Life Science - Science PowerPoints

• More Units Available at…
Earth Science: The Soil Science and Glaciers Unit, The Geology Topics
Unit, The Astronomy Topics Unit, The Weather and Climate Unit, and The
River and Water Quality Unit, The Water Molecule Unit.
Physical Science: The Laws of Motion and Machines Unit, The Atoms
and Periodic Table Unit, Matter, Energy, and the Environment Unit, and
The Science Skills Unit.
Life Science: The Diseases and Cells Unit, The DNA and Genetics Unit,
The Life Topics Unit, The Plant Unit, The Taxonomy and Classification
Unit, Ecology: Feeding Levels Unit, Ecology: Interactions Unit, Ecology:
Abiotic Factors, The Evolution and Natural Selection Unit and The Human
Body Systems and Health Topics Unit
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• The Entire Science Skills Unit includes a…
• Five Part 3,700 Slide PowerPoint roadmap full of class
activities, video links, red slide class notes, discussion
questions, games, and much more.
• 18 page bundled homework package that chronologically
follows the PowerPoint slideshow. Modified version and
answer keys are provided.
• 19 pages of unit notes with visuals for students who
require assistance and support staff.
• 3 PowerPoint review games, 14 worksheets that follow
slideshow activities, many video and academic links,
rubrics, help sheets, curriculum guide, and much more.
Matter, Energy, and the Environment Unit
Part I: Matter and Phase Change
Part II: Gas Laws and more
Part III: Energy, the EM Spectrum
and much more.
Part IV: Energy and Electricity, Magnetism Topics
Part V: The Environment
• RED SLIDE: These are notes that are very
important and should be recorded in your
science journal.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
-Nice neat notes that are legible and use indentations
when appropriate.
-Example of indent.
-Skip a line between topics
-Don’t skip pages
-Make visuals clear and well drawn. Please label.
Heat Added 
• RED SLIDE: These are notes that are very
important and should be recorded in your
science journal.
• BLACK SLIDE: Pay attention, follow
directions, complete projects as described
and answer required questions neatly.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Keep an eye out for “The-Owl” and raise
your hand as soon as you see him.
– He will be hiding somewhere in the slideshow
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Keep an eye out for “The-Owl” and raise
your hand as soon as you see him.
– He will be hiding somewhere in the slideshow
“Hoot, Hoot”
“Good Luck!”
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
New Area of Focus, Electricity and
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• What would life be like without it electricity?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Much different than it is for most of us.
• Much different than it is for most of us.
• Does somebody want to try and define the
word electricity?
• There is no single definition called
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• There is no single definition called
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Electricity is a variety of independent
science concepts all with one single name.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• These are the questions and definitions we need to know
to generate a definition for electricity?
What is electric charge?
What is electrical energy?
What are electrons
What is electric current?
What is an imbalance of charge?
What is an electric field?
What is voltage?
What is electric power?
What is a spark?
What is electromagnetism?
What is electrical science?
What is electrodynamics?
What is electrostatics?
What are electrical phenomena?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• These are the questions and definitions we need to know
to generate a definition for electricity?
What is electric charge?
What is electrical energy?
What are electrons
What is electric current?
What is an imbalance of charge?
What is an electric field?
What is voltage?
What is electric power?
What is a spark?
What is electromagnetism?
What is electrical science?
What is electrodynamics?
What is electrostatics?
What are electrical phenomena?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Electricity is related to charges, and both
electrons (-) and protons (+) carry a
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Video Link! Introduction to Electricity
• We will skip most of the atomic information.
– We will examine circuits and static charges for
this unit.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Electrons are negatively charged
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Electrons are negatively charged
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Electrons are negatively charged
• Protons (nucleus) are positively charged
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Electrons are negatively charged
• Protons (nucleus) are positively charged
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Electrons are negatively charged
• Protons (nucleus) are positively charged
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Electrons are negatively charged
• Protons (nucleus) are positively charged
• Their charges are about equal
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Electrons are negatively charged
• Protons (nucleus) are positively charged
• Add Electrons – Atom becomes more
negatively charged.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Electrons are negatively charged
• Protons (nucleus) are positively charged
• Take away (strip) electrons then the atom
becomes more positively charged.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Life occurs because of electrostatic charges.
• Life occurs because of electrostatic charges.
• Without them, life would simple unravel.
• Electricity Available Sheet
Lightning is a big spark that occurs when
electrons move from one place to another
very quickly because of the unequal
distribution of electrons.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Electricity Available Sheet
• Activity – Static Friction and a wool
– Question, What am I doing as I move the
sweater up and down.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• As I rubbed the sweater, electrons moved
from the sweater into me.
– Now I have extra electrons and a negative
static charge. All I need to do is touch a
conductor and the extra electrons will travel to
the positive charge. Watch out!
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• As I rubbed the sweater, electrons moved
from the sweater into me.
– Now I have extra electrons and a negative
static charge. All I need to do is touch a
conductor and the extra electrons will travel to
the positive charge. Watch out!
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• As I rubbed the sweater, electrons moved
from the sweater into me.
– Now I have extra electrons and a negative
static charge. All I need to do is touch a
conductor and the extra electrons will travel to
the positive charge. Watch out!
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• As I rubbed the sweater, electrons moved
from the sweater into me.
– Now I have extra electrons and a negative
static charge. All I need to do is touch a
conductor and the extra electrons will travel to
the positive charge. Watch out!
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Activity Simulation. John Travoltage.
• Electricity Available Sheet
Electric Fields: The funky area near any
electrically-charged object.
 Replace
electrostatic for funky.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Electric Fields: The funky area near any
electrically-charged object.
 Replace
electrostatic for funky.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Electric Fields: The funky area near any
electrically-charged object.
 Replace
electrostatic for funky.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Visit a magnetic field simulator.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Opposite charges attract.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Opposite charges attract.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
The Same forces repel.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
The Same forces repel.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Which one is right and which is wrong?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Which one is right and which is wrong?
• Answer: They are both wrong.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Which one is right and which is wrong?
• Answer: They are both wrong.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Which one is right and which is wrong?
• Answer: They are both wrong.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Which one is right and which is wrong?
• Answer: They are both wrong.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Which one is right and which is wrong?
• Answer: They are both wrong.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Which one is right and which is wrong?
• Answer: They are both wrong.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Which one is right and which is wrong?
• Answer: Now they are both right.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Activity Simulation. Magnetic Field Hockey
Reminder to teacher to reset
the arrows!
• Activity! Fun with Magnets for 2:39
seconds then we are moving on.
– The class can earn additional “play time” with
good behavior.
• Activity! Fun with Magnets for 2:39
seconds then we are moving on.
– The class can earn additional “play time” with
good behavior.
Static Electricity: The imbalance of positive
and negative charges.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Activity- Bad Hair Day Demonstration.
– Rub balloon all around head.
– Question: Why does this happen? (REVIEW!)
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Activity- Bad Hair Day Demonstration.
– Rub balloon all around head.
– Question: Why does this happen?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Answer!
– Electrons from your body move into the
parachute (hat or sweater).
– This gives you a positive charge.
– Your hair is also positive.
– Like charges repel so hair tries to get away
from body.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Answer!
– Electrons from your body move into the
parachute (hat or sweater).
– This gives you a positive charge.
– Your hair is also positive.
– Like charges repel so hair tries to get away
from body.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Answer!
– Electrons from your body move into the
parachute (hat or sweater).
– This gives you a positive charge.
– Your hair is also positive.
– Like charges repel so hair tries to get away
from body.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Answer!
– Electrons from your body move into the
parachute (hat or sweater).
– This gives you a positive charge.
– Your hair is also positive.
– Like charges repel so hair tries to get away
from body.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Answer!
– Electrons from your body move into the
parachute (hat or sweater).
– This gives you a positive charge.
– Your hair is also positive.
– Like charges repel so hair tries to get away
from body.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Answer!
– Electrons from your body move into the
parachute (hat or sweater).
– This gives you a positive charge.
– Your hair is also positive.
– Like charges repel so hair tries to get away
from body.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Electricity Available Sheet
• Demonstration - Static Electricity
– Observe two balloons without a build up of a
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Demonstration - Static Electricity
– Observe two balloons without a build up of a
– Now rub balloons in parachute.
– How are the behaving now?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Demonstration - Static Electricity
– Observe two balloons without a build up of a
– Now rub balloons / add electrons.
– How are the behaving now?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Demonstration - Static Electricity
– Observe two balloons without a build up of a
– Now rub balloons / add electrons.
– How are the behaving now?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Demonstration - Static Electricity
– Observe two balloons without a build up of a
– Now rub balloons / add electrons.
– How are the behaving now?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Activity! Static Balloons
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Activity! Static Balloons
– Blow up a balloon and tie it off.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Activity! Static Balloons
– Blow up a balloon and tie it off.
– Write name on it with soft pen.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Activity! Static Balloons
– Blow up a balloon and tie it off.
– Write name on it with soft pen.
– Rub balloon against hair and quickly stick to wall
(everyone together).
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Activity! Static Balloons
– Blow up a balloon and tie it off.
– Write name on it with soft pen.
– Rub balloon against hair and quickly stick to wall
(everyone together).
– Observe what happens, Whose balloon will last the
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Answer to wall sticking balloon.
• Answer to wall sticking balloon.
– Electrons from hair are removed and put into balloon.
• Answer to wall sticking balloon.
– Electrons from hair are removed and put into balloon.
– Balloon has slight negative charge.
• Answer to wall sticking balloon.
– Electrons from hair are removed and put into balloon.
– Balloon has slight negative charge.
– The atoms orient and wall has slight positive charge.
• Answer to wall sticking balloon.
Electrons from hair are removed and put into balloon.
Balloon has slight negative charge.
The atoms orient and wall has slight positive charge.
Opposite charges attract and balloon sticks.
• Activity Simulator. Balloons Explained
• We usually only
notice static
electricity in the
winter when the air
is very dry.
• We usually only
notice static
electricity in the
winter when the air
is very dry. During
the summer, the air
is more humid.
• We usually only
notice static
electricity in the
winter when the air
is very dry. During
the summer, the air
is more humid.
– The water in the air
helps electrons
move off you more
quickly, so you can’t
build up a large
static charge.
• Electricity Available Sheet
• Activities Van de Graaff generator
• Please read safety and operation
precautions on this link.
• Activity: Van de Graaff Machine – Creates unequal
distribution of electrons.
– Describe two demonstrations in journal with a visual and
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Activity: Van de Graaff Machine – Creates unequal
distribution of electrons.
– Describe two demonstrations in journal with a visual and
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Demonstration
– Take top off of generator to see it’s inner
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Video! How a Van de Graaff Generator works.
• Tape a tack to the top of the generator.
– Can we hear the corona discharge.
Metal Thumbtack
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Demonstration 1 – Using the magic wand,
Seeing the spark
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Demonstration 2: Packing peanuts.
– Put some packing peanuts in a plastic cup
and tape it to the top of the generator.
– Turn on the generator and away they go!
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Demonstration 3 – Bad Hair day.
– One student to stand on plastic trash barrel.
– Put both hands on generator.
– Turn it on and hair should stand up on end.
• Demonstration 3 – Bad Hair day.
– One student to stand on plastic trash barrel.
– Put both hands on generator.
– Turn it on and hair should stand up on end.
• Demonstration 3 – Bad Hair day.
– One student to stand on plastic trash barrel.
– Put both hands on generator.
– Turn it on and hair should stand up on end.
• Demonstration 3 – Bad Hair day.
– One student to stand on plastic trash barrel.
– Put both hands on generator.
– Turn it on and hair should stand up on end.
• Demonstration 3 – Bad Hair day.
– One student to stand on plastic trash barrel.
– Put both hands on generator.
– Turn it on and hair should stand up on end.
• Demonstration 4: A small balloon attached
to the generator by a string taped to the
globe will be charged to the same sign as
the globe of the generator.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Tape a bent paper clips that points out from
the generator. Look for ion beam (charged
– This beam can charge distant objects.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Demonstration 5: A fluorescent light.
• Bulb will light up if close to the generator.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Demonstration 6 – Smoke or chalk dust.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Other Demonstrations:
– Blow bubbles near the generator.
– Place aluminum pie plate on generator.
– Place many pie plates on top of each other.
– Light a candle near generator to observe
electrical winds.
– Tape many long strips of tissue paper to
– Tie an aluminum can so it hangs just above
the generator.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Video! If you don’t have a Van de Graaff
• Coulombs Law: Any two charged objects will
create a force on each other. Opposite
charges will produce an attractive force while
similar charges will produce a repulsive
• Coulombs Law: Any two charged objects will
create a force on each other. Opposite
charges will produce an attractive force while
similar charges will produce a repulsive
• Coulombs Law: Any two charged objects will
create a force on each other. Opposite
charges will produce an attractive force while
similar charges will produce a repulsive
• Coulombs Law: Any two charged objects will
create a force on each other. Opposite
charges will produce an attractive force while
similar charges will produce a repulsive
• Coulombs Law: Any two charged objects will
create a force on each other. Opposite
charges will produce an attractive force while
similar charges will produce a repulsive
• Coulombs Law: Any two charged objects will
create a force on each other. Opposite
charges will produce an attractive force while
similar charges will produce a repulsive
– Coulombs Law: The greater the charges, the
greater the force. The greater the distance
between them, the smaller the force.
• Coulombs Law: Any two charged objects will
create a force on each other. Opposite
charges will produce an attractive force while
similar charges will produce a repulsive
– Coulombs Law: The greater the charges, the
greater the force. The greater the distance
between them, the smaller the force.
Coulombs Law:
 The
greater the charges, the greater the
Coulombs Law:
 The
greater the charges, the greater the
Coulombs Law:
 The
greater the charges, the greater the
 The greater the distance between them, the
smaller the force.
• Electricity Available Sheet
• If your car gets struck by lightning in a
thunderstorm, will you be safe. Why?
• If your car gets struck by lightning in a
thunderstorm, will you be safe. Why? Yes
• Answer: You will be safe because your
cars metal chassis acts like a Faraday
• Answer: You will be safe because your
cars metal chassis acts like a Faraday
Cage. The charged particles travel around
the outside of the car and into the ground.
• Answer: You will be safe because your
cars metal chassis acts like a Faraday
Cage. The charged particles travel around
the outside of the car and into the ground.
• Answer: You will be safe because your
cars metal chassis acts like a Faraday
Cage. The charged particles travel around
the outside of the car and into the ground.
• Answer: You will be safe because your
cars metal chassis acts like a Faraday
Cage. The charged particles travel around
the outside of the car and into the ground.
• Answer: You will be safe because your
cars metal chassis acts like a Faraday
Cage. The charged particles travel around
the outside of the car and into the ground.
• Answer: You will be safe because your
cars metal chassis acts like a Faraday
Cage. The charged particles travel around
the outside of the car and into the ground.
• A Faraday cage is a
metallic enclosure that
prevents the entry or
escape of an
electromagnetic field.
• A Faraday cage is a
metallic enclosure that
prevents the entry or
escape of an
electromagnetic field.
– For best performance,
the cage should be
directly connected to
an earth ground.
• Video Link. Human Faraday Cage.
Current: A flow of electrons, or individual
negative charges.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• The electrons have a mass (however small),
and when they move through the conductor,
there are collisions that produce heat.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Don’t over connect outlets because they
could short circuit.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Electricity Available Sheet
Conductors, Insulators, Semi-conductors:
How easily energy is transferred through
the object by the moving charge.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Conductor: Electrons flow easily, semi
flows in the middle.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Semi-conductor: Conductivity between
conductor and insulator (electronics use).
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Activity (Optional) Conductors using a
conductivity meter.
– Find one conductor and one insulator by roving
around the classroom for one minute or looking
on your person.
– Test with conductivity meter.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Insulator: Electrons do not flow easily.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Activity Simulator Link: Semi-Conductors
• Electricity Available Sheet
There are two main kinds of electric current,
direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC).
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
There are two main kinds of electric current,
direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC).
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
There are two main kinds of electric current,
direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC).
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
(DC) Direct Current is a flow of charge
always in one direction.
 (Batteries)
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
(AC) - Alternating Current is a flow of charge
back and forth, changing its direction many
times in one second.
 (Plugs
and outlets / household)
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Advantages of AC
– Voltage can be raised or lowered
– More efficient over long distances
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Advantages of AC
– Voltage can be raised or lowered.
– More efficient over long distances
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Advantages of AC
– Voltage can be raised or lowered.
– More efficient over long distances.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Rockin Quiz!
– This is your chance to rock it out in science class so
don’t just sit there. At least rock your head or tap your
desk etc.
– After some intro slides, teacher will call on a student
to rock it out on their way to the board.
– Student goes to board and touches the picture that
represents AC or DC on the AC/DC logo (If using a
screen just point and drum the air).
– Student will then pick a new student to go to the
board as the teacher changes the slide.
– Thunderstruck video (For the music during quiz and I
didn’t see anything inappropriate ).
Thunderstruck - Play Now!
“Its one way!”
“It Alternates!”
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Is this (AC) Alternating Current, or (DC)
Direct Current?
• Where do you find this strange device?
– What does it do?
• An electric meter or energy meter is a device
that measures the amount of electrical
energy consumed by a residence, business,
or an electrically powered device.
Ampere: A measure of how much current
moves through a wire in one second.
 Basically,
the larger the size of wire, the greater
the ampere capacity.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Where do your see these plugs?
– Why are they larger?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Answer: The Plug to a dryer or stove is
much thicker than a standard outlet to
account for extra amps.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Answer: The Plug to a dryer or stove is
much thicker than a standard outlet to
account for extra amps.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Watt: The amount of electricity consumed
per second.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• A Watt is calculated by multiplying volts times
amps. Most household electrical usage is
billed in kilowatt hours, or the amount of hours
times 1,000 watts.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Question? We have a small computer server
with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a
normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the
ampere reading from equipment…
– How many watts does it require?
• Raise your hand if you have no clue because
you weren’t paying attention for that black
slide that discussed what a Watt was?
• Raise your hand if you have no clue because
you weren’t paying attention for that black
slide that discussed what a Watt was?
• Electricity Available Sheet
• A Watt is calculated by multiplying volts times
amps. Most household electrical usage is
billed in kilowatt hours, or the amount of hours
times 1,000 watts.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• A Watt is calculated by multiplying volts times
amps. Most household electrical usage is
billed in kilowatt hours, or the amount of hours
times 1,000 watts.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Question? We have a small computer server
with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a
normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the
ampere reading from equipment…
– How many watts does it require?
• Question? We have a small computer server
with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a
normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the
ampere reading from equipment
– How many watts does it require?
– Watts = Volts x Amps
– Watts = 120v x 2.5amps = 300 Watts
• Question? We have a small computer server
with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a
normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the
ampere reading from equipment
– How many watts does it require?
– Watts = Volts x Amps
– Watts = 120v x 2.5amps = 300 Watts
• Question? We have a small computer server
with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a
normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the
ampere reading from equipment
– How many watts does it require?
– Watts = Volts x Amps
– Watts = 120v x 2.5amps =
• Question? We have a small computer server
with a sticker that shows 2.5 amps. Given a
normal 120 Volt, 60 hz power source and the
ampere reading from equipment
– How many watts does it require?
– Watts = Volts x Amps
– Watts = 120v x 2.5amps = 300 Watts
• More Units Available at…
Earth Science: The Soil Science and Glaciers Unit, The Geology Topics
Unit, The Astronomy Topics Unit, The Weather and Climate Unit, and The
River and Water Quality Unit, The Water Molecule Unit.
Physical Science: The Laws of Motion and Machines Unit, The Atoms
and Periodic Table Unit, Matter, Energy, and the Environment Unit, and
The Science Skills Unit.
Life Science: The Diseases and Cells Unit, The DNA and Genetics Unit,
The Life Topics Unit, The Plant Unit, The Taxonomy and Classification
Unit, Ecology: Feeding Levels Unit, Ecology: Interactions Unit, Ecology:
Abiotic Factors, The Evolution and Natural Selection Unit and The Human
Body Systems and Health Topics Unit
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• The Entire Science Skills Unit includes a…
• Five Part 3,700 Slide PowerPoint roadmap full of class
activities, video links, red slide class notes, discussion
questions, games, and much more.
• 18 page bundled homework package that chronologically
follows the PowerPoint slideshow. Modified version and
answer keys are provided.
• 19 pages of unit notes with visuals for students who
require assistance and support staff.
• 3 PowerPoint review games, 14 worksheets that follow
slideshow activities, many video and academic links,
rubrics, help sheets, curriculum guide, and much more.
Matter, Energy, and the Environment Unit
Part I: Matter and Phase Change
Part II: Gas Laws and more
Part III: Energy, the EM Spectrum
and much more.
Part IV: Energy and Electricity, Magnetism Topics
Part V: The Environment
• Activity! Energy Topics Review Game.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy