CAASPP Training PowerPoint

CAASPP Training
February 3 / 5, 2015
CAASPP is comprised of the Smarter
Balanced online assessment (CAT),
pencil-paper science tests (CST &
CAPA) and the California Alternate
Assessment (CAA).
Introduction (Nicole)
5 min
Training Plan / Cluster Support (Nicole)
5 min
Roles and Responsibilities
5 min
Planning/Scheduling (Amy)
10 min
Technology (Amy)
5 min
Accommodations and Designated Supports (Pam)
Practice Tests (Amy)
20 min
Test Administrator
Training and Support
Test Administrator Training
We are working on finalizing support:
● Training dates (based on request)
● Instruction support for training and first week
of testing at site
See the “Support Schedule” tab on
Roles and
Roles and Responsibilities
Test Site Coordinator
● Maintain security policies.
● Manage Test Administrators into TOMS (template provided).
● Manage testing schedules in collaboration with Administration and Tech
● Manage student test settings (Designated Supports and Accommodations)
in TOMS.
● Monitor testing progress and ensure that all eligible students participate
● Address testing problems at the school site
● Mitigate and report all test security incidents to the LEA CAASPP
● Make sure resources are available (scratch paper, pencil, headphones).
● Manage paper/pencil tests (CST).
● Ensure all students participate in all appropriate tests.
Roles and Responsibilities
Test Administrator
● Read and sign the CAASPP Test Security Affidavit.
● Complete training and review all Smarter Balanced policy
and administration documents prior to administering any
Smarter Balanced assessments.
● Review student information prior to testing to ensure that the
correct student receives the proper test with the appropriate
supports/test settings.
● Administer the Smarter Balanced assessments.
● Report all potential test security incidents to the SC and LEA
CAASPP Coordinator in a manner consistent with Smarter
Balanced, state, and LEA policies.
Roles and Responsibilities
Tech Specialist
● Install the most current secure browser on testing
devices and verify they are working.
● Help troubleshoot during time of testing.
● Collaborate with administrator and test site coordinator
on schedules.
● Secure browsers properly installed a minimum two
weeks before testing (uninstall old browsers, if
● Necessary hardware available and working (i.e.,
headphones, external keyboards, printers).
Roles and Responsibilities
LEA CAASPP Coordinator: Nicole Johnston
● Oversee adding of Test Site Coordinators and Test Administrators
(TAs) into TOMS
● Ensure Test Site Coordinators and TAs are trained
LEA CAASPP Coordinator: Pam Lehto
● Add Test Administrators into TOMS
● Questions regarding test procedure
● Report test security irregularities and/or breaches to the CDE
LEA Technology Coordinator: Amy Wong
● Technology related questions
● Appendix J and K in the Test Administrator Manual
details responsibilities for:
o Test Site Coordinator
o Test Administrator
● Appendix B in the CAASPP Technical Specifications
Manual for Online Testing for:
o Tech Specialist
Planning and Scheduling
CAASPP Testing Schedule
● The estimates do not account for any time needed to start
computers, load secure browsers, and log in students
● To help estimate number of days and associated network
bandwidth required, schools should access the Smarter
Balanced Technology Readiness Calculator at
● Based on number of students, computers, and hours per day
computers are available
● Number of items will vary on CAT portion of test
CAASPP Testing Schedule
● Scheduling is a collaborative effort
● Recommended: CAT first, PTs second
o The classroom activity should be completed within 3 days
prior to administering a PT
ELA PTs have 2 parts and can be completed over 2 days
Mathematics PTs have 1 part and can be completed in 1
● Recommended: PTs should not be administered on
the same day as the CAT
CAASPP Testing Schedule
Example 1
All Math CAT
Math classroom activity
Math PT
ELA classroom activity
Next Monday
Next Tuesday
Next Wednesday
Next Thursday
Next Friday
ELA PT Part 1
ELA PT Part 2
Example 2
Math CAT Session 1
Math CAT Session 2
Math PT
ELA CAT Session 1
ELA CAT Session 2
ELA classroom activity
Math classroom activity
Next Monday
Next Tuesday
ELA PT Part 1
ELA PT Part 2
Next Wednesday
Next Thursday
Next Friday
Recommended Assessment
Sequence - ELA
# and
Duration of
Breaks within
Total Duration
Non-PT (CAT)
Administer in 2-6
40-60 minute
If paused for > 20 minutes,
cannot go back to items on
previous screens
Expires in 45 days
once started
complete within 5
Classroom Activity
One session, 30 min
1-3 days prior to PT
(not on same day as
Performance Task (PT)
2 sessions (Parts 1
and 2)
60-120 minute
2 parts
Once on Part 2,
cannot review or
revise Part 1
Expires in 10 days
once started
complete each part
of the PT within one
Recommended Assessment
Sequence - Math
# and
Duration of
Non-PT (CAT)
Administer in 2
40-60 minute sessions
Most will complete
within two 60 min
sessions or one long
If paused for > 20 minutes,
cannot go back to items on
previous screens
Classroom Activity
One session, 30
1-3 days prior to
May occur on
same day as PT
(unlike ELA)
Performance Task (PT)
One session
40-120 minute session
One part, items
displayed on single
If paused, will have
access to same items
Expires in 45 days
once started
complete within 5 days
Expires in 10 days once
Recommended complete
each part of the PT
within one day
Make-Up Sessions
● If a student is absent during the classroom activity, a
make-up session must be scheduled
▪ Should be similar to that of his or her peers
▪ Provide students an opportunity to interact with
the teacher or TA and his or her peers
▪ Must be administered by a TA
Secure Browser
● Specifically designed for CA to provide secure access
● Prevents students from accessing other hardware and
software functions
● A secure browser must be installed on all student
● Updated and reinstalled annually
● Test Administrator computers uses standard browser
● External keyboards required for iPads
● Refer to the Secure Browser Installation Manual
● Close External User Applications
● Prohibit Testing on Computers with Dual Monitors
● Don’t use force-quit commands
Printers (Accommodation)
● Print out test session information
● Print test stimuli or items for students with the print-ondemand accommodation
● Only the TA’s computer should have access to a single
local or network printer in the testing room
● Headphones are required for each test station
● English language arts/literacy (ELA) tests
● Text-to-speech accommodation
● Job Access with Speech (JAWS)
● Supported headphones:
o Wired headphones with a 3.5 mm connector
o USB headphones with a wired or wireless connection
● Microphones not required
Sample Parent Newsletter Text
The new Smarter Balanced online assessment, part of the
California Assessment of Student Performance and
Progress, requires headphones for the English Language
Arts portion of the test. For ease and comfort, please have
your child bring in his or her own headphones for testing. If
your child is unable to bring in headphones, school
headphones will be made available for use. The
headphones should be wired headphones with a 3.5 mm
Accommodations and
Designated Supports
Universal Tools
Universal Support are available to any student (see video) and include:
Highlighter (E)
Digital Notepad (E)
Expandable Passages (E)
Mark for Review (E)
Scratch Paper
Simplified Directions (does not apply to test questions)
Strikethrough (E)
Zoom (E)
Breaks during the test
Keyboard Navigation (E)
The embedded supports (E) are chosen by the student at the time of testing.
Non-Embedded supports are provided by the test administrator.
Designated Supports
● Designated Supports are available to any student with parent or teacher
recommendation and include:
Color Contrast (E)
Magnification (visual magnifying equipment)
Masking (E)
Noise Buffers
Read Aloud (Items not passages)
Text-to-Speech for items, not passages
Turn off Any Universal Tool (E)
● Designated Supports must be configured in TOMS at least 24 hours prior
to beginning testing.
Accommodations are only available to students with an IEP or 504 Plan and
must be added to TOMS at least 24 hours prior to beginning testing.
● Abacus
● Alternate Response Options
● American Sign Language (E)
● Braille (E)
● Calculator
● Closed Captioning (E)
● Large Print
● Read Aloud - Test Questions/Answer Options Only
● Scribe
● Speech-to-Text (Essay responses dictated Orally)
Accommodations (cont.)
● Print on Demand
o must be pre-approved and set in TOMS in order to be used (2
week lead time).
▪ Using the print-on-demand function does not necessarily allow
something to be printed due to the adaptive nature of the test.
▪ Specific information has to be set by the vendor.
● Any other accommodation must be pre-approved by CDE at least
10 days prior to testing.
● Additional accommodations may result in a student’s score not
counting for accountability or participation.
Practice Tests and
Training Tests
Practice and Training Tests
Student Practice Test
Student Training Test
Grade specific testing experience
similar in structure and format to the
summative assessments.
Opportunity to quickly become familiar with
the software and interface features. There
are no performance tasks (PTs).
Each grade:
● 3–8
Grade bands:
● 3–5
● 6–8
Number and
Types of Items
~ 30 items in ELA and 30 items in math
per grade level
Includes 1 ELA PT and 1 math PT per
grade level
~ 15 items per grade band (6 in ELA and 8–
9 in math); PTs are not available
Universal Tools,
Supports, and
Results not scored, however answer
keys and scoring rubrics are available
Results are not scored
Grade Levels
Accessing Practice and Training Tests
● There are two means for accessing the Practice
and Training Tests:
i) Through on a Web browser
ii) Through the secure browser
o Simulates operational online testing environment
● TAs may create test sessions for the Practice or
Training Tests on the TA Practice and Training Site
● Students may return to a Practice Test and/or Training
Test session
Students and parents
who wish to access the
Practice Test and/or Test
via an Internet browser
will select the button
Your turn!
How to Administer a Test
1. Pair up. Identify one person to be the TA and one
person to be the student.
2. Go to and click on “Practice and
Training Tests.”
3. TA: Click on “Test Administrator Practice and Training
Site” and log on to the TA interface with your login.
4. Student: Click on “Student Practice and Training Tests.”
5. Follow on-screen or go at your own pace:
Things for Students to Try on the
Practice and Training Tests
1. Find the tutorial for help with how to answer a question
2. Try highlighting text
3. Mark a question for review
4. Pause your own test (note: you will have to start over)
Things for TA to Try on the Practice
and Training Tests
1. Set embedded accommodations
2. Monitor student progress
3. Pause a student
Smarter Balanced Manuals
Site Coordinators and Test Administrators Must
● Smarter Balanced Online Test
Administration Manual
● Smarter Balanced Usability, Accessibility,
and Accommodations Guidelines
● Test Administrator (TA) Reference Guide
(not yet available)
Training Teachers
● Sign security affidavits.
● Provide teachers with log-ins and website availability.
● All teachers must complete the Smarter Balanced Assessment
Administration training by viewing the applicable videos and webcasts at . NOT AVAILABLE YET
● On completion, teachers will fill out this form to verify they completed the
videos (applicable if watching videos independently)
● All teachers must review policy and administration documents.
● All teachers must view their students’ data prior to test administration to
verify they are receiving the appropriate additional supports.
Training (con’t)
● Classroom activity should be downloaded 2-3 days before teachers
present it to their class.
o All paper materials related to the classroom activity must be collected
and destroyed prior to students doing the Performance Task.
● For all parts of CAASPP testing, Test Administrator scripts must be
followed exactly.
o If a student is off task, the teacher says, “It is important that you do
your best. Do you need to pause the test and take a break?”
o If a student asks for assistance in answering or manipulating an item,
the teacher may:
▪ Suggest pausing the test (per above).
▪ Gently instruct the student to review the tutorial for help.
▪ Remind the student to reread the instructions.
▪ Say “I can’t help you with your test. Try to do the best that you
Training (con’t)
● Anyone administering the paper-pencil science tests (grades 5 and 8) must
be trained and watch the appropriate videos.
Practice and Training Tests
● ALL students MUST be given the opportunity to use the practice sessions.
o It provides an opportunity to see various test types.
o The site simulates operational testing environment.
o Students can try different universal tools (strikethrough, highlighter,
o Teachers can create test sessions and students can practice logging
o Practice and training sessions can be paused by students and
reopened later.
Who takes CAASPP?
All enrolled students must take the CAT except:
o Students taking CAA (California Alternate Assessment)
o EL students enrolled in US schools for less than 12 months are not
required to take the ELA portion of CAASPP.
o Students whose parents have submitted a letter requesting they be
exempt from testing. The letter should be addressed to the principal
and must specify the student name, grade, teacher, and which tests or
parts of tests they do not want the student to participate in.
Test Environment
● Cell phones or other electronic devices are not allowed to be used
during testing (e.g., turned off and put away)
o For testing purposes, any electronic device that is not specifically
designated in the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Section
504 plan is unauthorized.
● Post an “Unauthorized Electronic Devices May Not Be Used at
Any Time During the Testing Session” sign so that it is clearly
visible to all students
● Place a “TESTING—DO NOT DISTURB” sign on the door
Testing Guidelines
● Must answer all test items on a page before moving on to next page
● May not return to a test segment once it has been completed and
● Must answer all test items before the test can be submitted
● Students may use scratch paper on the Performance Task, but it must
be turned in at the end of the classroom activity.
Guidelines (cont.)
Test Administrators (TAs):
● Must follow the “SAY” script exactly each time a test session is
administered.Refer to the “SAY” boxes of the Online Test
Administration Manual and/or Online Directions for Administration.
● Teachers must actively supervise students during all testing and
monitor progress on the CAT.
o Teachers are not allowed to review student responses.
o Teachers must cover materials on walls that may aid in the test.
● No one is allowed in the test environment except students actively
testing and the proctors involved in the test session.
● Any test materials (scratch paper, documents with student
information, printed pages, etc.) must remain securely locked at all
CAASP Test Security
● No one may review, discuss or analyze test items, reading
passages, stimuli, or prompts at any time.
● Scratch paper will be allowed for all CAASPP tests.
● Test materials not being returned to ETS must be securely
● Remind teachers to have a quiet activity available for students who
finish early. This activity cannot involve electronic devices of any
● Security audits will be conducted this year.
CST/CMA, April 28 - May 12
● CST Science must be given to all students at the school at the same time
(grades 5 and 8 only).
o 66 questions
▪ Grade 5, 2 70-minute sessions
▪ Grade 8, 2 60-minute sessions
● CMA is a modified version of the CST and is available only if specified in
an IEP and entered into TOMS.
o Covers the same content
o Fewer answer choices
o More open page layout
o Grade 5, 3 40-minute sessions, 57 questions
o Grade 8, 3 45-minute sessions, 63 questions
CAPA Science, April 29-May 12
● CAPA is an alternate assessment for students with significant cognitive
● Paper/pencil Science test only for students in grades 5 and 8.
● CAPA is given one-on-one.
o Sample tasks are available online at
● One Second Rater needed for every 10 students at each testing level.
● CAA is the proposed replacement to CAPA.
o Taken online
o Field test is April 15-June 5.
o All students in grades 3 through 8, who are eligible to take CAPA are
expected to take the CAA Field Test.
o Information will be provided as it becomes available.
Material Handling
● Materials for the science test should arrive between March 23 and April 6.
o All materials will have labels, no pre-id
o Testing April 28-May 8
o Make-ups May 11-12
o Pack May 13-15
o Pick-up May 18-19
● All materials must be kept securely locked.
● Materials should include 10% overage.
o Notify Pam within 2 days of receipt of materials if you need more tests
or different versions.
● All materials must be returned or discarded per CDE directions.
● All voided answer documents must be marked with a reason (i.e. VOIDStudent Moved, VOID-Document Recoded) and returned with nonscorables.
Quiz Time!
Go to:
Enter in PIN on screen
TOMS Training
● TOMS is the Test Operations Management System. Access at
● Log in is firstname.lastname
● Password will be emailed to you from SMARTER DoNotReply or
o You are the only one with access to your password.
● To enter student designated supports and accommodations:
o Click on Students-Search
o Enter student name
o Click Search
● Screen opens to Student Profile. This data comes from CALPADS.
● Click on the Test Setting button.
● Choose the Designated Support or Accommodation by using the
pull-down or checking the appropriate box.
● When you have made all the adjustments, click on UPDATE at the
bottom of the page.
● The same process is used to access your Test Administrators
● You will be able to access various reports in TOMS:
o Student Status
▪ Completed
▪ Expired
▪ Invalidated
▪ Paused
▪ Pending
▪ Reported
▪ Rescored
▪ Scored
▪ Started
▪ Submitted
▪ Suspended
o CAASPP Assessment Reports (not yet available)
o Smarter Balanced Assessment Reports (not yet available)
● CDE and ETS have not finalized much of the testing system.
● Expect frequent updates.
● Call or email if you have questions or concerns.