LONE STAR COLLEGE-TOMBALL Magnolia West High School Education, English and Mathematics Division: Science Department PHYSICS 1410: ELEMENTARY PHYSICS / DUAL CREDIT Course Information Course Title: Elementary Physics Faculty Information Name: Dr. Andrzej Sokolowski Course Number: PHYS 1410 - 3051 Semester Hours: 4 credits: 3 hrs. lecture 3hrs labolatory Prerequisite: 0307 or ENGL 0375; or ENGL 0309; or ENGL 1301 with a 'D' or better or placement by testing; Completion of MATH 0310 with a "C" or better or TECM 1303 with a 'D' or better. Email address: asokolowski@magnoliaisd.org Office Location: MWHS Office Phone: 281-252-2550 Semester: Fall 2014 Class Days: M-F Office Hours: 7:00 am - 3:05 pm Class Location: Room # 2101 Division Contact: (Office) (281) 357-3794 REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS: Conceptual Physics, 10th ed., by Hewitt, ISBN 0-8053-9375-7 Laboratory Manual by Paul Robinson ISBN 0-8053-9199-1 or Etkina, E., Gentile, M. and Van Heuvelen, A. College Physics, Boston, MA: Pearson, or Physics & Everyday Thinking; Goldberg, Robinson, Otero. Herff Jones Ed. Div. ISBN 978-1-58591-665-8. Graphing Calculator: TI-83 or TI-84 Plus Page 1 of 4 Elementary Physics Fall 2014 Science Division COURSE DESCRIPTION Conceptual level survey of topics in physics intended for liberal arts and other non-science majors. This course offers the opportunities for the students to explore the basic principles in motion, matter, heat, sound, electricity, light, and modern physics. It includes an appropriate laboratory program. LEARNING OUTCOMES In completing this course, through various means including but not limited to collaborative learning, technology, and required software assignments, you will be able to: Recognize criteria characterizing the nature of science. Demonstrate science process skills in conducting experiments. Employ technology to collect data, analyze phenomena, and make predictions. Formulate mathematical relationships to represent experimental data. Apply fundamental principles of motion to everyday situations. Differentiate types of energy associated with identified systems. Demonstrate the relationship between voltage, currents and resistance in simple electrical circuits. Discuss and apply the basic principles of geometric optics and the wave nature of light. Compose scientific explanations for everyday events. Discuss contributions of selected physicists. MAJOR SECTIONS COVERED Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 Content Interactions and Energy Interactions and Forces Electric Circuit Interactions Light Interactions Interactions and Systems ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance to all classes is expected. Regular class attendance is necessary for success! I will take roll each class period. In order to be counted as “present”, the student must be present the entire class period. You are responsible for all work and assignments covered during class, including any missed assignments EVALUATION The final grade is based on major tests, quizzes, daily activities, homework, and a final exam. THE WEIGHT OF THE EVALUATION INSTRUMENTS AND THE LETTER GRADE DISTRIBUTION ARE PROVIDED BELOW. Page 2 of 4 Elementary Physics Fall 2014 Science Division REQUIREMENT LETTER GRADE PERCENTAGE RANGE 56 % A 90% -100% 24% B C D F 80% - 89% 70% - 79% 60% - 69% <60% PERCENT MAJOR TESTS HOMEWORK & DAILY ACTIVITIES FINAL EXAM 20% ASSESEMENT TYPE Tests: There will be major tests and a final exam. These tests are pencil-and-paper (NOT on computer) and require you to show all work for full credit. Quizzes/Daily Activities: Quizzes and Activities may occur on a daily basis. You are required to show work for full credit. Homework/Unit Problem Sets: Homework sets are due the next day they are assigned. Final Exam: There will be a cumulative final exam that will consist of both multiple choice and free response problems requiring detailed solutions. MAKE- UP TESTS AND LATE WORK Deduction for late assignments will be made according to district policy. There is no retake policy on tests. WITHDRAWAL POLICY I do not “Withdraw” students. That would be up to you. However, if you are considering withdrawing from this course – I encourage that you see me first! Let’s talk about it. Perhaps we can find a way to help you be successful! Withdrawal from the course after the official day of record (see current catalog) will result in a final grade of “W” on the student transcript and no credit will be awarded. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete a request for withdrawal from any course. Withdrawals are processed only if the student completes and submits for signature(s) the required withdrawal form(s) available from the Admission Office. If you are considered a first-time college student, a new law was passed in Fall 2007 that limits to six the number of courses you may drop (withdraw with a grade of "W") while enrolled at any Texas public institution of higher education. A first time in college student is a student not currently enrolled in high school and who has never taken a college or university course anywhere at any time. If you consider dropping this course during the semester, you might want to go to advising prior to dropping and get more information about the Six-Drop Rule. Page 3 of 4 Elementary Physics Fall 2014 Science Division REFERENCE MATERIALS AND RESOURCES A number of resources are available to you in the Math Center, including free tutoring, videotapes of individual topics, and other study aids. In addition, you are encouraged to find a study partner or study group with which to study. I encourage you to visit me during office hours or at other times for help or clarification of questions you may have. CODE FOR ACADEMIC HONESTY The LSC System upholds the core values of learning: honesty, trust, respect, fairness, and accountability. We promote the importance of personal and academic honesty. We embrace the belief that all learners-students, faculty, staff and administrators-will produce their own work and must give appropriate credit to the work of others. No fabrication of sources or unauthorized collaboration is permitted on any work submitted within the System. Even inadvertent cheating or plagiarizing must be avoided by careful documentation of other people’s ideas and language. Please refer to the Academic Honesty and Student Success brochure for more information. http://lonestar.edu/31695.pdf. ADA STATEMENT: Check the LSC System Catalog for the statement concerning people with disabilities. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT: Check the LSC System Catalog for the statement concerning the equal opportunity principle. GUARANTEED GRADUATE POLICY: Check the LSC System Catalog for the statement concerning guarantees for graduates. Page 4 of 4 Elementary Physics Fall 2014 Science Division