GE 20-23 Coincidences

Great Expectations Chapter 20-23
Herbert Pocket/ Matthew Pocket
• Herbert Pocket = pale young gentleman
• Herbert Pocket is the “pale young gentleman” with
whom Pip fought in the courtyard of Miss Havisham’s
many years ago.
• Matthew = Herbert’s father = Miss Havisham’s first
cousin= Pip’s teacher.
• Herbert’s father (Matthew Pocket) is Miss Havisham’s
first cousin. He was NOT present at Miss Havisham’s
birthday dinner, taking place many years ago.
• Matthew Pocket will be Pip’s teacher/ tutor in London
Miss Havisham’s Background
• Was the spoilt child of a country brewer.
• Her mother died at a young age; Miss
Havisham’s father spoiled his daughter and
denied her nothing.
• He later remarried and had a child with his
new wife. They bore a son (Arthur).
Arthur Havisham
• Arthur Havisham grew to be a bad man. He was a bit
of a con-artist, a philanderer, and even a bit of a
• He was at one point disinherited from his father’s
(Miss Havisham’s father’s) will.
• As his father reached old age, Arthur convinced him
to write Arthur back into his will.
• He didn’t inherit as much money as Miss Havisham,
but he managed to inherit enough to be
Miss Havisham’s “courtship”
• Arthur Havisham had a “friend” that became very interested
in Arthur’s sister (Miss Havisham).
• Pp.101 This “friend” was NOT a gentleman and was a bit
showy, but he courted Miss Havisham closely and professed
his love to her.
• Miss Havisham’s boyfriend convinced Miss Havisham to take
her money and buy her brother out of his shares in the
brewery. He convinced her that when they were married, HE
(the boyfriend) would run and control the brewery.
• Matthew Pocket saw that Miss Havisham’s boyfriend had bad
intentions and warned her against this marriage. She became
angry, threw Matthew out of the house.
Twenty minutes to Nine
• Miss Havisham planned a wedding to her
“boyfriend.” She had invited guests, planned a
party, bought a dress…
• On the day of the wedding, when Miss
Havisham was putting on her wedding dress,
she received a letter from “HIM” at “twentyminutes-to-nine”. This letter “heartlessly”
broke off the engagement.
The Conspiracy
• It turns out that Miss Havisham’s “boyfriend”
had been working with Arthur Havisham all
along. They had planned to scam Miss
Havisham by having her buy her shares from
her brother, and they would split the profits
intended for Arthur.
• Both men have disappeared.