for which a junior high program is available, freshmen of outstanding ability may participate at
the high school level only if they secure the written permission of a parent and the building principal. The
required form is available from the head coach and must be completed and filed at the start of the season and
prior to the first competitive event in that sport.
Students who do not arrive to school by 10:45 AM are declared by the district as ineligible for extracurricular
participation for that day. Students with late morning or early afternoon appointments should attend school
in the morning prior to departing for the appointment so as to be in attendance for at least half of the school
day. A note from a physician will excuse an extracurricular participant from this rule. The principal has the
final authorization in determining eligibility for the day.
Students who violate the published rules and regulations provided by their coach/advisor will be subject to participation
restrictions documented by the coach/advisor prior to the start of the season.
Any student assigned to a detention is required to attend that detention before attending any extracurricular function.
9. Hazing of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in a mandatory meeting with the head coach/advisor (or
designee), principal, athletic director, student, and parents to determine continued participation for the remainder of the
season. A student determined to have participated in hazing activities of any kind may be dismissed from the program
for the remainder of the season.
10. The Annville-Cleona School District complies with the School Tobacco Control Act
Tobacco use and/or possession by students at any time are prohibited in school buildings, on school buses, on school
property controlled by, leased by, or owned by the school district, or any school sanctioned event (on or off school
property). This includes times during which students are riding in automobiles, and/or participating in school activities
after school hours. Banned items include cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, vaping devices, cigars, pipes, smokeless
tobacco in any form, and any lighted smoking equipment.
Any student who violates this policy shall be subject to discipline, which may include suspension or expulsion. In
addition, a student who violates this policy may be subject to prosecution and may, upon conviction, be sentenced to
pay a maximum fine of $50 plus court costs.
11. A student verified to be selling, providing, in possession of, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, shall be
dismissed from the extracurricular activity for a period of 45 school days. If the school year concludes before the
suspension has been completed, the suspension from the activity will resume on the 2nd Monday in August of the
following school year. A suspension from the activity for use, possession, or being under the influence of alcohol or
drugs can be reduced to 10 days for a first offense if the student agrees to complete an underage drinking and substance
abuse program approved by the administration. The student must pay for all expenses and have begun the program
within the suspension period. Further action will be determined by the school administration according to the district
Drug and Alcohol Policy.
***For the purpose of this Code of Conduct, verified is defined as (a) self admitted involvement by the student, (b)
parent admission of their student’s involvement in alcohol or other drugs, and/or (c) verification by an official police
report given to the school.