Monday, Nov. 10, 2014 Objective: Library -W.5.8.7: Write with and without prompts for a sustained period of time - IR.12.8.3: Use print and electronic resources independently to locate information - R.10.8.1: Read for a substantial amount of time daily, including assigned and selfselected materials at independent and instructional levels Monday, Nov. 10, 2014 English/Pre AP Agenda WN: Choose a topic from your Sacred Writing time slide AR quiz on “The Tell-Tale Heart” Library Day - AR Deadline— December 12th Be sure to take the AR quizzes on The Outsiders (if you haven’t already) Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014 Objective for today-- to see how word choice impacts mood and tone in "The Tell-Tale Heart". Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014 English/Pre AP Agenda WN: Choose a topic from Sacred Writing Time Objective for today-- to see how word choice impacts mood and tone in "The Tell-Tale Heart". This is such an effective story because the author used powerful words to create mood. It is also powerful because can tell by the tone of the narrator that something isn't right with him. Use the handout --The Tell-Tale Heart: Mood & Tone to study the difference between tone and mood and the word choices Poe uses throughout the story. Complete an exit ticket to let me know if you understand today's objective. Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2014 Objective: continue with analyzing how word choice impacts mood and tone in "The Tell-Tale Heart." Wednesday Nov. 12, 2014 --- English/Pre AP Agenda Working with a partner, complete the Mood & Tone Sort. Use what you have learned about mood and tone to write a formal analysis/argument based on evidence in the text (which is another important skill you will need for the PARCC test). Complete the graphic organizer and you can use the text and any of your notes to complete it. Once you have finished the graphic organize, begin writing your Analysis (on the handout) and have your finished analysis to turn in at the beginning of class on Thursday. Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014 Objective for today: I can evaluate the narrator's guilt in "The Tell-Tale Heart" by collecting evidence from the story. (Discuss written analysis) Thursday Nov. 13, 2014 - English/Pre AP Agenda Define Insanity and then take on the role as detective for this case to go to trial. Go back to the text and find as many pieces of evidence as they can for both sides. Groups complete a t-chart with "Insanity" on the left and "Murder" on the right... Choose what you believe to be the three STRONGEST pieces for each side and copy them onto your chart and Individually make a decision on the narrator's guilt write a thesis statement at the bottom expressing your opinion on the handout for Insanity Plea form. Friday, Nov. 14, 2014 Objective for today: I can collect and explain evidence that supports my thesis and I can outline my essay. Friday Nov. 14, 2014 -- English/Pre AP Agenda "Says, Means, Matters" graphic organizer -evidence to support your thesis (says), explaining it(means), and commentating on it (matters). Once you have finished your graphic organizer, pick up the outline packet and start writing your 5paragraph essay. Each student will complete the graphic organizer for YOUR own thesis statement. (It is scaffolded where you can copy what you wrote in your Says,Means,Matters graphic organizer straight onto the outline). Bring in your completed outline on Tuesday.