8th Grade LA:

7-8 English Language Arts
November 2 - 6
Objectives: The students will
 Demonstrate current oral reading fluency rate
 Read aloud fluently, with accuracy and appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression
 Identify rhyme in a poem
 Identify text structure in a poem.
 Analyze setting, characters, and plot of a short story.
 Use new academic vocabulary in complete sentences and practice previously taught words.
 Determine the plot elements of a short story (exposition, inciting incident, rising action, etc.)
 Analyze and compare theme across texts.
 Make inferences about an aspect of the text.
Class Work
Cite the textual evidence Monday
November 2
that most strongly supports
an analysis of what the
 Complete reading “The Monkey’s Paw” and
text says explicitly as well
as inferences drawn from
complete the guided reading page.
the text. (8.RL.1)
 Complete “Wishes” graphic organizer
Determine a theme or
 Review story elements and begin plot chart
central idea of a text and
analyze its development
over the course of the text,
including its relationship to
November 3
the characters, setting,
and plot; provide an
Whole Group: Plot Chart for “The Monkey’s Paw”
objective summary of the
text. (8.RL.2)
Analyze how particular
lines of dialogue or
incidents in a story or
drama propel the action,
reveal aspects of a
character, or provoke a
decision. (8.RL.3)
November 4
L.8.6 Acquire and use
accurately gradeappropriate general
 Review “The Monkey’s Paw”
academic and domain Quiz over “The Monkey’s Paw”
specific words and
phrases; gather
vocabulary knowledge
when considering a word
or phrase important to
*Whole Group
A= Inst. SW; B= Ind. Read
A= Ind. Read; B=Inst. SW
*Whole Group
A= Inst. SW; B= Ind. Read
A= Ind. Read; B=Inst. SW
*Whole Group
A= Inst. SW; B= Ind. Read
A= Ind. Read; B=Inst. SW
comprehension or
November 5
6, Reading 2, “from The
W.8.10 Write routinely
over extended time frames
(time for research,
 Pre-Reading: Set purpose for reading
reflection, and revision)
 Revisit vocabulary: despair
and shorter
 Scaffolded Reading 1 (listen to recording)
time frames (a single
sitting or a day or two) for
 Active Reading
a range of discipline Target Word
specific tasks, purposes,
 Scaffolded Reading 2 (Oral Cloze)
and audiences
SL.8.1 Engage effectively
 Scaffolded Reading 3 (Choral Reading)
in a range of collaborative
 Synthesize
discussions (one-on-one,
 React and Write
in groups, and teacher-led)
with diverse partners on
 Strategic Reading: Craft and Structure
grade 8 topics, texts, and
(rhyme, text structure, theme)
issues, building on others’
ideas and expressing
November 6
their own clearly.
 Complete work from Reading 2 as needed
 (If time permits) Lesson 90, “Elements of
PO 1. Read from a variety
of genres with accuracy,
automaticity (immediate
o Rhyme scheme
recognition), and prosody
o Personification
*Whole Group
A= Inst. SW; B= Ind. Read
A= Ind. Read; B=Inst. SW
Early Release
Assembly Schedule
A= Inst. SW; Small Group
A= Small Group; B=Inst. SW
*P.A.T if earned