Electric Charge Clothes stick together when pulled from a dryer, comb attracts hair, rub feet on carpet- get a shock! WHEN THIS OCCURS, THESE OBJECTS ARE SAID TO BE ELECTRICALLY CHARGED. Works best on dry days- high humidity causes charges to “leak” 2 Kinds of Charge Positive Negative (Ben Franklin named these charges) Like charges repel Opposite charges attract + + - - - + The Atom e e Neutral when just as many + as – Charged when there is more of one than the other (proton and electrons) We say it is positively charged when + are more than – We say it is negatively charged when – are more than + Protons and neutrons stay fixed in nucleus Electrons may move about It is this movement of electrons that makes a charge –Electrons move IN = Negative –Electrons move OUT = Positive Law of Conservation of Charge Can’t create charges. Can’t destroy charges. Can transfer charges Charged objects always occur in discrete amounts in nature. Always in multiples of a fundamental unit of charge. This fundamental unit of charge we call e’ therefore ±e’ ±2e’ ±3e’ e’ has a value: 1.602 x 10-19 coulomb (C) C is SI unit of electric charge One C contains 6.25 x 1018 electrons pg. 630 Look at table 17-1 1.6 x 10-19 Coulombs (C) The charge of one electron or one proton (+ proton, - electron) A dozen electrons have a charge of (12 x -1.6x10 -19 ) -1.92 x 10 –18 C A Helium (2 protons) nucleus has a charge of (2 x 1.6x10 -19 ) 3.2 x 10 -19 C To Move or Not to Move Transfer of charge Conductors: charges move freelylots of free electrons. Cu, Au, Ag, Hg, Al, most metals- even carbon Insulators: charges can NOT move freely- electrons stay with their atoms. wood, plastics, ceramics, pure water. Common among substances made of atoms with fewer electrons. Charging by Polarization http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhWQ-r1LYXY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoswNJZqUX0&feature=related Semiconductors: In their pure state, they are insulators; By adding (doping) impurities conductivity can increase. Silicon & germanium are examples and this topic is the basis for electronics, microchips, computers, ect. Super Conductors: Perfect conductors (NO resistance) when material is at or below temperature- very cold Electroscope A device for studying electric charge Electroscopes come in many shapes and sizes. Charge by contact (pg. 631): Charge moves as a result of things touching each other Charge by induction (pg632): charge moves as a result of being attracted or fleeing from something already charged. Grounding plays a part. (Earth is an infinite reservoir for electrons- electrons move in or out of the Earth freely and Earth maintains a neutral charge Charging by Contact. + charges leave + charges Charging by Induction. –charge leaves +charge Coulomb’s Law describes the force of attraction (repulsion) of two charged objects. The distance between them is important and the formula very closely resembles Newton’s Universal Gravitation Law electric force =Coulomb Constant x (charge1)(charge2) (dist. between charges)2 Felectric = Kc (q1 q2 / d2) Kc =Coulomb Constant =9 x 109 Sample problem 17A pg. 635 Practice problems are on page 636 Electric Field A region in space around a charged object in which a stationary charged object experiences an electric force due to its charge. Electric Field lines Go FROM positive TO negative They represent both magnitude and direction of the electric field Electric field lines pg. 648 electric field hockey anyone? See phet online http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/ electric-hockey Van de Graaff Generator pg. 651 Lightning Storm Safety: What’s safe when its lightning outside? Quantity Voltage Current Resistance Power Symbol V I R P Unit Volt Ampere Ohms Watts Unit Symbol V A Ω W Electricians are a little like plumbers of electrons We can often think about water flowing to help us visualize how electrons flow Voltage The force that pushes electrons through a wire P.d. potential difference- not exactly, but like voltage. In this course, we will use them interchangeably Think of water flowing in these pipes Small Potential Small Potential Small Force Large Potential Large Potential Large Force 3V Small Force 12V Large Force Current The flow of electrons. This is actually the amount of electrons that move past a point on a conductor in a given amount of time. Rivers and streams have different currents (rates of flow) so it is w/ wires People often think electrons move FAST in a wire because when you flip a switch- you get light or sound quickly- - - NOT THE CASE Charges- electrons- move slowly in a wire. Typically, electrons drift along a wire at .25 mm/s Current can be direct (batteries) or Alternating (wall outlet) AC/DC DC= one way street AC = back and forth Generators type may produce either Resistance the opposition to the flow of current in a conductor In very loose terms, its like friction for electrons Certain factors effect resistance in a wire Less Resistance More Resistance Cu Al cold hot length Cross sectional area Material Temp Resistance can be used to control current in a circuit. They can also do work Why can birds sit on power lines without harm and we’re told not to fly kites near them? http:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRY28R0UUdQ What brings these 3 ideas together?? How do they relate to each other?? OHM’S LAW V = IR I = V/R R = V/I Sample problem 19B pg. 702 Practice Problems 19b, pg 703 #1-6 Practice 1. When a 12 V battery is connected to a light bulb as shown, 6 amps flow through the ammeter. Find the resistance of the bulb. Show Work 2. A motor which has 30 Ohms of resistance will draw 3 amps of current while it runs. Find the voltage of the battery. Relationships between quantities Direct (linear) Volts-Current : Volts-Resistance Inverse Resistance - Current Graphs… V Slope of V – I graph? I Resistance I R Power The rate of conversion of electrical energy Power = work/ time = ΔPE/ Δt = P = Current x Voltage = VI V = IR P = I 2R P = V2/R Sample problem 19C pg. 710 Practice problem 19c pg.710 #1-4 Electric Companies measure consumption of energy in kWh: Kilowatt- Hours E = Pt – Energy used= Power x time used – Energy used = kW x hr Electric companies will multiply a fee to your kWh and that is what is on your bill, fees range from 9¢ to 20¢ per kWh Texas is quite cheap for electricity use ( why do you think that is?) Electric companies bill you depending on your Energy Consumption. Power=energy / time Energy = Power x time Watt seconds are too small a unit. kW*hrs is a better unit of Energy for household consumption. Power companies multiply their rate by the energy you use each month. This determines what your bill is. Money you owe = P (t) rate(set by e company) Take a look at a bill electric bill.JPG Power practice Most household appliances receive a 120 volt supply. As such what is the current running through a 60 watt bulb. How much money would it cost to leave this bulb on for 24 hours? (the company rate is $0.16 per kWhr). Power Practice A certain home runs an air conditioner for 11 hours a day in the summer. The power demand for this unit is 4500Watts. The electric company charges $0.18 per kWhr. Calculate the daily cost of running the unit. How much $ per month? Which would cost less money, Watching a 2.5 hour movie at home or popping a few bags(3) of popcorn in the microwave to eat during the movie? The tv, dvd, stereo has a combined power of 400W. Your electric company charges 20cents per kWhr. Your microwave is 1100watts and the cooking time is 7 minutes. To minimize power loss, electric company power lines have huge voltages and relatively small currents Because the lengths of the wire are long, resistance would be a BIG factor in energy loss. To get the same power to your home P=VI Either a big V or a big I will work. Because P = I2R it is cheaper to run electricity to homes under large voltages Power lines can have 765,000 volts in them Neighborhood lines: 4000 volts to your house: 240 volts transformers are a device that alter voltage, more on them later. Circuit Symbols Resistor Voltmeter Ammeter Battery Light bulb Switch Series Circuits Series Practice Problems 1. Two 5Ω resistors are connected in series to a 12V battery. Calculate the voltage drop and current across each resistor. 5Ω R R I V V = 12V 1 2 Total 5Ω Series Practice Problems 2. A 5Ω and 10Ω resistor are connected in series to a 15V power supply. Calculate the voltage drop and current across each resistor. 5Ω R 1 2 Total R I V V = 15V 10 Ω Parallel Circuits Parallel circuit analogy Comparing resistance Comparing series and parallel circuit simulation simulation of a circuit breaker Parallel Circuits • More than 1 path for current to flow. • IT in and out of battery is = to the sum of the current in each branch so the total current leaving the battery is equal to the amount of current entering your battery • 1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 … • As the number of resistors in parallel increases the total resistance decreases! Parallel Circuit Problems 1. Two 5Ω resistors are connected in parallel to a 12 V battery. Calculate the voltage drop and current across each resistor. R 1 2 Total R I V V= 12V 5Ω 5Ω Parallel Circuit Problems 2. A 5Ω and a 10 Ω resistor are connected in parallel to a 12 V power supply. Calculate the voltage drop and current across each resistor. R 1 2 Total R I V V= 12V 5Ω 10Ω Comparing Series and Parallel Circuits Series Parallel As the # of resistors increase RT … RT… As the # of resistors increase IT… IT… Voltage drop across VBattery = each resistor or bulb Path for current Disadvantages / advantages VBattery = 8 8 8 8 16 4 Find the total resistance and the total current for this circuit. V1 = 120V R1 = 20W R2 = 20W R3 = 20W R4 = 10W R5 = 10W Which schematic has the largest total resistance? What is the total resistance in the circuit? What current does the battery provide? Which graph best displays the relationship between power and voltage? P=V2/R How come many people get shocked by house current but they aren’t burned badly? How come others are killed? Dry Skin is very high in resistance[100,000W], wet skin is much lower in resistance [1,000W]. Figure out the current that flows when your skin is dry and the voltage is 110V Figure out the current that flows when your skin is wet and the voltage is 110V